Place Controls On An Form Using A Database For Locations?

Dec 24, 2011

I am wanting to populate a form with check boxes and labels on starting of the app. My idea is to store to locations on the form in a database. I am creating an app that would have check boxes and labels that the user could check off to store points for completed tasks. The tasks on the form could change so I want the form to change as the tasks are changes with out re-coding the app.I am using VB 2003. I have searched but couldn't find anything.

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Controls Change Place And Form Size Changes

Aug 13, 2011

I have designed a form in VB.NET. At design time I have placed two buttons on it. When I run it, the form size looks smaller and the buttons I have placed at the bottom are not visible. Also the alignment of the text and picture box is also different from what I set at design time. Computer at which I am running the form is using a different resolution.

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Place A Mousedown Function Over All Controls On Form?

May 31, 2010

Dim img As New Windows.Forms.PictureBox
img.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(newx, newy)
img.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom
img.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 100)
img.Name = "img" & t

I need a mousedown function to cover all the images that are produced by the above code.The following code only affects the areas that aren't covered by the images. I just need something that covers the whole form

Private Sub main_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles MyClass.MouseDown
End Sub

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Database Stuff In Each Form Separately - Place It In A Global Module - Dataset Is Being Duplicated ?

Apr 19, 2011

I have finally got my code all working, but there is just a quick query really. At the moment I have all the database stuff in each form seperatly. When I place it in a global module, it looks like the dataset is being duplicated I was wondering why this happens when I place it in a global module?

This the code I use and the code I would put in a global module

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


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Loop/design - Looping Through A Database With Pdf Locations

Sep 14, 2011

I am looping through a database with pdf locations. The application is button click event driven. The problem I am having is that I display a pdf. If the user clicks on the button then the pdf information is inserted into a database and the loop should be taking me to the next pdf. However, this loop does not seem to give what I need. What ends up happening is the first pdf gets displayed twice. I think mainly because I display the first pdf onload, but when I click the button it agrees and grabs the first item from the database. And it ends up falling behind because its restarting the query and I cant quite figure out how to get the button to catch the first displayed pdf, or skip it entirely since I am using a welcome pdf. So on the welcome pdf that is supposed to be displayed initially the user clicks agree and it agrees to the welcome pdf instead of just skipping it. I am not quite sure how to just move past the pdf.

public sub onload()
display the welcome pdf
end sub


Now if I run the code without the loop it works fine. I just end up having to run the app however many pdfs I have in my database.

query data
display data
insert data

To display pdfs I imported the com control for adobe so pdfs get displayed like this:

axacropdf1.src = my.mysettings.default.readpath & pdflocation

pdflocation is passed from a query fill.

I think I have an underlying design issue which probably precedes the loop.

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Cant Move My Form From Place To Place ?

Jun 21, 2011

My form cant move i set none to formborderstyle and made my form transparent using


So now i cant move my form from place to place.

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Limit Where You Can Place Controls?

Feb 26, 2010

I wrote a class, StyledForm that inherits from Form.

StyledForm draws a styled titlebar, ect. However, in the designer you can place a control over the titlebar (because it isn't actually the form).

In a normal form if you place a control in the same spot, the titlebar (or form edges) would draw over the control, and the control wouldn't receive input there.

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Place A Navigation Drop Down With The Db Controls?

Feb 23, 2010

Basicly what I have is a form and it is serving as an interface to an access db. Well it has some navigation buttons on it now, but I am trying to place a navigation drop down with the db controls that drop under it when I click it.

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How To Place ASP Custom Controls In Separate Tab Panels

Dec 23, 2011

I have a placeholder which gets populated with many custom controls, each custom control is a summary of a location containing various facts and interactions. When directly populating the placeholder with the controls they get added one under another down the page. I'm trying to find a way to place each custom control generated in a loop in its own tab (any sort of tab, ui etc) so that the user can select the summary they wish to view instead of having to scroll down the page to find it. (I'm using ASP.NET and VB.NET)

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Transparent Drawing Surface To Place Over A Group Of Controls?

