How To Provide User Control With Wide Data

Nov 23, 2010

I want to make a user control (name MultiSelect), which I will use for choosing items from huge list. For example I want to choose customers to make a view of their turnovers, so I will creat a new MultiSelect control which will contain a textbox (i canwrite starting letters) and a treeview (will list customers matching the first letters chosen in textbox).

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Provide An Error Message If The User Does Not Provide A Value In Textbox?

Mar 30, 2010

How can I provide an error message if the user does not provide a value in my textbox. I found this example, but it doesn't work in my

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e_
As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


It says that Error Provider1 is not declared. How do I do this the right way?

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Folder For PC Wide User Data?

May 23, 2009

I'm looking for a windows "special folder" where user data can be stored and changed PC wide, not only per user.Up to now I've picked the so called COMMONAPPDATAFOLDER, but that doesn't work with a setup project, because the files copied there on installation (like a config file) are not changeable in Vista with a program used by a restricted user (probably because the Windows Installer performs with admin credencials).

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On Form Load Want To Provide User With 3 Options?

Nov 12, 2011

creating a simple pong type game. want to provide human user option to choose from "rookie , Veteran, Allstar" as CPU AI skill.

Q1 - currently on form load game starts (I do not want) I want to present list of options first. Player Skill Level *See above.

Q2 - Want to provide an option for who gets the ball first CPU or Human

Q3 - Want to choose "Game to #" the user can set as the first to score x points wins.

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Cannot Restrict User To Provide Case Sensitive String

Feb 10, 2011

i have to find a string in an array. i am using array.indexof method to get the index of matched item. now problem is that indexof method comparison is case sensitive and i cannot restrict user to provide case sensitive string.[code]

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.net - How To Submit Data From Web User Control

Jan 14, 2011

I have a form that I put on the Web User Control, but "Submit" button is on the parent page.

The form contains user information. That same form displays for admins to edit a user and for the user to register and update profile.

I wanted to have the form in only 1 place to display in those 3 places.

The admin page will have a little more information on it, along with the "user info" control.

how can i reference items on the control page from the parent page?

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User Control And Panel - TargetPnl To Display User Control Named Vviewer When Click SearchBtn?

Nov 6, 2009

I have an application going here Form1 has a panel on it named TargetPnl. I need my TargetPnl to display my user control named Vviewer when I click my SearchBtn and also need it to disappear when I click another button.

View 1 Replies - Transfer Data From A Web Form To A User Web Control?

May 1, 2011

How can I transfer data from a web form to a user web control ? does the diffrence in the programming language affect ?

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Do Data Validation When The User Exits A Control

Jan 31, 2012

What is the best method to do data validation? I want to do data validation when the user exits a control so that he gets immediate feedback. I can use the Validating event or the Leave event for that. The problem is, that if the user doesn't know the right answer, and just wants to click the cancel button and leave the form completely, it won't let him. It continues to give him an error message until he completely deletes his answer. Very frustrating. Does anyone have a good method for doing this?

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Capture Data Before A Postback (User Control Within A Repeater)

May 9, 2012

I have several UserControls in an ASP:Repeater. They are 'Add to basket' User Controls with a text input for quantity and a button to add the item to the basket.

My problem is the value is being reset to 1 whenever I enter a value into the quantity text box. I think this is happening because the containing page reinitialised the repeater (which holds the UserControls) and the quantity is one again before the UserControl's click event is fired.

how to capture the value in the textbox before the Postback occurs, I am happy to stick this data in a session for now.

I am thinking I need something along the lines of PreLoad? But that didn't work for me

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Loading User Control Dynamically Loses Data

Apr 22, 2010

I have a created a user control. This user control I dynamically load on a page inside Telerik Panelbar control. I have done all necessary coding to save the viewstate and load this dynamically created usercontrol every time page loads.On this User control I have a asp panel. By default this panel is invisible. When user clicks a button on this user control panel is made visible. On page load of this user control I populate all the controls on this panel.Everything works fine if I dont load this use control dynamically but when I load this user control dynamically and if I make panel visible by default then only all fields on the panel are populated. But if I make by default invisible and on button click make panel visible none of the text boxes or comboboxes are populated. I populate comboboxes on page load of the userControl but inbetween postbacks all the comboboxes on the user control loose data.[code]...

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Send Data From User Control To Main Form?

Nov 25, 2010

I have a main form and a user control form. The user control form is on the main form. How can I send data from user control label1 to main form label 1?

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Set A Property Of A User Control From Repeater Databound Data?

Mar 28, 2011

I have a user control inside of a repeater that is being bound by a sqldatasource. I get the following error: Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control. EDIT: NEVERMIND Egg on my face. I was getting this databind error because I was binding it somewhere else in an effort to troubleshoot my real problem from last friday but I forgot about it.

