Invalid Characters Found In Mail Header

Apr 24, 2010

i have an application of developed by .Net, i can use it my computer and other pc but only in one pc it isnt working and it give an error message "Invalid characters found in mail header" operatins system is Windiws 7

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VS 2008 Db Not Found When Using Mail Attachment?

Jul 16, 2010

Once again I've ran into a (at least for me) weird problem, which I can't figure out.I have a form which allows users to send an email with an attachment and also stores the email in an accessdatabase. When sending an email without an attachment, there is no problem and all is saved to the database.

But when sending an email with an attachment, it produces an error that the database is not found, and therefore nothing is saved to the database.


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Invalid ServicedComponent-derived Classes Were Found In The Assembly?

Aug 4, 2009

I have created a strong name key file and run the gacutil to attach the dll to the assembly.. When i try to run the regsvcs bankaccounts.dll i get the following error...

Invalid ServicedComponent-derived classes were
found in the assembly.
(Classes must be public, concrete, have a public[code].....

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Detect / Suppress Invalid Characters In TextBox?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a TextBox with a list of filenames in it. The user is able to change these file names, but I don't want them to enter invalid characters, such as slashes or question marks.

I've tried two approaches, but they are not satisfactory:

1. Detect the key pressed with the KeyDown event:

Use e.KeyValue to detect keys like Keys.Oem5 (= backslash), then use 'e.SuppressKeyPress = True' to suppress the key.Problem is, with different Keyboard layouts, The Oem5-key isn't always a backslash.

2. Filter the text:

Use the TextChanged event and do a Replace("", "") on the text for every invalid character (there's 9 of them).Of course this will create 'lag' with every keystroke, especially if there's a lot of text. Also the text-cursor and scrollbar will jump back to the top-left when using Replace.

In short: I'm looking for a way to detect the character that is being entered and suppress or remove it when invalid.

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Invalid Characters In Serial Port Data

Jun 10, 2010

I am developing an test application to read the data coming on serial port sent by the pabx. It is working fine. But, for some reason , i don't know why, some invalid characters are coming in the data, something like '?'


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VS 2008 Finding Invalid File Name Characters?

Nov 17, 2009

Well I've recently discovered that trying to create a file with so-called 'illegal characters' will cause your application to crash.. How do I find these characters in a string and replace them with nothing?

The invalid characters are / : * ? " < > | if that helps.

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RTF Characters Transferring To Mail Merged Document?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm upgrading an old proprietary system which stores customer's data in a SQL DB. We have an API to our old system which allows us to run the functions setup within it. ie, extract a letterheading which includes a customer's name, address, our reference number, etc. We could write new functions in our VB.NET 2005 application to extract such data but we want to retain use of the system's API.

I want to perform a mail merge for a number of customers and output any data to a merged .RTF document, however, when I extract and attempt a mail merge, my first merge field data for this letterheading function is this:

"{fieldflddirty{*fldinst ADVANCE \y 143}{fldrslt }}Mr P Johnson
par 1 High Street
par Town
par County


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Binary Files - Read Characters Until 0 Found

Sep 23, 2011

I am trying to make a program in Visual Basic 2010 that should do the following:
-Open file as binary
-Start with position 57 and read the following characters until a 0 is found, print the whole name

Inside the binary file, all the files' names end with 0 (which should not be printed), example:

For the above examples, the names that should be printed are B000000.dat, eft.dat, G000000000.b7 respectively. The code I wrote is below. The problem is that i am not sure how to read the name until the 0 is found since the names are variable in length and so are the extensions(dat, b7). Also some names have 0 in them which makes things difficult.

Using gs As New FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)
gs.Position = 57
Using gr As New BinaryReader(gs)
For x As Int16 = 57 To 70
Dim textvar(x) As String
textvar(x) = gr.ReadChar
text3 = textvar(x) & (gr.ReadChar)
End Using
End Using

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VS 2008 - Balloon Tooltip Show Invalid Filename Characters

Apr 11, 2009

I am using a Balloon tooltip to show the user which characters are invalid as a filename. I use the IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars array and convert each character to a string, before appending it to a "Invalid filename characters:" string.

If IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars.Contains(e.KeyChar) Then
e.Handled = True
Dim str As String = "The following characters are invalid filename characters:" & nl
Dim invalidChars As New List(Of String)
For Each c As Char In IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars
[Code] .....

