Make A Quiz Result Sortable?

Apr 2, 2009

Make a Quiz result sortable? Option Strict On[code]...

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Make A Quiz Result Permanent?

Mar 31, 2009

The Quiz is timed. Its result is in "m:s" format. How to make this result permanent, i.e. when the game is restarted the results would still be there?[cod]e...

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Make DGV Columns Not Sortable?

Jun 10, 2010

how can i make my DGV columns not sortable?

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Make Quiz System Using .net?

Mar 31, 2011

I make a 2 questions and then 4 choices for each question..and the 4 choices is made up with radiobutton.. and 1 of the 4 choices is only the right answer..Computing of right answer in each question is the thing that I want to know, how to do..

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VS 2008 How To Make A Quiz

Mar 11, 2011

I want to make a quiz that generates score and save in access 2007.

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Make A Simple Quiz Style Web Application ?

Feb 27, 2012

I am learning VB at the moment and i'm planning how i'm going to make a simple quiz style web application. I want to have a series of questions, one per panel, that a user can select from multiple choice and proceed to next question with at least one option needing to be selected before going to the next question. At the end users get their score out of X.

Forgetting the validation and other bits i need. My thinking is to use a series of panels that have my questions in, so one panel per question, and by default they are all set no invisible bar the first question. Then as the user selects the question the next panel is revealed and the previous hidden, and so on etc.

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Make An Array And Put Result Every Time The Serial Port Gives A New Result?

Oct 14, 2009

I am encountering the following issue So i have a device that sends stuff at the serial port, i then parse it and put it into an array of bytes like that:

Dim HCI_Command_Rcvd_Byte() As Byte All good till here What i wanna do is make an array and put this result every time the serial port gives me a new result, for example:


Basically what i wanna do is let the port parse the messages, fill in the array with the result at an empty spot in this array and then i will have a separate thread that will look in into this array in each non empty space and after it looks into the non empty space it will use or discard the info and also mark this space as empty (after it checked)

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Make A Multiple Choice And True Or False Quiz

Jan 22, 2011

I have to make a multiple choice and true or false quiz in VB. So i am thinking of two questions on one form.BUt i have to make the questions appear in random and not in order and make sure they dont repeat.Btw, i have searched a long time for this. I have found out how to make random numbers. But I have to make sure only 10 come and not repeated.

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Using 2 Arrays To Make Random States Capital Quiz?

Nov 29, 2011

I have to make a program that uses 2 arrays, one with the states name and one with the capitals names. I have to make it to where it randomly selects a state and asks you what the capital is, and gives you 4 choices in the 4 radio buttons provided. My problem is getting one of the randomly selected answer choices to be the Correct answer.

Here is my code so far:
Public Class USCapitals
' Declare module level variables.
[Code] .....

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VS 2005 - Make A Quiz In VB - Label - Textbox And Two Buttons ?

Oct 13, 2009

Im trying to make a simple quiz in visual basic all it has is a label a textbox and two buttons. one of the buttons if for checking if the answer is rite while the other is to go to the next question. i want to make it so when the next question button is clicked the label changes to the next question and the textbox is cleared and then when i press check it checks the answer.

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Multiple Choice Quiz - Make Some Arrays Like Questions(20) And Answers(20)?

Mar 4, 2011

trying to make a Multiple Choice quiz, with 20 questions

-4 RadioButtons

-2 Label (Reading the Questions) and 1, keeping a score count

Do I wanna make some arrays like Questions(20) and Answers(20)

Dim ScoreCount as Integer

So I want it to be a little screen, and once you click a Radiobutton to choose answer, it will change the label to Question(2) so forth.. but I am unsure how to do this. I am fairly new to vb, im doing this to learn.How do I make it so everytime you click a radiobutton wether it's right or wrong, the next question and possible answers all change??

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Sortable DatagridView From Stored Procedure Via Web Service?

Sep 9, 2009

I've noticed that I can use LINQ to call a SQL Stored Procedure and use those results in a datagridview and have sorting by column automatically included. However, if the LINQ call is done on a web service, it seems like I have to return the results as an array which, when it gets back to the client, doesn't have the interface needed by the datagridview control to do it's sorting. I haven't been able to find an easy way to get the sorting ability back.

I've tried to serialize the result on the web service but the returned type can't be serialized. I tried putting the data context in a common DLL so I could use the Attach functionality but that doesn't exist for stored procedures. I suppose I could make a table in the data context just for this purpose but that will be a pain to maintain. Would I just be better off skipping LINQ and using an old fashioned typed dataset for this?

