Making Multiple Words From 1 Word?

May 20, 2009

attached is my project on making multiple words from 1 word

This solves the word and has an option to save. Or it solves and saves all words in a list. I tried to do it with jokers using the jokers as every letter but it slows the program down drastically.

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C# - Access The List Of Words Of A Word Document From Multiple Threads?

Mar 18, 2011

I recently had some problems with the performance of the Word object model. In an add-in that I wrote for Word I need to parse through all the words of a document and replace some of them or ask the user for the ones that have multiple replacements. I know that it is faster to ask Word for all of the document text content at once and then process it and put it back all at once again, but this is not suitable for my add-in because I need to have access to the range objects that represent the words that have multiple replacements so that I can somehow mark them in the document and present the user with a tool tip from which he can select the replacement he wants.

So for the moment the single great speed improvement that came in my head was multithreading since most people already have dual core or better. The problem is that all the things you find on Google say that multithreading in Office is a very bad thing to do.

So is there any one who managed to do this in a manner that worked in most of its usage? By this I mean if it also worked on other PCs then the development one?

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Storing Multiple Words As One Variable To Use Instr() To See If Any Of It's Variable Words Are In The Text?

Jan 26, 2012

other than GML ( Game Maker Language), I am new to the coding world. The only "major" project I have completed using VB is a computer calculator that exactly mimics the capabilities of Windows 7's calculator. Yesterday, I began a Chatbot program for my girlfriend. Lol. I have used the instr() function to answer most of the questions or answers which are typed into the textbox1. I find this extremely troublesome because when using the instr() function you cannot say instr(textbox1.

Public Class Form1
Dim fos As String = "Foster: "
Dim ash As String = "Ashley: "


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Capture Up To 5 Words Before And After A Given Word?

Dec 28, 2009

I've managed to become semi-literate in regex's, I'm stuck on this one though. I need to capture up to 5 words before and after a given word (not necessarily in the same sentence). So, for example, if the target word is AARDVARK in the following text:


I would like to capture {A, TRIP, TO, THE, ZOO} & {WAS, THE, MOST, INTERESTING CREATURE}. Obviously, if I could simply capture the whole string "A TRIP ... INTERESTING CREATURE", I can parse out the words.

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Insert A Word Between Words

Dec 18, 2011

Is there a simple way to insert a specific word between 2 or more words that of course have spaces?I'm doing if and next and if and next.I have 200 columns of programming for something that it may be simpler to make.So, p.e with the word "and", "Hello world" will be "Hello and world" or p.e. "Hello nice world" would be "Hello and nice and world".Words can also be like "Hello nice world"(doesn't show here,the spaces are "hello nice world" .I don't mind the spaces between to be only one but the words must be separated with the key word and space before and after.

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Search Between Words Or After A Word?

May 12, 2009

complete coding newbie, but I'm trying to make a program that displays how many people are in a telephone queue by reading from a log file. and havign a timer update the number every 3rd second.

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Show The Word Between Some Words?

Nov 4, 2009

How to show the word between some words?


<the word="Apple">
then show: Apple

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Word Wrapping Between Words?

May 16, 2011

I'm writing a text adventure that takes place in the World of Snorf.Console.WriteLine("You are in the world of Snorf. The sky is pink. A gentle breeze blows across your naked skin.") When I debug this, the line gets cut through the word "your".How can I have the words automatically wrapped between the words?

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Text To Speech - Making Program To Pronounce Full Words

Oct 24, 2010

My "Learn Welsh" application is now near completion, I only have a few things left to add / fix then I will share it with the world. Here's a screenshot of it so far :

As you can see by the picture above, I have created a simple feature in my application to pronounce letters from a word to assist users to learn the welsh alphabet. What I would really like to do is make the program pronounce full words. I already know how to make use of the system.speech reference in vb, here is a quick sample of code:

Dim speak As System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer = New System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
Dim word as string = "hello"
speak.Rate = 1

Now what I'm looking to do is make use of a welsh based voice and make an application like the one below:

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C# - Using Regular Expressions To Get A Word In Between Two Key Words?

