Get Data From Sql Datasource Into Controls?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a sqldatasource with a very simple select statement that should always return one row. I have textboxes on a page that i want to fill with that data from the datasource. how could i do this for textboxes? If there is no data in the database then i want the textboxes to remain empty.[code]....

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Binding Form Controls To XML Datasource?

May 19, 2010

I have a form that with a list of text boxes. My target is simply binding these controls to an XML file so that whenever the file contents are changed externally, the text box values change dynamically. I will have an external application edit the XML file and overwrite the existing one.

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Forms :: Stopping "automatic" Updating Of Controls With Datasource?

Oct 13, 2011

I'm writing an app that pulls information from a DataSet as a one-way thing (e.g. the datasource populates a listbox, but for selection purposes only -- the user cannot change the list values). My problem is, when I select something from the listbox, all of the other listboxes change too, as if the control is telling the others "Update your contents to display what is in row 5"


I then use the IDE to bind lstOne and lstTwo (both listboxes) to datInfo, and use the DisplayMember to bind lstOne to colOne and lstTwo to colTwo.When I run and click on a value in one listbox, the other one follows suit. For example if I click on "One Three" in lstOne, lstTwo displays "Two Three". I expect to click on "One Three" then be able to independently set lstTwo to "Two One"

This seems counter-intuitive, so is there a way to do what I'm after from the IDE, or will I have to do it all from code?

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Query/get Data From Datasource?

Nov 3, 2011

i am building a database application in and i started by adding a data source from the DATA in the toolbar. my connection is good and it shows all my tables in the data source panel.

i also see new classes related to my database, like

and so on.

how do i query and use these ? i googled a lot and i am not able to get this.

Dim cust As sakilaDataSet.customerDataTable = New sakilaDataSet.customerDataTable
Dim row() As System.Data.DataRow = cust.Select("customer_id=5")

My last try was with the above code, but the row.count always turns out to be zero.

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Retrieve Data From Datasource?

Dec 17, 2011

my program has a datalist which list out all the item from datasource and display the detail information on different textbox the problem happened while i click "vitamin a" from datalist, and the "supplier name"will display "daily medicine",then when i click "vitamin b", it will display "sunny medicine",finally when i clicked back "vitamin a", the supplier name still remain "sunny medicine" which mean it does not change from "vitamin b"?

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VS 2005 Add A Row And Data Into Datasource

Aug 3, 2010

I am using the following code to add a row and data into my datasource.[code]Row # 150 for example, the reason is I want to be able to only add 1 record and if the end user adds another one it overwrites the exisitng one and also be able to retrive that record the next time program is opened.

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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Data Is Not Saving In Datasource But Accessible Anyhow

Apr 22, 2011

I took the liberty of creating a small slideshow showing my problem. view it here.


As you can see, I start with an empty data table on the data source. I add information to a form and the data appears on other parts of the program through data bound list boxes and such. I can exit debugging mode and re-enter it, and the data is still available.

However, the data is NOT actually added to the data source's table.

If I modify the program at all, the data that is floating around disappears.

I do not understand why this is happening. Apparently I need some kind of code to tell it to write permanently but I have no idea how to go about it. This is something I've been fighting with for over a week. I cannot find any solid information about this online at all.

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Data Was Not Saved Into Datasource Successfully?

Dec 8, 2011

creating an application using VB 2010 Express. i found data I entered into table were not saved (after I clicked"Save" button)successfully into Microsoft access file which I had added successfully as datasource.These are the codes:



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Display Data From Datasource Into A Text Box?

Jun 12, 2009

I would like to Display a note from a column in the Notes_tbl to a text box this from an Access database.[code]...

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Add Information From Another Datasource Into A Cell In A Data Grid?

Jun 8, 2011

how do you add information from another data source cell to a to another data source cell in a different form

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Data Was Not Display In The Table Using DataGridView1.DataSource?

Jan 12, 2012

DataGridView1.DataSource = Table1TableAdapter.Fill(


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Db Update - Get All The Data From Table And Set It As The Datasource Of A DataGridView

Jul 28, 2009

I have this


which is supposed to get all the data from my table and set it as the datasource of a DataGridView. You can see where I put in two msgbox's to view how many columns are in the DGV before and after the "update". The first count gives me 22, which is the correct number. After the .DataSource and .DataMember lines are ran, the count jumps to 41 and I have no clue why. All I want to do is clear a dataset, fill it with the new data and set it as the data source of a datagridview. It appears the info is being saved to the table correctly too.

