Get Performance For Comparing 2 Large DataTable's?

Oct 13, 2011

DataTable1“ About 16 000 entries“ coming from SQL[code]...

I have tried using a NOT IN clause in my SQL query with all the entity numbers from table 2 in that query but it takes over 10 minutes to execute.

Using a For Each loop and comparing each row takes about 3 minutes

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HTTP Request Performance For Large Volumes Of Requests?

Oct 13, 2009

I'm looking for some advice on how to optimise the following process:App reads csv file.For each line in the file an XML message is created Each XML message is posted to a URL via a HTTPWebRequest This process was designed to handle low volumes of messages (up to about 200 at a time), un suprisingly thinks have changed and it is now expected to handle up to about 3000 at a time.

The code used to post the message is here: Public Function PostXml(ByVal XML As String) As HttpStatusCode


I am currently restricted to sending multiple messages due to restrictions elsewhere in the system. There is a noticable delay in responding to the request at the other end (the receiver) but this is outside my control. I am trying to ensure that the process of sending is as efficient as possible (external factors notwithstanding).

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Comparing Large Array Lists - Matching Strings?

Apr 26, 2011

I have two array list same size, depending on the information gathered by previous functions. The size of the arrays range from 2 - 45 in length, both arrays always have the same length. I am trying to match one string in one array to another string in the second array. When they match then add Item to List.

Here is my
Do Until i = Arraylenght
info = Replace(myAL(s), " ", "")
SortedArrayList(m) = Replace(SortedArrayList(m), " ", "")
SortedLine = Split(SortedArrayList(m), "Price=")
If myAL(s).Contains(SortedLine(1)) Then
[Code] .....

This code works up to an array of not more then 4 in lenght, when working larger size array then 4, the minute it get to 5 I get this Error:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

View 13 Replies

Visual Studio & Compile Performance For Large Number Of Files?

Jun 19, 2009

Our current solutions/projects have several classes combined into one file, I'm told this was done due to the slow compile times in VS

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How To Improve Reading Performance From A Datatable

Oct 25, 2010

i have a datatable with about 10000 rows and few columns (4)I have noticed that the process of reading a big table its quite there a way to improve performance in reading a datatable?

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Comparing 2 DataTable And Find Mismatch?

Jul 10, 2009

I want to compare each row in Table1 with Table2 and also all the columns in each row.I want to do the following1. Get Row1 from Table1. Check if the same row is present in Table22.f Row1 is present ,Check every column in Row1 with corresponding columns of that Row in Table23. Bind Table1 to a Grid. Highlight the changed cells in Red.

View 11 Replies

Loop Through Dataset.Datatable Slow Performance In .Net 1.1?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a program in where I need to loop though the entire dataset.datatable. I takes a long time. What is the alternative I can use to do the some job but faster?

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Performance Side Linq Or Dataset.Datatable?

Apr 30, 2009

from a performance point of view is it faster to work with linq to sql or dataset.datatable?

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Improve The Performance Of Reading Data From Excel And Writing To Datatable?

May 21, 2011

I want to import data from excel and move that to Datatable in VB.NET 2008. I wrote and working but its taking too long time.. for 1500 records its taking 4.40 min.


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Performance Concerns Between DataTable And SqlDataReader To Fill Data With FlexGrid

Nov 5, 2009

Which one is more faster between DataTable and SqlDataReader while I'm trying to fill Data into FlexGrid with VB.NET?

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C# - Comparing Data From A DataGridView Control To A Constantly Updated DataTable?

May 3, 2011

I have a DataTable that's constantly being updated with new data from my database via a timer. That data is eventually reformatted and displayed in a DataGridView control.In an effort to prevent the DataGridView from completely refreshing from re-databinding (thus, clearing out selections, resetting scrollbars, defaulting sorting settings, and making the gridview flash as it reupdates), I'm simply removing old rows from the datagrid that no longer exist in the DataTable, and adding new rows to the datagrid that appear in the DataTable since the last update.

