Populate Multiple Bound Listboxs?

Dec 12, 2009

I have a form with 13 listbox's which I populate from an SQLCE database. Currently I have the same code written 13 times but now I want to run a loop so I can reduce the amount of coding. I cannot figure out how to make a loop work with the .datasource and .displaymember. The loop works fine up to the lines with .datasource and .displaymenber. I have tried all kinds of different syntax but nothing work. I have tried things like Position "& i & "ListBox.DataSource and many other ways.

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 13
Dim da1 As SqlCeDataAdapter = New SqlCeDataAdapter("select WebsiteName from UrlTBL Inner Join Settings on UrlTbl.Type = Settings.Pos" & i & "Type where Urltbl.type = settings.Pos" & i & "Type", CS)


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All Of Listboxs On Multiple Forms Are Blank?

Jan 30, 2011

I am working on a project that uses multiple forms, each with a listbox for output. I had everything working fine and decided to do some final tweaking. I added some comments and changed each forms FormBorderStyle to (Fixed3D) from (Sizeable). When I did a final test run, all of my listboxes come up blank... I went back and reverted FormBorderStyle to (Sizeable) from (Fixed3D).

All of my listboxs, on multiple forms, are still blank.

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Populate An Unbound Column In Bound Datagridview Using .net?

Jun 13, 2012

I am populating a datagridview from a datatable and that is working fine. I wish to add some calculated columns from data in the datatable. At first, I did this by adding these to the table, but that makes it difficult to update the Access database. These lines are commented out.Right now, AWt and DOF are not working. The values are there when I step through (lines 85-87), but the values are not put in the grid. The value of NWt is placed in the grid as it should be.Lines 236 through 254 set up the new unbound columns. 85-87 should populate them.

Public Class LotGrid
Dim LotsTab As New DataTable
Dim PurTab As New DataTable
Dim SalTab As New DataTable


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DetailsView - How To Populate Date From Bound Text Field

Jan 17, 2011

I'm trying to populate a date from a bound text field in a DetailsView. I keep getting a error when a DBNull is in the column. How do I avoid the DBNull when populating the text field.

My code is as follows:
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="CBYD Clear Date">
<asp:TextBox ID="CBYDExpDate" runat="server" ReadOnly="true" Text='<%# IIf(Eval("CBYDDate") is DBNull.Value,"", String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", Eval("CBYDDate").AddDays(30)))%>' />
</EditItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>

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Compare Contents Of Two Listboxs For Matching Entries?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm in the middle of writing an application which fills two seperate listboxes with the name of all the contents in two different specified directories.The application is at the stage where this works, here is the code for it:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Multiple Textboxes Bound To Different Items In List?

Oct 1, 2010

On my form I have 3 textboxes. They get their data from a database query. The trick is the database may return 1 result or up to 3. If the query returns only 1 result, I want the first textbox populated, 2 results, 1st and 2nd textbox populated, etc... I also want to be able to track CurrentItemChanged Event for updating purposes. My initial thought was to use a list object as the binding source but how would I cycle through the list if it returns more than one so that I can assign the values to the 2nd and 3rd textboxes or if data is entered in to a blank textbox I want the currentitemchanged

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Making Multiple Copies Of A Data Bound Object From A DataGridView - How To Decouple Them

May 19, 2009

I have a DataGridView object to which I've bound a list of objects (of type Asset) returned from a database query.I'm programming in VB using Visual Studio 2005.I want to grab two copies of the bound object (calling them oldAsset and newAsset) from the selected row in the DataGridView, update newAsset based on input from other controls on the form, and pass both oldAsset and newAsset to a function that will update the appropriate record in the DB.I try to grab the two copies like this:

Dim currentRow As DataGridViewRow = Me.AssetDataGridView.CurrentRow
Dim newAsset As Asset
newAsset = currentRow.DataBoundItem


Opening a watch window on oldAsset and newAsset indicates that the appropriate values are pulled at this point. But when I try to change a property of just newAsset, like

newAsset.CurrentLocationID = cboLocations.SelectedValue

I see that the corresponding value in oldAsset is also changed. This is not what I want, but it's obviously what I'm telling the computer to do.

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Way To Populate Multiple Comboboxes From XML?

