Get Value From DBF / XML Table And Put Inside Textbox
Apr 4, 2011
I am using vb 2005 and I am trying to use a radiobutton to call .dbf (or .xml...I have both) file which contains only 2 values. The Value I would like to obtain is in A2. This cell contains a value that is about 8 to 10 digits past the decimal (I don't see that as an issue as of yet).
Below is my code that I am trying to implement.
Private Sub RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadioButton1.CheckedChanged
Dim myValue As String
Dim excelTable As New DataTable
[Code] .....
I get an error regarding system arguments on this line right here
"If RadioButton1_CheckedChanged(excelTable, ------->"D:\FILENAME.dbf", "SHEETNAME"<-------) Then"
How to reset the unselected textbox to zero when another radiobutton is selected.
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Sep 5, 2010
So, I have a textbox with the following text.
TITLE"Hello there"
blah blah blah etc...
I want my program to find the TITLE text, and then put the text in the double quotations in a variable.
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Apr 24, 2009
I'm writing a scheduling program that queries a MySQL database for today's appointments and uses a Table Layout Panel with employees on the top and times on the left to display the schedule. I am trying to add another table ontop of that table for each appointment and set the rowspan of that dynamic table to occupy the time slot of that appointment from start to finish.ll the appointments appear in the dynamic table and each dynamic table appears in the appropriate starting positions in the main table. When you are designing GUI's and put a Table within a table, you get a RowSpan and ColumnSpan option for that inner table. The problem I'm having is the dynamic tables are not giving me a RowSpan option, which I believe is because it was created using code and doesn't know that it's inside another table.Here is part of the code... This code is inside loops for each appointment of each employee
sqlCustomer = MyReader.GetValue(0).ToString()
sqlCompany = MyReader.GetValue(1).ToString()
sqlProblem = MyReader.GetValue(2).ToString()
View 5 Replies
Jun 20, 2012
Im am creating an email using MailMessage and would like to embed a dynamically populated table. I've set a MailMessage property to IsBodyHtml so I've already been able to insert HTML encoded text into the body of the email. Using that I could easily create the top and bottom of the table, but creating the rows seems like a StringBuilder nightmare.
The table will have 6 columns and a variable number of rows that would be populated from a collection. The requestor would prefer NOT to send the data as an attachment.
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Feb 6, 2009
Does anyone know a way for a datatable to be generated INSIDE the code of VB? It would be a "backup" datatable generation subroutine to be run in case the original datatable got damaged somehow (bad hard drive sectors, virus, whatever). It would need to be able to generate a "blank" datatable that could be filled in while running the program, instead of having to do it from an outside source (like Access).An example would be an "inventory" datatable (X product, Store Code, Manufacturer Code, Cost, Price).
View 11 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
VS 2008, SQL Server 2008:I have a formview that holds data about a test.Each test can have many people assigned to run the test.I have 1 table to hold JobNumber (Unique) with all associated data I have a 2nd table to hold JobNumber And AssignedToID to have records for each person assigned to the Job.Right now I have it set up so the user will choose as many AssignedToIDs as they want and it populates a list box. The list box is a bound control. Can I populate the 2nd table with the contents of the list box?On the update of the formview I could loop through the contents of the list box and update the data 1 by 1 but it will be a pain when users remove assignees.
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Jun 4, 2011
check if the entered data is in the same row inside the table using .net?
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Oct 26, 2011
I've got a database like this (Below)
What kind of SQL Query do I need to show all those tables combined inside one table?
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Sep 18, 2009
I'm trying to create table in my database, that would have name like i type in Textbox and than i have to click the button With code like this :
sqlCmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE NAME = '" & TextBox1.Text & "' (First_Name char(50))"
I'm getting erorr : Incorect syntax near "name that i type"
View 6 Replies
Oct 6, 2011
I am presently doing a Word Automation using VB.In my word Header i have inserted a Table for various fields
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Mar 12, 2012
In .NET development and don't really know what to use to do some specific actions. I'm also a newbie in AJAX/JavaScript development. I'm using the mvc3.
I'll have to implement a few things :
-rating systems with 5 stars
-classification of items that are listed inside a table. (e.g. : I want all the people that are older than 20)
-searching inside the whole database (e.g. : I want everything that contains the word "tennis", so, it should give me a table with all the people tha play tennis, than a table with the clubs were people play tennis,...).
-a kind of intellisense (e.g. I add a new person inside the database, and for the field "club", I just want to write the first lettes of the club, and then, I would just have to click on the club to fullfil the field).
I've found plenty of websites that give me a library with some of the things that I need. But, I don't know which one I should choose.
I do need something that is as simple as possible, with examples for razor (I'm using, but it doesn't matter if it's in c#). If possible, having nothing to install could be great (I know that the Jquery scripts that are installed by default are already great).
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Feb 8, 2011
I need to get a list of distinct names inside the data table and the sum of values for each one. I know some basic stuff about linq, but i don't know how to put the distinct and the sums together.
The SQL Query:
[Sum1] = SUM(day1),
[Sum2] = SUM(day2)
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Feb 13, 2012
What I'm trying to do is click an html link inside of a html table via code in using a web-browser control. The link I want to click can be anywhere in the first column of the table so I need to cross reference with another column in the table to make sure I have the re way I'm going about this is to loop through the html elements till I find the table I want (multiple tables on the page) then dump that table to an array. Then loop through the page again get to the table I want and then start comparing the link and another column in the now array. I need to check to make sure that the url of the link contains a work and that another column in the table contains a specific or lower numerical value. Basically where I'm stuck is while dealing with the html element "Table" wanting to identify and interact with another html element inside it.