For the sake of simplicity, we'll call DataGridView the LEFT table, and DataTable the RIGHT table I'm looking for a way to go through both tables (LEFT and RIGHT), and remove old rows that are no longer in RIGHT and delete them from LEFT. And look for new items in RIGHT and add them to LEFT. Each table has a column called "RecID" containing a unique id for each entry that can be used for comparison. is there a way to do this all in one loop? What I'm looking for, in pseudo code:

<loop through everything>
if RecID does not exist in LEFT but exists in RIGHT
add new item to LEFT
if RecID does exist in LEFT but does not exist in RIGHT


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Format Data In A Large DataTable?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a large data.DataTable and some formatting rules to apply.For example, the LASTNAME column has a value of "Jones" but my formatting rule requires it be 10 characters padded with spaces on the right and uppercase only. Like: "JONES "My initial thought is to loop through each row and generate a string. But, I wonder if I could accomplish this more efficiently with a DataView, LINQ or something else.

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Datatable Getdata Performance - In-line Table Valued Function In SSMS Takes About 6 Seconds To Return 11088 Records?

Mar 25, 2011

An in-line table valued function in SSMS takes about 6 seconds to return 11088 records. The same function in VB .Net 4.0 using TableAdapters.InputTableAdapter.GetData (Created with data set designer) takes about 15 minutes complete.Both are executed from the same workstation.Why does this discrepancy exist?


Windows XP SP3, 2GB

VS2010 Ultimate

.Net 4.0 Framework


SQL Server 2008

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Large Multidimensial Array - Write A Program To Do Markov Chain But States Are Quite Large

Jun 9, 2011

I want to write a program to do Markov chain, but my states are quite large. First of all I calculate all the transition probabilities and revenues for all states(1381860 total states), and store in a multidimensional array. Public RevArr(0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As Long

After that the iteration of markov chain should use these as inputs to calculate the steady-state probabilities. But when I try to run the main code I got this error.Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The following is the declaration of second array I add just another dimension for storing all the iterations, but I get this error. Dim stateprob(IT + 1, 0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As single

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Comparing The 2 Images Without Actually Comparing Them Pixel By Pixel?

Mar 20, 2012

I have the code below on a timer( "b" is a bitmap )

Not (Clipboard.GetImage


The problem is that it raises the event even if the picture didn't change.

comparing the 2 images without actually comparing them pixel by pixel (too slow to do the job)?

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Loop Datatable And Select Checkboxlist Item Based On The Datatable Field Values

Aug 18, 2011

I am trying to display value of the field ("UserID") for every row exists in datatable to checkboxlist(make the checkboxlist item selected).

I used for loop, but only the field value from last row of RoleUsers table is selected in the checkboxlist.

Here is my code

Private Sub DisplayRoleUser()
Dim conn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand


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VS 2005 Datatable Vs Dataview - Apply A Filter To The Defaultview.rowfilter Property Of That Datatable

Mar 15, 2010

I have a datatable and I apply a filter to the defaultview.rowfilter property of that datatable. If I then loop through the rows collection of the datatable, will I only be able to see those rows that the filter applies to, or will it loop through all the rows?

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VS 2010 : System.ArgumentException Was Unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' Does Not Match To Any DataTable In Source

Apr 21, 2010

I am working on a project that takes an xml schema and xml data files and places them into a DataTable, the 2 files are generated from a working table that i have written to disk. I wish to load these 2 files into a DataTable. Here is What i have
Friend Function CreateTable(ByVal tableName As String) As Boolean
Dim table As New DataTable(tableName)
table.ReadXmlSchema(tableName & ".xsd")


this however produces the following error on line 3


System.ArgumentException was unhandled Message=DataTable 'get_item_list' does not match to any DataTable in source.

get_item_list is the parameter passed into this function (tableName)

View 6 Replies

Datagridview Bound To A Datatable Setting Its Datasource Property To The Datatable

May 20, 2011

I have a datagridview bound to a datatable setting its datasource property to the datatable. I would like to have a child form that contains a list of columns associated with the datatable that contains a checkbox that will allow the user to hide and show the columns ( I do not know the best control to use here) (I assume this is the easy part as All i need to do is loop through each of the datatable's columns to get the column name)

now I would like save these visible columns on some event like form_closing so that the next time the user opens the form up it will remember the settings

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Get Subset DataTable From Main DataTable, But Preserve Primary Key & RowErrors?

Apr 16, 2012

I came across a problem with using a BindingSource as my DataGridViews.DataSource. Whenever I applied a filter to a column in the BindingSource and the user makes changes that don't match the column filter the DataGridViewRows would automatically disappear. A similar thing would happen when applying a Sort to a column. If the user made any changes the DridGirdViewRows would automatically sort causing rows to be moved around. This was not ideal for my application and there isn't anyway to stop this from happening with the BindingSource.

