Populate Same Data Captured Via User Form On Multiple Locations Of A Document?

Feb 28, 2009

On a word document I would like to populate same data captured via User Form on multiple locations of a document... i.e. LastName I would like to appear on salutation paragraph and also in the body of the letter... I used REF LastName on the document when using VBA but it seems the same document when it is being populated via a VB application this skim does not work and instead "Error! Reference source not found." appears where ever the REF LastName has been used..

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Populate PDF Document With Data From SQL?

Nov 3, 2009

We have a lot of PDF documents and would like to save information filled in by the user in SQL database and then pre-populate the answers in multiple PDFs for printing. We'd also want user to digitally sign the pdf and store the signature in database. Ideally I'd like to create VB project with form that users would fill in and then information should "flow" into existing PDF. Then later I'd setup some reports based on user-filled information. We probably will purchase Adobe LifeCycle software to use with PDF.

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Populate A Treeview With Data From And Xml Document?

Jul 19, 2009

I am trying to populate a treeview with data from and xml document.

The loading of xml is no problem i have done that a million times over, the problem seems to be able to fill the treeview with content. My problem is this: I have a treeview with this in it:


now... the program loads all units from xml. so when it encounters for instance a unit with a "<class>" tag containing HQ, how do i make it put it in the HQ node? I cant make it put new nodes into existing ones, only into new ones....

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.net - Replace Multiple Captured Groups In Regex?

Feb 9, 2012

VB2005: I've been looking at regex for some hours now and cant seem to get my head around the .Replace for my case. I'm looking for two fields and then I want to replace those fields with new values. So my string looks like so:


What do I put in MyRegexReplace? This is a simple two value replace but Im going to have possibly more so was thinking there has got to be a way to do this but need .

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Have A List Box With A Custom Data Template Populate With User Data?

Jul 2, 2011

I am working on a project and I want to have a list box with a custom data template populate with user data. My question is, when I click on an item in the list box, how can I tell what item I selected? Basically, if I select "kevin", I want to display his data. If I select Dave, I want to display his data. I do not know how to get the data our after it is bound...

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Regular Expression + Txt File = Captured Data?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm having trouble trying to find the best method to do what I'm needing.

I'm thinking of using a regular expression to read a .txt file and parse out the MAC id information that will be in the text file. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it or what the best way to do this is.

macID = d{1, 4}.d{1, 4}.d{1, 4}
totalMacInfo = all the macs in the text file?

If you guys have an alternative solution or a good way to write out the code I am open to suggestions. Not exactly sure how best to mix the expression into reading a txt file to get the data i need.

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C# - Inheriting A Base Form But Paste/Cut Commands Not Captured?

Jun 9, 2010

I created a base form that has a specific size and an icon as a base for all forms created in my project (to be consistent in looks). The problem is, for some reason if I add a Text box to the Child form, I can no longer execute shortcuts like Copy (CTRL+C) etc into the Textbox.

What should I do to handle this OTHER THAN writing code to capture those on the KeyUp control?

This is also the case for RichTextBox control as well.

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VS 2010 All Data Available Is 'captured' Without Using Unrealisticly Large Buffers Or Using Delays?

Aug 27, 2010

When reading from a network stream using the following [code] I tend to get the data in two or more chunks, unless I specify a delay after each buffer read (which is hardly desirable). It is usually a problem with 4k+ buffers written (in one large chunk and 'flushed') to the networkstream and read in smaller chunks (of say 1k).This is seriously problematic for the rest of the code, since the information is broken up in bits and not properly handled.Is there a way to ensure that all data available is 'captured' without using unrealisticly large buffers or using delays?

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Populate Multiple List Boxes During Form Load?

Jan 6, 2012

My screen tends to seize for a few seconds while the list boxes are populated.I moved the call to the List Populate procedure to the form's shown event.This improved the performance slightly but not enough.Is there a method whereby I can ensure the form is fully loaded and displayed before the lists are populated?

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Load XML Document And Query Data On User Selection?

Feb 13, 2012

your life whatever you are doing.I have a big question. Well, it's a big job for me. I tried to google and follow some tutorials frist but finally realise rom stackoverflowers.I have a one big xml file such below. I have no control over its structure as it already exists with data.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Category Cat="A">


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User Data - SQLCE Files - One Database With Multiple User On PC

Mar 3, 2010

I'm designing a PC-based app that has a little local database. I'm using VB.NET with SQL Server Compact Edition. The user will only ever have access to one database file, because it's all about storing a user specific data. However I'm thinking of the situation where there could be multiple users that access the PC, each with their own Windows account. So ideally I'd need separate database files for each User.