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Open A Crystal Report And Have The Datasource To Be A Data Set?

May 26, 2010

I'm trying to open a crystal report and have the datasource to be a data set but i'm having some problems. here's what I got so far:

My application is using a sqlCe database. On form1, I dragged the dataset, from the datasource tab, onto the form. when the user clicks a button on form1, this is called:

Dim rpt As New WorkLink_Application() 'The report you created.
Dim MyCommand As New SqlCeCommand()
Dim myDA As New SqlCeDataAdapter()


on the crystal report, i went through the database expert wizard and selected the dataset from Create New Connection-->ADO.Net. I then dragged a field from my table onto the report. When the report is opened, though, the field is not shown.

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Read A Data From Textbox Which Is Binded To Datasource

Apr 30, 2009

EMP_IDTextBox is from datasource on a form, and I tried to show messagebox to see what the value is

Whenn I try case 2, the messagebox shows me correct value, but not for case 1. It shows me no value even though there is a value.

How do I do it and what is the diffrence between case 1 and case 2?

I tried with a textbox which is not binded to datasource on case 1, then that shows me the value.

Case 1
Public Sub Save_Data()
Dim L_EMP_ID As String = Me.EMP_IDTextBox.SelectedText


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Repeater Simple Data Binding Without Datasource?

May 31, 2009

Im a ASP.NET beginner. I previously asked how to do some databinding to a repeater without a datasourse.


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.net - Distribute Data From An Internet Datasource To An Embedded Database?

Jul 13, 2010

I am developing a winforms application that will have an offline mode, so that it can access the data if an internet connection (or more accurately, a connection to my WCF service) cannot be established. I have decided to utilize SQL Server Compact edition on the client side of the application & was wondering what the general consensus is on the "best" practice for making the client application (Sql Server Compact) subscribe to the master database (MSSQL 2008).

Management enters information into a web based administration panel that I developed and is stored in a MSSQL 2008 database.After adding / modifying information, they can click a release "datapack" button which will increment a "datapack" version number, which will later be used by the client application to determine if they are in sync or not. When the client application is started, it connects to the internet and determines if the version numbers are in sync. If not, it pulls the information from the server.

That third step is where I'm a bit lost I thought about simply developing a web service that will expose a dataset containing all of the data and just iterating through it doing inserts, but that seems terribly inefficient to me. The full database probably wouldn't amount to much more than 5 MB total, so that led me to think it would be great if when management clicks the release datapack button, it would store the database in a file that could simply be downloaded and would replace the embedded database. Again, I'm a little lost on how that would work. This is my first time working with an embedded database, most of my work has been web/win apps that have real-time access to the data.

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Filtering The Data Displayed From A Datasource Based On Criteria?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a question about binding the datasource (MS Access database) to a listbox in a VB form. I have created a listbox and in the datasources explorer I have my datasource say SampleDS. I have several columns inside my datasource, say name, age, address in it. If I select name and drag to the listobx in the form, only the entries in the name column will be displayed in the listbox.

I want to know how to filter the name based on criteria. For example, how do I display names whose age >25?

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Possible To Filled Up Data In Predifned Column Using Datasource Property In Dgv

Feb 27, 2012

I have a Query that is in designe mode I have created 4 columns and formatting 4 columns also in datagrid view control now I want to use datasource of dgv control now when i defining datasource property with table then dgv control displaying my predefine columnas and adding 4 more columns in dgv for defining presently to avoid autogenerating columns I definie the autogeneration column=false at this situation if i define datasource=table the no data is come my query is it is possible to filled up data in predifned column using datasource property.

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Datasource Window - Make The Data Sources In One Project Visible To The Others

May 16, 2009

I am running VS2008 and am using VB2008. I have created a solution file with a Windows Form Project. It contains one form. I created a class project called DataAccess. I selected that project and created a data source. Now I see the XSD for that data. If display the "Data Sources" window I see the datasource. So far so good. If I select the Windows Form project, and then display the "Data Sources" window I get an empty window with a "Add New Data Source" button/link. How do I make the data sources created in the second project available to the first one?