'Flag to say dump to array
Dim RecordFiles As Boolean = False
'The last two headers in the table are blank so need to skip them
Dim FirstBlank As Boolean = False
Dim SecondBlank As Boolean = False
[Code] .....
View 3 Replies
Jun 18, 2009
i hav added a textbox inside rtb. Is there a way to save this textbox with rtb? and also print it
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May 20, 2009
I am designing an editor program using rtb and i want to add a button, such thet when user clicks the button user shud be able to draw the textbox inside rtb using mouse. How can i do that?
View 6 Replies
Jul 27, 2010
How can I set the Curor to be inside a TextBox as soon as it is created or relocated?
I dont want the user to have to click the TextBox to get the Cursor inside, the Cursor must allready be inside the TextBox ready to reseve text from the user.[url]...
View 5 Replies
Mar 30, 2012
im trying to create a program that i have two text boxes,and a button,i type in text box 1 this strings
----- "."(dot) and some strings and another "."(d0t) and another strings------,
if i click the button, the strings inside the two dots will be in the text box 2,and the other remaining strings or character outside the two dots is,well lets say, not too important. how can i do this?
View 2 Replies
Jul 8, 2009
I am developing an MDI editor and i want to add the functionality to allow user to insert as many textboxes into richtextbox as he wishes using mouse.I have added following code to accompish this.Form1 has one richtextbox named RichTextBox1[code].....
View 1 Replies
Jun 4, 2011
I want to change some text inside a textbox when a checkbox is checked. I tried many things, but none seems to work. I need that, when checkbox gets checked, the textbox value gets deleted from backwars until a dot. Then, place another predefined text immediately after this dot.
View 11 Replies
Oct 14, 2009
I have a textbox on a form which I load the contents of a text file into. The values for some of the properties are as follows:
Readonly = false
Wordwrap = false
Multiline = true
Scrollbars = Vertical
When the scrollbars is set to vertical, then I am able to make any changes to the text inside of the textbox, deleting, typing in new text, cutting and pasting, etc. However if the scrollbars is set to both, then the only thing I am able to do is delete the text. It does not allow me to type any text into the textbox. All the other settings are the same as before. How would I make the text region editable with scrollbars set to both?
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Jul 5, 2012
I want to make section inside the textbox. For easiest example is like in IP address. There is several dot to separate it. and if we want to write we just have to click 10 <tab> 11225423 We just have to input the number and if we haven't type three digit number we just have to click tab for go to the next section. In this case, for example I want to write :
Can we make the textbox automaticly show the minus (-) character and we just have to type L1124HW??
View 4 Replies
Jul 10, 2010
Ok, what I'm trying to do is, on the internet, when you view source, it has something like this.
id="user" value="koolazngy94"
I want to read the value of that and put inside a textbox.I tried this
TextBox2.Text = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("user").SetAttribute("Value")
But not quite sure.
View 1 Replies
Apr 19, 2012
Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim x As Integer
r = InputBox("Enter row size ")
c = InputBox("Enter coloum size ")
This is my code for taking inputs in an array. Here everything is working fine except this line "Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbNewLine & vbCr" here i am trying to print the array in row-coloum in 2D form inside a text box but its not happening "vbNewLine or vbcr" both are not working and my array is getting printed in a single line.
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Nov 8, 2010
I have tried this but it does not work:
What is the solution?
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Oct 9, 2009
I am using ASP.NET. I am not sure what you will call this but I would like text to be displayed in my text box called txtName. So when the form load the text box will have faded text that will say "Required". Then when the user click inside the text box i want the user to place a value inside the text box. Is this possible in ASP.NET? If so, how can this be done????
View 5 Replies
Mar 29, 2011
Why cant i accesss this textbox inside the repeater I have used the following on the rgroups itemdatabind no matter what i do it says the object cannot be referenced.
<asp:Repeater ID="rGroups" Runat="server">
<ul id="prod_nav" class="clearfix">
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Oct 15, 2011
im trying to do something like this
Module module1
public sub()
dim a as string[code]....
View 6 Replies
Dec 31, 2010
Lets see if I can explain-I have a text box (rich text box) in a form. Inside the box, some data gets put in there- specifically insurance information.
Normally, the box doesn't need to change color to alert the user there's a problem with the text that's inside, because the information is usually good.But there are a few phrases that need to alert the user there's a problem.
For example, if the words "Not Found AS OF:" appear anywhere in the box, I need the background to show red.Or, if the words "Letter #1" appear in the box, it needs to show red. Absent of any key words, the box is normal (white).
View 2 Replies
Jun 4, 2011
I have a text box (rich text box) in a form. Inside the box, some data gets put in there- specifically insurance information.Normally, the box doesn't need to change color to alert the user there's a problem with the text that's inside, because the information is usually good.But there are a few phrases that need to alert the user there's a problem.For example, if the words "Not Found AS OF:" appear anywhere in the box, I need the background to show red. Or, if the words "Letter #1" appear in the box, it needs to show red. Absent of any key words, the box is normal (white).[code]
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Feb 11, 2010
I would like to show that the computer is busy and not frozen during a long file transmitted over Serial Port.I have the following loop.The intention was to show one "*" for every line sent.
While (fs.EndOfStream = False)
lineRead = (fs.ReadLine)
TextBox1.Text = "* "
End While
I can see the data sent on the Scope but the chain of "******...." show up after the transmission ends.The WHILE LOOP is actually working but the TextBox1.Text = "*" is not writing to screen.I would like to see the train of ******** same time as the transmission is active.The * is to show that the computer is busy and not frozen.Writing a copy of the actual serial data transmitted to screen is also another option that I can use.
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