Option For Database Project Missing

Oct 29, 2009

Does anyone know why there would be no option to create a database project in VS 2008? In the New Project dialog, under Project Types I have no node for Database Projects. I've looked under Other Project Types as well. Every tutorial I read says this option should be in one of those two places, but not for me :-( I do have SQL 2005 installed on this machine.

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Set Option Explicit And Option Strict On A Project / Solution Level?

Feb 22, 2011

I really like the coding speed that vb.net provides, but I don't like the possibility to forget to declare variable types, return types of functions, etc. and that is why in each class I use[code]..

Is there a way to define those two options on the project/solution level?

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Add Service Reference Option Is Missing In Program

Jun 14, 2009

I have installed WCF / WPF Extension with Visual studio 2005.

I developed the sample WCF services and to consume it I have developed the client project.

In client project I need to give the service reference, however I noticed here Add service reference option is missing.

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Configuration Manager In Vs2008 Pro Missing 'Release' Option

May 19, 2009

For some reason in VS2008 Configuration Manger 'Release ' option is missing and I can't build and deploy the application I worked on for weeks! Debug option works fine.

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Project Missing From Project Output Group During SetUp?

Nov 12, 2009

I new to this Forum and relatively new to VB programming. I have read some really good posts here and thought I would ask about a perplexing problem I'm having. I createdindows Form application, built it and deployed it with no problems. However, when I added a small block of code, re-built the app and went to add the app to the Project Output Group in the file system editor the project was not in the Project drop down list. I closed the Setup project and deleted it from the project folder and checked my code and re-built the app and tried the Set Up project again with the same result

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IDE :: Vb Project Missing .sln?

May 11, 2009

I have been given the source code to a 2005 VB project to modify. But I can't find the .sln file or a vbproj file or open the project. Don't I need that file to open the solution correclty? or do I have to start a new solution and just add in all files?

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All My Project Files Are Missing

Jan 24, 2012

I completed my final project for a .NET course two days ago and just noticed today that all my project files for every project I have on my computer (about a dozen or so) are missing all the project files except for what's in the bin folders. The folder structure it seems hasn't been affected.

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Missing The Project Templates?

Oct 23, 2008

I started trying to do this... [URL]...and quickly ran into a problem because I don't have a Windows Class Library project template. The option simply isn't there.[URL]So I start a Windows Application and try adding an Inherited User Control to the project, and I get this error.[URL] Building the current application does nothing for this. I tried browsing to system.windows.forms.dll and nothing happened.

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Asp.net - Add New Item, "Web Content Form" Option Is Missing?

Apr 6, 2009

Today I realized that I no longer have a "Web Content Form" option (where you select a MasterPage) when I add new items to my ASP.NET web application. I know how to manually add a MasterPage to a web form, it's just such a pain - and I really don't understand why Web Content Forms suddenly are missing.

Visual Studio Team System 2008, SP1, VB.NET, ASP.NET 3.5

I recently installed and uninstalled VisualSVN. My best guess is that screwed up my poor VS somehow.How do I get Web Content Forms back?

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Changing The Project Name - Missing Resources?

Feb 7, 2010

I actually don't care so much about the name of the project as I do the .exe it builds. So I went into the project properties, goto the Application tab and change the Assembly name. But when I build, it loses the resources I've included. It builds w/o errors, but the icon's and pictures I've included are not in the program, and then the IDE gives me errors telling me it can't find those files.

I do have those resources in the program, their persistence is set to "Embedded in .resx" and their Build Action is set to "Resource". They work fine in the designer and show properly, and they build and show fine w/o changing the Assembly name.

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Location Missing When Opening New Project

Nov 19, 2010

When I create a new project in visual studio the New Project screen only has a Name box at the bottom, Location is missing. Is there a setting somewhere I need to set so this shows up?

