Referencing A Property Using A String?

Jun 26, 2011

MyProperty is just a property defined in another class. However when I try to reference that property as shown below I get an 'Identifier expected' error

This works:

TDTL.DataTopLevel(FileNumber).DataSet(FileDataSetNumber).MyProperty = TempVar

This does not work:

dim poo as string= "MyProperty"

TDTL.TireDataTopLevel(FileNumber).TireDataSet(FileDataSetNumber).(poo) = TempVar

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Get The Actual Property Name When Referencing An Interface?

Oct 29, 2010

Consider the following case:

Public Interface IHasDateUpdated
Property DateUpdated As DateTime
End Interface
Public Class MyClass


Now, assuming I was referencing an instance of MyClass as an IHasDateUpdated; how would I determine the actual name of the property that implements the interface property via reflection?For example:

Dim x As IHasDateUpdated = New MyClass()

' How do I derive "MyDateUpdated" from "x" using x.DateUpdated?

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Dynamically Referencing Class Property With A Variable?

Feb 4, 2009

So Im iterating through the properties of a class. For each property Im iterating through a datatable until I find a column name with the same name as the property.

No worries so far, here's the isse: Once I've found a match I want to set the class's property to the value in the datatable but I'm having difficulty referencing the property as it has to be done through a variable.

Dim per As New Person
Dim t As Type = per.GetType
For Each p As PropertyInfo In t.GetProperties


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VS 2008 Referencing A Property In The Parent ITEMS Class

May 6, 2010

I have a collection class, say ITEMS, that inherits a Dictionary (of String, SINGLEITEM). From the SINGLEITEM class, I would like to reference a property in the parent ITEMS class, what is the best way to do this? For example, say the ITEMS class has an IsDirty property and I would like to set that if ANY of the contained SINGLEITEM objects is modified, what's the best way to go about doing this?

I know I could add a reference to the collection class in each SINGLEITEM class (since I override the ADD method, I could make this assignment), but this seems like overkill.

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.NET Referencing Previous Datarow And Appending String?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a project that I am creating a string based on a hierarchy. Without going too much into the logic, I am sure the IF THEN logic works.I have a master control table that contains a 4 number hierarchy sequence for each row. I need to loop through the control table to know how the string should look, and start a new string if the F_ID are different. I am using a For loop to index the control table and loop through it building the string as I go, based on the sequence. I am just concerned if I am referencing the previous datarow value with the .Item Overload option in the IF THEN statements correctly, and appending the stringbuilder variable using the composite primary keys properly.

The four tables example

F_ID F_Col
1 fffffff


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Referencing An Object Using A Variable String In Visual Basic 2010

Oct 8, 2010

I have several sets of similar objects (labels, progress bars) on a form in Visual Basic 2010 on Windows. In my code, I have collections that contain data, which needs to be pushed into the value/text property of each.

I would like to get a solution similar to PHP in that I can assign values somewhat like:

For ID as Integer from 0 to count(collectionExample)

...and as such to loop through so each of the different lblExample's were updated to their corresponding value.

The issue I have come to is that I cannot seem to reference an object on the form using a variable. I have also tried using something like

CallByName("lblExample" + variableID, "Text", CallType.Set, exampleCollection(variableID))... however I still can't combine the string and variable to reference the object.

Any solutions on referring to objects in VB2010 by combining a string prefix and a variable string identifier, similar to PHP's $variable{$variable} approach?

Edit: Windows Platform

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Get Property Name As String

Feb 27, 2009

I'm using a 3rd party software to bind my control properties to server data. The call to bind the data needs the control and the name of the property as a string. For example... BindData(mytextbox, "Text", DataToBind) Some of the properties I am binding to are custom properties of a UserControl I am building, and as development goes, the property names sometimes change. Currently I have to hardcode the property names and if I change the property name, even though the IDE makes the change in all of the property references, I still have to go back and change the name in a dozen or so places. I would like to do the following....


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String To Property Name?

May 25, 2010

I have class (Class A) with two prop as Name and Age.

And I am creating the instance to that class as

Dim strPropertyname as string="Name"
Dim objClass as New ClassA
How can I set the Property as


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Convert Property Name To String?

Mar 26, 2009

Is it possible to programmatically convert the name (not the value!) of a property to a string? I am using reflection to go through the various properties of a class giving their names as string inputs such as[code]...

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Access A Class Property By String Value?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a function that updates a Client in the database. A client object is passed in, along with a string array of fields/properties that should be updated. I need a way of accessing each property in the client object, based on what is in the array. Basically, I am looking for the VB .NET equivalent to this javascript:

var fields = ["Firstname","Lastname","DOB"];
for(field in fields)


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Assign Empty String To Property With Value Of Nothing

Jan 5, 2011

In my EF4 EntityModel I have an entity named Users. Users have the common UserName and Password string fields. If I do something like this

Dim u as new USERS
U.UserName = String.Empty
Then U.UserName are still Nothing.