View 4 Replies - Making A Listview Sortable When It Doesn't Contain A Layouttemplate And Built In Codebehind

Sep 6, 2011

I have a page of checkboxes, I select a few of them, click submit, and go to a second page. on this page, I have a listview that is built using the checkboxes selected on the previous page. Now I'm wondering how i can add sortability to this listview.

In the past I would add CommandName='sort' CommandArgument='column' to the link on the header in the LayoutTemplate. But since my listview has it's header row outside of the listview, this doesn't seem to work. This is what I have so far:

<!-- header row (outside of listview, when I try to put it as a LayoutTemplate in listview i get an error, see below) -->


I've tried to add a templatelayout in the listview, but that gives me an error on the line that binds the data (listview.databind() ), i'm assuming because this isn't possible.

get a sortable header row on this listview?

View 1 Replies - Sorting (rearranging Order) Of A Photo Album Using JQuery Sortable?

Feb 6, 2011

I have a photo album gallery within my website and would like to allow users to sort the order of their photos within an album. After looking at very different ways I came across this example [URL]... which is exactly what I need. The photo are stored in the uploads directory and details in the database. The images are displayed using the ListView as shown below:


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Log / Store Info And Display In Sortable Multiple Column ListBox

Mar 31, 2011

I am wriing a windows application to log and store information. then display it in a sortable multiple column listbox (I personally like FlexGrid by Component One). However... I am not sure how to go about storing the information. Should I go with a .sdf file database, registry, simply storing them in a file, or some other method?

What I need is to be able to:
read/write/delete from it
read possibly up to a 20mb file and sorting it without a lot of lag
be transported to multiple systems and maintain these writes (installed on many systems)

I know I could split up the reading/writing to anther thread. Even to other .DLL's and whatnot. But as for storing. Not sure what the best option is.

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Make Result As An Decimal?

Jun 22, 2010

Public Class Form1[code]...

I would like the "Percent" result to come out as 37.50%

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Make Program To Calculate The Result Of Brackets?

Feb 18, 2011

if you want to make program to calculate the result of brackets math question , as 6+(9+(5-(1+(2+1)))) , and you made 2 buttons representing ")" and "(" , and you want when the user clicks on the "(" button it just applies that the number before it to be stored in a place like a label such that the program calculates numbers after it and then calculate the produced number and the label number , something will disallow you that the questions with many brackets as the mentioned one above 6+(9+(5-(1+(2+1)))) will for example store 6 and plus sign in a label but after that 6 will be placed by 9 because there is another bracket after 9 , so the question will be calculated false , more clarification for my question is the way brackets are made in the windows calculator so i want a coding idea to make the brackets like in the windows calculator

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VS 2010 How To Make Result Import Into A Listbox

Dec 26, 2011

Currently I'm doing a resistance calculator. If i got 3 combo boxes which let user to choose the color code of a resistor, how to make the resistance of the resistor(resistance after count according to the color code choose by the user) go into a listbox after click "Enter" button? And also initialise the color code choose by user just now and the resistance after count.

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End Result Of Combobox Selection Keep Showing Same Multiple End Result When There Is Only One Entry?

Dec 10, 2010

I am currently having a headache on how to solve this problem that i am facing. here is the situation: I have a combobox and a list box on the main form. The combobox will get the data from the ms access database. In the database, i have the details of a person's IC, Name and DOB say for eg on one entry I have D215311523C,SHAWN,13/04/1987 So now, my combobox on form load will show the list of dates in the database to allow the user to search base on the date itself by clicking on the selected date. So when the user clicks on the particular date say 13/04/1987, people in the database whose birthday is 13/04/1987 will be shown on the listbox.Meaning to say if i have 3 entries whose dates are the same 13/04/1987, 3 entries will appear. If there is only two entry, then two results will be shown. But now, when i do a single click on the date, one result will be shown. That is correct. But the problem is when i click on the same date again, three of the same results will be shown on the list box. that is it will display : 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 13/04/1987 which is not the case. Then it will show more duplicates of the same results if i click more times on the same date which should not be the case.

