Opening Mdb File With Vista 64?

Jan 27, 2010

I have just installed vista 64 bit on a new system and put visual studio 2008 on then tried opening an old project of mine. When the project loads it reads from a mdb file and just fills a few comboboxes but when i run it in vista it doesnt read it but in xp which i have on a laptop it does read it.

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Error 70 (permission Denied) Opening A VB5 App On A Vista Machine

Oct 24, 2009

I have an old app, a VB5 front end with access 97 databases all works Ok using the ...program files... folders in XP but I now have a user on Vista and we have problems opening up, and I am braced for problems saving and closing down, if we ever get there.

I sent him a c# applet which found the users folder using string Dpath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);

I have moved the data and all settings files to a folder C:Users[Username]AppDataLocal[My app Name][My app data Path]

The start up routine checks a settings file uses the path in the settings to re-attach the front end database to a backend database, test to see if the database uses replication and set the default data path for the rest of the app. we are failing somewhere in here I am sure. I have checked and there are no updateable files in program files

Have I got the wrong path or is there something else I should be looking for?

I have an vs2008 version of the app which is using a similar location but a SQL server database- no problems

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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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Form.Webbrowser Control Different Between Vista 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Oct 11, 2009

I am been working on an a small app that has a Forms.Webbrowser control that navigates to a Adobe Flash program. I have developed the app on Vista 32bit platform and have had no problems. I have sent the app to a couple of people to test out and one is using Vista 64bit and is running into a problem. I know the webbrowser control just uses the underlying base framework of IE. The problem on the 64 bit machine is when the site is navigated to it says that it needs to have Flash installed. When the user goes to Adobe's site it says they need to use a 32bit browser.

As stated on Adobe site here:[URL] the Flash player need to be in a 32 bit browser. What options do I have to be able fix this problem? Is there another control that I can use that would be the same in a 32bit platform and 64bit platform? Besides navigating to the Flash program, the browser also goes to standard web pages.

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Error When Opening Text File - FileNotFoundException Was Unhandled - Could Not Find File At Xxx

Feb 15, 2012

I have a program that can save user's input into a text file and load it back, but whenever I try to open the file and exit without selecting the file I get an error.(if i select the file and open it i don't get any errors).

This is the code that handles text file loading:
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


The error is :"FileNotFoundException was unhandled. Could not find file at xxx". also I would like to know how to make it so that the initial file name for file saving is today's date. I do not get any errors when I try to save the file.

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Opening An Excel 2003 File Then Searching That Open File For Data

May 22, 2012

I need to open an excel file from and then search it for specific data. I then need to take those data and insert them into text boxes on a form that i have created. This is all controlled by a button click. I already have some code that will open a file dialog box and let me navigate to the correct file, but I am having trouble with the search portion. I have tried the Find function but I am not sure of the proper syntax. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2003.


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Register Dll File In Vista?

Aug 6, 2009

I created one apllication with dll file. That dll files have all function in my application. when install my application that is no problem in Windows xp. But when im going to Vista that dll file is not register. how can i register my dll programatically to vista the user may be Administrator account or user account

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening Andwritie To Text File Via Buttons?

May 21, 2009

Ok what i want to do is have a user specify a directory when this for is opened and have it remembered everytime this for is open,Also i have a few buttons and whenever the user clicks on one of the buttonsa i want it to open a txt file delete everything in it and write a value that i specify

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VS 2008 File Association And Opening Program From Save File

Jul 20, 2009

I'm having a slight problem getting my program to load a save file when double clicking the save file.I'm using the Command$() to get the command line argument. I can open a save file by dragging it onto the exe. But not by double clicking the save file (after it's associated with the exe).I though dragging and dropping a file on a program and double clicking the file would open it in the same way, but I guess not.So in short how does file association work and how do I get the file path set to a var when the program loads.

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Log File Reading - Timer Is Opening Log File Again And Again Every Milisecond

Jan 5, 2010

I got a log file (Log.txt) a timer and a RichTextBox1.Text The timer is opening the log file again and again every milisecond here the code:


Okay that keeps the track of my log file inside my richtextbox , but there is a big problem there. My richtextbox slows down hard if the log file gets too big.. Sometimes it kicks me out of the program and in taskbar it says Program Not Responding..

