Putting Data From A File Into An Array?

Sep 11, 2011

I am having trouble getting data from a text file to go into an array that I will make a parallel array for searching for data. I am not certain if it is how I state the while statement or how I stated the transfer to the array that is causing me problems. Here is my code.

Dim InfilePro As IO.StreamReader
Dim InfileProNumber As IO.StreamReader
Dim InfilePrice As IO.StreamReader


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Setting Up Array And Putting It In Textbox

Nov 21, 2011

Any hints on how to place these monthly sales numbers in an array so they show up in 3 separate text boxes (one for domestic sales, one for international sales and one for total sales. (i.e .User enters Month number in a month text box and the above information should show up in the3 individual text boxes).

'Basic Info:
'Month Domestic International
'1 100,000 150,000
'2 90,000 120,000
'3 75,000 210,000
'4 88,000 50,000
'5 125,000 220,000
'6 63,000 80,000

Public Class MainForm
Private totals(,) As String = {{"100,000", "150,000"},
{"90,000", "120,000"},
{"75,000", "210,000"},
{"88,000", "50,000"},
{"125,000", "220,000"},
{"63,000", "80,000"}}

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Game Programming :: Putting Labels (on My Form) In An Array?

Jun 7, 2010

How do I put all my labels in my form in an array???

I have labels on my board game squares and I need them to be in an array.

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Generic Class Array - Reading In A Excel File And Extract Data To Store In A Array

Sep 9, 2010

I want to reading in a excel file and extract the sCodenumber sDescription ans the sStatus and store them in a array : StatusComposeArray(5200) As MyCompose. After this I need this array for comparing outside this class. But as can you see the array is defined inside the sub: ReadingIn_ExcelFilesCompose [Code]

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Putting Data In Other Program?

Jul 31, 2010

I have attached a picture of yahoo Messenger with this Thread and highlighted the 2 text fields and a button with red line. The problem is that I have seen a small program in the computer of my friend. When He double clicked on that program, it (program) automatically puts the User ID and Password in Yahoo Messenger relevant fields and automatically presses the Login Button. I have tried much to get the source code of that program, but cant.

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Putting Data Into DataGridView In .Net?

May 5, 2011

I need a little advice in manipulating DataGridView in Visual Basic .Net. This is my first time playing with DataGridView. My program is to load a .txt file containing data of every room in a building and display them in the DataGridView. Here is a portion of the file showing 2 rooms:


A room is a one-line string that ends with an endline character.I have no problem with loading the file and getting all these information. I store data of each room into an object of class Room, and put them in a list.Right now, I put all of the properties of the room into the data grid's columns like this:

Now, how can I put all these rooms' data into the grid? I tried follow [URL].. at first, but setting DataSource to a list of class Room imitating from the given link doesn't show anything in the grid view.How can we tell the program to link rows of the grid to a list of objects? Or am I doing it wrong?

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Putting Data On The Same Line In A Listbox?

May 8, 2009

How do I get the same data from one row into a listbox to be on the same line?this code is what I'm using to put data into the listbox:

Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("select ESTID, JobName from Job where JobName = '" & strJobName & _
"' or ProductIDA = (select ProductID from ProductCode where ProductCode = '" & strMaterial & _
"') or ContractorID = (select ContractorID from Contractors where ContractorName = '" & strContractor & _
"') or Date = '" & dteDate & "'", connFabList)

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Putting Data From One Table To Another Mysql

May 11, 2009

I'm developing a new programme that uses multiple table to store Orders placed via my website, on the form that i have created i have a Combobox that displays the Point of sale name. what i need it to do is when the record is updated in need the Point_of_sale_ID value that matches the name from the Point_Of_Sale table to be put into the Point_of_Sale_ID field on the Sales_Order tableI have added the Foreign Keys for the fields, but i cannot find any help in regards to this, i mainly wor with PHP but have taken on the new challenge of VB & ADO.Net, i have rear several book on the subject and have produced several single table programs but am now stuck!! [code]

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VS 2008 - Getting TextBox Data On Form On Putting In Web Browser

Oct 4, 2009

How would I get Text from a TextBox on my form and put it in a TextBox in the WebBrowser?

View 9 Replies

VS 2008 Pulling Delimited Data And Putting Them In Combo Boxes

Jun 3, 2010

I have a PHP Page that displays airport information in a list in the following order


Using that delimited method of ";" then a break, how can i put all of those into a combo box. There are a few hundred.

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VS 2008 Putting Variables To Txt File?

Jul 18, 2010

I have 10 variables, how do I save it into a txt file with each variable a line?

View 9 Replies

VS 2010 : Creating A .rar File And Putting A .exe In It?

Jul 11, 2010

i have a code for making .zip files and putting stuff in them and it works fine. This one

Public Sub ZipFile(ByVal strFileToZip, ByVal strTargetZip)


But now i need a code for a .rar file, I tried to use the same code but change the .zip to .rar like so

ZipFile(IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Tinternet.exe"), IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Test.rar"))

but it gave this error and in the details box it had this:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************** Exception Text **************
System.Security.SecurityException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED)
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet(Object o, Type objType, String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack)


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Way Of Putting A File In The Debug Folder?

Mar 5, 2010

there is a way of putting a file in the debug folder of my project so that when i move it, i dont have to put the new file name

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Putting Anchor Points In A Text File?

Feb 8, 2010

Basically i have a 500 line javascript file i made that runs in grease monkey (a add on for firefox ) I'm using vb.net to "compile" this script depending on certain check boxes.