Aug 2, 2011

I have 3 comboboxes and want to populate each from XML. What is the best way to do this?Here is the XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<combobox name="cbScreenResolution">


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How To Populate A DataGridView Using Multiple Tables

Jan 4, 2012

I have a DGV that is bound by an untyped Dataset. My select query consists of using 5 columns from 2 different tables. I fill a dataset with the results of the query. I assign the dataset to the DataSource of the DGV but don't assign the DataMember. The DGV doesn't populate, however, when I test the query it runs like it's supposed to

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Iterate And Populate Multiple Comboboxes

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to move over vb6 code that worked through arrays of comboboxes.I have a panel that has 18 comboboxes that each need to be populated the same.I first clear the combo boxes and it loops through them, but keeps going until it gets an error.Likewise on sFillLotNO, it adds the first foundrow to each but bombs out when it tries to get the 19th.[code]

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Populate A DataGridView Using Multiple Tables?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a DGV that is bound by an untyped Dataset. My select query consists of using 5 columns from 2 different tables. I fill a dataset with the results of the query. I assign the dataset to the DataSource of the DGV but don't assign the DataMember. The DGV doesn't populate, however, when I test the query it runs like it's supposed to.

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Populate A Label On Multiple Pages?

Apr 19, 2012

I have a drop down list that populates a set of data from a calculation. There are multiple pages in my asp.net site that I want to show a label with the current data from the dropdownlist on my main page.[code]...

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Populate Multiple Datagridviews From More Than 1 Tables?

Oct 26, 2011

I have a Form with a TabControl with 8 tabs, each tab have a Datagridview that needs to be populated each one from a different table of my database. I'd like to know if i need to make all the 8 connections and queries or i can apply the DRY principle and how i can do it.[code]...

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Populate A DataGridView From Multiple Lists Without Iterating Through Them?

Jun 30, 2011

Say I have three lists containing multiple objects. Lets also assume they each contain the same number of items. [code]...

Now say I have a dataGridView that I have defined as having three columns. Is there a way to assign the contents of each of the lists to each of the three columns (e.g. column 1 = myList1, column 2 = myList2, etc.) without iterating through each of the lists? I know I could define a dataTable, create the columns, and iterate through each of the lists...then associate the dataTable to the dataGridView's dataSource. However, I don't want to iterate through the lists since in my real application, these lists are large and the iteration would take too long. I'm just wondering how to assign these lists to a column in a dataTable in bulk.

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Populate Listbox Datavaluefield With Multiple Fields?

Jul 14, 2011

I need to populate listbox datavaluefield with multiple field. The value will be coming to datatable - (dataset). I can't change the sql statement because it is under stored proc that uses globally lstSearchResult.DataSource = dt lstSearchResult.DataValueField = "EMP_ID" & "LNAME" &"ADD" ->> could it be possible lstSearchResult.DataTextField = "LNAME" lstSearchResult.DataBind()

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VB 2010 Populate Textbox From Multiple Columns?

Jun 18, 2012

on the form I use one combobox with Data Bound items, Data source, Display member & Value member. Besides this combobox I have textbox with multiline turned ON. My code should write values from specific table in Textbox when I sellect ID on the combobox. Actually this code works but not in a way I want Me.TextBox2.Text = ComboBox2.SelectedValue

I would like to populate texbox from other columns as well. For my app I need one texbox in which I can see five lines of data, Company name, Address line1 & Address line2 & Address line3 & Address line4 . It's important to get data from different columns and each column in a new line.

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Populate Multiple List Boxes During Form Load?

Jan 6, 2012

My screen tends to seize for a few seconds while the list boxes are populated.I moved the call to the List Populate procedure to the form's shown event.This improved the performance slightly but not enough.Is there a method whereby I can ensure the form is fully loaded and displayed before the lists are populated?

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Populate Same Data Captured Via User Form On Multiple Locations Of A Document?

Feb 28, 2009

On a word document I would like to populate same data captured via User Form on multiple locations of a document... i.e. LastName I would like to appear on salutation paragraph and also in the body of the letter... I used REF LastName on the document when using VBA but it seems the same document when it is being populated via a VB application this skim does not work and instead "Error! Reference source not found." appears where ever the REF LastName has been used..

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Allow Blanks In BOUND Textboxes (bound To Int And Money Columns)?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to allow blanks in BOUND textboxes that are bound to int and money columns.

It's not letting me - apparently it knows to force digits...