But if I Do Something like this
Dim u as new USERS
u.UserName = "A"
u.UserName = String.Empty
Then U.UserName take String.Empty as value without problem.

The reason is the way that EF4 generate the UserName Property
Public Property UserName() As Global.System.String
Return _UserName
End Get
[Code] .....

I do not want to make two assignations every time I want to set string.empty to a property with a nothing value, and I do not want to remember that I must do it in this way everytime, because I'm pretty sure that I will forget it and then I will introduce bugs in the code. I just want to assign the empty.string value to a property and the property take "" as value.

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Binding To Indexed Property With String Key?

Sep 14, 2009

Say I wanna bind to dictionary that TKey is string with XAML:<Label DataContext="{MyDictionary}" Content="{Binding Item("OK")}" />Doesn't work.How should I do it?

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C# - Ensure That A String Property Is Of A Particular Length?

Sep 2, 2010

I've created some classes that will be used to provide data to stored procedures in my database. The varchar parameters in the stored procs have length specifications (e.g. varchar(6) and I'd like to validate the length of all string properties before passing them on to the stored procedures.

Is there a simple, declarative way to do this?

I have two conceptual ideas so far:

public class MyDataClass
[MaxStringLength = 50]


This seems like a lot of work and will really make my currently-simple classes look pretty ugly, but I suppose it will get the job done. It will also take a lot of copying and pasting to get this right.

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C# - Pass In A Property Name As A String And Assign A Value To It?

Aug 9, 2010

I'm setting up a simple helper class to hold some data from a file I'm parsing. The names of the properties match the names of values that I expect to find in the file. I'd like to add a method called AddPropertyValue to my class so that I can assign a value to a property without explicitly calling it by name.The method would look like this:

public void AddPropertyValue(string propertyName, string propertyValue) {
//code to assign the property value based on propertyName


Is this possible without having to test for each individual property name against the supplied propertyName?

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Converting String To Object Property Name?

Apr 29, 2009

We have an object with properties, and a a SQL database we're reading in, to create a list of objects, with columns corresponding to each property.if a column is missing from the database (e.g. caused by an outdated version of the database), we want to assign a default value to it.I've created a dictionary, mapping the column name to its default value (both strings).However, I was wondering if it was possibly to somehow convert the column name (string) to an object property (e.g. the string "name" to, as the property and column name are generally the same.I tried to use GetType().GetPropert("column name"), but I can't seem to do assignments through that)Alternately, is it possible to somehow create a dictionary, storing the object property as the key (and the column name and default value in a struct), and then grabbing it after.?

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Reference Object Property Using A String?

Feb 1, 2010

I am trying to make an app that interfaces with Salesforce. Now within salesforce you can customize your database to have any tables or fields that you want/need What I am trying to do is once I do my query, salesforce has your query results returned as a salesforce object. My app basically manages info in salesforce based on rules, sometimes people may need to customize those rules based on fields in the database, however because I dont know what kinds of fields are in their particular database I need to do it programatically...

SO what I want to do is reference the objects property via a string text property name... i.e. if they use a field called "IsFromLebanon" as a boolean I want to be able to access QueryResult.IsFromLebanon. but since I dont know if that field exists or not I dont know how to access its property without spelling out each time. I know clearly thats not going to work, but I dont know how to access the property name without KNOWING the property is going to be there, does that make sense? I dont know if I am making sense or not, it makes perfect sense in my head

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Updating String Property In A Class?

Jun 2, 2012

I have created a new class with a string property called "Text".

The property will hold a sentence typed by the user.

I use "KeyPress" event to get the character pressed and use "Console.Text = Console.Text & e.KeyChar" to update the property. Where console is an instance of the class.

The problem is when I press "Delete" nothing happen.

That's the code within the event scope

Console.Text = Console.Text & e.KeyChar

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.net - 'Property' Cannot Implement 'Property' Because There Is No Matching Property On Interface 'IName'?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm having some very weird issues with interfaces right now.

I have a very simple setup. In one of my class, I have a Property implementing a Property from an Interface.

In my class it's like:

Private _oForm As IForm
Public Property Form As IForm Implements IContainer.Form
Set(value As IForm)


I have like dozens of interfaces like this working throughout my project and I can't believe this simple one can't work!

View 1 Replies - DataBinding: 'System.String' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name 'dbMake'?

