How To Convert C# .NEt Custom Event

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to develop a VB .NET Windows Form Application FTP client that uses the C# .NET FTPLibrary.dll that I obtained from The Code Project article "A Windows FTP Client". I am also converting and using significant amount of the code from the article which, for the most part, I have been able to successfully convert to VB .NET using Developer Fusion's C# to VB code converter. The dll has a new message handler (NewMessageHandler) which is used in the article's main form (frmMain). There is a C# .NET statement in the SetFtpClient() method of frmMain that I am unable to convert to VB .NET. I have boxed the statement I need help with converting to VB .NET with " ===== " statements. [code]

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Convert VB Event With Multiple Event Arguements To C#

Oct 13, 2009

I'm in the process of transplanting a unit test written in to the larger project written in c#. [Code] What is the best way to convert this event? Also, is this a good instance to use EventHandler<> to consolidate my arguments into a structure?

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C# - Custom PositionChanged Event?

Dec 6, 2011

I need a event that receives the position/location of an control, for example a Image-control, which i move with an animation.So I found some code from this post that I need, but I can't figure out where to put the code.Should I put it in some event e.g. the windows loaded event or what? What am I missing?

var topDescriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(Canvas.TopProperty, typeof(Rectangle));


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How To Add Custom Event In Tabpages

Mar 5, 2011

I am creating an application which has n numbers of tabpages in three different tabcontrols. some of the tabpages are having graphs and rest of them are having some other calculations based on the data of focused graph tabpage.What i want is when user selects different tabpage containing graph the data of the graph tab should be passed to all the other tabpages using the data to calucate. There is one way which i get is to loop inside all the tabpages,but i want to raise an event from the graph page and handle the event in all the rest of the calculation pages.


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Add An Event Handle To A Custom Control?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a problem to handle an event on a custom control a have on a form.... So first i made a custom control that is just a groupbox with some labels and txtboxes. That control i add dynamically to my form like this (Baycontrol is the name of my control)


Friend Bay(29) As BayControl
Add the controls to Form
For Simindex = 0 To 29 'Me.Bays - 1


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Custom ASP.NET TextBox On Textchanged Event?

Mar 10, 2010

I want to let TextBox control TextChanged event fire only when there are more than one character in the TextBox.

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Custom Event In User Control

May 10, 2011

I've got a page (aspx) that contains a usercontrol (ascx).On postback of the aspx, I'd like to read some control values in the ascx. So upon reading some good articles, I created an event in my aspx that fires on postback.The event handler is in the ascx, and simply writes the values I'm interested in to the viewstate so that the parent page can read them.The problem is my event handler never gets hit, even though I see the event is raised as I step through the code. So my code bombs when trying to read the viewstate (which is empty)[code]Oh, did I happen to mention I'm dynamically loading the ascx? :)

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Custom Event Inherit/reuse?

May 13, 2011

(using vb 2008 I am learning the workings of Custom Events. I think they might solve the problem of being unable to declare nonserialized events in vb2008. However, do custom events follow any sort of inheritance pattern like classes

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Forms :: Create A Custom Event?

Nov 17, 2010

I'm pretty sure i'm not doing this right but i hope by asking this someone can show me the right path.I've created a function that creates a label and 7 checkboxes arrays . So depending how many names i get from my database, it creates that many for the label and the other checkboxes.

Now my function is inside a module which i call in my Class Form during "Load".

So what i want to do is be able to code in an event where the user checks on one of these

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How To Call Custom Event From Another Form

Jun 22, 2010

I never did custom events and would like to make a sub procedure execute via a custom event from another form that does not have the custom event defined. For example I would like to raise the event from my ok button in one form and have the event in the other form execute. How to set this up using code examples?

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MouseOver Event For Custom Control?

Jul 19, 2009

I create several Labels using this code:

Dim L As New Label
AddHandler L.Click, AddressOf Labclick

I know how to do click events but how how do i make an event for it that does something when the mouse hovers over one of the Labels?for example if the mouse hovers over a label it changes text color to RED...when mouse leaves it changes back to BLACK?

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Raise An Event From A Custom Class?

Nov 14, 2011

I have a Windows Service project designed to monitor an email account and make entries into a SQL Server database when certain emails arrive. This is a rewrite of a similar winforms program that works just fine, except that it requires that the computer be logged into an account and the program started manually, which I can avoid by using it as a service.In the service I maintain a list of logged messages - basically just a string and a timestamp indicating that something has happened. (That list is shared out over a WCF service but I think that's immaterial, at least at the moment.) In my custom class I declare a public event, and elsewhere I raise that event. For some reason, though, the RaiseEvent isn't being run in the service. For example:


The problem in this case is that _pc_HandleEvent isn't ever being called. If I duplicate this setup in a regular winform program, everything works like it should. What am I doing wrong? How do I get a service to handle events raised from other classes?

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Wpf - Raising Event In Custom Control?

Dec 8, 2009

I'm writing a custom textblock control thats populate hyperlinks and raises event when clicked to hyperlink.