I wanted to know if there is a method to read a bigger Log file with out having such issues. (It mostly happens when log file goes over 13000 characters)

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Save An ASCII-file With A Dll In Vista?

Nov 22, 2010

I've created a simple dll with VB.NET for a web application, which opens a SaveDialog and write some ASCII-signs to a txt-file. It is working fine in XP. But when I test this dll in Vista I can not save this file:When I try to save in the directory "My own files" I can see this file in the file dialog, but I can not see this file in the explorer. In other directories I get a permission error.I've red, thatI can give e.g. admin-permission to allow writing a file, but I can give this permission only to an exe-file.

I tried some tests with the filestream like below
Dim fs As FileStream = New FileStream(strCSVDateiName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)


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VS 2008 Vista - Set File Association?

Dec 19, 2009

Ok, I'm trying to tackle this topic again. I have searched for setting file associations in the registry, and I only find references to adding the association the ClassesRoot, which, in Vista 64, throws an Access Denied exception.I would like to know if it is possible to set the association somewhere other than classesroot in the registry. Or, if it must be set in HKCR, then the proper way to temporarily elevate the application to perform the registry change.

What should happen is user clicks a button in my program to add the file associations, a Vista security dialog pops up prompting the user to confirm the operation or enter administrative username and password, user confirms, application sets the file associations, then drops back down to regular security.

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Copy A File To System32 In Windows Vista?

Jul 26, 2009

I'm trying to copy a file that I made that contains license information to system32 directory. My problem is I get access denied. here is the code I'm using

Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
Dim fileWriteStream As Stream
fileWriteStream = New FileStream(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "" &


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Error Log File Location Not Working On Vista With UAC?

Oct 13, 2009

I have a program that writes unhandled exception detail to a log file stored in the same directory as the program itself. I am wondering how I can have keep the file in the same location, and not have to worry about a file write access. With Vistas User Access Control enabled, the file is not accessible unless the program is run as an administrator, which I don't need it to be for anything else. The file does not exist all of the time, it only exists after an error occurs. Users are encouraged to email the file to me and then delete the file. Thus the file should only exist if their is a error that the user has not emailed. I really want to keep it in the same directory as the program itself, or within a subdirectory of the programs directory, since the portable version is exactly the same program executable and I would like to keep it that way. I am not sure how to go about setting the file security, set it when I create the file if the file doesn't exist, prompting for Administrator privileges to create it with the security. I was also thinking that I could just set the entire folder containing the program executable when it is installed, and then it would be able to create the file without having to have administrator privileges.

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File I/O And Registry :: Empty The Recycle Bin In Xp / Vista / 7?

Aug 21, 2010

I'm making a cleaning program and one of the things it does is cleans the recycle bin. How do I do it for Xp, Vista, and 7? I'm on Visual Basic 2010. Also, how do I make it so that it automatically finds the username and uses it when the program deletes a folder. Right now I have it so that you need to enter your username in a textbox and then it uses that for the directories. I know it's something with SystemInformation.UserName.


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Vista Security Error And Does Not Run The Batch File

Jun 18, 2009

I have created a very basic program in VB that will run a batch file that writes a reg file to the registry (see code below). In XP it works fine with no problems. However, with vista it comes up with a security error and does not run the batch file. The error it says is:


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[2005] Deleting A File Using Windows Vista

Jan 6, 2009

right now, im using Windows Vista.. in Windows XP, deleting a file is working with this code System.IO.File.Delete("C: estdelete.jpg") But in Windows Vista, i encounter this message: Access to the path 'C: estdelete.jpg' is denied. why its happening? what is the solution for this?

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File I/O And Registry :: Timers And File Opening?

Nov 11, 2008

I am using 2005 and I have a timer running on form1 that communicates modbus with a relay io board. There should be constant uninterrupted communication between the two devices and that is working until I open the data logging form2 and import data from a large sequential text file. While I am parsing data, the timer from form1 stops communicating with the modbus device. Once the data is done, the timer of form1 resumes communication with the modbus device. Is there some other method I could use to make sure the modbus communication is never interrupted.? Is there a command I can periodically run from form2 while the data is being parsed that will keep the timer on form1running?