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Receive Upper Bound And Lower Bound Of A Range

Sep 20, 2010

Is there anyone who can tell me the code for the below? Receive a lower bound and an upper bound of a range. Also receive a number of random numbers to generate. You must validate

1) the numbers are integers
2) the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound
3) the number to generate is positive (i.e., > 0).

Generate this many numbers in the specified range and keep track of how many of each are generated in an array of counters. Once all the numbers have been generated, display in a List Box the number, the raw count data, and the percentage of how many times the number was generated displayed with two decimal places of precision.

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Bound DataGridView With A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Bound To A Different Table

Jun 4, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataSet I created from a database table named Contacts. The Contacts table contains a field called StatusId. StatusId is a foreign key to a table called Status. The Status table contains StatusId and StatusName.


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Bound Datagridview Not Bound?

Jul 9, 2010

There is something strange going on with my datagridview.

I've a data adapter that fills the underlying data table from a database. Then I assign this datatable as datasource to the datagridview Then I add a row to the datagridview and immediately I need to update the table in my database (as soon as user leaves the newly created row).

At this moment I have more rows (+2, not +1) in my datagridview than in the underlying datatable (the new row doesn't exists yet in it so the data adapter .Update method doesn't write anything to the database).

When DataGridView's .RowLeave event fires the undelying datatable is not yet updated. I've a question - is this behavior normal?

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[2008] Mixing BOUND Controls With Non-BOUND Controls?

Jan 26, 2009

We are binding most of our text boxes and dropdown boxes to a BINDING NAVIGATOR (with a DATA SOURCE of a DATA TABLE).When the BN is clicked through the text boxes all change immediately.We need to use some non-bound controls as well.First one is 4 radio buttons that when clicked will change a single value in a DATA TABLE.What would be the best method to do this? Should I track when the CURRENTCHANGED event occurs on the BINDING NAVIGATOR.I'm thinking that I could trick this by BINDING the SINGLE FIELD to a HIDDEN TEXTBOX and when that textbox CHANGED event occurs mess with the radio buttons and visa-versa.

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Casting Early Bound Object Type Into Late Bound Object Type?

Jul 5, 2010

I've got a piece of code in a project (MyProject) that contains early bound object from a referenced assembly (We'll call it CommonAssembly):

Dim myObject As CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType

now I have another assembly that is dynamically loaded because it is not present in all projects:

Dim myLateBoundObject As Object = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("Utils", "Utils.MyLateBoundType")
MyLateBoundType derives from CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType, and I want to cast myObject to myLateBoundObject and then programmatically invoke the additional


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Populate Combobox With Database, Select To Populate Second Combobox?

Jan 27, 2011

I need to pull from an access database to populate a combobox. Then from there I need to have a second combo box populated depending on the selection in the first box. My thought of an example would be a website that is setup for selecting car make, modle,year...can that be done in VB?

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Bound A Datetimepicker To Dgv?

Feb 14, 2010

how to bound datetimepicker to dgv

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Add New Row Into Dataset Via Bound Textbox?

Nov 27, 2011

i have 3 textbox and 1 listbox bound to the same datatable. when i insert new row to the datatable, there are 2 rows affacted in datatable, one row in datatable is replaced by the newly added row, and this new row is also insert into the end of datatable, while this modified datatable is updated into the database, only the inserted row is updated, the other modified row did not affacted in database.

here is my code:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal
sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim DA As MySqlDataAdapter


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Add Value To Bound DataGridViewComboBoxColumn At Run Time?

Feb 15, 2012

I try to add now value to DataGridViewComboBoxColumn is already bound is there any way to do this at

its like add "AddNewItem" at the bottom of my dropdown list

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Asp.net - Add New Item To Already Bound ListView In ASP Net?

Dec 19, 2011

My overall goal is to add fake/unbound items to a listview control (for final HTML Table output reasons). This is a code behind solution. Users will not be adding items as it will be outputted in a rigid table.

I have looked at several examples and while this is easy for a dropdown it is not for listview.

The code below works without error, but my item is not shown on runtime. I think the class is not setting the item fieldname correctly, but I can't figure out the right syntax to fix it.

ColumnNameAList.DataSource = PeriodDataView
Dim test As New Example1("ColumnNameA")


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Bound And Unbound Database?

Oct 1, 2009

I just want to know the right practice for database application. as of now i am creating a simple database application where the database is all bound to the control for minimal coding purpose. is it a good practice?

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