I wrote this code but I got stucked.

My code is :

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class CustomTextBlock
Inherits TextBlock


This code gives error at RaiseEvent Klik(sender, EventArgs.Empty)

Error is : Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an expliticit instance of the class.

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Writing A Click Event For A Custom Map?

Feb 13, 2010

I have an image of the political map of the USA. I want to write separate click events for each of the 50 states in Visual Studio. How would I do that?

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Add Click Event To Custom Label Control?

Jun 16, 2009

I am having problem in adding click event to my custom label control

Public Class LgxLabel
Public Event LtxLabClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Custom Control - Signature Not Matching For Event

Sep 24, 2009

I'm using a third party grid control which I took and inherited to create some custom properties and events to it. Now when I tried to use this custom control on one of my forms one of the Events that I try to use keeps giving me an error and saying that the signature of the event does not match. It's only for this particular event and it doesn't give me the problem on every form I use this control on. To fix the problem, I constantly have to clean/rebuild the project with the custom grid control and then clean/build the project using the grid control. I'm using VS 2005 and the grid control I'm using is called iGrid.NET made by a company called 10Tec.

The exact error I get is below.
Method 'Private Sub iGridFlightInfo_BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' cannot handle Event 'Public Event BeforeCommitEdit(sender As Object, e As TenTec.Windows.iGridLib.iGBeforeCommitEditEventArgs)' because they do not have the same signature.

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Define Default Event In A Custom Control?

Feb 14, 2012

Currently when i add my control to a form and double click it it adds a sub with the handle control.load to the code but i want it to be when i double click it

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Form Is Not Handling The Event Of A Custom Class?

Jul 24, 2010

I have a custom class which basically manages the program settings.

In it's New() event, I'm performing a check to see whether a value stored in My.Settings is the same as the default value (I made sure the value wasn't!), if not then it will perform a RaiseEvent ValueChanged().

On my form, I have an instance of the class declared "Private Withevents ProgramSettings as New clsProgramSettings", I also have a handler "Private Sub DoSomething() Handles ProgramSettings.ValueChanged" declared.

When I run the program the form gets loaded, the instance is created, the RaiseEvent is called, but the handler is not receiving the event?

I tried "Private Withevents ProgramSettings as clsProgramSettings", then creating the instance in the Form.Load(), but still no success!?

Is there something I'm doing wrong, or is there a problem with the IDE? I'm using VS 2010.

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User Control Custom Event Program

Jan 16, 2010

I had this new idea for a user control Sliding Bar/Panel. See screenshot. So I quickly whipped it up but I've got this problem that I cannot figure out why it does not work. Because I wanted to make it nice and tidy I desided to use a Class (Header) and created a TypeConverter (HeaderConverter)

Public Class HeaderConverter : Inherits ExpandableObjectConverter
Protected SortOrder() As String
Public Sub New()
SortOrder = New String() {"Text", "Depth"}
End Sub
[Code] .....
and goes to the RaiseEvent but nothing happens Why?

I know I could put properties on the Container control to access the ctnbutton Control that is embedded into the control but I thought this might be a nicer way.

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VS 2008 Custom Code On BindingSource_AddingNew Event?

Apr 16, 2010

i have a BindingSource Bound to a DataTable which is bound to a DataGridview. I have Insert, Update, Delete commands etc. Private Sub InitialiseDataAdapter()


You cannot set the NewObject property when bound to a DataView or DataTable because you cannot add a new DataRowView to the list.

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VS 2010 Custom Control KeyPress Event

Jun 20, 2011

I was asked to create an application that has a custom control that acts as a button. I managed to do almost all the requirements except the one for the KeyPress event. The customer wants to click the "Alt + C (for example)" to trigger the button click event in this case for a Cancel button. I did the code and it works fine ONLY when that custom control has the focus on it. But when it loses it, it doesn't. I don't know how to make the form accepts that KeyPress and sends to the custom control. I tried to set the form's KeyPreview property of the form to Ture but it didn't work too.

By the way, I know that it would work by writing the code in the KeyPress of the form but that's not the requirement because the user control will be used as a standalone component for many projects.

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Wpf - Fire A Custom Event From User Control?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a user control (SomeUserControl), that I am using in a Main Window. I write my application entirely on SomeUserControl, and Main Window is hosting SomeUserControl and nothing else.

Right now I have a shutdown button (in SomeUserControl), that is supposed to close the Main Window. The reason for this is that I do not want anything from SomeUserControl to close the application itself, but to fire an event from SomeUserControl, and Main Window receives it, and Main Window will close the application instead of SomeUserControl.

How do I do it? I am not familiar with the concept of creating and handling custom events, so if someone could explain it in words and in code as an example, I will be very grateful to you!

Edit: Here's my code so far.

(in Window 2)

Public Event CloseApp As EventHandler
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click
DialogResult = False


I want to close the application when I click cancel in Window 2, but I don't want to do it in such a way that Window 2 closes itself, but by sending some notification to Main Window, and Main Window closes the application.

