Is It Alright For Multiple People Running .net App That Is Stored Under Same Network Directory

May 4, 2012

There is a .Net executable (with a group of DLL's etc) that up to 100 people will be using simulatiously during the course of the day. Is it still acceptable/good practice to have all the users just have a shortcut to the network path for this executable? Or would it be better to copy the .exe, .dll's, etc locally to each users machine?

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VS 2008 Uploading Files With FTP Then People Can Always Read My Information With Network Sniffer

May 20, 2009

Well when i am uploading files with FTP then people can always read my information with a Network Sniffer.Thats why i now want to solve it with a PHP-Script now:This is the information when i upload a file:everything that is red i do not understand i tryed it then with the code below but doesent work. [code]

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Wunnell - Host The Server On A Vps And Allow Multiple People To Use It?

May 8, 2010

In a tutorial i found a chat using Wunnell. Which I guess is using TCP Client/Server stuff.I have got it setup so i can host the server on a vps and allow multiple people to use it. Here is the thing. On the server side, It allows you to send to everyone which works fine, using this code;[code]......

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Unlock With Voice - Program That Can Compare Voices To Stored Voice Files And Identify People

Mar 25, 2009

I have a voice program that can compare voices to stored voice files and identify people based on that. It's not the most accurate thing, since being sick or other weird things can make it fail, but it does work for the most part. I was wondering if there was a way to keep the voice recognition running during an unlock and wait for the person who locked it to come back. Upon giving the command and voice verification, if it passes, the computer is unlocked by my program. Is there anyway to do this in VB.NET?Summary: Can a program unlock a computer after it's locked?

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Thread.Sleep Unresponsive - Allow People To Have Multiple ITunes Libraries On One Computer

Jul 20, 2010

The coding that I have a problem with might make people think that I am creating some malware or something stupid. So the project I am doing is associated with iTunes. iTunes allows people to have one library. There is another way, but it is very confusing to some people, and very unreliable. So my project is that I will allow people to have multiple iTunes libraries on one computer. So the problem is this. In order to have an option to choose your library, I gotta make sure that iTunes is not running. So this is the script:

Private Sub CheckAndCloseiTunes()
'Custom class that includes the function to safely close iTunes


So when I use the Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) code, the form becomes unresponsive.

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Windows Service Running Under A Network Account Is Calling An EXE And Running It Under System Account?

Aug 27, 2010

We have a windows service running under a network account that calls and runs an ActiveX exe. The exe is running under the local system account, not the network account of the service.

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VS 2008 Replacing The Exe With The New One Stored On A Network Drive Without Using Click Once?

Sep 22, 2010

My application checks a XML file to see if the current version number is the same as the version number in a XML doc. If not it gets and error. Is there a way of replacing the exe with the new one stored on a network drive without using click once?

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Check If Directory Exists On Network?

Jun 5, 2012

I can't seem to work this out... I've got a program that references a network path. The problem is that the network files are not found when I run the program from various computers. If I have the user navigate to the network path directoy and then run the program it works perfectly.

The problem is that whenever the machine is restarted I run into the same problem and have to manually navigate to that path before the program will be able to find the files.

I then tried several checks to see if the directory exists but it's not working.

Public Sub FillListBox()
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists("\AB eamportalShared%20DocumentsJustin%27s%20AppsFeedback") Then


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Network Directory Error While Disconnect

Feb 10, 2010

I access directory from local network in my application.[code]my application is continues running. but sometime network is disconnect for a second and then automatically reconnect. so execution of application is stop with error in message box that path could not found.

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Get Running Processes On Work Network

Jun 26, 2012

i developing a small program for work. This program will run on multiable computers within my work. This program will access a ms database which will be held on the company network. What i need to do is check if any users have the database open on their desktop. I know how to check if the database is open on a local machine but i am not sure how to check if it is open on another users machine or what i could research around this, any direction would be great. My code for checking if the process is running on a local machine :


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Running Net Applications On Protected Network

Sep 7, 2009

I have seen that unsigned .net applications will not run on most college networks and as part of a school applications i am trying to let these applications run on a protected network. The app is written in VB 2008 and is signed strongly.

