Looping Through Array Of Option Buttons With Similar Name / Seems Not To Be Possible

Apr 13, 2012

In VB6 I could set up code to loop through say 10 option buttons to check their values. The code would be something likie this:[code]But in VB .NET it seems that if I use the Controls command as above I cannot use/check the Checked property as Control does not take that as a property of Control. It seems also that I may have to use the Find property of Control as in "Controls.Find" etc.How can I do this in VB .NET? I have a very control intensive application and I must be able to easily loop through controls and check their values without writing out 10 x the code required.

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Looping Captions And Option Buttons?

Feb 9, 2010

I am new to programming and am trying to develop a GIS based application. Very simple, I have code to copy text into an attribute table. I have a form which has several option boxes with captions of different attributes, I need to be able to produce a loop code to discover which option buttons value=true and for each of these to store the caption as a string into a predefined string (mytext) seperated by a comma.


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A Better Way To Group Actions Of Similar Buttons?

Nov 24, 2010

say I have a Button1 subroutine


I have a lot of such buttons in my main form. They all do the same thing like this. get the text and pass to some other routine. If i have 20 buttons, then i will have 20 such subroutines. Is there a better (or standard way) to do this without creating that many subroutines?

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Make A Large Grid Of Buttons (24x20 Or Similar) Using Winforms?

May 7, 2012

I'm making a seat booking system in vb.net (WinForms) and I need the user to be able to select the seat they wish to use and for it to change colour (so they can tell that it selected).

I began to try using buttons, but 480 buttons seriously slowed down the load time for the form. I then tried a data grid view with buttons in the rows/columns, but couldnt make that work properly.

Would it be worth trying to use 480 picture boxes and change their background colour? Or would that just slow the form down the same way as 480 buttons?

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Know If An Array Of Lists Contains Similar Items (similar Lists)?

May 20, 2010

I know how to check whether an item exists in a list using (MyList.Contains), But I do not know how to check the whole list. For example (use one button and one richtextbox):


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Option Buttons In A MenuStrip?

Oct 18, 2010

But adding there code produces loads of errors. Am i for getting to add something? Protected Overrides Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal e As EventArgs)example errors remove overrides If Not Checked OrElse Me.Parent Is Nothing Then Returnhecked is not declareParent.Items is not a member of system.windows.forms

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Updating Array Length While Looping Array

Oct 9, 2009

I am working on a code that should capture the color of a pixel in a bitmap and then check if the 8 surrounding pixels have the same color. If the checked surrounding pixel HAS NOT the same color it will be ignored, otherwise if it HAS the same color, it should check for its own 8 surrounding pixels and so on.

To do that, I have created an array that starts with a single entry (the x,y coordinates of the initial pixel). So, when a pixel with the same color is found it is pushed to the end of the array. I used a for each loop supposing that VB would keep looping until the end of my array - and since it is growing, the last position of the array would be always pushed until I have not more pixels to be checked.

The problem is that VB is not respecting it, and is considering my array as if it had just 1 entry. Seems that it catch the size of the array when it enters the loop, and regardless the fact I have pushed new items to the array it doesnt keep looping it.

How can I force VB to update the end of array position while looping it? Although I think it wouldnt be necessary, here it goes the code I have so far...


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.net - Sum Similar Element Of An Array Of Structure?

Feb 11, 2012

I have an array of structures:


An array of the above structure with 30 element. I want to sum the empsal of those emp elements whose emp.empName & emp.empAge is equal.


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Extract A Subarray From An Array Similar To MyArray[20:30] In Other Languages?

Dec 23, 2011

Something like this:

Function SubArray(Buf() As Char, FromChar As Integer, ToChar As Integer) As Char()

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Looping Through An Array

Oct 16, 2009

I have an arr of sPNoListDefintion.[code]How can I cycle through the elements?Something like For Each i As integer In sPNoList.

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Looping Through An Array Of OvalShapes?

Apr 26, 2011

I'm working on a Connect 4 game. I created a rectangle with 42 holes punched out of it (drawn in Panels Paint event) and I have 42 circles (created with PowerPacks) placed in each punch out. Right now I'm just trying to get the game pieces to drop into place by looping through each column and coloring each punch out sequentially. Here is my

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Panel1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles Panel1.Paint e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality Dim dimension As Integer = 50 Dim


The problem I'm having is with my array of OvalShapes. I declared it as object and I don't think that's right. The for loop under the click event is not producing anything.

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Looping Through Array List?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm making a card game and I want to try and design my own card deck.

Dim X As Integer
Dim currentCard As Integer, currentCard2 As Integer
Dim RandomNumbers As New Random()
Dim NumberofCards As Integer


I started a basic vb.net class for my fall semester of high school, and although I've learned a lot, my goal since the start of the semester has been to do this. I realize there are simpler way of assigning card values than writing 52 if then statements, but I'm planning on doing other things with the statements. As you can see, my main plan of action is to generate a random number for each card, loop through the array list to make sure the random number representing that card hasn't been assigned before, use the value to select the card, and then add the randomly selected number to the array list so it won't be used again (non-repeating random numbers).

1) I'm trying to represent all the numbers with Numberlist.Item(X) and that doesn't work because either a) x represents any one number or b) x always represents only 0, which means it only checks the first number.

2) I think I've read something about using this method for generating random numbers in a loop, that it doesn't work for some reason.

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Looping Variable Array In Sql Statements?

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to loop an array in a sql insert statement but i can't get it working. Below is a demo i'm trying to get it running. I think i am having problem with the declaration of variable in sql statement.

