Major, Minor, Build And Revision Definistion?

Aug 16, 2010

I am having troubles on what each of these mean.Mayjor, Minor, Build and Revison mean.I found a link to a topic like this, but I totally did not understand to I apply the version details? I went to the properties of my progect and when to the publish tab, and set it in there, but when I right click on my application, it still always says, do I make it so it will say the version that I have it set in the publish tab?I am not publishing them to the internet,I don't have and FTP or what ever you need, plus I don't think there is a point to publish my programs, they are low level compared to everyone else who programs.

One more thing.If I want to make it so the application is done for that version, and is ready to be used on other computers, should I just use the app that is in the debug folder, or should I build it, then use the one that would be in the release folder, or is there something better that I should do?

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Retrieve Major And Minor Version Of App?

Jan 1, 2010

How can I retrieve the Major and Minor version of the Application ? I wouldn't ask , but every time I try to use the My object to retrieve those properties , I only receive 1 and 0 , though I manually set them to 3 and 8 (from the project properties)

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Possible To Generate One Without Build Number And Revision

Dec 5, 2008

While versioning a .NET 1.1 assembly using Visual Studio 2003, is it possible to generate one without build number and revision. I would want just the major and minor version.

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GetLineWithText Minor Dilemma, Easy Fix?

Aug 22, 2010

Dim lines As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("C:12345.txt")
Debug.Print(GetLineWithText(lines, "swf"))


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How To Block Popups, Minor Question

Oct 9, 2010

I was wondering, how can I block pop-ups (Ex: Script Errors, advertisements) in a Visual Basic web browser?Also, I was wondering is there a way to add a web browser to every tab I add. What I mean is to get my window problem to work, I had to add a webbrowser to a tab page. How can I make it to where I add a new tab, that it will automatically add a new web browser

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Get The Revision Number To Change?

Oct 10, 2007

I just want to know if the following behavior is by design. I start Visual Studio and open my VB project and rebuild it. The assembly version is set to 1.0.*. I get a version number of 1.0.2839.26817. Now as long as I keep visual studio open every time I rebuild, I get the same build and revision number. I have to close and reopen visual studio to get the revision number to change. Again I just want to know if this is by design since everything I have read says that the revision number is either supposed to be random or the number of seconds since midnight. Is there a way around this?

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VS 2008 Major LINQ To Xml?

Apr 21, 2010

it works absolutely perfectly. I add nodes to the xml document, then I add child nodes using linq query to pull data from a datatable.My problem is. After the LeanerBiographical Node I want to add another node, but when I try the code i higlighted in blue, which needs to go in after the code highligted in red I get this error:Range variable name can be inferred only from a simple or qualified name with no arguments.for the life of me I can't get tgis to work and I need it on Friday. plz plz help me LINQ experts


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Accessing File Revision Number

Aug 23, 2010

When you right-click on a file and select the property information for that file, in the Summary tab, there is a listing of various properties for that file.(Title, Category, etc)Is there a way to access that particular property data from Visual Basic?I'm specifically interested in trying to access the Revision Number property of a given file.

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VS 2008 Performing A Minor Update With Windows Installer 3.5

Mar 27, 2009

I am using the windows installer which comes with VS 2008 to deploy my software. My initial deployment went well and I have several happy customers now. Unfortunately, one of my users found a bug. I have been able to locate and repair the issue- a simple math error in one of my forms. Now I need to deploy the repair to my existing customers without causing them too much headache in the update or, worse yet, inadvertantly deleting their stored database files.I know I can have them back up their existing db file, reinstall thenew app, and replace the new db files with their backup versions- but what a pain in the neck that will be, and it really won't look too professional, either.Does anyone know how to produce a patch to replace only the form that was repaired? Or, can I somehow exclude installing the new database files in the patch? I know the solution revolves around the Upgrade Code and Product Code, but I'm not putting the information together in my head very well.

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Forms :: Timed Labels And Progressbar For Major?

May 29, 2010

im trying to make a short term ordering system for my major work for year 12 , i need to know how to run a timer in a label and progressbar at the same time , run by selections by combo boxes in another form.

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Include Git Revision Number Inside .NET Project?

Feb 5, 2012

I am using Git for source control on a .NET project. Is there any way to include the current Git revision number in my EXE upon compile time?

I'd like to be able to have the revision number available for an "About" dialog, or similar. Perhaps there is a way to update Settings.vb right before build?

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Comparing The Assembly Name Resulted In The Mismatch: Revision Number?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a 2005 project MyProject.exe which is referring to a strong named dll ReferenceDll1.dll in its references. The ReferenceDll1.dll is referred as Specific Version=False. The version on the strong named reference ReferenceDll1.dll was when I compiled my project. Few days later, I got updated ReferenceDll1.dll as Replacing this dll in the install directory fires following exception.

System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'ReferenceDll1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0242eaa067ef8af5' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)


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VS 2008 - Email Sender Minor - Syntax Error, Command Unrecognized

Oct 11, 2009

Note: This is not my code, I was just looking to edit it, but I run into this problem... "Syntax error, command unrecognized. The server response was: CLIENT AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED. USE ESMTP EHLO AND AUTH." (Bolded @ bottom)

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class Form2


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.net - Error When Rolling Out Software Revision To Terminal Sessions Instead Of Desktops?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm doing some maintenance on some software originally built by my predecessor at the company (who has since moved on to greener pastures). I'm currently rolling out a new version of the software. At this company, the installation procedure is basically to just shove the /bin/Release directory out into our automated program updater's magic directory, allowing it to automatically copy the contents of that directory over to the local /Program Files/ and let the magic happen. The magic always seems to happen, so there's no big issue, there, although it does weird me out somewhat, after many years of .msi installers...