To correct this issue I have to use subsets of data. I use a DataView to apply the filter and sort to the main DataTable, which creates the subset DataTable.The problem is when I use the DataView.ToTable method I loose the Primary Key and RowError information. So I have to reapply this information everytime the user filters or sorts the DataGridView.Is there a better way to get a subset DataTable?[code]...

View 10 Replies

VS 2010 Datatable - Summarize Multiple Occurrences Of An Item In A Datatable

Jun 5, 2012

I have a datatable that has a resource in one field and hours used in another, it looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 1
Accountant 1
Field Staff 2
Accountant 3
Manager 4
Manager 1
Administrator 6
Field Staff 4
Manager 0.5
Administrator 1

What I want to do is be able to create a summary of the data table above that groups multiple occurrences of a resource and adds up the hours used for that resource, creating a summary that looks like this -

Resource Hours Used
Manager 6.5
Accountant 4
Field Staff 6
Administrator 7

View 15 Replies

Assign A Populated Datatable's Columns To Another Empty Datatable?

May 28, 2007

Is there a simple way to assign a populated datatable's columns to another empty datatable? That is, I want to copy a datatable's structure only but not its data.

View 6 Replies

Creating DataTable And Copy Existing DataTable Schema?

Feb 17, 2011

I'm using 2010.I have a DataSet with a Table and data. MyDataSet1 which contains Table1 I want to create another table that is the same as the Table1 but without data, but it should have the columns, etc.

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Getting Array Of Selected Datarows From A Into A Datatable?

Apr 8, 2009

I am getting array of selected datarows from a use the commands below to get that array or datarows

Dim foundRows() As DataRow
strExpression =

Here is what I tried.I have looked at examples by MS but they all just write to the screen and I have no interest in that.

For Each rowWork In foundRows

"LineOfBusiness = 'CPP'"

foundRows = modXchange.pdtWork.Select(strExpression)

Now, I want to place the rows from foundrows into an empty data table.I did what I thought was the obvious but that only returns a bunch of rows with no data

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Loading The Contents Of DataTable Adapter Query Into A Datatable?

Nov 18, 2009

load the contents of a query from a dataTable Adapter into a datatable?

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Tableadapter.fill(datatable) Fills The Row That Was Not Added To The Datatable

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to add NewRow to the database by using datatable in dataset, but before I do that I want to make sure that row is not already there. I create new row for the datatable I am working with, fill it with information. I fill datatable with the row from database that has the same primary key as my NewRow by using tableadapter.fill method, but when I do that my NewRow that was never added to the datatable is filled with information from database(and not information that I assigned to it). I count rows in my datatable before I fill it and it's 0, so why is my NewRow affected by Fill command? (I am using VB.NET 2005 Framework 2.0)


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.net - ImportRow From DataTable To Another And Still Destination DataTable Is Empty?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm trying to copy one row from DataTable to another, I looked almost everywhere and I can't find a reason why this is happening, I'm using ImportRow and still the New DataTable is empty. Here's one of the answers similar I found and It's still not working!:

Dim newTable As New DataTable
Dim dsFrom As New DataTable
For Each DBShoes In list
Dim iShoeID As Integer


View 1 Replies - Copy Data From Datatable To Dataset.datatable?

Oct 31, 2010

how to copy data from datatable to table in dataset i ry this but its readonly property


View 1 Replies - Looping Through Records From One DataTable And Populating Another DataTable In .net

Aug 10, 2011

I have an application where I have a datatable ("DataTableA") that returns just one column ("ProductID").

I want to read each row of "ProductID", process some business logic, then copy both those columns (ProductID & ProductIDBusinessLogicValue) to DataTableB. This DataTableB is then displayed on the page.

What would bhe the best way to read each row of DataTableA ?

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Use A Datatable As A Data Source To Update A Second Datatable Using Sql?

Aug 10, 2011

I am updating a data table (dt_report_crypt) from an encrypted csv file in the code below:I decrypt the colums and update the same dreport_crypt, such that it will contain de-crypted data.This part is working wellI however need to use this de-crypted datatable as a data source to update a second table(dt_report), using the sql SELECT command to filter relevant data,

Dim dt_report As DataTable
Dim dt_report_crypt As DataTable
Using cn As


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