Public Class Form1
Dim arrayValue(5) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]......

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Multi-Dimension Array With Looping?

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to create a multi dimension array that will search each row of the array and total up the number of 0's 1's, 2's, and 3's. I believe that I need to create some sort of looping structure that will search through each row of the array.I have created a listbox that will allow the user to pick which row of the array the program will search.This is what I have created so far, but I am only just learning and I am having trouble wrapping my head around how arrays work. So I'm not sure if I am on the right path or not.

Dim racescores(,) As Integer = {{0, 1, 0, 3, 2},
{1, 0, 2, 0, 0},
{0, 3, 0, 1, 0},


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Write Array Contents Without Looping?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a 1-dimensional array that is essentially is written to a csv file. My problem is that after I have loaded the entire array...I wish to write it to the csv file and I'm not sure how to set it up.[code]...

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Looping - Send The Inputbox Asking For The Value Again Before Moving To The Next Array?

Mar 6, 2012

im having some trouble with my loop code. When the isnumeric code detects it not a number it throws the msgbox error message but moveson to the next array for the user to enter a value via inputbox. Is there a way for the program to send the inputbox asking for the value again before moving to the next array?


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Looping Datagridview To Get An Array Of String From Certain Column Value?

Jun 21, 2010

how to get an array of string from certain datagridviewcolumn,i try using this code,it doesn't work..

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvPaketRow.Rows
If Not row.IsNewRow Then
Dim str() As String = New String() {row.Cells(0).Value}
Dim strRes = String.Join(", ", modCommon.str)
End If

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Looping Logic To Sort A Numerical Array

May 26, 2009

I have declared and array


I have created a SWAP function that does the swapping if the index value is greater than the index+1 value, with a loop that will iterate through the array (assuming that you dont have to specify how many iterations are required) until the array is sorted.

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Merge An Array [String()] With A DataTable Without Looping?

Apr 19, 2012

Is there a way of merging (importing or whatver is the correct terminology is) the data from an Array in to a DataTable woithout looping. I already know how to loop through the array to populate the DataTable with new DataRow but I'm looking for something much faster if it exists. I've got a 1 dimensional String array i.e. 'String()' that I need to populate a DataTable with new DataRows.

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How To Searching Part Of Object Inside Array List Without Looping Method

Feb 10, 2012

I save the client data into an array list. How to find part of data(currentIP) inside the array list(clientList) with fast method? [code]

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Option Strict On - How To Assign Array Variable

Nov 18, 2011

I have just put option strict on and do not understand how to grab an array from a function without late binding error?

Function returns an array -> ZAr(1) which contains two further arrays: ZAr(0) = Components(10), ZAr(1) = Fractions(10)

So when the function has returned ZAr, I wish to assign new array variables to each of the contained arrays, but the following does not work:

dim Cps() as double = ZAr(0)
dim Fracs() as double = ZAr(1)

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Can A Generic List Of T Be Passed To Function Similar To Way An Array Is Passed?

Mar 23, 2012

I want to pass a List of T where T is an object I've created that has about ten properties (strings, dates and integers).The lst passes to the function successfully. I am also passing an New T of the Object (itm as T).I can see all the values (see image below), but because it's generic I cannot seem to retrieve the property values and I cannot figure out how to iterate through the properties of each itm as they are retrieved in the For Each.[code]

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Option Strict On Disallows Late Binding With System.array?

Jul 19, 2011

I have the following code which return wmi information (unknown array)

For Each objMgmt In oquery.Get()
For Each theproperty In objMgmt.Properties
If (TypeOf objMgmt(theproperty.Name) Is System.Array) Then


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Use Buttons As An Array?

Jan 11, 2010

I know you can make an array of button. But the buttons are already put on the web form in specific spots. I have the buttons named like- button1, button2, button3, button4, button5... Is there a way to use that in an array even though the buttons are designed from the start and not tied to an array from the start? I basically do not want to make a routine for each button and would like to use just 1 routine and add to the counter to update my access database[code]...

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Assigning Buttons An Array Value

May 6, 2009

[code] i feel that it is a waste of code and should be shrunk down into some sort of loop. [code] i know i could easily leave it the way i originally had it, but i hate having wasted code!!

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Assigning Buttons An Array Value?

Oct 24, 2009

I still cant work this out!!his is what i started off with:

CurrentButtons(1) = Button1
CurrentButtons(2) = Button2
CurrentButtons(3) = Button3


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Create An Array Of Buttons?

Dec 8, 2011

Using VB2010, I would like to create an array of buttons and a sub procedure that when I send the index number, I will be able to change the text on the specific button.

Dim myBtn as button={button1, button2, button3}
private sub GetCaption (ByVal x as integer)
myBtn(x).text="OK" 'If x=2 I should execute button3.text="OK"


call GetCaption(2) 'Call the sub and change the text on button2 to say OK.How do I make it work?

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Filling An Array Of Buttons?

Aug 6, 2011

I am trying to fill an array of buttons:

Public buttons(0 To 30) As Button

This is how I am currently filling it.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
buttons(1) = btn1


However, the 'btn & i' is invalid code. But you should understand what I'm trying to do here.

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How To Delete Array Of Buttons

Nov 17, 2008

I have a rather simple question - how do i delete an array of buttons (not reassigning different values, but removing the buttons and keeping the array for storage of other buttons). I haven't got a clue

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Is There A Way To Make An Array Of Buttons

Jun 17, 2009

is there a way to make an arry of buttons in vb.net in VB6.0 there is a prop of buttons name Index but not in VB.NET so if there is some way to do that,[code...]

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