Prevent Flat Borderless Buttons From Showing A Box When Using The Tab Key?

Oct 12, 2009

I have flat buttons with a background image (.png, slightly rounded border appearance) and no border. When I use the tab key to move between items, a box shows up around the button. How do I prevent this?Also, when I use the tab key on any part of the form, and click on a button, the box appears.What I want is on the left, what happens with tab key is on the right[URL]..

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Buttons Are Changing To Flat Style?

Jan 29, 2009

I download code from PSC which is written by VS2005 and want to run in VS2008. Buttons are XP style in design mode when i run it buttons are changing to flat style? Why?

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Prevent Remainder From Showing?

Jun 14, 2009

For example if I wanted my program to divide 13 by 4 how can I make it appear as just 3 and not show the remainder?

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Prevent A Context Menu From Showing?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to stop a context menu from showing if nothing is selected.

If lvCopiedText.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
End If

That doesn't work for some reason, i think its because that happens before the menu actually appears.

View 3 Replies - Prevent Numbers From Showing In Exponent Notation?

Oct 21, 2009

I've got an app that sometimes stores some decently small numbers, such as 0.000023425. These numbers get loaded up in TextBox controls for users to edit.

Dim number As Double = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "2.3425E-05"

As mentioned, the text that shows is 2.3425E-05, which isn't exactly intuitive for the user to see, plus I have numbers even more precise (out to 19 decimal places). I would like the output to be fixed point. Of course I could easily and cleanly do:

number.ToString("F20") ' Shows "0.00002342500000000000"

But then there's an annoying number of zeros left over. So, to fix that, I could do:

number.ToString("#,##0.####################") ' Shows "0.000023425"

Which is what I want, but is there any better way to do it than to have that giant ugly format string there? So, ok, it's not that ugly, but surely there's a different way, right? My goal is to show the raw value being stored in the DB in a friendly way, and I would rather not have to force a format on the number at all.I found that changing the underlying datatype to Decimal solves the issue.

Dim number As Decimal = 0.000023425
someTextBox.Text = number.ToString() ' Shows "0.000023425" instead of "2.3425E-05"

So it sounds like Doubles aren't precise enough to be displayed normally?

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Prevent Vb Program From Showing Up On The Task Manager?

May 25, 2010

How can I prevent my Vb program from showing up on the task manager and in the process tab in task manager?

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[2005] - User Controls - Prevent Them From Showing Up In The Toolbox

Feb 1, 2009

I have created a series of custom user controls for a wizard interface that I am making. Each user control represents one step in the wizard and really shouldn't be used outside of the wizard. The thing that is bugging me is that each wizard step user control shows up in the toolbox of components to insert into a form.

Is it possible to hide a user control from the toolbox? Better yet is it possible to hide a user control from other classes not in the same namespace of an assembly? Is this a good approach or should I think of a different approach?

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VS 2008 Best Way To Prevent Three False Buttons From Having Same Value?

Jul 31, 2009

I have 4 radio buttons in a group box that I populate with answers from a database.

1.) The way the program works is I first populate one of the buttons randomly with the correct answer.

2.) I then proceed to populate the remaining buttons with False answers, by starting at the first button to see if it has a value or not. If not, it is then populated, if so then its skipped and I move on to the next button. This continues until I populate the remaining three buttons with false answers.what is the best way to prevent the three false buttons from having the same value? And where can I find an example.

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Prevent Form Focus When Click The Buttons On It?

Oct 20, 2010

I am writing an on screen keyboard in VB.NET for a touchscreen. My problem is; how do I keep my keyboard form from getting focus when someone clicks the buttons on it? I have it on top using Me.TopMost That part is working great but I want to leave the current app have focus, not my keyboard. I'm guessing I need to use Windows API functions to accomplish this, however, I have not found any good examples in VB.NET.

