VS 2010 All Data Available Is 'captured' Without Using Unrealisticly Large Buffers Or Using Delays?

Aug 27, 2010

When reading from a network stream using the following [code] I tend to get the data in two or more chunks, unless I specify a delay after each buffer read (which is hardly desirable). It is usually a problem with 4k+ buffers written (in one large chunk and 'flushed') to the networkstream and read in smaller chunks (of say 1k).This is seriously problematic for the rest of the code, since the information is broken up in bits and not properly handled.Is there a way to ensure that all data available is 'captured' without using unrealisticly large buffers or using delays?

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VS 2010 Delays Between Two Lines?

Apr 24, 2011

Quote:This is my first code lineThen I want to add a delay hereThis is my second code lineI want it to first process the first line, then make a delay before processing the secondline, then it will process the second line.

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Delays In Saving Data In MS Access?

Jun 4, 2012

I am using thprocedure "UpdateDatabaseBySQL"to save data in to my MS Access table using VS 2010. The problem is, sometimes when I retreive the values from the database, they are blank. But my save procedure worked well. If I pause the app for 10 seconds and query,everything works. So what I did was add System.Threading.

View 22 Replies

Regular Expression + Txt File = Captured Data?

Nov 16, 2011

I'm having trouble trying to find the best method to do what I'm needing.

I'm thinking of using a regular expression to read a .txt file and parse out the MAC id information that will be in the text file. I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it or what the best way to do this is.

macID = d{1, 4}.d{1, 4}.d{1, 4}
totalMacInfo = all the macs in the text file?

If you guys have an alternative solution or a good way to write out the code I am open to suggestions. Not exactly sure how best to mix the expression into reading a txt file to get the data i need.

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Populate Same Data Captured Via User Form On Multiple Locations Of A Document?

Feb 28, 2009

On a word document I would like to populate same data captured via User Form on multiple locations of a document... i.e. LastName I would like to appear on salutation paragraph and also in the body of the letter... I used REF LastName on the document when using VBA but it seems the same document when it is being populated via a VB application this skim does not work and instead "Error! Reference source not found." appears where ever the REF LastName has been used..

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VS 2010 Large Data Files (~9,000,000 Lines)?

Feb 28, 2012

Some of my users are collecting data files this size and wish to load it in to my tool. Is there a way to load large files of string data w/o getting a OutOfMemoryException? I have tried many different storage methods (Array, List, etc) but always without success.Before anyone asks 'why load it all at once', let me say the nature of my app is speed critical and it must be so.

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VS 2010 : Working With Large Amounts Of Data Without Getting Out Of Memory?

Apr 25, 2011

I recently wrote a program that collects information from the network can displays it in a DGV for the user to see. I tested this on networks where I would end up with several thousand items brought back and all worked fine, very little memory increase and once the search had finished the memory usage went back to pretty much what it was before the search, so I assume I have no major memory leaks that I should be concerned about (I'm careful to always dispose of things and clear large variables where possible).

However, a new company has now started using my application and they have several hundred thousand items that my program will find. They reported that they leave the program running its search for a few hours and most of the time it crashes with an Out Of Memory exception. Now I did have my app do some caching of certain information to avoid querying the network more than was necessary so I thought well maybe this is what is causing it but I added an option to turn that off and they say it still happens. So the only thing I can see it being is simply the amount of data that the program is finding and having to store in memory.once my application has gathered information about the items it stores them in a List(Of MyItemClass) and then when the search is complete the items are added to the DGV. So I'm thinking maybe its just the size of this List(Of MyItemClass) that is simply getting too large. Bear in mind that each instance of MyItemClass in this List can have quite a lot of information in it as it has several properties that are List(Of String) that may contain a few thousand strings in some scenarios.How do you deal with such large amounts of data without running out of memory?I'm assuming the only option I have got is to 'page' some of the data to a temporary file on disk once I get over a certain number of items in the List(Of MyItemClass)?

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Buffers To Increase Movement, Lower Quality?

May 23, 2010

is there any buffers i can use to make my animations look smoother rather than the quality of the pictures?