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.net - Vista Seems To Prevent .net From Reading/updating File Attributes?

Jun 3, 2010

The following function copies a file from Source & Path to Dest & Path, normally setting file attributes to normal before copying.Yet, a user of my app has reported it to fail when copying readonly files, returning a permissions-related error. The user is however running the code as administrator, and the error happens - quite strangely - on the SetLastWriteTimeUtc line.Although the code reports that the file attributes are set to normal, windows explorer shows that they are set to read only.


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Can't Find File When Running Under Limited User (Vista)

Mar 25, 2009

My program runs under a limited account, and uses impersonation to access admin codeI also have a program in the same folder, that my program runs sometimes when it exitsBoth exe files are in the same folder in the "Program Files" folderIf I try to run the other file, I get a not found error.If I Raise the first program to admin (even though it should already have admin rights due to impersonate) it can run the second file.1. I don't want to raise to admin.2. I'm using the full path and file name to the file.3. That do i need so that dot net can find the file so that it runs.

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Opening A Dwg File

Aug 6, 2010

iam very new to programming, can any one help me in opening a dwg file in,

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Opening A .dwg File?

Jun 7, 2010

My program performs a search on a specific directory and returns a list of files with specific criteria. When the user selects a file name in the list box and Clicks the button, I want the program to open that file and print it. I have two functions - one store the file path in a text box and the other gives me an option to select the printer. have no idea how to open the file using that path and how to get it print.If i specify the hard code the a specific file path, it currently can open all files except a .dwg file. For a .dwg file, my program opens auto-cad and crashes?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each file In LstSelected.Items


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Opening A File In VB6?

Jun 13, 2012

im wondering if it is possible to open an attached file to a database record. for example in EmployeeID 000 i have a MSWord attachment. the user can open this msword file through the VB6 program. all i have saved in the database is the location of the attachment but the user cannot view this attachment.

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Opening A Zip File?

Oct 6, 2009

I've created my code to open files, and manipulate anything I need in a text environment but I cannot find how to open a already zipped file. I am using 2008.

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Txt File Not Opening

Feb 25, 2010

I am using OLEDb to read .txt file database, it works most of the time here is my slect statement:


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VS 02/03 Opening Rtf File From Cmd?

Apr 28, 2010

I have copied and pasted wordpad.exe into c:windowssystem32wordpad.exe So that whenever i will type "wordpad.exe" on command prompt;;;; It will obviously run wordpad from command prompt.when i opens CMD and types--------

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>wordpad "C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopapr_26_2010_eveapr_26_2010_eveDATAhelp.rtf"

It opens help.rtf file with wordpad.Everything is ok ....BUT....From a 2003 project its not working.......

Dim cwd As String = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory
Dim slash As Integer = cwd.LastIndexOf("")
cwd = cwd.Substring(0, slash + 1)


BUt it is not running the wordpad with that help file....Would you like to give any hints for..... displaying that file from cmd using the same code.

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File Not Found After Creation Vista To Windows 2008 Server?

Aug 31, 2009

Using VB6 to create a file and then open the file just created fails when run on a Vista client with Windows 2008 Server. The same code will work when run directly on the Windows 2008 Server or when using an XP client. If a Sleep 10000 is placed after the close, the program will work. What is the problem here? The code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" _
(ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, _


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Kill Or Move File On External Drive Does Not Work On Vista But Does On XP?

Apr 9, 2009

My app is designed to work on XP & Vista but I get an error on Vista but not XP When I want to kill/delete or move a file from an external drive I get an external error message System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.

full error text:
************** Exception Text **************
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path is denied.
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)


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Creating And Opening A Second File?

Mar 7, 2012

I have successfully created and written to a .dat text file. The code below shows how I did this.

filename = "Login.dat"
FileOpen(1, filename, OpenMode.Random, , , Len(user))
NoOfRecords = LOF(1) / Len(user)


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Delay A TXT File From Opening?

Nov 14, 2009

Is there a way to delay the start of a text file? I am using this to call the TXT file after clicking a button: (opens txt file)Process.Start("text.txt")I was wondering if there was a command to delay the TXT file from opening for a number of seconds?

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