The result is not pretty: How do I get rid of the 'non-visual' characters (they are probably newlines, backspaces, null chars, etc) so they don't clutter up the list?

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VS 2008 SQL Provider Named Pipes Provider Error 5 Invalid Parameter S Found

Aug 3, 2011

i have 2 computers - a Server and a Client pc which is running on local area network with MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2008 R2 Developer kit at the main pc and Client computer will need to connect to SQL SERVER at main pc using connection string.Let me named server computer as 'MAGNA-PC' and the client pc as 'LAC-PC' and database name is 'db_referafriend' so the code for MAGNA-PC(server) connection string is:[code] i GOOGLE and YOUTUBE for almost 2 weeks before i post . I know that i need to configure the sql configuration manager and enable tcp/ip also add a new port at firewall to allow remote connection also add the sqlserver.exe and sqlbrowser in firewall and I have also chosen "Using both TCP/IP and named pipes" under Remote Connections in the SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration. and all of this doesnt work!

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Object Library Invalid Or Contains References To Object Definitions That Could Not Be Found

May 24, 2009

I get an error while trying to install a third party Excel add-in [Thomson One Analytics]. Error: "Compile error in hidden module: Main" Microsoft Excel 2003..But when I had the Addin unlocked.I noticed that it was getting stuck at a specific line in the MAIN module of the Addin package and the debugger throws a compile error message saying that: "Object library Invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found". Earlier when I had this issue,I made another user login to the PC and we were able to use the add-in successfully. But this time even a different user with Admin Rights was not able to use it. [code]

Tried to install and run the Addin on the same computer by a different user having admin rights, no go.Made sure that he references for the add-in in the VBA editor are correct, by comparing them with a working computer, no go Re-installed "Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0: Run-Time Redistribution Pack (vbrun60sp6.exe)", no go. Ran repairs on Excel, no go Re-installed Excel, no go

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Get A Mail To Hidden Mail And A Confirmation Is Send To The User Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

I need a feedback form for my site.i need the user to write there.


And then when they press send then i get a mail to my hidden mail and a confirmation is send to the user mail.I have google the web but cant find any good info about this, i know how to make the form but how do i make the codebehind !?

Do any of u pro. have a link to a great tutorial or have a code that can be used !?

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ComboBox AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend - Prevent The User Typing Invalid Characters?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a ComboBox with

ComboBox1.AutoCompleteMode =
ComboBox1.AutoCompleteSource =

How do you prevent a user from typing characters that are not in the list of options?If the list in the Combo is for example


How do you stop the user typing ad?

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Invalid Command Line Switch For "AL.exe" - Illegal Characters In Path

Dec 30, 2009

On one of my projects, when I try to run it, I get a "Invalid command line switch for "AL.exe". Illegal characters in path." error. I have installed the "Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5," and this error is after installing it.

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C# - Ccess The Field Header Name Of A Databound Repeater Within The Header Template?

Sep 24, 2009

Is there a way to access the field header name of a databound repeater within the header template. So insted of this....

<table >
<th ></th>
<th >Forename</th>


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Console Errors Out And Does Not Display Invalid Entry - With Invalid Input

Nov 3, 2011

My console errors out when I enter anything other than a number or operators in the designated (input). I stink at this stuff but I have been t this for about 8 hrs. still not there. I have included a text file for the task at hand


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WMI Network, VB 2008 Gets Invalid Function/invalid Cast Type

Jul 15, 2009

I'm using WMI code and VB 2008 to see NIC status. So far the queries are working, but the methods aren't. For example, I'm trying to set a network card to use DHCP, I get invalid function with this code:

Dim classInstance As New ManagementObject("rootCIMV2", "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.Index='7'", Nothing)
Dim outParams As ManagementBaseObject = classInstance.InvokeMethod("EnableDHCP", Nothing, Nothing)

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Page Header Of An Excel Spreadsheet - Using Header Text As Tab Name

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using the following code to populate a DataGridView with a worksheet. This is working fine, however, I'm unsure how I can get the Text from the page header. (not to be confused with the column header). Later in my code when I am exporting into an existing workbook with a new worksheet, I'm wanting to use the header text as the tab name. The header text being "September 2009" so that when I import/manipulate/export october, the new tab will be "October 2009" etc. [Code]

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Display The Row Header As Column Header In Datagridview?

