Program Hangs When Fonts Are Changed?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a strange problem that I can't seem to find any answers on. I wrote two programs in VB2010. Both work great, install and uninstall no problem and I have done this on 4-5 PC's and laptops, all running Win7. A friend saw them and asked if he could use the programs, but when he installed them neither of them would work. All the prereq's were there and he is also running Win7. For some reason all of a sudden his enlarged font reset itself and VIOLA! both programs started working. I have retested this and it fails/works every time.

So my question is, how do I fix this or is it fixable? Is there somewhere in VB where this has to be set to be 'flexible'??

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Messagebox Hangs Program?

Mar 30, 2009

The messagebox shows properly but will not respond to mouse click and every is halted.. Comment out the messagebox event everything proceeds. No error is generated, things jest stop at themessagebox and willnot proceed. Code as follows:


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Program Hangs On Loop

Jul 25, 2011

my program seems to just freeze whenever I press this button. I need to be able to use this because I'm reading values from a joystick as i'm making a human interface device.

Why is this freezing?[CODE...]

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VS 2008 Put Color To The Fonts On Program?

Jan 7, 2010

How can i color the fonts in my programe on runtime?

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Program Hangs For A Few Seconds Before Closing

Mar 23, 2010

When I close my compiled application, it will always hang for a few seconds before closing. It isn't something to do with my PC, I've got a quad core with 4GB of RAM -[code]...

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 Program Hangs In Vista?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a heavily timer tick driven application that seems to randomly just stop on vista/w7 while minimized, sometimes it goes on for hours sometimes just minutes but the end result is same just stops for no apparent reason, the moment i unminimize it it keeps going. This never happens on xp tho where it works perfectly so what might be the problem?

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Program Hangs When Closing Serial Port?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a VB.Net 2008 app that I have converted from VB6 which reads data from a weight scale connected to a serial port. I am able to read the received data and display it on the screen, but when I go to Stop the reading and attempt to close the serial port, the app hangs.

Private Delegate Sub ShowWeight(ByVal tWeight As String)
Private Sub comScale_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles


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Serial Program Hangs After Short Time

Sep 9, 2011

I'm writing a simple program to retrieve data via the Serial Port. I have a piece of hardware that returns its 14 byte status every time vbCr is written to it. The program works fine except after a few hundred requests the program begins to hang, off and on. Some times for a second some times for longer. I need to update every 25 milliseconds so the hanging sets in quickly. This faster the interval the quicker the problem sets in but no mater how long the interval the problem eventually starts.[code]...

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VS 2010 Program Hangs On Client Computers?

May 5, 2011

I've created a multithreaded application that copies data from one directory to another, and I'm having trouble getting it to work properly on clients' computers. All computers running the software have Windows 7 and the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile installed, which is what I've compiled the program for. I have two threads: one does the actual copying, and the other updates the UI on the program. Whenever I run the program on my computer, even if I'm copying 45 GB, for example, it runs fine. However, if I run it on another computer, it will sometimes freeze the entire computer, so then I have to manually shut the computer down in order to use it again. I have been trying to find out why this occurs, but I cannot. Does anyone think he/she can provide me with some ideas as to why this happens and how I can prevent it from occurring?

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VS 2010 - Adding Fonts In Folder With Program Without Installing

Oct 24, 2011

I have several fonts I want to include in my program to be used, or just want to put them in a folder with my program, or some method of adding them to the program without having to install it on any PC that I want to use the program on.

So basically I want to Either
A. Include the fonts in the program so the program can use them
B. Find a way to have the program use the fonts without them being installed on the PC.

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Acrobat Hangs After User Manually Exits Program

Jun 4, 2012

I'm currently having an issue with VB.Net and Adobe Acrobat. The issue comes from exiting Acrobat but the Windows Taskbar still states that there is an Acrobat.exe process open. I have tried using Marshal.ReleaseComObject(), but it still hangs there. I do not want to have to rely on the "End Process" option on the Task bar in order to remove it.

Below is a snippet of the code that I am try to using:
'Tries To Close Acrobat Application
[Code] .....

Although I am not sure if this could be a problem - I run a javascript saveAs script on the Acrobat side in order to make a copy of the file. This also could be a reason why it is hanging, but I ruled it out based on basic knowledge of saving files and exiting from other Acrobat/Microsoft Programs. Acrobat only closes when my application ends. (Currently) I am trying to make it consider the case if a user manually closes the Acrobat application.