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Create File Or Directory On Network Path?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a VB 6.0 code that creates file/directory on given path. If the path is local or a mapped drive then it's working fine but if I am having a network path like \netpathputfileshere" then it is not working. If I mapped "\netpathputfileshere" to some x: drive on local then it will work fine BUT I need not mapped this path. So is there any way to do this directly on network path. I get error for ChDrive "\netpathpullfileshere"

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Using Directory.Exists On Network Sharing UNC Path

Aug 19, 2009

I'm building an application which require to use Directory.Exists on a network share UNC path. I know how to use that function, and how to implement it in my code, it's working perfecty locally.

Here my setup:
- VS2003
- .NET 1.1
- It's an Outlook Add-In

Here the code :
Dim realpath as string = "\myserverfolder$subfolder"
Impersonation.ImpersonateUser("admin", "DOMAIN", "adminpass")
Dim isDirExist As Boolean = Directory.Exists(realpath)
If isDirExist = False Then
End If

If I build this code, and register it in Outlook with my personnal account (admin), it's working fine, I receive true. If I build this same code, an register it in the Outlook of a normal employee (user only), it's always returning FALSE, no matter if the directory exist or not. The share is set to everyone allow, and I tried giving everyone access to the ACL, and it's the same result.

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Exception Error Running App From Network Drive Win7

May 30, 2011

We have a VB.NET applciation that is run from a mapped network drive. This works fine on all PCs expect those with Windows 7, on those we get the following: "application generated an exception that cannot be handled" System.Security.SecurityException was unhandled If the application folder is copied locally and run from there it works fine. I assume it is related to Windows 7 netowrk security but not sure how to work around it.

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Installation - VB - Keeping A Program That Is Running On A Network Updated

Feb 5, 2010

I'm looking for suggestions on keeping a program that is running on a network updated. Installation consists of 15 users, each have the program on their local pc, but they all access same date from sql server. I am looking for a clean method that would allow me to update one folder on the network and for each computer to get updated when they run the program and the programs sees a later ver on that folder on the network. (Obviously I can do this inside the program itself since it won't allow being overwritten while opened.)

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Multi User Database Running From Network Share

Apr 7, 2011

Our engineers use an application developed internally to perform risk assessments at a customers site. Sometimes on larger jobs a group of engineers will all carry out risk assessments together and will all need access to a single database file to all work on at the same time.


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Running Code Stored Inside A Text File?

Nov 17, 2011

One of the features of my new Vb game is the ability to modularly add and remove in-game items. However, in order to add these items I figure their effects should be recorded in code in the text file they will be stored in.In short, I want to store code in a text file and then have it run on command

Furthermore, is there a way I could put all of the code on one line?

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Database Backend (.MDB) Copied To Project Directory - Connect To Network Drive

Apr 20, 2009

I'm a bit new to VB.NET and I have a database which I want to connect to an access backend stored on a network drive for multiple users. I can view the Database in the solution explorer and the directory defaults to the project folder. How can I specify the directory to pull from my network drive? VS has copied this datasource and imported it locally which is fine for testing, but i need the file accessible for multiple users. Is this something I do when publishing?

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Is Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Oct 21, 2009

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

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Storing Image File In Database Good In Desktop Application Running In Network?

Aug 5, 2010

I recently came across a problem for image file storage in network.I have developed a desktop application. It runs in network. It has central database system. Users log in from their own computer in the network and do their job.Till now the database actions are going fine no problem. Users shares data from same database server.

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Copy Running File To Another Directory?

