Is there a way to shrink the length of the prompting box within VB. I just want to obtain 1 value and would rather not have to create anotherform with a single text box and label.
Made A Tabbed Web Browser With History Bookmarks Proxy And All That Stuff And I Used Dot Net Bar To Make It Look AwesomeBut Now I Found Out That My Browser Size With Out The Components Is 400 KB And With The Component It's More Than 5000 KB
I am developing a VB.NET app which returns data to a DataGrid. Everything works correctly now except for one thing. I want all of the blank white space below my datagrid to not appear, so that users don't have to worry about scrolling down the page. Currently, it shows the DataGrid correctly, with a scrollbar and this grid takes up about half the height of my monitor. But then there is alot of empty white space below this grid. How can I remove that?
Here is the end of my ASPX file: <head> <title></title>
I need to backup sql database, below is my VB code to do backup, shrink and delete. But I have problem to shrink the database. Need your help to find what's wrong for the shrink potion. the error happened when execute CmdShrink.ExecuteNonQuery().
I need to have my application to prompt the user to see if he wants to save the settings or not before the application exits.I got this to work this way: I added an event handler to My.Application.Shutdown. This event handler does prompt the user and save the settings if the user answers "Yes".But in order to stop the application to save the settings anyway via its regular way, I have to set My.Application.SaveMySettingsOnExit to falseAs I said, it works, but it just look like a bad logic to set SaveMySettingsOnExit to false to have it to save the settings saved on exit with a prompt.
My question is: is there a way to get it work like this: -SaveMySettingsOnExit =true -- PromptBeforeSave =True ( Save and Prompt) -SaveMySettingsOnExit =true -- PromptBeforeSave =false ( Save and no Prompt)
I have an application that creates files at certain directories, deploys them and then removes them when neccessary. Under Windows Vista and 7, access for my program to carry out such commands are denied because UAC is blocking it.Now i am NOT using Visual Studio, i am using SharpDevelop and my project is a Windows Form. How can i prompt the user with the UAC dialogue so my application can acquire UAC elevation and carry out its tasks?I would also like to point out that everything works perfectly when UAC is either turned off or the user runs my program with Administrator Rights.
I have a Visual Studio 2005 VB project that creates a fairly simple form containing three text boxes with corresponding labels. In terms of property settings I have AutoSize set to True, AutoSizeMode set to GrowAndShrink, SizeGripStyle set to Show, and WindowState set to Maximized.
I'd like the user to be able to grow and shrink this form using the resize grip that appears in the bottom right corner. When the application starts, it starts maximized, which is what I want, and it has the typical minimize, restore down, and close buttons in the upper right corner.
I can use restore down to reduce its size, and once that's done I can use the resize grip to make the form larger, but the resize grip will not allow me to make the form smaller. Changing WindowState to Normal doesn't change this behavior.
I am using the FormLayoutPanel for the first time and I am not able to figure out what is going on.On the form, I have a label that can grow and shrink because the content can change. The text includes the name of the client and that name can always be different lengths in regard to characters. I also have a grid on the form.
As you will see from the attached image, the form that has the FormLayoutPanel on it is showing small and not showing the content of the form. The form is indicated via the green arrow.In regard to the FormLayoutPanel, I have set it up in the following way:
Three rows, one column.The label is in the first cell, nothing in the second cell and the grid in the third cell.The TableLayoutPanel is anchored top, left, bottom, right.
Autosize = True AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink
The Label in the first cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right TextAlignment = MiddleLeft
The grid in the third cell is anchored top, left, bottom, right and also Dock = Fill
I have a datagridview created for my windows app in 2005 and I'm not sure how to get it to grow and shrink, depending on the number of rows that are displayed. The form contains several filters for the user to use in order to get their desired recordset displayed in the grid and therefore, the size of the grid will be constantly changing. How is this usually handled?
I have a form with textboxes for input. I have coded the Exit button to display a message box that asks the user if they want to save any data in the textboxes before exiting the program:
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e
The question I have if the textboxes are blank (nothing has been entered), how do I code the Exit button to close the program without displaying the message box asking the user to save the data.' Save the numbers. Call the btnSave_Click procedure.
I'm developing an application for our IT Helpdesk to do some common tasks like installs, drive mapping, etc...
However this application needs to be run as administrator. Is there a way to get the application to bring up the RunAs prompt as soon as it runs, so the user doesn't have to do a Shift + Right click > Runas?
End WhileI am trying to read from the ": " to the end of the line. I keep getting this error: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length
How do I prompt the user to input elements in a two dimensional array? And how do I then save the output?I've figured out how write and print a program where the program provides the elements (see short version below), but I can't work out how to get the user to input the elements instead.
I'm using visual studio 2005 to develop a form with a combobox passing a value into the parameter of an embedded crystal report. Why it keeps prompting me for a database login every single time you try to run the report with a different combobox selection.
Here is my code: private Sub Form1_load... Dim ConnName As String Dim ServerName As String Dim DBName As String Dim user As String Dim pass As String [Code] ..... I looked at this previous posting [URL]. I couldn't find where a CMC was to disable the prompt.
I have a Parent form and a child form. I have set the child form as sizable, autosize to true, autosizemode to Grow and Shrink and windowsstate at max. The child properly maximizes on when loaded but does not resize with the parent. Here is the initial code to load the child...
I have a field displaying on a datagrid that the user has asked to be variable length based on the data that is returned. Is there an easy way to determine how many characters are returned for a field and then converting that to a pixel length so that I can change the length of the field in the code.
If using the following in an if statement I get an error: If trg.Name.Substring(4, 6).ToUpper <> ("ABCDEF") Then I get the error: "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length"
I assume this is because the string ( is too small for the 4, 6 substring. What would be the correct method of working around this problem? Studio 2008.
I want to change "Prompting Text" of a crystal report parameter in VB6.0. When report is connected to View, it is able to change the "Prompting Text" of parameter. But when it is connected to Procedure, it is throwing "Not a Report Parameter".
I found one reason behind this. When we use view, we create parameters explicitly in the report. But for procedure, report will get parameters from procedure. As there are no parameters in report, it throws "Not a Report Parameter".
So how to add prompting text to the "crystal report parameter" from vb6 when the report uses stored procedure?
Technogies using: VB6.0,Crystal Reports 8.5, Oracle/Sql Server
Code snippet:
Dim CrApp As CRAXDRT.Application Dim CrRep As CRAXDRT.Report Set CrApp = CreateObject("CrystalRuntime.Application")
Sorry this is a very simple question but i am just too new to this.I can't get the code correctly and don't know what is wrong. If i enter Apple, i keep on getting When the word is written twice, 5 letters are used when it should be saying twice as much.
What could caused the length cannot be less than zero in the following code?
For i = 0 To stPDFText.GetUpperBound(0) If InStr(stPDFText(i), ("Page ")) <> 0 And InStr(stPDFText(i), " of ") = (InStr(stPDFText(i), ("Page ")) + 6) Then If stReportPage(0) = "" Then[code].....
I'm working on software which encrypts/decrypts files. I would like to be able to guess the length of the data after the encryption but I can't use CryptoStream.Length (It throws a NotSupportedException).
I need to write the song length to an access database.I have worked out how to get to an mp3 song length. However, I also need to be able to get to the songlength for the following file extension :.kar, .mid, .kfn.