Jan 25, 2010

I am a newbie at and after using sqldatasource with a listview to insert and show results from an SQL server db I want to try using the LINQ datasource since it seems to be more flexible in codebehind.
My problem is this: I droped a listview control to the page and I created the Linq datasource in codebehind with vb. the issue that I am having when I ..Select d.columms name i get the error system.string does not contain a property with the name "columname".. if i ommit the column name then its works fine.. the funny part is the d.count works fine but after that i get the error.. please see my code below:


b.dbMake needs to work so that i can use Distinct ,, ia m using version:3.5 and IIS version 7.0 ..
not sure what i am missing ,, but i did try alot of approaches,,1- checked the web.config file and it seems to have two assemblies and two namespaces for LINQ..2- used different databinding syntaxs,,and i searched a lot for the solution.. the last one i read the person ommited the name of the column,, i thought that wasnt the best solution.. also my dbMake column is comming up in the "intellisence"

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Cant Set Value On A Class Property Thats Defined As A String Array

Nov 3, 2009

I have created a class that contains a property array, but I cant use the setters and getters.


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Converting A String Variable To A Property Type

Aug 28, 2009

I have in my My.Settings four settings [code] now I want to get the value of the current setting from the My.Settings.SettingName. [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Connection String Property Has Not Been Initialized

Mar 3, 2008

I have been given the task of debugging someone else's program. It previously ran flawlessly on a 32-bit Windows XP system, but now we are steadily switching over to 64-bit systems and this program has "spit the bit" so to speak.

This is App.Config.xml
[Code] .....

The problem is I don't know my alternatives are. System.Configuration.ConfigurationMananger.AppSettings doesn't work.
I've tracked the problem to the last line Con.Open().
Public Function get_quotes(ByVal strDBConnection As String) As DataSet
Dim con As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(strDBConnection)
Dim strQuery As String = "SELECT qmpQuoteID FROM Quotes"
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(strQuery, con)
Dim dsQuotes As New DataSet("quotes")

The error is "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."

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Dynamically Reference An Object Property Using A String?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to reference a public property from a string. How can this be done in have the text value of "FirstName" stored in strucParam(i).TxtPropertyName.[code]...

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VS 2005 - Sort String Contains Property That Is Not In IBindingList

Apr 26, 2011

I am using the following code to load a file into my program, everything works fine. When I open a new file everything works fine unless I have this line inserted:
Me.BindingSource4.Sort= "NewDateSold Desc"

That line works unless I open a new file while in the same instance of the program running. The I receive the following error:
Sort string contains a property that is not in the IBindingList.

File Open Code
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|CSV Files (*.csv)|*.csv"
[Code] .....

I am really confused since everything works properly if I comment out the
Me.BindingSource4.Sort = "NewDateSold Desc"

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VS 2008 Connection String Property Has Not Been Initialized

Feb 9, 2011

when the codes below is run, when it loses focus, the error 'connection String Property has not been initialized' shows and when i commented on the lost focus section, and click on saving, the sme error shows and ' da.Fill(ds, "Branch")' is highlighted.


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C# : Make A Jagged String Array A Public Property?

Mar 28, 2011

Public Property TabsCollection()() as String()()
Return _tabsCollection
End Get


but it errors saying: End of statement expected.

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Check Object's Property For Null Or Empty String?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm using FileHelper to generate object's property. Here is an example of one property:

<FieldOptional(), _
FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)> _
<FieldNullValue(GetType(String), " ")> _
Public StoreNo As String

As you can see the StoreNo will either have a value or " ", one of the business policy is to check if the StoreNo is empty or nothing if the object's StoreNo is empty or null then the record will not create.

I though about creating an HasValue Function in the class to check the StoreNo and other properties in the object but I feel like it is a hack.

Public Function HasValue() As Boolean
Dim _HasValue As Boolean = True
If StringHelper.IsNullOrBlank(Me.StoreNo) Then


I don't think this approach is an ideal solution. what if the StoreNo is remove or change to something else. What's the best approach to check object's property?

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Custom Class With A Public Property String Array?

Jan 5, 2010

I am trying to create a property of type string array (if this is possible).....and I seem to be lost.

I tried the following, but it says "String cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of string'" at the return

Private _strZipList As String()
Public Property strZipList(ByVal i As Integer) As String()


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How To Pick Random String From Listbox And Show In Property

Mar 4, 2010

I am not so good at VB.NET, well, I am working with a school to run a Spelling Bee aimed at children in year 7. And to make it fair and unbiased i need an application that can choose randomise a word from the list box then transfer the string to the text box. So basically something that can pick a random string from the listbox and show it in the textbox1.text property.

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Why The Rowfilter Property Does Not Work If There Is An Apostrophe In Present In The String

Feb 3, 2010

why the rowfilter property does not work if there is an apostrophe in present in the string. For e.g. , tempdat.DefaultView.RowFilter = "Mystring = '" & st & "'" the above does not work if st="mystrings's" under the column header Mystring.

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