Dim n As Integer
Dim numbers() As Integer
Dim StartFrom As Integer
Dim EndAt As Integer


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IDE :: When There Is No Result In Grid Result Column, Disable The Save Button

Sep 25, 2010

I am using a datagrid in my where i am having four columns. In first column the parameter values are entered and in the second column measured value is entered and in third column the nominal value is entered.Inthe fourth column the result is displayed by subtracting the measured value and nominal values. I am doing this calculation in Datagrid cell validated event. What i want is,there will be many rows in the grid,when typing the value in the third column the corresponding result will be displayedin the rowof theresult column,save button will be displayed while the form loads,when the calculate part is completed that is there should not any cell of the resut column empty then i should enable the save butto.

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Best Way For Creating Quiz

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to create a quiz and wonder what is the best way.

1. Using a textfile to read in the questions/answer
2. Using radio buttons
3. Or something else you suggest?

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Making A Quiz Using Access?

Aug 11, 2009

I have created my own quiz for my aplication, but, a lot of people asked me , why can't the programe count right or wrong answers and one of them told me can you make a quiz that randomly selects questions?ok, I told them its all posible to make , but I actually coulndt make it working.So, usualy for a classic quiz I got the code to make a button go red if the answer is wrong, but I need the code line for the random question selection and the counting.I found some code but it didn't work,

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Create A Quiz Game Application In .NET?

Sep 23, 2010

I am building a quiz application in .net just like on flash mini games, is this possible in .net? and what is the easiest way to create this? make moving objects, cartoon interface and etc. also, it is supposed to be a standalone application.

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Making A Multiple Choice Quiz?

May 10, 2009

I need a multiple choice quiz but I've ran into some problems. So far i have 5 arrays: one for the questions and four for the answers. The question is displayed in a label and the answers on radio buttons. Problem one: I am using a random number generator to pull them but this allows them to be reused. How do I stop repeats. Problem two, my grading isn't always working.

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Quiz Program - Asking Five Questions With Yes Or No Answer

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to make a quiz application with Visual Basic at the moment. I want to write a routine that asks five questions to which the answer must be either Yes or No. It must add up the number of Nos and if the number of Ns is less than two then print out "pessimist", otherwise print out "optimist". So far this is the design of what I've done. [URL]. However, I have no code which I've produced on my own.

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

I really don't know how I can kind of add up all the results from each individual question, seeing as radio buttons are used.

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SQL Statement : Create A Quiz System?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm trying to create a quiz system and I have 200 question stored in question table.I have two quizID which is 1 and 2. Each quizID have about 100 questions. I trying to randomly select 50 question from the 100 question.

SELECT [QuestionID], [Title], [Answer1], [Answer2], [Answer3], [Answer4], [CorrectAnswer]
FROM [Question]
WHERE ([QuizID] = @QuizID)

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VS 2008 : Setting Up Quiz Program?

Apr 3, 2009

I'm trying to make a quiz application with Visual Basic at the moment. I want to write a routine that asks five questions to which the answer must be either Yes or No. It must add up the number of Nos and if the number of Ns is less than two then print out �pessimist�, otherwise print out �optimist�.I'm only at the very beginning stage of the program, I've created the design of it but I'm not too sure whether the code concept for the radio buttons is right. How can I expand on this?

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim numberOfNos As Integer = 0


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What Procedures To Be Followed To Create A Online Quiz

Jul 14, 2009

i am begginer to can i know what procedures to be followed to create a online quiz in i have to create a project.

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Limit Result Being Put Into DataSet And Get Next Result From Database

Apr 16, 2010

I just read about DataSet in VB.NET, it uses disconnected concept. My question is: if my apps has "List All" button that query data from 1 table in the database, and that table has "very very very" many rows, so my DataSet will be filled with those data and eat up memory. Can I limit the data that being put to the DataSet from that query? But I want to be able to retrieve the next data from the same query if the user want to see it?

For example:
I have 1000 rows in my database, and i query all of them. But I just want 200 rows being inserted to my DataSet, but if the user want to see rows number 201 and so on, I want to be able to retrieve the next 200 rows, and so on. So it just like cutting those data into a group of 200 rows. Can I do this with the concept of "disconnected" of the DataSet?

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Program That Fills A 2D Array With Quiz Scores?

Jan 27, 2011

I want to write a quick program that fills a 2D array with quiz scores. Consider there is 5 Students and each have completed 3 Quizes. I want the program to display a class average as well as a student average.

I've gotten as far as a nested for/next loop but I am stumbling over the language for accumulating and displaying the average.[code]...

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