Priority Skills For A Newbie VB Student To Plan Training For?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm planning my road in VB training on my own at home using various books and online resources, like MSDN and book publisher support sites, etc. My initial goal is to become familiar w/the VB 2008 language but then to build upon that w/other skills like perhaps, ASP. Net, ADO .Net and so on. Maybe concentrate on WPF/XAML? My question is, where do I go next after initially learning the VB 2008 language? Not only that, what should my learning "list" look like, assuming it a good idea to "add" to the lot w/other VB skills? What's a "real world" learning plan look like in VB? Which should I consider to be "priority" core VB skills to learn after initially learning the VB language?What is a realistic VB skill portfolio look like?

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VS 2010 - VB Training - Practice Exercises To Develop Skills

Mar 14, 2011

Can anyone suggest a book or a direction for some training other than bombarding you guys with posts all the time? I'd like something geared more for teaching than for just reference. Books really aren't cheap and I'd like to just buy one if possible. Free website tips and training would be nice too. I've built a calculator for fun and my project will be more database oriented but I'd like to build more form applications.

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Change Priority Class And Thread Priority Of A Process?

Mar 30, 2012

How can I change the priority class and the thread priority of a process?

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Setting Process Priority - Game To Low Priority To Prevent Less Lag ?

Nov 29, 2010

So I'm making this program that set my game to low priority to prevent less lag, I got it to find if hl.exe is running and if it is, it'll set hl.exe to Low Priority.

I'm using this code but it seem to not work.

If Process.GetProcessesByName("hl").Length = 0 Then
TextBox1.Text = "Waiting for hl.exe"


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Add Student Average Information To Properties Of Student Records Created In Previous Sub Procedure?

Apr 19, 2010

I have created a class called Student, with five private variables: [code] My main form is divided into a number of different sub procedures. In one of them, I used a streamreader to take the first name, last name, and phone numbers of a list of records in a text file called PersonalInfo.txt. It seems to work just fine. [code] I have another, separate sub procedure in which I read a different text file containing the "averages" for the students. The first average from Averages.txt belongs with the first student in PersonalInfo.txt. The second average goes with the second student.. How do I add the student average information to the properties of the student records created in the previous sub procedure? [code] I realize why this wouldn't work, but I can't figure out how I could use my counter to reference a specific student.

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ASAP VB 2010 - Randomly Select A Single Student Out Of The Student Array Based On Their Subscript Number

Mar 6, 2012

randomly select a single student out of the student array based on their subscript number. This will be accomplished by the following:


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Displaying Minutes & Seconds Newbie QuestionTimespan?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm looking to format an output of a calculation into time using VB and it's driving me nuts does anyone have any ideas based on the function below?

Example Values
TotalMinutes = 90.5
Distance = 16


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C# - Will Learning WPF Improve Skills In ASP

Dec 2, 2010

I have worked in Windows Forms for years, and still do. I'm not acquainted at all with the ASP.NET technology and no other Web related technology. I have worked with:

Oracle Form Builder;
Visual dBase 7.5;
Delphi 2.0, 3.0 and 7.0;
Sybase Power Builder 10.5;
Visual Basic 6;
Visual Basic 2003/2005/2008;
And ultimately, Visual C# 2005/2008.

I'm mostly a C# programmer with a growing experience in VB.NET for the current year. What would be the way to go to learn WPF the best possible way while taking into account my experience? And I'd like to know, will learning WPF improve my skills in ASP.NET and the like?

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Skills Checklist For Students?

Oct 24, 2009

For the assignment that I'm doing, there's certain skills I must demonstrate in my assignment. There are some standard ones, and some optional ones. The more optional ones I have, the better chance I have at achieving an A.Problem is, some of the things on the list are a bit wierd, and after Googling them, I still have no idea what they are. I will list them, if you could perhaps tell me what they are and how they work anInput Mask (Actually, I know what this is - when people input information, it's a method that inserts in the information in the correct frormat (eg. dd/mm/yyyy) but how do you do use this in Visual Basic?Use of procedures or modules

Validation rule andappropriate validation text message
Validating data input entry (eg data type, appropriate value, required)


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VS 2008 Creating A Customer Power Plan?

