Multilanguage Mathematical Application And "," To "." Conversion In Spanish In .NET?

Nov 9, 2009

I am developing heavy mathematical engineering windows application in VB.NET (VS2005) with MSAccess Db. This application has resource files in English, Spanish and German Language (as of now). I have same setup to run in all these 3 environment Windows XPs. In English, calculations are perfect; but in Spanish ',' is treated as and is treated as ',' e.g. 12.24 in EN is '12,24' in Spanish. I somehow managed to do it by manually replacing by and vice versa; but this is now not manageable since program is expading like anything. I save one number in DB while installing application. User selects his language, I save certain number against that selection. So next time when user runs an application, I check if its Spanish, I explicitely replace "." in labels and text in TextBox

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Multi-language Mathematical Application And "," To "." Conversion In Spanish In .NET?

Oct 19, 2009

I am developing heavy mathematical engineering windows application in VB.NET (VS2005) with MSAccess Db. This application has resource files in English, Spanish and German Language. I have same setup to run in all these 3environment Windows XPs. In English, calculations are perfect; but in Spanish ',' is treated as '.' and '.' is treated as ',' e.g. 12.24 in EN is '12,24' in Spanish. I somehow managed to do it by manually replacing ',' by '.' and vice versa; but this is now not manageable since program is expading like anything. I saved number in DB while installing. User selects his language and so I check, if its Spanish, I explicitly replace "." in labels and text in TextBox to ",".

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Form Support Multilanguage At Runtime In Windows Based Application

Dec 26, 2010

My registration form has to support multi laguages at runtime based on user selection language from combo box in windows based application using

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VS 2008 INI Files As Multilanguage

May 7, 2010

I was wander if someone have example class to create multilanguage application using INI?

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String Format - Converting App To MultiLanguage Platform

Oct 25, 2010

I have to Convert my Application to a Multilanguage platform including Other Cultures and their formats. I Cannot convert anything..

For example
rd.RD_STARTDATE.Text = Convert.ToDateTime(dsRsv.Tables("RSVDetail").Rows(i).Item("RD_STARTDATE")).ToString("d", CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern)

Why does this always result in a " Cannot convert to 'Interface IFormatProvider'." ? How I can Proper handle this conversion of DateValues?

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English To Spanish Translator?

May 13, 2012

the form allows the user to type in a word in English and get back its Spanish translation. To accomplish this, you must read a (dictionary) file into a Dictionary (hash table) data structure and search that structure used its properties and methods.

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Spanish Back To Default English?

Feb 22, 2011

Right now I am adding language GUI packages into my gaming application for users of other countries to enjoy the application.

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Spanish Accented Letters - Internationalization / Localization Challenge?

Sep 2, 2010

illustration demonstrates my challenge in having accented letters in Spanish showing up correctly on a desktop application. I understand this forum is not for Windows forms but I thought someone may have run into this possible UTF-8,UTF-16,Unicode issue in other areas or web/desktop applications.

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Writing Program That Will Display Numerous Labels In English And Spanish?

Jan 18, 2012

I am writing a program that will display numerous labels in English and Spanish. The problem is I have the formatting correct and labels aligned for English, but when I hit the button for Spanish the labels on the left overlap the labels on the right. I did set the text on the Spanish side to include 10 spaces before the text, which does align it properly, however there has to be a better way to do it. I tried padding the label on the form which works good, but I would like the padding to only take effect when the selected language is Spanish. Once English is selected I would like the formattting to go back to normal.

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Application - Conversion From VB6 To VB2010?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm wanting to use a bit of code to in a VB2010 application, however the code is in VB6. How would I go about converting this from VB6 to VB2010? I've personally never done a conversion of complete code like this.

Here is the link: [URL]

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Displaying A Mathematical Formula In A Form?

Jun 21, 2010

How can I print a mathematical formula in a form? For a example I found in wikipedia a guide to do it in HTML: [url]


But how can I do it in VB2008, showing the formula in a form?

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Evaluating Mathematical Expression In A String?

Jul 7, 2011

Is there a method that allows me to evaluate a mathematical expression in a string? Example (Not actual Code):

Input = "2+2"
Output = SomeMethod(Input)
Output = 4

Update: Nevermind, I found a way around it by using DataTable.Compute.

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Mathematical Calculation Model Code?

Jan 7, 2009

i need mathematical calculation model code.

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Mathematical Program (Function To Workout NCR)?

Mar 11, 2009

i got bored earlier so instead of doing my Maths homework i thought what the hell why dont i make a program to do it for me. The problem is im getting an error with my NCR function.For those of you who dont know NCR is used in calculating Statistics generally it goes like this


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Syntax For Mathematical Operations As SIN , COS And TAN In VB 2005?

Jan 30, 2010

What is the syntax for mathematical operations as SIN, COS and TAN in Visual Basic 2005?

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VS 2010 Reading A Mathematical Operation?

Dec 15, 2011

heres the problem lets assume i have a label1 which its text is "(y+1)"i defined an integer, lets assume its x i made some operations up and lets say there can be diffrent results and i want to replace y with that math ops result and then define x as it writes in label1..


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Temperature Conversion In Console Application?

Nov 25, 2009

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim number1 As Long


My question is I'm trying to let the user input the temperature number and the temperature type at the same time and the program will convert the temperature as instructed

But when I run the program and I type in for example 5,c I get an overflow error but if I just type 5 then it just converts.I'm trying to get the letter to work and not overflow.For example I want the user to have a choice of either typing in a number,f or number,c.

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Compressor & Decompressor: Mathematical Smallest Combination?