Jul 27, 2009

It has been a while since I have used regular expressions and I'm hoping what I'm trying to do is possible. I have a program that sends automated response regarding a particular file and I'd like to grab the text between two words I know will never change. In this example those words are "regarding" and "sent"

Dim subject As String = "Information regarding John Doe sent."
Dim name As String = Regex.IsMatch(subject, "")

So in this case I'd like to be able to get just "John Doe". Every regexp I'm coming up with includes the words "regarding" and "sent". How can I use those words as the boundaries but not include them in the match?

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Switching Order Of Words In VBA Word?

Jan 4, 2012

I need my VBA Macro to locate text throughout a document and move it. The information that needs moved can easily be detected by the font colors. For example:

"Celica Toyota": Toyota would always be a specific Green font and Celica would always be a specific blue. There can be more than one word in the range that needs swapped (ie: "Monte Carlo Chevrolet").

I have some really long drawn out code, but there's got to be something more efficiant.

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VS 2008 Replace Two Duplicate Word Into Two Different Words?

Aug 7, 2011

I need to Replace two duplicate word into two different words.Like:

abc is a search engine and also abc a search engine.
google is a search engine and also yahoo a search engine.

I tried this.


TextBox1.Text = Replace(TextBox1.Text, "abc", "google")

But it replaces all abc to google. But I need to change first abc to google and second abc to yahoo and so on.also tried this one


Dim m14 As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text, "abc", RegexOptions.Singleline + RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
For Each n1 As Match In m14
Dim value As String = n1.Groups(0).Value


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.net - Counting Word Frequency (most Significant Words) In A String, Excluding Keywords?

Aug 31, 2010

I would like to count the frequency of words (excluding some keywords) in a string and sort them DESC. So, how can i do it?

In the following string... This is stackoverflow. I repeat stackoverflow.Where the excluding keywords are

ExKeywords() ={"i","is"}

the output should be like


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Making An Application That Uses Multiple WebBrowser Controls And Multiple Proxies?

Dec 17, 2009

I am making an application that uses multiple WebBrowser controls, and multiple proxies.The code for changing the proxy settings are as such:

#Region "Proxy"
Public Structure Struct_INTERNET_PROXY_INFO
Public dwAccessType As Integer
Public proxy As IntPtr


Note: getRandomProxy gets a random proxy from a list.Problem is that whenever RefreshIESettings(getRandomProxy()) is applied, the proxy will be applied to all of the WebBrowsers, while i would need to have a unique proxy for each WebBrowser. Not having this would just error out the page in the other browsers and so on.

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Auto Complete Multiple Words?

May 30, 2012

On a textbox you can have auto complete but you can only have one word. Is there a way to have every word in the text box ask for auto complete?

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How To Send Multiple Words To Application

Aug 14, 2010

I'm trying to send some words to an application I'm running (no webpage). To do this I run my vb program and minimize it, so that the application I want to send the words to have focus.Now I've tried sendkeys, but it seems sendkeys only sends my first word and does nothing with the other words. The code below is called 4 times by the main form [code]but this throws in a overflowexception was unhandled error at the apiSendMessage(hWnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, "Hello") line.I've tried several things but I can't figure it out how to send multiple words to the application without problems.

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Replacing Multiple Words Within A String?

Jan 23, 2010

i want to replace certain words each time they are detected in order to create a correct response. i have managed to replace the word"i" with "you" and "you" with "me" separatley but when both words are detected in the string it dont work....

ElseIf txtEnter.Text.Contains(" i ") Then
Dim ii As String
ii = Replace(txtEnter.Text, " i ", " you ")


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Sending Multiple Words To Another Program?

Jul 7, 2010

How would I output a sentence with VB.NET?

Example: Your program and Internet Explorer are open, your program outputs [URL] and presses "{ENTER}", and it will go to the page.

Example: An auto-talking bot for MSN.

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Read A Saved Wordlist File And Using A Timer Insert Words From The Word List At Random Timed Intervals?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a form that will read my wordlist. txt (one word or phrase per line) then using a timer, insert one word randomly selected from the list, and display it in textbox1 where it will remain until another timer changes the word. The word in the textbox will display for a random time 1min to 7 min, then the textbox displays another word randomly selected from the word list.