Mar 23, 2009

This is rather hard to explain but, I want to find a way to copy a file to another directory (where the file has already been executed, and cannot be access using normal means).I'm having a really hard time with this, it was easier in vb6, it basically unhooked itself from the executable after it started

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Executable Directory Where Application Is Running From?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to get the path (not the executable) where my application is running from:System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()

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Connecting To A Password Protected MS Access 2007 Database Stored In The Project Directory

Dec 30, 2010

i am trying to connect to a password-protected MS Access 2007 database. I don't have any problems connecting to the database when the database is stored on the C drive, the following command works for me:

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2003 - Program Running Under Alternate Credentials - Option To Open A UNC Path To A Network Share

Sep 8, 2010

I have a program written in 2003 that are folks run under alternate credentials. Inside the app there is an option to open a UNC path to a network share. We were running Windows XP SP3 and IE6. The code is simple just a call to the explorer.exe with /root,\UNCPath. After installing IE 8 onto the machine this no longer works. Best I can tell the code is still working but now being executed in non interactive mode so nothing opens up. You can however see a new spawned explorer.exe running under the system account for each attempt at opening a UNC Path. Any ideas what IE8 could have done to cause this behavior?

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VS 2008 Network App - Send Message Or Network Package To Some Of The Clients In The Network

Aug 18, 2009

Here is my idea so far: I have a bunch of computers connected in a local network. One of them is a MySQL server, one will have a vb.NET program wich will act as a "second server" and the rest will be different clients. What I want to do is that the "second server" will send out some kind of message or network package to some of the clients in the network, and they will execute a code based on what message it is, or what kind of package it is. I'll give you a simple example:


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Creating Multiple Sql Stored Procedures From .net?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm creating a database installer where I have some code to create database, tables, stored procedures, etc.I don't have problems when creating the database, tables and inserting required data. My problem is when my code gets to the stored procedures section.

Here is what I do:I have different text files (database.txt, tables.txt, insertdata.txt, storeprocedures.txt) where my sql syntax is located.I execute every process/text file using the following:

ExecuteSql("master", GetSql("database.txt")) ' Creating 1 database.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("tables.txt")) ' Creating 15 tables.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("insertdata.txt")) ' Inserting data to many tables.
ExecuteSql("mynewdatabase", GetSql("storeprocedures.txt")) ' Creating 6 stored procedures.

Here is part of the error:In exception handler: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'PROCEDURE'. "This is the second stored procedure because the variables I get below belong to the second one"

Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".
Must declare the scalar variable "@intVariable1".

When trying to create 6 or even 2 stored procedures using the same file 'storeprocedures.txt' is not possible. If I leave just 1 it works but I really want to keep them together.

Creating 15 tables using the same file 'tables.txt' works, inserting data in different tables using the same file 'insertdata.txt' works.This is the general syntax I use:

Create Procedure sp_stored1
@intVariablex int


Is is possible to create more than 1 stored procedure the way I'm trying to?Do I need to end every stored procedure with specific sql syntax, other than the 'end'?

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Creating Multiple Sql Stored Procedures?

Aug 15, 2010

Creating multiple sql stored procedures

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Execute Multiple Stored Procedures?

Jan 26, 2011

I have the following code:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Main.payrollButton.Enabled = True


and I'm trying to execute several stored procedures and it doesnt seem that it is.

On my final form that this connects to, I'm trying to fill data that is summed by these stored procedures and I'm getting the error of :

'The SelectCommand property has not been initialized before calling 'Fill' ... which I'm told is because there is no data in my query.

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Procedure

Apr 7, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search becuause I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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Multiple DataAdapters With One Stored Proedure?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form which displays related data from three different tables. There is a foreign key between the master table and the two related. Currently I have three stored procedures to return the data based of the return key value from a search. Because I am using DataAdapters to select and modified the recordsets I need three sepearte datasets. This works great, but I'm sure adds a lot of overhead. In VB 2008 with SQL 2008, is there a way I could use only one stored procedure to accomplish this?

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