Jul 12, 2009

How to load file and save it as different filename? It saves almost twice the original size for some reason?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim iFile As System.IO.File[code].....

Question 02:How to load it as numerical values?

Question 03:How to try applying an array of mathematical functions to the numerical values to see if size reduction is possible: I want to try testing all mathematical functions with any and all mathematical values of smaller size to see if the file can be compressed.

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Create (fast) Mathematical Equations At Runtime

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a way to create new mathematical equations at runtime? Obviously you can pass new variables to a given equation, but I need to make a new equation altogether (then give it variables).


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Expected Value (mathematical Expectation) In Visual Basic .NET?

Nov 21, 2011

I've got a program which starts with welcome screen "Enter the number of the random variables X" and this number refers to the columns. If it is entered 5 => a DataGridView will be created with 5 columns and 2 rows (first one is for random variable entered by the user, and the second is for probability). For example:I have to multiply x1 with probability p1, value x2 with probability p2, and so on. So EX = x1*p1 + x2*p2 +... Here comes the question - how to multiply and then add them?There are only 2 rows, that's how much I need :I've enabled only 2 rows, that's how much I must have for this program:

Const allowedRows As Integer = 2
Private Sub DataGridView1_UserAddedRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.UserAddedRow


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Mathematical Equation - How To Disable Numeric UpDown

Dec 21, 2009

This is my way the dynamically generate a mathematical equation everytime the button is click. However, I want the combobox or the numericupdown turn disabled when the next question show out. For example, if the question N is generated, the combobox and numericupdown of question generated before N must be disable means that the user only can input to the current question but cant change the answer of the previous question?

Private Sub btnnext_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnnext.Click
If counter < 10 Then
Dim pnl As New Panel
pnl.Height = 40
pnl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
[Code] .....

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Array Help Needed For Unit Conversion Application

Jun 7, 2010

I have a project to do in Visual Basic.My problem is that the outcome is always wrong (ex. instead of 2011 it gives 2000). And i cannot set as Desired unit the Inch(1) or feet(3), it gives the Infinity error. And if i put as Original and Desired unit the inch(1), the outcome is "Not a Number".[code]

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DB/Reporting :: VS Application / Access Db Date Conversion

Jun 2, 2008

I am an Australian user so use date format dd/mm/ frmMain has a list box that retrieves a list of date values from the access db and displays them in the correct format (15/12/2000 - dd/mm/yyyy). When I update the DB using that same date the date format becomes reversed (ie interprets as 12/15/2000 - mm/dd/yyyy). [code] I believe the problem is something to do with the fact I am enclosing my date in my code with #'s and that somewhere between visual studio and access, the dates are getting flipped. [code]

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Evaluate Mathematical Expression From User Input String?

May 19, 2010

I am making a simple calculator that will evaluate functions I have a entry box and the user types in simple equations i.e. 1+4*3/5=? how would i make this evaluate the string?

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How To Make A Program In Which The User Can Input A Mathematical Function

Mar 29, 2009

i want to make a program in which the user can input a mathematical function so the program can then work with it. So the user would input something like x^4+x+2 and then an x and the program would calculate f(x). What i don't know is how to let the user input the function.

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Uses Of Arrays In Programing - Mathematical Concept Such As Fibonacci Sequences?

Feb 7, 2012

I am trying to get a better understanding of the uses of arrays in programing, and have been wondering why do programmers use an array when working with mathematical concept such as Fibonacci sequences? why are arrays so prevalent in coding now a days.

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VS 2010 - How To Use Mathematical Signs As Label Text Randomly

Oct 29, 2011

How to use the signs "+", "-", "*", "/" as label text randomly. I am trying to create a math game for my kids. There I need a random sign to display every time they get new question to solve. I am able to display values [random numbers] but could not able to use this signs randomly as a single label text.

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Filter Xml Using Xpath And Linq (price With Decimal Separator And Thousands Separator Spanish)?

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to filter the results of a xml file. One of the fields I've been requested to filter is the attribute price of each node. The problem is the xml is from a spanish source and the prices are with decimal separator being , instead of . and thousands separator is , instead of .I'm trying to get an xml file filtered where only nodes withprices lower than one supplied appear.

The xml structure is:

<RoomStay InfoSource="" Price="201,60" Discount="0" MealPlan="Sólo alojamiento" MealPlanId="1" Provider="Marsol" ProviderId="3" HotelName="HOTEL LA ESTACION" Rating="" Latitud="" Longitud="">


I've tried to filter using XPath and Linq2Xml. I've come to the conclussion I have to replace , with . and . with , but I get 0 results.With values below 1000 where there is only , I've got it using:


But when there are prices above 1000 with thousands separator . it doesn't work, so I tried:


But it returns 0 results (I tried to use replace function instead of translate to remove the . characters but I get an exception).

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C# Conversion To VB And Properties - Implement Image Caching For A Web Application

Aug 17, 2010

I am trying to implement image caching for a web application and I found some code on the Internet that implements an HttpHandler that does this. The code was in C# and since my web app is written in VB, I decided to convert the code to VB. I managed to convert everything except the following code (in bold):

public class FileExtensionCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType


From what I can understand, the two properties above provide a way to access the FileExtension collection either using an integer or a string index. My problem is that I do not know how to convert this in VB.

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Date Conversion Error While Moving To 64 Bit Application Server

Aug 23, 2011

I have a Client/Server application. Both Client & Server use to be in 32-bit machines. Every thing was working fine.

When I moved the "Application Server" to a 64-bit machine, I am getting "Error converting varchar to datetime" in almost every screen that has a date picker in it.[code]...

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