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Resolution And Buttons - Tabs, Inside Each Tab There Are Buttons (the User Can Add The Buttons When They Want)

Mar 3, 2012

I have a piece of software with two tabs, inside each tab there are buttons (the user can add the buttons when they want). when tab1 is full tab2 should start to fill. I currently know how many buttons fit on the screen so I just say something like if buttons > 150 then start to populate tab 2 The problem i have now though is if the resolution is changed then a different amount of buttons can be displayed. so if I put my screen to 1280x720 some buttons are left of. I was thinking of detecting the resolution and then using different cases for different resolutions but this seems very inefficient im wondering if there is a different way?

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Drawing On A Borderless Form

Dec 5, 2011

1)Interestingly, if I try to draw on a Form with formborderstyle = none, no drawing appears.On a form, with borders; no problem

2)If I draw from wihin a paint event, i can draw on both.However, the paint event has its own issues, most irritatingly the fact that it doesn't draw immedately, but only after going all the way back through a whole chain of calls.anyway that I can draw directly on a borderless form?

View 13 Replies

How To Create Borderless Forms

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to make a borderless form so I set the "Form Border Style" property to "None". So then I ran it and could not move it around. How do I overcome this? Btw I already made the close button and etc.

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Smooth Borderless Resize ?

Nov 20, 2010

I am working on making a borderless form resize, but every time you move the mouse while resizing, it starts blinking until you are done. Is there a smoother borderless resize?

Here is the code I have right now

Dim CurLocation, AppLocation As New Point(0, 0)

Private Sub Sync()
CurLocation = Cursor.Position
AppLocation = Me.Size


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Dock / Hide Borderless Form?

Jul 5, 2010

Dock/Hide Borderless Form?

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Forms :: Drag A Borderless Window

Jan 5, 2010

I have a border-less window made by this function:

Private Sub MiniWin()
Me.Visible = False
Me.Text = ""


and when is in this state I can't move it... so how can I move the form when is in this condition?

Second Q: how can I forbid the window form not to be re-size-ble and stay within the given dimensions?

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How To Make Form Transparent (Borderless)

Jun 8, 2011

How to make A Form in Transparent without Making Its Contents Transparent..! Actually I mean I make a border less form which I want as Transparent and in that Form I added little animation picture. And I want this animation picture visible. But what is happening here is wen I am setting the Form opacity to 10% both Picture n form are getting Transparent. I only want form transparent and not the Picture.

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How To Print Borderless Form / Scrollbar

Apr 7, 2012

Would you like to print a form, without borders. I've tried several things but what I can only see in the picture. Also would like to put a scroll bar on the form to work in an A4 format.

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VB 2010 Make A Borderless Form?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm trying to make a borderless form. I chose a dark red color as a backcolor and as a transparency key. I made my own dragable title bar, my own close, minimize, maximize and restore buttons and all that stuff. BUT, in order to imitate the Microsoft Windows' style perfectly, I tried to copy that outer glow that Microsoft has:I had to add an outer glow to my form in Photoshop and save it as .PNG. Here's what happened:The dark red became darker under the influence of my outer glow, and it was not considered a dark red anymore. How can I get rid of that?

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VS 2008 - Moving Borderless Form

Sep 21, 2009

I already got the move part, that's easy, what I'm having trouble with is when I click on the form and try to move it, it shifts a little, that is really annoying, I just want it to be smooth. I want it to be as if I'm moving the form from the title bar. [Code]

View 9 Replies

Move Dynamic Borderless Form Via PictureBox?

May 7, 2012

From the dynamic form I added. I realized that I can't get a gif animation to run in the form's background. So I thought I'd give it a try by embeding a picturebox on the dynamic form, but it's not working hence why I'm here.

So on my main form (Form1) I have 2 buttons, openfiledialog, and a picturebox. When you click button1 you browse for the an image to display in the picturebox, and when you press button2 as you can see from the code below. It'll open a new form, but what I want is to have the picturebox displayed over the whole form, but also play the gif animation I selected from my main form via Form1 onto the dynamically embeded one, but in the picturebox. Now I can't use it as BackgroundImage so I'm using it as just an Image, but my problem now is I'm unable to move each borderless form, and am unable to close each as well.[code]....