I have been watching the videos for creating n-tier apps that suggest adding a third project to the solution called DataEntities. I did that. I then click on the XSD in my DataAccess project. Then in the properties of the XSD I change the "DataSet Project" property to point to my new DataEntities project. When I save the DataAccess project the DataEntities project gets a file added to it as expected. But then the Data Sources window is empty no matter which of the three projects I select.

Clearly I am doing something wrong. The videos all show the ability to see the data source in the "Data Sources" window after setting up this three project structure. One other thing I noted. In most of the pictures in articles showing the Data Sources window. The top most entity in the window is the project file itself. Then in a tree structure you would see the various data sources under that top most entity. When I was able to see something in the data sources window, the top most entity was a data source NOT the project file, with the data sources under it.

Any idea what I am doing wrong? It seems like I need to do SOMETHING to make the data sources in one project visible to the others. And possibly something to make a datasource visible once split apart using the "Dataset Project" property.

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Selecting Specific Data To Fill A Datasource Table Adapter?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a datasource linked to a table in a database.When I wnated to display this data on a form, I just dragged the datasource onto the form and it did everything for me, including the code to fill it;


My problem, is that this program will have multiple users, and I don't other users to be able to see each others data. So the problem with the above statement is that it fills the table with ALL the data in the datasource. How can I make it only display data that is for a specific user?Here's the code that is used to fill the tableadapter:


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.net - Finding WinForms Data Grid And Data Editor Controls?

May 15, 2011

Are there any good free alternatives to DevExpress data grids (WinForms)?I am looking for WinForms Data Grid and Data Editor Controls.

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Bind Data To Other Controls?

Apr 6, 2012

Like how do I make a drop down menu populate with the data from a connected database? And how can a label pop out on a form from code that has to do with a database? Last, how to add data to a database from saying "yes" to a messagebox that was coded?

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Accessing Controls On A Data Repeater?

Mar 24, 2011

I have placed a button on data repeater (called datarepeater1) so that it is repeated with other controls. When I click this button, How do I access/reference the text value of a textbox control called TxtAnimalID on the same row? (This would be something like the current row I am on).

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Bindingcontext And Data Showed By Controls?

Feb 24, 2010

Bindingcontext and data showed by controls?

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Data Grid View Controls?

Dec 5, 2010

I have to turn this program in TOMORROW! I can't seem to figure out how to do this section. If someone I can do the second part.I have two text files, one is a single dimensional array, and one is a two dimensional array. One titled "Months.txt" and the other "Rain.txt".The problem is I have to read those into an array, and then after that, use a query to pull the information and display it into a data grid view style box.The problem I'm facing is when I pull the "Months.txt" text file, which has the months in order from January....December, and try to display it in the data grid it puts the length of the names of the months, not the actual months. me on this matter? I've tried to no avail. Also, how would you add all of the numbers in a single row of a two-dimensional array to give a total to display in the data grid? Also, the column?

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DataBinding - Controls Do Not Update Data

Aug 23, 2010

I have a datagridview and some textboxes and other controls all bound to a bindingsource. When I first run the project the controls all show the correct data (the first row in the datasource) but when I change rows in the datagrid my controls do not update their data.

My code:
Private Sub BindData()
bs = New BindingSource
bs.DataSource = dtPromoList
dgvPromo.DataSource = bs
[Code] .....

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Dynamic Controls And Commiting Data Into A SQL DB

May 29, 2012

I have the following dynamic controls...working great..


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Finduse Data From Dynamic Controls?

Mar 20, 2012

How can I pull data from specific controls that I made dynamically? In this case, the index.I have several comboboxs that are created and filled with data from my database when I run the program.I am trying to paint some information everytime the index of one of the combobox changes.

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How To Stop Controls From Updating With Data

Nov 1, 2010

I have a form with many controls that are binded to a datasource. when some of these values change, they impact aspects of the form itself like the backgroud color or the title. There is a filter applied to it so it only displays certain records (this is important).when I change something and save the data I need to update the filter to show all the previous records plus the current one.All that works great, but the problem is: saving the data or changing the filter makes the controls take a new value based on the new record and go through the subs that each one have to modify the aspect of the form. This happens because if I save the data first, then the current record does not conform to the filter and all the data in the form changes, or if I change the filter first, we go to the first record of the set.

After that I return to the correct record and everything looks fine, but going to all the changes makes the app halt for a moment.Is there a way that I can stop the controls in the form form updating to their binding data while saving or changing the filter in the bindingsource?

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