Program Hangs During Debugging At A Breakpont Set At A Subroutine Call

Jul 5, 2009

My program hangs during debugging at a breakpont set at a subroutine call. It hangs on breakpoints anywhere inside the subroutine also. But does not hang otherwise at other locations where I have set breakpoints.


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ADVERTISEMENT - Call Subroutine From Javascript?

Jun 27, 2011

Problem is, I need to call a VB.NET function from javascript, no two ways around it. This is a bit harder to find.BTW -- Web/Page methods won't work. I have to be able to reference a listbox and it's selected items when the VB code-behind fires.

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Call A Subroutine By Variable Name (In .Net)?

Jun 21, 2010

what I need to do is to call/run/execute a subroutine using a varaible name from a subroutine.

Public Sub Main(ByVal subName as String)
Call subName ' subName may be contain the value AAA or BBB
End Sub


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Call A Subroutine In An IF Statement?

Jun 16, 2012

I am trying to make a counter go up by 1 every time a subroutine is called But i dont know how to word it. Here is the code. [code]...

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VS 2005 Call A Subroutine Via A Variable

May 6, 2009

I'm looking to call a subroutine via a variable. For example:[code]Is that possible?

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Application Hangs On Call To Doevents?

Dec 22, 2010

I am re-posing this question because the prior post has gotten really full of side issues so I fear the main problems has been lost.I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages? I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

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Call A Subroutine From Javascript - ASP.NET - Java - VB And AJAX?

May 31, 2011

I have an ASP.NET application with a button that executes VB.NET on the server when clicked. Specs have changed, I've added a menu of sorts which is to replace the VB button. With some from S.O., I've managed to manipulate some javascript which does a postback and executes the button's code. I figured I could just make the button invisible and still be able to call it's on_click event from js. How wrong I was!

So now, somehow I'm supposed to call a VB sub from either javascript or (boss says) ajax. I have no idea how to do this. Could anyone give me a good direction as to how I can call a VB.NET subroutine from ajax on the client? Or javascript?

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Debugging Execution Of Database Function Call To Remote Sql Server?

Sep 14, 2011

Working in VWD 2010 Express I have an aspx.vb file with the following connection string:

Protected Function getPasswordLength() As Integer
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=localhost;database=MyDB;Integrated Security=true")
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = conn.CreateCommand()


This works when the code is on the web server / which is collocated with the SQLServer.However, when I want to debug, I have to copy to the server. I would like to be able to "debug in place" on my development machine and only copy files to the production machine periodically. Technically the production machine is not in production at the moment, but that's beside the point.Anyway, I followed the following instruction: [URL] I can now see the remote database, functions, etc. on the other machine (from the VWD running on the development machine). However, I thought I should then be able to execute this same code locally on the development machine using ctrl-F5, but I get the following error:

**Server Error in '/' Application.A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)**

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Messagebox Hangs Program?

Mar 30, 2009

The messagebox shows properly but will not respond to mouse click and every is halted.. Comment out the messagebox event everything proceeds. No error is generated, things jest stop at themessagebox and willnot proceed. Code as follows:


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Program Hangs On Loop

Jul 25, 2011

my program seems to just freeze whenever I press this button. I need to be able to use this because I'm reading values from a joystick as i'm making a human interface device.

Why is this freezing?[CODE...]

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Call For Subroutine Get "Expression Expected"

Oct 27, 2009


In the Call the ByVal's are underlined an mouseover and error list says "Expression Expected". I do not have any expressions to pass along just want to Call a subroutine.

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Program Hangs For A Few Seconds Before Closing

Mar 23, 2010

When I close my compiled application, it will always hang for a few seconds before closing. It isn't something to do with my PC, I've got a quad core with 4GB of RAM -[code]...

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Program Hangs When Fonts Are Changed?

Apr 12, 2011

I have a strange problem that I can't seem to find any answers on. I wrote two programs in VB2010. Both work great, install and uninstall no problem and I have done this on 4-5 PC's and laptops, all running Win7. A friend saw them and asked if he could use the programs, but when he installed them neither of them would work. All the prereq's were there and he is also running Win7. For some reason all of a sudden his enlarged font reset itself and VIOLA! both programs started working. I have retested this and it fails/works every time.