So for example. (this is part of my script)

var array=document.evaluate("//*[contains(@class, 'postbody')]", document, null, 6, null);


and so on. So if chkCapsEnforcer was not checked it would skip that part and go to chkRevealUrl and if that was checked would get that bit. Then once it has gone through all the checkboxes it would write the enabled bits to a text file.

View 4 Replies

Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays

Apr 28, 2011

how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.[code]

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Putting One .txt File Information Into Multiple Different Arrays?

Jun 10, 2011

i'm having issues where I can't figure out how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.The .txt file looks like so:tc.Amanda/Ashley have to be in the same array as well as 4/2, 166/20.This is what I've come up with for the snippet of code, and so far, it hasn't really been working right.

Dim namearray(MaxItems), rankarray1990(MaxItems), rankarray2009(MaxItems) As String
Dim Numitems As Integer
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader


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Putting Up Conditionals For Splitting A Text File?

Apr 27, 2009

I have I text tab delimited file. in every line of that file at the same position in every row of the file I will have a bit that I would want to compare against 23 values (I will call them criteria). So if on every row the string I need matches one of tjhese values then that row will be written in File1.Txt if that value doesn`t match any of the criteria the whole row will be sent to File2.txt.

So far managed to get the original file written in the same format in a newly created file.

how to get the functionality I described working but am stuck with correct syntax.

Here is what I have so far:

Dim fs As New FileStream("C:Original.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
RichTextBox1.Text = ""
Dim d As New StreamReader(fs)


Now I will need to declare every single row in RichTextBox1 as String then will have to get the bit I need will have to declare that as well(I will need from every row the string taht is between characters 96 and 104), also where do I keep the 23 criteraia values.

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Get The Music File From A Specific Folder From Computer And Putting It Into A Listview?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm currently developing a download manager and converter for audio and video files. Does anyone know how can I get the music file from a specific folder from my computer (I already used openfiledialog) and putting it into a listview?

Born this way.mp3 MP3

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Putting Flash File (swf) Into Windows Application In Vision Studio

May 20, 2009

i need to create a win app with a swf in it. how do i do that.

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FIle IO - Storing Data Into An Array?

Jan 15, 2012

I've been searching around these forums for quite a while now, and can't seem to either understand or find what I'm looking for.I have a text file, that my program is always adding to it, it's format is like so:

Line 1: UserName (For User 1)
Line 2: FilePath (For User 1)
Line 3: UserName (For User 2)


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Changing Data In Text File Or Array?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a csv text file, shown below that I want to edit based on user inputs. When the user wants to change the current price of a stock, they enter the stock name, and the new price. When the button is clicked, VB needs to find the appropriate stock, and then change the current price.The data needs to be pulled from the text file into a temporary file, changed, then the temp file needs to be renamed to the original file name and the original file deleted.This is the only part of the program I can not figure out. I have put my program code here as well. The click event that I need this to work on is: Private Sub btnUpdateStock_Click --- I have been playing with code in that section, so that's why there si abunch of crazey code there.


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File I/O And Registry :: Adding Array Data To XML?

Sep 1, 2008

I have an XML file that gets created on form load that just contains:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<User />


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Importing Text File Data To Array

Oct 29, 2010

I am doing system to read text file it contain numbers and I want to read this data to multi array , the description as :-
This site here :-

DataSet format
My data looks like that :-
20 3 10

Code: Attached File(s)
Dataset.txt (246.44K)
Number of downloads: 30

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Load A One-Based Array From VB6 Data File In .NET?

Feb 10, 2011

Say I have a data file that was created in VB6 like this:

Dim arr As Variant
Dim unit As Integer
Dim i As Integer
unit = FreeFile

Open "SomeFile.dat" For Binary As unit


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VS 2005 - Array - Sort The Data From Into A File

Dec 3, 2009

i have a 2d array that i want to sort the data from into a file so i can retreve it and put it back into the array. i need to know the better file format to use.

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Write Data From An Array To A Text File?

Jun 7, 2011

IM trying to write data from an array to a text file. what has confused me is how to write data from an array which has a structure.

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Automated Method Of Getting Disk Space On All Servers And Putting It In A Txt Or Csv (or Even Excel) File Once A Week?

Aug 3, 2011


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Can't Get Data From Text File To Load Into An Array Of Structures

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to get the data from the text file to load into an array of structures and then be displayed in a listbox on FormLoad with no luck, all I get is a blank listbox.

Public Class frmMemList
'Create a structure to which data from text file MEMBERPHONES.TXT will be read.
Structure MemberList


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Can't Get Data From Text File To Load Into Array Of Structures?

Dec 22, 2009

I am really struggling lately for some reason. I do not know why, but I can not get simple programming code to work, usually due to simple mistakes. Anyway, enough about that.Here is my code, I am trying to get the data from the text file to load into an array of structures and then be displayed in a listbox on F

Public Class frmMemList
'Create a structure to which data from text file MEMBERPHONES.TXT will be read.
Structure MemberList


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Pull Data Out Of Text File Into MultiDimensional Array?

Jun 10, 2011

I have been searching and searching and cannot find out how to do what I'm looking to do, that is the only reason I would post a new thread.[code]...

After reading the file, I want to load the NameId, the ColourId and the Text into a multidimensional array. Anything I have found about loading into an array shows text being separated by small delimiters like commas, but this I cannot do because I need to use this format. What I am wanting to do is load all of the NameId's into a listbox and when a certain NameId is selected, it will bring up the Text in a TextBox and the Colour value in a ComboBox.

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