Aug 17, 2009

Is there a transparent drawing surface I can place over a group of controls?

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Insert Data From Form Controls Into A SQL Database ?

Nov 14, 2009

I have a form with a series of text boxes to accept user input and a button that should basically run an INSERT statement to a SQL database.I'm baffled at why I cannot figure out how to code this. All of the samples posted on the web are for VB 2005/.NET and the syntax is definitely different in 2008 because attempting to copy+paste to just test some of their source is just littered with errors.

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Interface And Graphics :: Place Controls In ASP.Net Table For Formatting Purposes?

Aug 5, 2010

I am using Visual Web Developer 2008 Express and making a Webform. I want to arrange my labels and drop down listboxes in a table to keep them together on the form in a neatly manner. If I use the 'ToolBox' on the side and drag a HTML table to the workspace I get a nicely formatted table with 3 rows and 3 columns. And I can drag and drop my labels/listboxes into these columns and all is fine and good.

If I use the 'ToolBox' and drag a ASP.Net table to the workspace it starts as just a boarder with '###' inside of it, which I cannot drap and drop controls into. I'm not sure how to place controls into it. I figured out that you can add the Rows - then Columns in the properties window, but that just adds more cells which have the '###' in them. I can make it work with the HTML table, but I just want to know if I can do the same with the table.

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Populate Same Data Captured Via User Form On Multiple Locations Of A Document?

Feb 28, 2009

On a word document I would like to populate same data captured via User Form on multiple locations of a document... i.e. LastName I would like to appear on salutation paragraph and also in the body of the letter... I used REF LastName on the document when using VBA but it seems the same document when it is being populated via a VB application this skim does not work and instead "Error! Reference source not found." appears where ever the REF LastName has been used..

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Inserting Data To Database From A Form That Uses As List(Of TextBox) / Controls?

Jul 29, 2011

I've used Me.Controls.Add() to add text boxes and now, I'm thinking how can I INSERT the data in these text boxes to database.


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Form In A Form - Manipulate The App's Properties Place Inside Child Form?

Dec 23, 2008

The following code does create a form within a form and does place NotePad inside the child form. You have to manually start NotePad prior to execution (I work on that later) but the code does work¦ My problem is now I want to manipulate the properties of notepad i.e. focus, size, location, etc. but I cannot figure out how to reference notepad and its properties.


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Place A Form In Panel With Operations Performed On Form?

Mar 4, 2012

I have been trying to place a form inside a panel. This has been achieved by[code]...

In the IterationForm, I have values being calculated and displayed as and when an operation is being performed.

In the panel it shows only the blank form. I need to have those values displayed as well.

I have tried using MDI parent with my menustrip1, same thing, that is the form being displayed without the values.

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Get The Database And Data Set Changes In Place?

Apr 21, 2009

I spent most of Friday deleting stuff out of my windows project and/or starting from scratch when the data base was changed. What is the cleanest way to get the data base and data set changes in place? The current changes(which I have not applied yet) effect the file that I am maintaining in my windows project. Right now, we manually delete the data set project from our local PC, then copy the new one down from it's permanet location on the server.

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VS 2008 Place A Form Inside Of A Form?

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to place a form inside of a form, how would I do that?It would be like photoshop, where the tools form is inside the main form, or the filter form is inside the main form.

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Place The Database Files In An Application?

Dec 28, 2009

Initially while login from form1, the application will check login from the database and after login, it again populate values from database to gridview in another form2, and after that i will add values to the database in another form3. And so when again coming to form2, the gridview does not populating the updated values from database. Actually where to place the database files in an application?