So my question is, how do I fix this or is it fixable? Is there somewhere in VB where this has to be set to be 'flexible'??

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VS 2010 Program Hangs In Vista?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a heavily timer tick driven application that seems to randomly just stop on vista/w7 while minimized, sometimes it goes on for hours sometimes just minutes but the end result is same just stops for no apparent reason, the moment i unminimize it it keeps going. This never happens on xp tho where it works perfectly so what might be the problem?

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Program Hangs When Closing Serial Port?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a VB.Net 2008 app that I have converted from VB6 which reads data from a weight scale connected to a serial port. I am able to read the received data and display it on the screen, but when I go to Stop the reading and attempt to close the serial port, the app hangs.

Private Delegate Sub ShowWeight(ByVal tWeight As String)
Private Sub comScale_DataReceived(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles


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Serial Program Hangs After Short Time

Sep 9, 2011

I'm writing a simple program to retrieve data via the Serial Port. I have a piece of hardware that returns its 14 byte status every time vbCr is written to it. The program works fine except after a few hundred requests the program begins to hang, off and on. Some times for a second some times for longer. I need to update every 25 milliseconds so the hanging sets in quickly. This faster the interval the quicker the problem sets in but no mater how long the interval the problem eventually starts.[code]...

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VS 2010 Program Hangs On Client Computers?

May 5, 2011

I've created a multithreaded application that copies data from one directory to another, and I'm having trouble getting it to work properly on clients' computers. All computers running the software have Windows 7 and the .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile installed, which is what I've compiled the program for. I have two threads: one does the actual copying, and the other updates the UI on the program. Whenever I run the program on my computer, even if I'm copying 45 GB, for example, it runs fine. However, if I run it on another computer, it will sometimes freeze the entire computer, so then I have to manually shut the computer down in order to use it again. I have been trying to find out why this occurs, but I cannot. Does anyone think he/she can provide me with some ideas as to why this happens and how I can prevent it from occurring?

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Acrobat Hangs After User Manually Exits Program

Jun 4, 2012

I'm currently having an issue with VB.Net and Adobe Acrobat. The issue comes from exiting Acrobat but the Windows Taskbar still states that there is an Acrobat.exe process open. I have tried using Marshal.ReleaseComObject(), but it still hangs there. I do not want to have to rely on the "End Process" option on the Task bar in order to remove it.

Below is a snippet of the code that I am try to using:
'Tries To Close Acrobat Application
[Code] .....

Although I am not sure if this could be a problem - I run a javascript saveAs script on the Acrobat side in order to make a copy of the file. This also could be a reason why it is hanging, but I ruled it out based on basic knowledge of saving files and exiting from other Acrobat/Microsoft Programs. Acrobat only closes when my application ends. (Currently) I am trying to make it consider the case if a user manually closes the Acrobat application.

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Program Hangs After Leaving Screen Saver Or Locking Computer?

Nov 15, 2011

Our program works fine, until someone locks the computer or the screen-saver pops up (but not ctrl+alt+delete). Once the computer is unlocked/the screen saver is closed, the application stops drawing everything except the title bar, and stops responding to input - it displays a mostly-white window which can't be moved or closed.(Example of application freezing - the mountains are from my desktop background)If we let it sit for about 5~10 minutes, it comes back to life, and doesn't hang again (even after locking the computer/screen saver popup) until the application is restarted.

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Speed Up Algorithm - Sieve Of Eratosthenes - Program Hangs On Really Large Values Of N (try 10 Million)

Aug 17, 2009

I've written an algorithm that I believe to be correct for computing prime numbers up to n with the Sieve of Eratosthenes. Unfortunately, this program hangs on really large values of n (try 10 million). Here is what I've written...

Protected Function Eratosthenes(ByVal n As Integer) As String
Dim maxValue As Integer = Math.Sqrt(n)
Dim values As Generic.List(Of Integer) = New Generic.List(Of Integer)


How might I speed this algorithm up? Where are my bottlenecks?