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Program Hangs During Debugging At A Breakpont Set At A Subroutine Call

Jul 5, 2009

My program hangs during debugging at a breakpont set at a subroutine call. It hangs on breakpoints anywhere inside the subroutine also. But does not hang otherwise at other locations where I have set breakpoints.


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Program Hangs After Leaving Screen Saver Or Locking Computer?

Nov 15, 2011

Our program works fine, until someone locks the computer or the screen-saver pops up (but not ctrl+alt+delete). Once the computer is unlocked/the screen saver is closed, the application stops drawing everything except the title bar, and stops responding to input - it displays a mostly-white window which can't be moved or closed.(Example of application freezing - the mountains are from my desktop background)If we let it sit for about 5~10 minutes, it comes back to life, and doesn't hang again (even after locking the computer/screen saver popup) until the application is restarted.

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Speed Up Algorithm - Sieve Of Eratosthenes - Program Hangs On Really Large Values Of N (try 10 Million)

Aug 17, 2009

I've written an algorithm that I believe to be correct for computing prime numbers up to n with the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Unfortunately, this program hangs on really large values of n (try 10 million). Here is what I've written...

Protected Function Eratosthenes(ByVal n As Integer) As String
Dim maxValue As Integer = Math.Sqrt(n)
Dim values As Generic.List(Of Integer) = New Generic.List(Of Integer)


How might I speed this algorithm up? Where are my bottlenecks?

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PhpMyAdmin MySql Database - Program Hangs In The For Loop Before The Variables Are Assigned Values From The Data Table

Jan 5, 2012

I am using with phpMyAdmin MySql database. While running the piece of code below, the program hangs in the for loop before the variables are assigned values from the data table(dt)...

'Check for appraisal period-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim sqlCheckDate As String = "SELECT * FROM tblappraisalsetting where appSetID=(select max(appSetID) from tblappraisalsetting);"


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Check To See If Data Has Been Changed Before Exiting A Program?

Apr 29, 2009

Im using VB.NET 2008

I know I can exit a program by using the End statement.

But i was wanting to know how to check to see if the data has been changed since it was loaded and bring up a diaglog box up saying the data has been changed or not saved, would you like to save the data before exiting?

I will have a form that will have a yes, no, and cancel buttons.

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Check To See If Data Has Been Changed Before Exiting The Program?

Apr 29, 2009

Im using VB.NET 2008 I know I can exit a program by using the End statement.But i was wanting to know how to check to see if the data has been changed since it was loaded and bring up a diaglog box up saying the data has been changed or not saved, would you like to save the data before exiting?

I will have a form that will have a yes, no, and cancel buttons.

View 7 Replies

Make Option Available That My Program Can Be Changed In Another Language?

Jan 13, 2012

I would like to make the option available that my program can be changed in another language.

A simple solution would be a checkbox on my form which you can click on to change to language X or Y.

Does anyone have the code for this or can point me in the right direction ?

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SQL Server Values Are Changed Only While Program Is Running?

Jun 18, 2012

im currently working with an SQL Server 2008 database and im trying to change values in the database usign visual basic.The following code runs correctly and I have tested changing passwords and have been able to logoff and then back on again using the new password. The problem i am facing is that as soon as the application exits the database returns to its origional values so the next time i run the program the passwords are back to the old values.


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Why Windows Vista Changed Arabic Program

Mar 18, 2010

I had every one of these words in arabic transcribed on a dictionary I made with visual basic. There was never a problem until I started using window vista. I had xp. You can see that the words arabic script is incorrect. Somehow the first and last position of the two symbols are reversed...How did this happen. My Arabic Dictionary was completed 3 years ago. I have never had a problem before with this program. Now I will have to do the entire program over agian. From scratch....

ﺮﻔﺻ[Sifr] zero
ﺮﻔﺻﺃ[aSfar] yellow
ﺪﺣﺍﻭ[waaHid] one
ﺪﺣﺍﻭ[waaHid] one


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VB 2008 .suo File Needs To Be Changed/recreated Because A Path Has Changed. All Other Files Are OK

May 5, 2012

I changed my Username on my computer from i.e. "xxxxxx x xxxxx" to "Dennis"

VB 2008 during a compile gave me the following error: Error reading icon 'C:Usersxxxxxx x xxxxxAppDataRoamingMicrosoftVBExpress9.0VSProjectApplication.ico' -- The system cannot find the path specified.