I'm not sure how to implement this. I was hoping to deploy the 'empty' database as a ClickOnce deployment, but I can't see how I can have a database per user doing this. Also I'm not sure where to store the database files anyway. perhaps in MyDocuments for each user? Or perhaps I need to stick to just one database, but add a 'User' column into every table, so it can hold data for every user. I didn't want to do this though - because I wanted to keep the nice separation between the data offered by physically separate files.

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VS 2010 Allow The User To Merge Data From A Database Onto A Document And Print It?

May 5, 2011

I am trying to essentially allow the user to merge data from a database onto a document and print it. I am new to working with the PrintDocument, but I believe this would be the way to accomplish this. I know how to print the text onto the PrintDocument at a certain position, but what I am trying to figure out is how to deal with the coordinates of the text I am drawing on the PrintDocument. Ideally, I would love to click on the PrintDocument in a PrintPreviewControl and capture the coordinates of the PrintDocument.

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Allow The User To Add Locations For Direct3D Icons?

Jan 23, 2010

I'm making a scripter to allow the user to add locations for Direct3D Icons, but I'm trying to make a sub for it...

Public Sub icoadd(ByVal mod1 As String, ByVal mod2 As String)
loc.X = defined.Location.X
loc.Y = defined.Location.Y


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User Interface For Various File Locations

Sep 11, 2009

I have a generic question regarding file paths and user interfaces. I am trying to build a user-interface to accommodate various file locations. I typically build interfaces which deal with files on drives. As such, I use a directory tree for this. I usually work with files on local drives. However if I wanted to ensure that all file locations were dealt with I would want to ensure that I was accommodating files in all drives (local, network, mappped etc.). I am assuming that the treeview would support all of these drive option.

However if the files are on a sharepoint site or in some other type of enterprise content system, then am I correct to assume that these file paths will be URLs? If so, then am I correct to assume that a directory tree is not the correct control to use for these locations? Should I be providing a textbox to the user and prompting them to enter this URL? Or is it better to have the URL loaded into a ListView or ListBox (i.e. "My Connections") and then provide these as options via a dropdown box. I am trying to picture a typical user interface. Is it a directory tree AND a text box/dropdown box.

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Populate A A Listview Control With Items And Subitems That A User Enters Into A Group Of Textboxes On A Form?

Feb 13, 2009

I am trying to populate a a listview control with items and subitems that a user enters into a group of textboxes on a form. It looks as if some of the code to do this has changed since VB6 and I am confused again. Here is the current code I am using without success:

lvSurgProcedure is the name of my listview control
Private Sub btnAddSurgeProcedure(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSurgProcedure.Click
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem


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VB - Constructor - Use To Populate Other Data Fields On The Form

Jun 20, 2011


This tells me "End of Statement" is expected. I'm trying to instantiate a new form, and I'm trying to pass information into the form that I will use to populate other data fields on the form.

I've tried looking up constructors, but I can't find where my is different than other examples.

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List View Techniques - Populate The Corresponding Data Elements On Another Form?

Jul 18, 2011

I have the following "contact" data (exampled below) stored in an xml file.I've created a frmContacts windows form and placed a list box control inside it.I'm new to the list box but plan to have the users manage the list by letting them add, delete, and pick from it. For searching there should also be a sort function/button (by last name then first name).If the user deletes from the list the corresponding data in the file will be deleted.If the user picks from or adds to the list, I'd like to find the best way to populate the corresponding data elements on another form (i.e., in their respective text boxes). This will include the ability to edit/save from this other form too.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

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Populate A Menu Based On A XML Document?

Mar 28, 2011

I know that I can populate a menu using a .INI file but I was wondering if it can be done using an XML file. I would like to be able to add parent and children menu items.

Below is a sample of what I want my XML to look like.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
MENU only needs an ID


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Populate Data From One Form To Another Form

Mar 4, 2009

i am working on windows application.In this Application iam using two forms one form is for save and modifying the details of the Patient. This First form contains a 'Find Patient' Button .when we click on button. new form will be opencode in the 'Find Patient' button click//open a form2 from form1 dim f2 as new form2f2.show

In this form2 iam searching for particular patient according to their Id and retrieving all the details of the patient in a datagridview wat i have to do is when i click on any cell in datagridview of a particular employee. [Code]

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Place Controls On An Form Using A Database For Locations?