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IDE :: Adding Space - Build Delays For 15 Sec

Sep 11, 2010

Using VS2010 in Win7-64 bit with VB.NET. The project build has suddenly got extremely slow after an edit. When I build a project for debugging without any source code changes, the project builds very quickly. However, if I make a minor change to the source, such as adding a space, the build delays for 15 sec. Did the obvious things - clean the solution, reboot etc. Source code is a single project with less than 10,000 lines. Reboot, start IDE, click the space bar, build and bam! - 15 sec. delay. Is there a cache or anything that needs to be flushed or deleted?

View 5 Replies

Make Mouse Click And Delays?

May 28, 2011

What is the Simplest code to make the mouse click once?

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Reduce Size Of Captured Image?

Apr 4, 2010

I have wrote this code to capture image of desktop and save it somewhere!

i want to know how can i reduce the size of it[code]....

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Retrieve Image That Has Been Captured From Folder?

Jan 28, 2011

I have created a program where I capture image and ask user to answer question upon the image they see. The details about a captured image will be shown in listview. When user click the listview item they can preview the image which they captured. I am unable to do it as keep showing the same image.


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.net - Replace Multiple Captured Groups In Regex?

Feb 9, 2012

VB2005: I've been looking at regex for some hours now and cant seem to get my head around the .Replace for my case. I'm looking for two fields and then I want to replace those fields with new values. So my string looks like so:


What do I put in MyRegexReplace? This is a simple two value replace but Im going to have possibly more so was thinking there has got to be a way to do this but need .

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Why This Code Does Not Save The Video Captured By The Webcam

Oct 10, 2010

I come across this web site that explains how to get a video from a webcam.


all works fine apart it does not save the file?

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C# - Inheriting A Base Form But Paste/Cut Commands Not Captured?

Jun 9, 2010

I created a base form that has a specific size and an icon as a base for all forms created in my project (to be consistent in looks). The problem is, for some reason if I add a Text box to the Child form, I can no longer execute shortcuts like Copy (CTRL+C) etc into the Textbox.

What should I do to handle this OTHER THAN writing code to capture those on the KeyUp control?

This is also the case for RichTextBox control as well.

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Large Multidimensial Array - Write A Program To Do Markov Chain But States Are Quite Large

Jun 9, 2011

I want to write a program to do Markov chain, but my states are quite large. First of all I calculate all the transition probabilities and revenues for all states(1381860 total states), and store in a multidimensional array. Public RevArr(0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As Long

After that the iteration of markov chain should use these as inputs to calculate the steady-state probabilities. But when I try to run the main code I got this error.Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

The following is the declaration of second array I add just another dimension for storing all the iterations, but I get this error. Dim stateprob(IT + 1, 0 To 9, 0 To 750, 0 To 282) As single

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Format Data In A Large DataTable?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a large data.DataTable and some formatting rules to apply.For example, the LASTNAME column has a value of "Jones" but my formatting rule requires it be 10 characters padded with spaces on the right and uppercase only. Like: "JONES "My initial thought is to loop through each row and generate a string. But, I wonder if I could accomplish this more efficiently with a DataView, LINQ or something else.

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Large Amount Of Data In ComboBox?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm searching the same title "Large amount of data in ComboBox" last 1 and half years but I could not get what I'm expecting! Here is my case, I have 20 thousand unique products, I just fill into dataset & bind only two columns in the combobox for searching & validating the product if it is exist in the product list or not.

1) I read about dataset but all articles are described "Dataset only for few records because it is sitting in-memory". If I fill few records (100 or 1000 products) into the dataset, how can I search & validate REMAINING (NOT FILLED) products?

2) Is there anyother way without filling into dataset and bind to combobox? Can anyone suggest me which is suitable for me?

View 14 Replies

Large Data In A Cell Of DataGridView?

Sep 13, 2010

i want to display a large data in a cell of DataGridView as multiplelines to avoid the horizontalscroll.

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Large Files For Data Comparison?