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Coding An Asset Management System For Telecom As The Major Project?

Apr 4, 2012

I am coding an asset management system for telecom as my major project.It features submitting asset information,retrieving an asset information by entering the id of the user responsible for it,checking the number of live,stock and scrap assets and downloading it in an excel file and updating any asset information if needed.It has an admin login to it and even a change password form.

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DB/Reporting :: Dependent ComboBox Based On Selection In Major Category

Apr 3, 2009

I'm running into a little problem making one combo box dependent on the selection of another combo box. I'm using a access back-end to this project. I have two tables: MajorCategoryTbl and MinorCategoryTbl , MajorCategoryTbl has PK and description field, MinorCategoryTbl has a PK, MajorID (foreign key), and description field. I have two combo boxes on my form, one that displays the Major description, and one that displays the MinorCategoryTbl description, but the stored value is the PK for both. I want the selection of the minor category combobox to depend on what was selected in the major category combobox.

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For Loops - Determine Which Students Have A Specific Major Based Upon The Button That Is Clicked?

Dec 15, 2011

I need to determine which students have a specific major based upon the button that is clicked , then code will pull all the CS student's name and put them in the results list box. The text box above the results list box should contain the specified major and the text box below the results list box should contain a message indicating the total number of students with specific major.

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Game Programming :: Make Snake In VB For Major Year 12 Project In Australia?

Apr 3, 2008

im trying to make snake in visual for my major year 12 project in Australia and i cant get it to work?

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Add Title, Subject, Category, Keywords, Comments, Source, Author And Revision Number To My <appname>.exe File?

Sep 20, 2009

when I generate my <appname>.exe file, the summary properties fields are all empty. There must be a way I can add this, but I haven't found it yet. I am running VisualBasic .Net 2003 standard edition.b

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VS 2008 : Build An Application To Monitor A Site To Build Statistics From The Data Being Read?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm trying to build an application to monitor a site to build statistics from the data being read. This HTML looks like this.

<div id="history">
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


Now I can read the html and put the text anywhere, I just don't how to read specific parts so I can separate the data out.

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VS 2010 Listview Item / Header Text & Minor Text & Image

Jan 18, 2012

I need to make a listview, for each item to be like this:

- An image on the lef.t
- A header text on th etop.
- A minor text on the bottom.

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Axinterop.wmpLib.dll Works OK In Debug Build - Not OK In Release Build

Feb 15, 2012

I have a Form with a Media Player in it. Which plays a Song.


It's playing in the background since the Form is hidden. When I play itin Debug, everything works fine. When I run the app outside Debug, I get this error: [URL] The Music File is there, but strangely, there comes this weird error.

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IDE :: Inconsistent Build Response - Throwing 'Build Failed'

Nov 27, 2011

A particular VB.NET project is actually throwing 'Build Failed' But when I try rebuilding again it says 'Rebuild Succeeded'. It keeps alternating this behavior. Kind of random. Any vbc.exe issue of long locking the PDB or xml files?

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Maintain And Test Changes To Both The Pre Build And The Post Build Events?

Jul 30, 2011

I have a 2008 windows form application that I was just assigned to work on. how to maintain and test changes to both the pre build and the post build events? Can you tell me how to test these events? My postbuild event, I believe calls a project file in the solution file that wraps files together in a bundle in debug mode. Can you tell me how the posbuild event works and when it is called?

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VS 2008 Make A Release Build Instead Of A Debug Build?

May 3, 2010

I am using 2008 Express Edition. I am trying to make a Release build instead of a Debug build.Under Tools->Options, Projects and Solutions->General - I checked Show advanced build configurations. The option to switch configurations does not show up in the IDE.

After this, I went to the Project Properties->Compile and switched the Configuration from Active(Debug) to Release.After building, I looked in my project directory, however only in the Debug sub-directory was the .exe and nothing in the Release sub-directory.I have used Visual C++ Express Edition, where I noticed that if you do not change to Release in the IDE than after changing to Release in properties, resets the project to the last configuration setting which is usually to make the Debug/Release box available in the IDE, since Tools/Options does not make it show up?

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[2008] Application Deployment - Build->build Myapp

Mar 7, 2009

I just created a simple application. I Builded that using build->build myapp. I got .exe of that application. i runned. all went fine. but when i closed that app, even after closing it is in memory. it is still running. how to deploy it properly?

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Perform Release Build And Not Debug Build For Exe

Aug 4, 2010

I have some very simple questions about making a release build exe in using MS VB 2010 Express.

I realize that my project's executable is built in the bin/debug folder. However, when I copy this to any other location on my computer or someone else's, this executable does not function. I have read that I need to create a release build but in MS VB 2010 Express, when I use the Project-Properties menu and change the Compile tab configuration to Release and the path to binRelease, I still get the exe in the binDebug folder and not the binRelease folder.

1) Is it normal that exe's from the debug folder do not function outside of the debug folder?

2) Most importantly, if the release build produces a faster exe, could someone please explain step by step how to do this with MS VB 2010 Express ? I do not see any button on the compile tab in the project properties that actually builds the release.

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Can't Get The Build To Build A Release Version In Vb

Jun 17, 2009

I was able to build both debug and release versions of my VB code before now I no longer have the option to build a release version. How do I turn it back on

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Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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Build Add-in For VBA IDE

Dec 21, 2009

I have asked this elsewhere, but have never found anyone knows how to build an add-in for VBA IDE using VB.NET. Is it even possible? Could someone point me to an example?

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