Dec 24, 2011

I am wanting to populate a form with check boxes and labels on starting of the app. My idea is to store to locations on the form in a database. I am creating an app that would have check boxes and labels that the user could check off to store points for completed tasks. The tasks on the form could change so I want the form to change as the tasks are changes with out re-coding the app.I am using VB 2003. I have searched but couldn't find anything.

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VS 2008 Adding Multiple User Controls To A Form?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a form that I will be using to keep track of data for computers I build and will eventually link into a database for configuration management, but for right now I'm just trying to get the basic form layout done and functional. I need this for to be customized for each job I do, that means I can have multiple computers, PC card, peripheral equipment, etc. So with that said basically what I have done is created a user control for each separate item that I want to add (i.e. computer, PC card, etc) that has all the fields and functions I require. When I want to add another computer I just add a tab and place my "computer" user control on it, no big deal...

My issue is when I want to add my "PC card" user control to that "computer" user control. What I am trying to do is to add the first user control(PC Card Info) I created under a button called "Add New PC Card" (which is part of the "computer" user control.)and that part works! What I want to do is keep added as many "pc card"user controls as I need and basically keep appending them under the last control on the bottom of the page (which is the "pc card" user control, that is a groupbox with a few drop down boxes and text boxes in it.)with a little spacing between them. The biggest problem I am having is when I add the first "PC Card" user control, it works.. but when I try to add another one and search the current page for all user controls under a certain point or with a specific name, I don't get any results.

I think I'm on the right track with the following code but I am running into 2 things I can't do that are critical to my needs. 1: I need to define the text of the user control I just added so I can uniquely identify it, so If I need to remove it I can and will also play a role later( I thought if there was some way in code to make my control # a variable that may work) 2: I need to know what to look for since I have a count that represents how many of that particular control exist on my form, that way I can name them properly, this will also allow me a method to delete the user control if desired.

Dim pccard As New PC_Card
Dim x As Integer
Dim name As String


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Passing Multiple Data From One Form To Another

Jun 10, 2011

In reference to this post [URL] I have another more specific question about passing data between forms in VB.net I have a form with over 50 variables that I need to access on a second form and if i followed the method above, my form 2 will end up way too long and time consuming. I'm making a complex calculation software that prompts user inputs values and calculates all those unknown variables. I need to display all the resulting values in the 2nd form. and from the 2nd form , i want to give the users an option to export all those values to an ms Excel sheet.


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Reduce Size Of Captured Image?

Apr 4, 2010

I have wrote this code to capture image of desktop and save it somewhere!

i want to know how can i reduce the size of it[code]....

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Retrieve Image That Has Been Captured From Folder?

Jan 28, 2011

I have created a program where I capture image and ask user to answer question upon the image they see. The details about a captured image will be shown in listview. When user click the listview item they can preview the image which they captured. I am unable to do it as keep showing the same image.


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Way To Populate Multiple Comboboxes From XML?

Aug 2, 2011

I have 3 comboboxes and want to populate each from XML. What is the best way to do this?Here is the XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<combobox name="cbScreenResolution">


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How To Bind Multiple ComboBoxes To Same Data Source In Form

Oct 17, 2011

I have created a form with three comboboxes. means
All fields are select ( name ) from a "CustomerName" table. "CustomerName" table is have more than ten thousand records. I am use three binding sources its worked great but it is very slow bcz three comboboxes are filled data on form loading time. I am using visual studio 2010 (visual basic).

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Excel Linked - Populate A Number Of Combo Boxes From An Excel Document

Jan 19, 2009

i Have this code which populates a number of combo boxes from an excel document, the problem is that it only populates the 1st three lines, does anyone know why this is??


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Why This Code Does Not Save The Video Captured By The Webcam

Oct 10, 2010

I come across this web site that explains how to get a video from a webcam.


all works fine apart it does not save the file?

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VB Multiple Document Interface?

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to set-up a mutiple choice test and I only want the questions to show up on one form and not multiple forms. How do I do this? I want the user to answer the questions and then click a continue button and the next question will appear on the same form.

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How To Populate A DataGridView Using Multiple Tables

Jan 4, 2012

I have a DGV that is bound by an untyped Dataset. My select query consists of using 5 columns from 2 different tables. I fill a dataset with the results of the query. I assign the dataset to the DataSource of the DGV but don't assign the DataMember. The DGV doesn't populate, however, when I test the query it runs like it's supposed to

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