Sep 21, 2010

I am working on a program for a customer and am working in VB2010 in VB language. I have two rather large files that contain data. File #1 is over 300,000 lines of data. File #2 is over 100,000 lines. The files are CSV text files. On a User Form, there are two values, "StartTime" and "StopTime". This is the process I am doing:

1. Read both files into ArrayLists
2. Get item #1 of ArrayList #1 (we'll call this "A")
3. Get item #1 of ArrayList #2 (we'll call this "B")


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Structure For Large Quantities Of Data?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a large amount of data (400 variables recorded 2 times per second) which is output from a factory monitoring system. It is stored in encrypted files in blocks of one hour from which i can extract to csv with a small piece of software.I would like to upload these csv files into a single database from where i can make graphs, analysis or whatever over longer periods.

The csv files have one line of data per 'time stamp', each of which can be conceptually segregated into approximately 15 individual pieces of equipment.I can quite easily import the data into a single table. However, i find that, very quickly, i end up with an enormous file (about 700mb/month) which is extremely ponderous to work with.

is it possible to split the table into 15 separate tables related by 'time stamp' and second, can each of these separate tables be saved in separate files in storage memory (such that only the files with the desired data are imported into ram).

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VS 2008 Large Data In Listview?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a listview control in my form which contains 44 columns. When user clicks on particular node in the 'tree view' it loads corresponding records to the listview. If the number of records is less then it works fine, but if there is more number of records then it takes more time to load(very slow).

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Xml And Storing Large Amount Data?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm working on a project at the moment, where all the data being loaded is kept in an XML file which until now have been rather clean with structures such as

<Texture id="1">TerraingrassDirtNW.png</Texture>


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Compute Hash On Large Amount Of Data?

Jan 31, 2011

I tried to follow this advice, but I still run out of memory.


Basically, I am reading all the bytes of a 1 gb disk and I want to try and do a md5 hash on it. However, when following this example, my cryptostream gets too large a System out of memory exception.

Is there another way to do the md5 hash over some much data?

I am currently reading it into 10 million bytes arrays at a time. Can I hash the first array, and then use it as a seed for the next array, and so one, like you might do to a CRC32 calculation?

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Display A Large Amount Of Data In Gridview?

Jan 7, 2011

I am trying to show a large amount of data in gridview but the problem is that everytime data increase the gridview row size increase automatically.

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Saving And Loading Large Amounts Of Data?

Sep 5, 2009

Is it possible to create a kinda virtual storage in a vb application so that data created during run time are stored right in the applicaion instead of its environment?

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When I Copy A Large Table, The Data Gets Corrupted?

Feb 7, 2011

This is a problem with MS Access, but I can't seem to find an MS Access Forum, so I'm asking it here.I have a large table of just one field. The field type is Byte. I use CTRL C and CTRL V to make a copy of the table.I then compare the Source and Destination tables and lo and behold they are different at about record number 8 million.I also tried an Append Query to append to an empty table (I haven't tried a Make Table query).But, similar corruption.The source and destination tables do not end up the same. The Record where the failure occurs varies, but it is always greater than 8 million.I tried this on MS Access 2002 and 2010 (both with an Access 2002 database).

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VB 2010 - Interpolation Large Array

Jun 18, 2012

I need to write code to interpolate the values shown in the image below. By "interpolate" I mean that if you were given a value of [Code]. I have working in Excel but I can't figure out how to make it work in VB 2010. Should I set my data up as an array or as 6 lists? If the user inputs a certain number how do I code it to look for the next highest number and next lowest number?

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VS 2010 Deleting Large Files?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a series of large files (4GB) that when I delete takes a very long time. This only occurs on a USB drive that I have attached to my PC. If I do the same thing on the internal drive the files delete quickly. It is as if the files are being overwritten before being deleted. I am looking for some guidance or other approaches.

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.net's ListBox Data(large) Takes Too Much Time To Show Up?

Jun 24, 2012

I ran into a problem where the listbox is taking awfully long time to show up. This is not the same in java(It took very very less time - one second max). So, is there any remedy to this??, any other form control??, or some other way?? imports System.Threading imports System.Windows.Forms


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