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Making Sure A Word Document Is Saved?

Mar 11, 2009

I am creating word documents in a forms application and happily saving them, however the user then has the ability to modify those documents.I need to make sure that the modified documents get saved as they exit word. Can this be done?Don C

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Multiple Words Spelling Suggestion Model?

Mar 3, 2011

I can't seem to figure out how to efficiently solve a problem.I have the following data represented like this:

Public Class WordWithSuggestions
Private _Originalword As String
Private _SpellingSuggestions As List(Of String)


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Making The First Letter Of Each Word Uppercase In A Sentence

Feb 8, 2012

i want to make the first letter of each word in a text box upper case. There is going to be 2 to 3 words in the text box. I can make the whole word uppercase with the following piece of code...


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Making Word Combination From String Without Repeating

Sep 13, 2010

I want to make all possible combination of each and every words from a entered string (without repeating). I found on net but can't get code for word combination instead I got character combination.

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.NET Regular Expression To Split Multiple Words Or Phrases?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm using the code below to take a string and split it up into an array. It will take: Disney Land and make it two separate elements. If the string contains "Disney Land" then it is one element in the array. Works great, however it adds some empty elements to the array each time. So I just iterate over the elements and remove them if they are empty. Is there a tweak to the code below that will prevent those empty elements from occurring?

Private m_Reg As Regex
m_Reg = New Regex("([^""^s]+)s*|""([^""]+)""s*")
Dim rezsplit = m_Reg.Split(criteria)

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VS 2008 : Find Multiple Words In Text File?

Mar 12, 2010

i have a text file which contain 149000 Words 1 Word Per LineI want to Search Words Who end with "sd" or something else i am using a listbox in which i load all text and then search for it i don't want to know how to search directly from text file listbox method take too much time?

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VS 2010 Search Multiple Words From Textbox In Database?

Jan 15, 2012

searching a database using multiple words from a textbox showing in gridview.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Width="382px" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" style="height: 26px" Text="Button" />


It works fine, i click button and the gridview shows all the right records. The problem is when i use more then 1 word in textbox. it shows nothing. The record in the database field may have several words, so i need to search using all words in textbox.

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Auto-complete Textbox Multiple Words Delimited By Semicolon?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to make the autocomplete work on a list of items entered into a textbox separated by semicolons. I have a list of authors the user can choose from and it autocompletes as they type the name no problem, but what I'd like to do is after the user types a name followed by a semicolon, the autocomplete works on the next name and so on.e.g., Smith, John; Eastwood, Clint?

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RichTextBox Word Wrapping - Making New Line To Be Indented To Under Text Above

Jul 27, 2011

When i am receiving server responses some are to long for the RTB so obviously continue on the next line. Each line is time stamped. If the word is to long it looks as follows:

15:00 this is a long
15:01 another message and so on

what i would like is for the new line to be indented to under the text above so it does not wrap directly under the time stamp. [Code]

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Multiple Line TextBox When The User Clicks The Generate Words Button?

Aug 30, 2009

I have been trying to figure out how to do this program for a few days. Here is the question.Write a Windows application that allows the user to enter a seven-letter combination corresponding to that number in a multiple line TextBox when the user clicks the Generate Words button.Avoid phone numbers with the digits 0&1.

I got some help from my instructor but I can't get anything in the listbox?


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VS 2010 Scrape Multiple Words That Meet A Criteria Form A Webpage.

Apr 22, 2011

Ok so basically heres what i need to do: Extract text from the webpage that meets a certain criteria. There will be a ton of these on 1 page and i would like to add them to a rich textbox on sperate lines.

I know that it needs to be in a loop and its needs to Parse the wepage(Dim web1 As String = Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText)

The criteria is: Starts with 1 to 4(random) integers, Followed by "my" then 13(random) numbers and letters. Or if it starts with "167my" + 6(random) number and letters.

Edit: Also im going to try to make it loop through a list of webpages to do this.

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