WHAT MY REAL PROBLEM IS: The usercontrol is getting bound before the properties get set so it appears as if they are never set. When stepping through I see that they get on the property is hit before the set on the property is hit. For example if I put <%# EVal("Address_ID") %> before the user control I will see the ID displayed but then the user control will display an emptydatatemplate because it is being passed the ID of 0.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlFacilityAddresses" runat="server" DataSourceMode="DataSet" SelectCommandType="StoredProcedure" SelectCommand="SP_Facility_GetAddresses" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Trustaff_ESig2 %>">


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VS 2010 Retrieving Data From User Control In Mdi Child?

Feb 23, 2010

It's been a while since I last tackled VB, so I'm kind of rusty.

I'm adding a custom control to a child form like so:


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User Control - Calling A VB Linkbutton's(within A User Control) Click Event From Javascript?

Apr 11, 2009

how can i call a VB function - deleteevent() in usercontrol.ascx.vb from a javascript function in clickhandler(e) in usercontrol.ascx. The call should cause a postback because I need the usercontrol to display the changes.I am currently trying to do it by using a linkbutton with style display:none, and calling its click event from the javascript function. But i dunno how to call the click event.

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Responding To A WPF Click Event In A Data-bound User Control?

Oct 15, 2009

I have created several WPF User Controls. The lowest level item is 'PostItNote.xaml'. Next, I have a 'NotesGroup.xaml' file that has an ItemsControl bound to a List of PostItNotes. Above that, I have a 'ProgrammerControl.xaml' file. Each ProgrammerControl has a grid with four different NotesGroup user controls on it (and each NotesGroup contains 0-many PostItNotes.

Then, I have my main window. It also has an ItemsControl, bound to a list of Programmers.

So, you end up with a high level visual view of a list of programmers, each programmer has four groups of tickets, each group of tickets has many PostItNotes.

The trouble I'm having, is that I want to respond to a mouse click event in my mainWindow's code behind file.

I can add a MouseClick event into my PostItNote.xaml.vb file and that is getting called when the user clicks a PostItNote, and I can re-raise the event; but I can't seem to get the NotesGroup to listen for that event. I'm not sure if that's even the correct approach.

When the user clicks the PostItNote, I'm going to do a bunch of business-logic type stuff that the PostItNote control doesn't have a reference to/doesn't know about it.

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Find And Interact With A User Control On Page From Separate User Control?

Oct 17, 2011

I have an aspx page that has two different user controls. I want to find user control A and be able to set properties, etc., from user control B.

I was thinking I could do something like this:

Dim CMFilters As Control = Me.Parent.FindControl("CMFilters")

...but that doesnt work to be able to set properties and call methods. I somehow need to get the user control and and declare it as that user control type.

View 2 Replies - Accessing POST Data From ASCX User Control On Parent Page?

Nov 1, 2011

I have an ASP.NET page (WebForm) on which I set the content of a central DIV by dynamically loading one of five user controls during Page_Load, dependant on the stage of the application.

One of the user controls contains radio buttons and a text box together with a submit button. What I want to do is process that information when the form is posted using the submit button.

I could do this with an AJAX call using jQuery, but I don't really want to do that, so I'm trying to access the form data on postback, but on page load following the postback the data is not present in the Request.Form object.

Looking at what I need to do it seems pretty simple and I'm sure is once you've got your head around it, but I can't find out how to carry this out. Some of the things I have read refer to event bubbling, but that doesn't make too much sense in this scenario.

EDIT: To clarify, I want to post the page back to itself to capture the values from the form elements via the Request object, store them in the database, and then display a confirmation message (or something else) on postback, and not re-display the same control again. So I won't be loading the same user control again.

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Databound User Control Doesn't Display Data In Main Form?

Apr 23, 2009

I need to quickly demonstrate a project and decided to create a user control that is connected to an Access database through pure simple data connections (create the dataset and drag it on the control.)When I build the project and add the usercontrol to panel control on the main form, no data is shown in the datagrid.When I add the data components directly on the main form, the data is displayed properly. why I can't get my databound user control to display the data on my main form?

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Wpf - Data Binding A Collection Dependency Property To A Menu In User Control

Jul 27, 2011

I have a user control with its own context menu, however I need to add additional items to that menu.

The approach I took was to have a dependency property called ContextMenuItems:

Public Shared ReadOnly ContextMenuItemsProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ContextMenuItems", GetType(ObservableCollection(Of MenuItem)), GetType(SmartDataControl), New FrameworkPropertyMetadata(New


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Run A User Control Sub After Container Has Initialized User Control Properties?

Dec 22, 2010

In a user control I have the code shown below.