May 3, 2012

in my application i created table called houseloading which has field called housename.which is inserted into the sqlserver database. my table will look like this

///column name house
values red

what i want now is i want to display the values red green as column header in datagridview

which will look exactly like this

red green

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E-mail Program - Show The Mail In A Tekstbox And The Subject In An Other Text Box?

Oct 13, 2010

how i can write a realy basic e-mail program. all the program will need to do is recieve mails show the mail in a tekstbox and the subject in an other text box.or if you can tell me how i can let vb read things on my screen...

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Generated MAPI Mail Going To Outlook Instead Of Default Mail Client

May 7, 2009

I have a piece of code which sends email with an attachment from my application. The code uses MAPI to send the email. It opens up a new email message so the user can add to the email message, and then the user clicks send.The code works fine. However there is one small problem. The email that the code opens, is always in Microsoft Outlook. Sometimes the application's user has Outlook Express set up as the default client, but my application always opens the new email message in Microsoft Outlook. (Outlook 2003. In the one user's machine that has Outlook 2007, everything works fine and the email opens up in Outlook Express.)As I searched for a solution, I saw this problem posed many times in various places on the Internet, with no solution (or none that worked). I did try several suggestions which involved creating registry settings and registering some dlls.

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System.Net.Mail Mail.Body Read In From Text File?

Mar 29, 2012

I am teaching myself and wanted to change this code to have an embedded mail.boby from a text file instead of the file attachment. Code spippet below and where I need help is mail.Body = ("tracertALL.txt")
that just puts the name of the file NOT the contents of the file. This code is a CMDWrapper that runs a batch file and I want the contents of a trace route that is pipe to a file >> tracertALL.txt .


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Getting Invalid Column Name 'CHARLES'. Invalid Column Name 'CHARLYN'. Invalid Column Name 'SMITH'?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm getting Invalid column name 'CHARLES'. Invalid column name 'CHARLYN'. Invalid column name 'SMITH'.what's wrong with my code, it's been a long time since I used SQL dataset. I'm into LINQ but I'm having problems with this kind of LINQ query so I'm reverting to SQL's my code:

'Set up a data set command object.
Dim sSelectColumn As String = ("SELECT * FROM tblScanned WHERE LastName=" & sLastName & " AND FirstName =" & sFirstName & " AND MiddleName =" & sMiddleName)[code].....

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Moving From Web.Mail To Net.Mail, Replacing MailMessage.Fields?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to update some older software which uses the now-declared-obsolete System.Web.Mail classes.Unfortunately, I don't really know a heck of a lot about email, so I'm looking for advice.

Here is the fragment of code I'm looking at revising:


From what I can tell, this should be configuring some kind of sending option. I can kind of work out what's going on, but I don't know how I should go about re-implementing it.It's looking like the place to be putting this stuff is now in the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Credentials class, but the information in there doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to what I have here.I'm almost certain I'm making some obvious error, here, but I can't see it. Can someone tell me what I should be doing?

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Send E-mail With Gmail SMTP And System.Net.Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

I tried sending e-mail with Gmail SMTP and System.Net.Mail as follows[code]....

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SMTP Mail.CC And Mail.Bcc Gets Error Property Cc Is ReadOnly?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm teaching myself and found this VB.NET SMTP codeand I wanted to add a and mail.bcc but get an error Property cc is ReadOnly.and don't know how to fix. then I found this code

Dim CC As MailAddress = New MailAddress(TextBox5.Text) 'For some reason it's required field


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.net - Component Not Found When Deployed On IIS But Found When Running ASP Development Server?

Oct 1, 2010

We have an application that is being moved from one box to another. It runs great on the old box. The new box is configured the same as the old one but is on newer hardware. When I run the application on the new server it complains that the adobe toolkit that we use can not be found.

View 2 Replies Mvc - Using A Html File For Mail.body In .net.mail?

Nov 29, 2011

MVC3, VB.NET. I have a function in my app that is supposed to use a html file's contents for the email body. However what I have so far is failing at the mail.body = file.readalltext(_body) line..


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Send Mail From Yahoo Mail Id In .NET Or C#.NET Code?

Mar 26, 2009

I want to send mail from my yahoomail Id.How to send mail from yahoo mail Id in VB.NET or C#.NET code.

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Send Mail Using Lotus Notes Mail?

Dec 20, 2009

How can i create an application to send emails using lotus notes mail ?

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