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Project Error: VS Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target .exe Is Missing

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using visual studio express 2008, I wrote my code for a project and then when I tried to debug it I got a few errors but one main one that says this. Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target "".exe is missing Please build the project and retry, or set the output path and assembly names appropriately to point at the correct location of the target assembly. Since this is my first time debugging a program with this particular instance of the program, I am in shock. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

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IDE :: Option To Add Win32 Resource File To Project?

Oct 7, 2009

can anyone tell me if this option is available in VB.NET 05/08, I want to add Win32 resource file (.res) to project but i can't find any option to do that, and the option was in C#. This not a regular resource, it was created using native resources template. Below are the screenshots of Application tab in project property from C# and VB IDE. The option that im looking for is in red box on C# screenshot

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IDE :: Set As StartUp Project Menu Option Does Not Exist

Apr 2, 2009

I am learning Visual Basic Express 2008. When I follow step #5 below, the option Set as StartUp Project does not exist. How I can accomplish this. To create a test project for your class. Open the Persons project that you created in the previous lesson. If you did not save it, you will first have to go back to the previous lesson, Adding Methods to a Class, and complete the procedures.

On the File menu, point to Add, and then click New Project.
On the Templates pane in the New Project dialog box, click Windows Forms Application.
In the Name box, type PersonsTest and then click OK.
A new Windows Forms project is added to Solution Explorer, and a new form appears.

In Solution Explorer, select the PersonsTest project, and then on the Project menu, click Set as StartUp Project. In the Solution Explorer, select the PersonsTest project, and then on the Project menu, click Add Reference. The Add Reference dialog box appears.

Click the Projects tab, and then select Persons and click OK.
Double-click the form to open the Code Editor, and then enter the following declaration just under the line Public Class Form1.

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Option To Create Shortcuts - Setup Project?

Mar 16, 2010

I know how to create shortcuts on desktop and program files but i want to make an option with checkboxes...so that you can select if you want those two shortcuts or if you don't them.I've tried this with checkboxes (in User Interface), i've set checkboxes properties and changed "User's desktop" and "User's Start Menu" conditions (in File System). "CHECKBOXA1" for desktop shortcut, "CHECKBOXA2" for start menu shortcut...but it doesn't work... both icons are visible every time.

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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Use System.Linq Extension Method In Project With Option Strict ON?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm using .NET 3.5 In my DataLayer class I have references of System.Core,System.Data.Linq, System.Data.DataSetExtensions. But I cantnot use this feature in Linq query if I have Option Strict ON:


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Warning 1 Use Command Line Option '/keyfile' Or Appropriate Project Settings Instead Of 'AssemblyKeyFile'

Jul 11, 2011

For a Vb.net 2008 desktop application that I was just assigned to work on a new workstation, i am getting only the following compile messages:Warning 1 Use command line option '/keyfile' or appropriate project settings instead of 'AssemblyKeyFile'

Error 20 The command "C:racEnroll.app1inDebug\Enroll.app1.exe Debug" exited with code 1. Enroll.ALtot.I know the two lines are related since I have not signed the total application. The file in the 'AssemblyKeyFile' is no longer needed for this application since it is not used. Thus, can you tell me what I can do so the assembly key file is not used? If best, what can I do to get this application tio compile with no errors?

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Missing Columns In A Database Table

Mar 23, 2010

I created a database in my project, and added a table and some columns to it. Now after making several changes to the program I decided to add some more columns, but for some reason those new columns don't show up in the SQL query builder or the database explorer. I realize that this is an oversimplified explanation

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VS 2010 Missing Operand When Filtering A Database

Mar 22, 2011

I have a filter which is applied to a database on a listboxchanged event, and applies the listbox.text as the filter, so for example if the selected item in the list box is 'Terminator 4' then thats the filter. Its set on the listbox selected changed liek this;


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Search Option In Database?

Dec 22, 2011

I am creating a database system in visual basic 2010. I have made the project almost but i can not know about the search and display function in visual basic 2010. I have posted the coding I've done below, I have created an access database to save and update the data. I have attached the database so you will have idea about the rows and columns.

Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String


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Database Cannot Update - Restart The Application All The Entered Data Were Missing

Oct 23, 2011

i am just developing a library management system as one of my project. i using vb.net 2010 and the MS Access 2007 as back end. when i save some records into my database through my application it is correctly saved and i confirmed it through opening the relevant table in the database. but when i restart the application all the entered data were missing.

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Can't See Visual Basic Project Option In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 13, 2012

I am very new to Visual Studio Application Development. I'm mostly a DB guy. I used Visual Studio as a Report Designer, not much of an .Net guy though I can understand it. I am now asked to create a .net application and I'm trying to create a "Hello World" starter app. I opened my Visual Studio, click File-New Project and all I see is Business Intelligence Projects and Other Project Types. My step-by-step guide says choose Visual Basic, Windows Forms Application. But I can't see it as an option.

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Best Option To Store Database Connection String?

Apr 1, 2009

I just want to know what is your suggestion about storing database connection strings in .NET? I am using My.Setting usually, but now I am facing with versioning of my application. When I upgrade my application to higher version the value in My.Setting has been changed, it didn't remain as user has set before, but changed base on my machine's setting. eg. the value in My.Settings Version (User's computer) is 'ABC' When I develop again some new feature on my machine and set its version to, of course the connection string in my computer's My.Setting file is different with User's computer's My.Setting. So when I copied my recent updated file to use's computer, then run the application, the application read the new My.Setting file from my computer but not from their computer. the value in My.Settings Version (Developer's computer) is 'DEF' Therefore I have to reset and reset their connection strings onve I updated their application, that's too annoying?

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Database - Access A Datasource From One Project In Another Project?

Feb 16, 2010

I have access to a database table that has been added as a datasource in project (A). Is there any way to refer to this database table from project (B) WITHOUT adding it to project (B)'s datasource?


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Option To Remove A File Or Folder From Appropriate Database Table

Jun 22, 2010

I have a very simple app (at the moment) that stores file names/paths and folder names/paths in an SQL database and displays them in a ListView and TreeView respectively. All fine and dandy.I have an option to remove a file or folder from the appropriate database table and then recreate the associated list.[code]I've checked and double checked the folder table adapter (even to the point of recreating it c/w Insert, Update and Delete commands) to no avail.

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The Combo Box Style 1 Has Both The Drop Down Option But Also A Manual Entry Option

Jan 26, 2010

the combo box style 1 has both the drop down option but also a manual entry option. I need to know how to code it so that when you manually enter data, it takes that data and places it in a text message "The shipping charges for "data" is $15" displaying in a text box. Shouldn't be hard but have developed a mind block.

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Fetch Data From Database To Textbox On Combobox Change Option?

Jun 30, 2009

i am creating app , its a question i am stciked at , i am using vb 2008 by using databinding my combobox has the list ready from one column but as selection change the values from all textboxes and labels should change as per the combbox's selection can anyone help

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VS 2005 Option Explicit On; Option Strict On

Feb 24, 2010

what does these two code means in vb.net: Option Explicit on Option strict on i think option explicit means the compiler is not going to do any kind of conversion and i need to do all of them by the code;also it becomes case sensitive i.e;


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Developed Database Project On Vb6 Using Adodc And Datagrid Using Ms Access Database File?

Mar 2, 2010

Friends I have Developed my Data base Project on vb6, using adodc and datagrid using ms access database file, it was working nice in vb6, I also put Search box there and used adodc1.recordsource="select * from table" sql query.

later i needed to convert it in vb.net I converted it, every thing is working fine, but one problem appears, an adodc's Recordsource query for searching records is not working, it only works if there is data in dataset (Datagrid),suppose once i pressed search button to search record and if no record found then dataset / datagrid becomes empty, now i wanted to search an other record with other name, but this time it does not work and following error appears Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.


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