The file "VSProjectApplication.ico" is in 'C:UsersDennisAppDataRoamingMicrosoftVBExpress9.0'

Somewhere in the VB2008 "configuration" files I believe that I need to manually change the old path to the new path.

I found the old path in the ".suo" file. The ".suo" file is not a text file. How can I edit the .suo file, save it so that it will work?

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Saving Changed Data Before DataViewGrid Selection (Row) Changed?

Jan 20, 2010

on my Form I have a DataViewGrid and some textboxes with a save button (they are filled with additional data of the selected row).Save is disabled first, when I change something in the textboxes the save button is enabled.When the user changes a gow in the grid, I want to ask before changing the grid row, if he wants to save (if the button is enabled).I am using RowEnter but this is too late, then the selected row already changed (and my textboxes already got new data)...What event can I use to ask if I should save stuff before the user changes a row?Something like BeforeRowChanging with a chance to cancel changing the row?

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VS 2010 VB - Create A NotifyIcon Program - Service That Every Second Looks At A Database To See If Anything Has Changed

Dec 22, 2011

Im Trying to create a NotifyIcon Program. I want this to basically be like a service that every second looks at a database to see if anything has changed this is the module thus far

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Module ModNtifi
Public conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=\MyserverMyDatabase.accdb ;Persist Security Info=False")


The Problem i am getting is that after the start procedure has finished the program closes. i want it to start the the timer and then keep it going till the user exits the program manually.

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Add Fonts To A Stringtable?

Mar 18, 2009

I have looked everywhere on the web, is there vb code that allows you to add fonts to a stringtable?

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Embedded A Few Fonts In My App

Oct 22, 2009

I have embedded a few fonts in my app but using these fonts is a problem ,i followed a guide with source code but it doesnt explain how to use them .guide here [URL]

code below:

Private Declare Auto Function AddFontMemResourceEx Lib "Gdi32.dll" _
(ByVal pbFont As IntPtr, ByVal cbFont As Integer , _
ByVal pdv As Integer , ByRef pcFonts As Integer ) As IntPtr


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Fonts In The Combobox?

Apr 3, 2012

How do I populate a combobox with all the fonts and when we select the fonts the richtextbox font is the one selected

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ListView Fonts Look Different According To O.S?

May 3, 2012

I made a program at VS2008 on Windows Seven. but when i run it on Windows XP looks different.Looks on SevenLooks on XPThis ListView put only 11 lines, both have 11 lines

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.Net BackgroundWorker Hangs Up?

Mar 21, 2011

I have limited experience in and have become stuck. I have tried to search for answers on other threads without success.I have an application that displays real time data.Queries are made to a MySQL database on another PC over the internet every 10 seconds to gather the most recent data.I have done the query within a BackgroundWorker so that the GUI is still responsive while the query is answered.What I've done works great for several hours or maybe for a couple of days but then the DoWork task appears to hang.

The code I'm using is to run the background worker is:

If Not(backgroundWorker1.IsBusy) Then Me.backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync() End If

The backgroundWorker runs just once and there's very little code in the DoWork routine:

Private Sub backgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles backgroundWorker1.DoWork rs = New


Is there anyway I can set up a timeout on the maximum allowed time that the DoWork task can be active for? And if so how would I then go on to stop the backgroundWorker?I understand that CancelAsync isn't going to help as my DoWork task is not repeating as it runs once only, then stops and 10 secs later I run it again.

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IDE :: Build Hangs In VB

Dec 6, 2011

When i try to build a project, vb hangs and displays this message in the notification area Microsoft Visual Basic Express 2010 is Busy. i have to end up using Task Manager to end the process i have been using VB Express for about a year and have never had this problem. i have tried to re-install VB 2010 express, no joy.

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OpenFileDialog Hangs Used Once?

May 26, 2012

ApplicationName has stopped workingA problem caused the program to stop working correctly.Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Here is my code:
Private Sub OpenFile()
Dim OpenFileDialog As New OpenFileDialog


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