Mar 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to create a custom power plan in code. I've searched high and low and have come up with very little so far.

The first thing I ran into was WMI. After looking up some information, it seems that all of the WMI Power features are ReadOnly.

Then I looked into the registry. This might be a feasible option, but it's hard to say. It seems each Power Plan has a unique GUID associated with it. This isn't a huge issue, since I can create one like so:

Dim _GUID As Guid = Guid.NewGuid

With this method, the issue now lies in the subkeys. Each Power Plan looks like it also has a unique ID for each option in the power plan.

There are two issues with this. First, even though subkeys are the same for each powerplan on my PC, I'm not able to test others at this time. So I can't know for sure that they are the same. Secondly, I have no way of knowing which subkeys relate to which power options.

My only two other options would be an API or .NET methods.

That being said, does anyone know of any way to create a power plan or some info on it?

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VS 2010 Draw A Simple Floor Plan On Webpage?

Jun 15, 2012

I need to show a simple layout of machine location on my webpage. Anyone can give me idea how do i go about this.The layout will show the location of machine and status of machine. Beside using table, any other idea? The machine will link to database and show the status of machine.

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Create A Application On Windows To Present The Plan Of The House And Control?

May 30, 2012

I study automation engeering!I am in the last year of my studies and i choose for the final project <<Smart house Design And Controlling>>.I would like to create a application on windows to present the plan of the house and control it I decide to use the Visual Basic Express!If someone can help me on this project.

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Documentation Or Training On How To Use WMI

May 16, 2011

where can i find some good documentation or training on how to use WMI?

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Creating Some Training For Using The Serial Port?

Feb 20, 2012

creating some training for using the Serial Port.To that end I have developed some VB .Net software and built a device, using Matrix's E-blocks, that communicates with the PC using the SerialPort. I am currently taking a Tech Writing class and working on the documentation, which will include a lot of VB .Net code.

Serial Port
Random Check Internet Connection Microsoft®
Community Contributor My internet telepathy is down!

"Those who use Application.DoEvents() have no idea what it does and those who know what it does never use it."

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IDE :: Add A Speech Training Window To A Program?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm doing a project using Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1 and I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or VB .NET. I saw a sample program that came with Speech SDK 5.1 named "Dictation Pad" where he can make voice training come out. This app was made with C++ so I was wondering if I could do it also in VB. I would just want to create a button to press and then the training dialogue would come out. I really need it!

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Object Browser / Syntax Training Manual?

Jul 2, 2009

What's the best Object Browser / Syntax Training Manual? Looking for a good reference guide which helps me understand what I'm seeing with the object browser.

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Making A Tetravex Solving Program In Order To Practice My Code Writing Skills?

Feb 8, 2010

Well, i was thinking of making a Tetravex solving program in order to practice my code writing skills (language will propably be Visual Basic) and I need help finding an algorithm for solving it. For those that don't know what tetravex is see this http:[url]... . The only algorithm I can come up with is the brute force way, place a tile randomly in one corner and try every possible tile next to it and continue the same process, if it reaches a dead end revert to a previous state and place a different tile.

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Visual Studio 2010 And .Net Framework 4.0 Training Course On Channel 9?

Aug 27, 2010

See this site for details.>>[URL]..

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Set Priority For A Program?

Feb 3, 2012

I would like to know how i can make my program execute just as the computer switches on.I tried putting the program in the startup folder but it doesn't execute right as the desktop is loaded and takes about 10 secs to execute.Is there a priority option or something that i am unaware of?

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How To Change Program Priority

Nov 2, 2009

I want to change a program's priority (Not my own) or start it in a different priority. I have a small peice of code and have no idea where to go from there. Here's the small peice of code that I have:
That's not the exact directory, if it matters.

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Change Priority And Core Using For Each Process?

Feb 24, 2009

How can i change a process using only 1 core instead of 2 cores? Also, how can I set different prioritys to each process?As it does not save the settings which i put to each process in taskmanager on restart, i decided to make a program so i could simply click a button so it would change the settings for each process i want.For example:With a simple button click it changes msnmsgr.exe priority to low and makes it use only the 1st core.