I now realize that it is incorrect because the container's InitializeComponent property initializations have not run yet and they must be run prior to Refresh being called.

How (where) can I run Refreash after the container has initialized this user control.[cod]e...

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VS 2005 Using Combo Box In User Control And Getting Selected Value In Another User Control

Aug 31, 2009

i am using 2005 to developed desktop application I am having two windows form user control , the first control name con.vb containing the design and code for connecting to database and getting a list of my project values in combo box.

Now the second user control report.vb which i am using to generate some reports , since the code behind is using connection to connect to various project database , so i want to get the value of

First user control into another how i can get the i have tried the below but its giving me error in run time but no error in design or code behind -

MR.MainForm.Connection1.project_combobox.SelectedV alue.ToString

Error i am getting is :

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled
Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Access User Control Attributes From A User Control?

Mar 27, 2009

I am trying to build a tournament bracket application. In order to build the application efficiently I would like to make a user control "GameControl" that represents a game and give it attributes that represent the names of the competitors "TeamNameA" and "TeamNameB" ,an attribute "Winner" to represent which team should move on, and an attribute "NextRoundGame" that assigns another instance of the user control so that it can assign the "winner" to one of the "TeamName" attributes of the next round in the competition. If the controls were native to VB I feel like I could do it easily (I have only spent about 30 hours self teaching/tutorial following) but I can't seem to find out how to pass values to custom attributes of custom user controls through code.

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Auto-fill A User Input Control With The User's Windows?

Feb 11, 2011

I am creating a form for work where managers can report when they find a customer's personal information laying around on a desk (we work at a call center where agents answer calls for a wireless cell phone provider, so we take personal information security very seriously). Anyway, I am wondering if there is a way to have a text box autofill with that manager's windows username (since they will need to be logged into their own profile to use the form).

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Use Parent User Controls From Externally Loaded User Control?

Jun 2, 2012

i have a windows from project and in that project i created a user control lets call itcustombutton1 now i can use that control quite easily either at design time or runtime by creating a new instance of it like

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.net - Wide Should VB Code Get?

Jun 27, 2012

In times past, most people coded on a terminal that was 80 characters wide. In many languages this has become, if not holy then close to it. But now many people have 20"+ monitors (or dual monitors), so screen real estate isn't as prime as it once was.

So my question is this: in Visual Basic code, should code be limited to 80 characters, should there be no limit, or is it really a subjective thing, dependent on where you work and your own preferences?

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Provide URL In A Toolstrip?

Aug 21, 2009

Provide URL in a toolstrip? I mean to URL that will be displayed as a link.

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VS 2008 What In The World Wide Web

Mar 1, 2010

I have a lot of HD images within my program design and it is causing the screen to flicker when loading other forms. It is kind of
slow too. Is there a way to resolve this, for example, using a reference or component such as DirectDraw. Here are my computer

Intel Pentium 4 /2.53GHZ
1.5 GB RAM
512 MB ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO AGP Video card
19 IN. LCD Widescreen 1440x900 resolution monitor.

could it be the refresh rate of only 60HZ?

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VS 2008 Enter The Data In A One Control Then The Related Data Display In Other Control

Mar 17, 2011

I created Dataentry forms. In the form there are so many controls like DropDowns and textboxes. I am using Access database. Now I enterd the few records into the controls, and these records are saved into the Database. But now if i enter the any data which i recently saved in the database to the textbox or any other control then the remaining controls should be display the related data.

For example i have 4 controls in my form one is dropdown and 3 are textboxes. If i select the data in the dropdown then the remaining 3 textboxes shows the related data. How can i dispaly the corresponding data to the other controls?

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.net - Provide Access To This Custom DAL?

May 13, 2010

I'm writing a custom DAL (VB.NET) for an ordering system project. I'd like to explain how it is coded now, and receive some alternate ideas to make coding against the DAL easier/more readable. The DAL is part of an n-tier (not n-layer) application, where each tier is in it's own assembly/DLL.

The DAL consists of several classes that have specific behavior. For instance, there is an Order class that is responsible for retrieving and saving orders. Most of the classes have only two methods, a "Get" and a "Save," with multiple overloads for each. These classes are marked as Friend and are only visible to the DAL (which is in it's own assembly).

In most cases, the DAL returns what I will call a "Data Object." This object is a class that contains only data and validation, and is located in a common assembly that both the BLL and DAL can read.To provide public access to the DAL, I currently have a static (module) class that has many shared members. A simplified version looks something like this:

Public Class DAL
Private Sub New
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetOrder(OrderID as String) as OrderData


This cleans it up a bit, but it leaves a lot of classes that only have references to other classes, which I don't like for some reason.Without resorting to passing DB specific instructions (like where clauses) from BLL to DAL, what is the best or most common practice for providing a single point of access for the DAL?

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