View 2 Replies - Convert SQL (Pseudocode) To Dymanic LINQ Query From List<Custom> Parameters?

Apr 5, 2012

GOAL: Bind nested ListViews to LINQ generated iQueryable of anonymous type. I want to use LINQ because you can use GroupBy and bind the nested ListView to the 'it' keyword.

SETUP: I have groups of sets of conditions. Each set of conditions is stored in the BillingCodes table. Each group of BillingCodes is stored in the BillingGroups table.

I have a custom object that stores the ID, Name, and NumCodes for each BillingGroup that the user has chosen.I have a collection of these objects called GroupsList that has a list of the groups that the user has chosen.

Problem 1: I can iterate through GroupsList and grab all the IDs. How do I translate the SQL 'WHERE ID IN(a string of comma delineated IDs)' for LINQ to SQL? Is that the best way to do that?

Problem 2: Once I have the list of BillingGroups I need to iterate through each group. For each group, I need to iterate through the BillingCodes. For each BillingCode I need to generate a WHERE clause that has all of the conditions in the BillingCode. I propose something like so:

for each BillingGroup in BillingGroups
for each BillingCode in BillingGroup.BillingCodes
where1 = "..."

Problem 3: Here's the part where I don't have a clue. I need to dynamically create a query in LINQ to SQL. Keep in mind that I don't know how many groups there'll be or how many codes are in each group.

There are 2 tables:



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.net - Custom Event Handler - Getting The Error: Operator '+' Is Not Defined?

Mar 30, 2011

My job is requiring some visual basic programming and i've only programmed in C#.So i have this code:

Public Custom Event Command As JQDialogEventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As JQDialogEventHandler)
commandHandler += value[code].....

I'm getting the error: Operator '+' is not defined for types 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler' and 'ControlesModificados. ControlesModificados.JQDialogEventHandler'. How can i write this code "commandHandler -= value" in other way so the error goes away! or how can i defined those operators for the eventhandler.

Namespace ControlesModificados
Public Class JQDialogButton
Inherits Button[code]....

As you can see the DialogCommand is using another JQDialogHandler, so i can't just use

Public Custom Event DialogCommand As JQDialogEventHandler

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Cannot Consistently And Reliably Write To A Custom Event Log From DotNet

Oct 13, 2010

Cannot Consistently and Reliably Write to a Custom Event Log from DotNet

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Click Event Handler With Custom Control Button?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Custom Control for my web application which is basically an ASP.NET Button control contained inside multiple <div> elements (for styling purposes).How can I create a Click event handler for my custom control so that my control acts as an ASP.NET Button?


<cc:Button id="myButton" runat="server" Text="Submit" />
Sub myButton_Click(sender as object, e as EventArgs) Handles myButton.Click
End Sub

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Custom Event - Invocation List Implementation Considerations

Apr 9, 2010

I'm looking for some pointers on implementing Custom Events in VB.NET (Visual Studio 2008, .NET 3.5). I know that "regular" (non-custom) Events are actually Delegates, so I was thinking of using Delegates when implementing a Custom Event. On the other hand, Andrew Troelsen's "Pro VB 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform" book uses Collection types in all his Custom Events examples, and Microsoft's sample codes match that line of thought. So my question is: what considerations should I have when choosing one design over the other? What are the pros and cons for each design? Which of these resembles the inner-implementation of "regular" events?

Below is a sample code demonstrating the two designs.
Public Class SomeClass
Private _SomeEventListeners As EventHandler
Public Custom Event SomeEvent As EventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
_SomeEventListeners = [Delegate].Combine(_SomeEventListeners, value)
[Code] .....

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Form Is Not Updating After Custom Class Event Is Fired

Sep 24, 2010

I'm having an issue where my main form isn't updating even though I see the event fire off. Let me explain the situation and share some of my code which I'm sure will be horrible since I'm an amateur. I created a class to take in the settings for running a process in the background. I add some custom events in that class so I could use that in my form instead of a timer.


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VS 2008 Transfer A Custom Event Through The Generic Collection?

Dec 22, 2009

To the point: I need to transfer a custom object's event through a generic collection object containing these items so that any class using the collection can see that changes were made to one of the items in the collection.

I.E. An item event that triggers a collection event


Due to the application requirements, I need the Collection and Items to send immediate notice of various changes that occur to the Collection Class and its items. I've already got my events set-up regarding for the Collection Class, but I'm struggling with coming up with a workable solution for raising events for the items.

I've got an event for the DeviceLayer item set-up, but how do you transfer that event through the CollectionClass so that any other class using it will see that there was a change to one of the items in the collection?

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Convert Event From C# To .Net?

May 13, 2011

I have to convert an C# code to VB.NET?This is the C# source:

public static event ValueEnterEventHandler CallEvent;
public static void DispatchCompanyCall(string moduleName)
if (IsReady && CallEvent != null)


but I've this error message: CallEvent is an event and cannot called directly, use RaiseEvent statement to raise an event?

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