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Thread Priority Doesn't Work

Nov 3, 2009

Why this: System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest doesn't work? I ran my app and checked it using the task manager process tab. It was checked as normal.

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VS 2005 Using Priority At Computer-chooser?

Oct 14, 2010

We have an assignment at school to make a programm with visual basic that helps the user choose a computer, better give him a choice of 3 PCs.the following code is how far we are with comparing but we are knew to VB so...

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim num1, num2, num3, num4, num5 As String
Dim i, j, x As Integer
Dim help(5, 13) As String


sol() is a global variable that contains the characteristics of our 14 computers (in our own format, lol) which we then compare to the users input (via combobox). With "ordi" we "format" the choise of the user to match our format. then the grand comparing begins... the first for-loop should select the computers which fit best but we don't know how to "skip" that computer if the comparison doesn't fit (after all, we still want to use that computer for a second or third choise!). After that the next for-loop should pick the best fitting computer as no.1 (going from top priority down).

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Low Priority Process Not Idle Although CPU Load Is High?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a small problem with process priorities (Win Server 2003 Standard, 8 Core, 16GB RAM). My VB.NET 2005 program starts a process like this:

Dim WithEvents proc As New Process
Sub Main()
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "blastx.exe"[code].....

In this case, blastx.exe runs on 4 cores.I would expect that my started process is idle and has 0% CPU usage while the system is under full load (I simulate this with prime95, 8 worker threads) and only runs if there are free resources. But it generates 25% cpu load and prime95 only 75% instead of expected 0%/100%. In the task manager, I can see that my process has the lowest priority and prime95 has the normal priority.

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Start Up Program From Registry With Higher Priority?

Aug 3, 2010

I've got my program running, but when I start it up on Vista, it does so quite slow. I need it to start up faster, I was fiddling around in task manager to check it was actually started and just taking a while, and I noticed it had the priority "BelowNormal", which I'd like to change.

How can I do this from the registry? I've got it starting up, but how do I add a parameter for the process to be started with a higher priority (I.E, normal, abovenormal, high, realtime, etc., I need to test which is suitable).

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Button Click Event Code Priority Sequence?

Jul 21, 2010


I have a user control as Binding Navigator control and it has navigation buttons, one of them is Cannel.I put the control in the form every thing works fine, but the problem is the priority of the sequence that the code performs for example:In the Cancel Click event there are some code inside the control it self, and in the form which hold the control I also put some code it goes fine but it first perform the code in the form and then it perform the code in the control.My question is there a way to tell the click event to perform the code inside the control first and then the code inside the holding form, (priority sequence)

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.Net Event Handlers Priority - Adding Listeners To The C#.Net Library Object

Mar 29, 2011

I am having the library in C#.Net. If I am creating the form in C# and adding listeners to the C#.Net library object the event handlers called immediately. IF I am creating the form in and adding listeners to the C#.Net library object, the handlers are called after some time. Do we have any priority to be set the event handlers

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User Control And Holding Form Priority Code Sequence?

Jul 21, 2010

I put the control in the form every thing works fine, but the problem is the priority of the sequence that the code performs for example:In the Cancel Click event there are some code inside the control it self, and in the form which hold the control I also put some code it goes fine but it first perform the code in the form and then it perform the code in the control.My question is there a way to tell the click event to perform the code inside the control first and then the code inside the holding form, (priority sequence)

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Add A Student's Name To A Combo Box?

Mar 16, 2009

My objective is to add a student's name to a combo box, in proper mixed-case, no matter how the user enters the name.

When any of the following examples are entered:

jones, carl
Johnson, Eric


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Array Of My Student Class

May 14, 2010

I created a simple Class called Student.[code]And then I tried to create an array of Students called s. I'd like to do something simple with the names of one of the students like the following..[code]I know that I need to use the New keyword to create an instance for each s(), but I'm not sure where to put it. When I try it without the array it's easy.

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