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Move Dynamically Embedded Borderless Form?

May 7, 2012

As you can see from the code provided below as well as the title, that I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to move this dynamically embeded borderless form in VB.NET.

Private Sub AddWidget_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AddWidget.Click
Dim WidgetForm As Form
WidgetForm = New Form()
WidgetForm.ShowInTaskbar = False


I've done this method (code below) a couple times in the past, and it always seems to work for moving a form, but I'm unsure on how to apply this for the dynamically embeded form.

Private Sub Form1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDown
If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left Then
drag = True
mousex = Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position.X - Me.Left


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Show Close Button On A Borderless Form

Sep 14, 2011

I have the need to have a close button on a borderless form but I'm unable to find a way to display the win7 close button this way? Is it avalible in any way? (I dont wan't to do it the ugly, ugly, ugly way, IE do a screenshot and use that as a bitmap on a button)

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Transparent Background Color Borderless Form

Aug 11, 2010

in Main form is transparent and I added big picture box to hold background image. Then I added transparent panel to this form but now i can see my desktop trough that form. I don't wanna c my desktop or other windows. How can I avoid this without changing panel background color? coz I want same image as my panel bg too.

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VB 2010 Make The Form Transparent And BorderLess

Dec 10, 2011

I have a little "designing" problem in VB 2010. So, I made a cool abstract background for my application in Photoshop. And I wanted to make the form transparent and BorderLess. But, in order to imitate Windows, I also had to put in a very small black outer glow. So, I made the BackColor in a DarkGreen, then the same for the TranksparencyKey. BUT, because of the outer glow, now it looks like this:


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VS 2010 Borderless Child Maximized Still Has Controlbox

Aug 11, 2011

I have an MDI parent form and multiple child forms. Child forms are borderless and set to start in the maximized position because I want the forms to completely fill/resize within the parent form and only display the selected form, one form at a time.

Problem I have is whenever I load a form it puts another bar at the top of the screen and another control box. Is there any way to get the child forms to load in maximized state without this bar? I tried .controlbox = false and it gets rid of the control box but the bar is still there.

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Borderless MDI Child Form Border Flashes When Opened

Mar 22, 2010

I have a series of MDI child forms I page through to present learning material, all of which are borderless and framed within a main interface form. Each form has its FormBorderStyle set to None, and the form's Text property is blank. I am loading each fom on demand, rather than setting up a stack and pushing one to the front, as this is simpler for me with my limited programming experience.The problem is that as each form is opened/shown, the border briefly flashes in the centre of the ParentForm before docking in the top left corner as programmed. I have even tried coding the Form's Load event to make sure the border is set to None, as shown below:[code]This makes sure there is not a brief delay between the old form closing and the new one showing.

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Tab In Flat Button

Mar 11, 2010

I'm using a border-less form. Well when i press the Tab button the form looks like it refresh for a sec then when i click the button it looks like this ( After - Before ) can i prevent it to look with that border ?

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All Controls Become Flat Style

Jan 4, 2010

I have an app, which has a form. a tab is at the center of the form. the tab is a normal tab, and it has 3d style. today, I was adjusting something, and forgot what I changed. suddenly, all controls become flat style. especially, I have datagrid in the form. in the grid, one cell is a dropdownlist style. before i can change how many items to show when is clicked. now, it does not change. now, even I add a control on another form which is in the same app, the style is flat too. what can cause this? very weird.


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Create Flat EDI File?

Jul 1, 2009

I've gotten the code I posted a few weeks ago working to export a tab delimited file. ([URL]) Now, I've already converted it from tab delimited to "tilde delimited." My goal is to import this flat file created as an EDI 850 Purchase Order. My ordering system rejects the file, yet it looks identical to other working files. My thought is the encoding / format is wrong.


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Make A Flat Progressbar?

Oct 16, 2011

i've to insert in my project, the progressbar control, but i'd like to show it in flat style, is this possible?

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