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Cannot Start Debugging Program

May 31, 2011

I type in the following

Dim anInteger As Integer = 42

Dim aSingle As Single = 39.34567

Dim aString As String = "I like Candy"

Dim aBoolean As Boolean = True[code]...

is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set the OutputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at the correct location for the target assembly.

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PhpMyAdmin MySql Database - Program Hangs In The For Loop Before The Variables Are Assigned Values From The Data Table

Jan 5, 2012

I am using with phpMyAdmin MySql database. While running the piece of code below, the program hangs in the for loop before the variables are assigned values from the data table(dt)...

'Check for appraisal period-----------------------------------------------------------------------
Dim sqlCheckDate As String = "SELECT * FROM tblappraisalsetting where appSetID=(select max(appSetID) from tblappraisalsetting);"


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Disable Property Debugging In Program?

Jul 28, 2011

I know I can do the following to prevent debugger from entering into Subroutine[code]...

Is there a way to do similar thing for a property that looks like this?[code]...

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VS 2008 Program Not Debugging Correctly?

Apr 11, 2010

I recently made some obvious changes to one of my programs (added a few buttons, etc), and when I start debugging, it goes back and uses an earlier version before I made the changes.

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DB/Reporting :: Debugging On Xp Machine Data-set Gets Filled / Debugging On Vista Box It Fails

May 1, 2009

I'm having to write a reporting application that gets information from some Interbase servers and it also has to work on Vista as well as XP, I'm using to connect Borlands Data Provider.[code]My Issue is that debugging on my xp Machine the dataset gets filled, debugging on my vista box it fails ("Interbase provider initialization failed"), my initial thought was that this could be UAC related but I've compiled the application and 'ran as admin' and still same issue. (by the way it failes on the line Dim da as BdpDataAdapter...)

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Program Suddenly Stops While Debugging With No Errors?

Feb 22, 2012

I've built a windows form application that steps through a wafer map and sends a command to ink specific dies if the bin number is between certain values. While debugging I have run into an issue with the program crashing with no error message anywhere. While stepping through my code, the place the program stops has occured in two different places but both in the same subroutine in the code I use for the network communications. Below is the subroutine I've seen it break on with the two places it has broke indicated.

Private Sub EventHandler(ByVal Args As EventArgs)
Select Case Args.EventP
Case EventPointer.Connected
RaiseEvent Connected()


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Write Data In Listbox After Program Debugging?

Mar 10, 2012

I wonder what the code in vb 2008 express edition I have to put, so you can enterdata in listbox, after purification?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Program Debugging Error

Jun 21, 2012

I am trying to create a new library (.dll) for use in my SSIS project. I dont have any prior experience of creating these kind of projects. So please bear with me.

When I try to debug the program, it throws the following error

What would be the best way to debug the following code. I know that it maybe wrong, but I am trying to learn this.


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Can't Run Published/deployed Program (debugging Version Work Find However)

Jun 9, 2010

I've been using a piece of code I found that reads in joystick movement into my VB application using DirectInput. Building an executable works great, the program operates as should be, however when I publish my program for final deployment, I get the following error:

"WindowsApplication has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

Here's some of the error details:

EventType : clr20r3 P1 : windowsapplication.exe P2 :
P3 : 4c0f1ae6 P4 : microsoft.visualbasic P5 : P6 : 4ba2183b
P7 : 88 P8 : 8 P9 :

And then a second error pops up shortly after:

AppName: windowsapplication.exe AppVer: AppStamp:4c0f1ae6
ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.5781 ModStamp:49c4f482
fDebug: 0 Offset: 00012afb

The errors only occur once I try installing the program and just before the application loads.Here's the code for the program:

Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput
Imports Microsoft.DirectX


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IDE :: Debugging - When My Program Is Running It Used To Break On A Line Where An Error Was Occurring

Dec 1, 2010

I just got Windows 7, so I re-installed VB 2008 Express and have been met with some weird issues. One of which is when my program is running it used to break on a line where an error was occurring and tell what it was and let me fix it and continue. So I can see the error in the Immediate window but why is it not breaking on the line? It just continues loading the program. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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