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VS 2005 - Getting Fields From Database And Place Control

Dec 27, 2009

I am having some fields in ms-access database. I want the label and textbox control to be placed dynamically from those fields. For eg: I am having 2 fields in database UserName and FirstName. So during run time, 2 labels and 2 textboxes must be placed on the form, and with the caption as lblUserName & lblFirstName and txtFirstName & txtUserName. So after i enter text in that, with a button click event those are added to the database? How to do this?

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VS 2008 Navigating My Code - Flow Can Jump From Place To Place

Mar 11, 2010

Like I imagine everyone, I often have problems navigating my code because the flow can jump from place to place. For example, if my code calls routine1, and I then want to go to routine1's code, I know that I can click in the dropdown menu and it will take me to that sub. But wouldn't it be easier if I could somehow right click on the call to routine way and select something like 'take me there' which would transport me from the function making the call to the code for the function being called? Then it would be easy to hop from place to place.

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Place 54 Panel On A Form?

Jun 15, 2010

Is it possible to place 54 panel on a form? .The purpose is for printing.

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.net - Resources/App.config Or Database Where Is The Best Place To Application Strings

Mar 25, 2009

I was currently looking at on old application that I am maintianing and it uses a mixture of retrieving Application config settings from both the App.config and application config table in the DB.In the new software I am working (a port of the old application) I have a list of email addresses that are static and rarely change, what would be the best mechanism for retrieving these. Currently I am using resource strings so that using them is a simple My.Resources., but what are the benefits/drawbacks of storing the information either in the App.Config or a database table.

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Add Controls To A Form In Code And Set The Properties Of The Controls?

May 24, 2009

How can I add controls to a form in code and set the properties of the controls using the With statement?Also I would like to know how to add a container control and then add a control to that container.

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Controls Not Return All The Child Controls For The Form?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a slight problem With an enumaration of child controls on a form. The following code will not get but about have the controls that are on the form. The controls show that the count is correct but when it goes through the loop it skips over some of the controls. If you run it through the enumeration two or three times it will get all the controls a few at a time. The solution uses two forms, one that has the controls and the other that labels are made and displayed on. The Tx is just a index to add a number to the and rename the label. So each label is identified seperately. This works for all the the controls that are seen in the for each loop.

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Pass Usercontrol Controls Or Form Controls?

May 11, 2009

I created a class that can take either usercontrol.controls or form.controls as a parameter,how can i pass either to that class? as a property or how?

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Show Form After Load / Place Everything?

Dec 27, 2011

I have a little problem, nothing very serious, but something that anoys me and i can�t solve.

I have a VB.NET windows form project, with a main MDI form containing a menu.

I load all forms with:

Private Sub MostrarFormulario(ByRef formulario As Form)
formulario.MdiParent = Me
formulario.BackgroundImage = Me.BackgroundImage
formulario.BackgroundImageLayout = Me.BackgroundImageLayout


When show the form, i can see all combos / grids / objects being placed and feeded. Its a fraction of second (in fast machines). All my objects placing and loading are made in the Activated event.(because some combos data may have been added/deleted and the app can have multiples form oppened at the same time).

Is there a method for loading everything first (not showing) and then display all at the same time?

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Create Flash Form And Place Them In Application?

Jun 5, 2009

I am thinking about create flash form and place them in my application. I wonder in what program that I can create and design the flash form?

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Place A Form Into Tabbed Dialog Control?

Mar 21, 2012

I'm switching from an MDI approach to switch between pages to a tabbed dialog control. Is there any way to place a form into tabbed dialog control?I'm guessing not, but the next option (and this was suggested awhile ago by JM) is to make a user control. I have ~ 20 some odd forms and making a new control for all of them could be a pain.

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Place A Time/counter On The Form That Shows?

Jul 2, 2011

I've got a project that generates a sql query and returns the results. I want to place a time/counter on the form that shows how long it takes to return the query from the server. Basically to count up in seconds from 0 while that sub is executing. Would threading be the best way to do this or is there another way that I'm missing?

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