Response Format Specification In ASP.NET MVC 3 Routes?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm creating an API for a website. I'm using ASP.Net MVC 3 and I'm trying to create routes that support an optional .format parameter. So the client app could request /user/post.json, /user/posts.xml or just /users/posts I was able to make the .json or .xml ending url's work using the following route:

routes.MapRoute( _
"no_params", _


But I couldn't make the url without the .format parameter (/user/posts) work alongside.

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Format Of Initialization String Does Not Conform To Specification Starting At Index 0

Dec 8, 2010

I'm building a website, and I am trying to create a connection to the database. Here is the Connection code in my web.config file:[code]And this highlights the Connection string in the VB.NET code behind page. I've checked the details of the original connection string contained within the web.config file, and I've used the website for the actual code. I'm at a loss to explain or to figure out why this isn't working?

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Format Of The Initialization String Does Not Conform To Specification Starting At Index 50

Dec 4, 2010

This is the Login form of my project, and gives me the following error when I press the login buton on form:

Error: Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 50.


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Test ASP.NET MVC Routes Using MVC Contrib?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm trying to set up Route mapping tests using MVC Contrib as described in Test ASP.NET MVC routes using MVC Contrib .The tests compile and execute, but they always fail with the message "The URL did not match any route."I set up another test to try to get an idea of what the problem is:

Public Sub TestIndexRoute()
Dim routes = New RouteCollection

That test fails on Assert.NotNull(routeData, "routeData is Nothing."), so I know that there must be some problem with the MVCContrib code that is trying to access my app's RouteCollection.From the blog post:It also assumes you set your routes in the ASP.NET MVC RouteCollection object.How do I confirm that I'm doing that? I'm using routes.MapRoute within MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes method in the Global.asax code behind. Is there something else to do to set this up properly?

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MVC Routes Rest Standards URL Parameters

Jun 21, 2011

I have the following controller actions:
Function News() As ActionResult
End Function
Function News(ByVal id As Integer) As ActionResult
End Function

I want it to be smart, and go to the first if I have no ID in the url, and the second if there is. I got the following error:
The current request for action 'News' on controller type 'MarketsController' is ambiguous >between the following action methods:
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult News() on type TradeChaseMVC.MarketsController
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult News(Int32) on type TradeChaseMVC.MarketsController

So, I thought if i explicitly created routes without the id parameter optional, like this:
routes.MapRoute( _
"Default2", _
New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index"},
New With {.action = "^[a-zA-Z_]+$", .id = "d{1,8}|"}
[Code] .....

It would work, but it doesn't same error. Now I know the simple solution is to call my methods different things, but i don't want to do this. I was also thinking of creating an attribute to prefix the ID method, to check for ID being there, and if it isn't dont allow that method, but I can't get this to work either.

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ASP NET MVC Area Routing/multiple Routes Issue In VB

Sep 14, 2011

"Multiple types were found that match the controller named 'reviews'. This can happen if the route that services this request ('{controller}/{action}/{id}') does not specify namespaces to search for a controller that matches the request. If this is the case, register this route by calling an overload of the 'MapRoute' method that takes a 'namespaces' parameter."

I've recently added a new "Admin" area to my app and within that I have a "ReviewController". There is also a "ReviewController" within the main app folder:

ah - as a new user I can't post an image, but basically I have a "ReviewController" in "Controllers" and in "Areas/Admin/Contollers".

I have 2 routes set up so far:

Default route in Global.asax.vb
Shared Sub RegisterRoutes(ByVal routes As RouteCollection)


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ASP.NET MVC2 Lowercase Routes In Visual Basic

Jul 7, 2010

I have found 4 or 5 examples of "lowercase routes" in C# however when I use the telerik code converter, I get a bunch of errors. Namely something to do with "extension methods can be defined only in modules." how to map routes to lowercase in VB?


View 1 Replies - Concept Needed For Building Consistent Urls (routes)?

Nov 24, 2010

My project has the need to build consistent urls similar to the ones here on stackoverflow. I know how I "can" do it by running the string through multiple filters, but I'm wondering if I can do it all with a single method.Basically I want to remove all special characters, and replace them with dashes BUT if there are multiple dashes in a row, I need them to be a single dash. How can I implement this as clean as possible?


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Find Hardware Specification By Using Program?

Aug 24, 2009

I already got the processor specifiaction, like its manufacturer as well as its speed; i found it in registry . Now here is my point, how about for the other specification? like RAM specification, where can i locate it. I'm finding the processor, RAM, HDD, NIC, Video Card, and Motherboard.

View 4 Replies

Books - Language Specification (Dead Tree Version)

Mar 19, 2011

I can download the 10 Language Specification from Microsoft here 600+ Pages is a lot to print out. So I want to know is there a Dead Tree version (A book)? If so, where can it purchased?

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Data Is Not Saved In Database And So It Executes "Not According To Specification?

Jan 26, 2012

Program works but data is not saved in database and so it executes "Not According to Specification

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Make An Oledb Connection To An Access Database : Invalid Authorization Specification

Sep 15, 2007

I am trying to make an oledb connection to an Access database.

1. I added a component class.It said drag from the toolbox to add components.

2. I dragged over the Oledbconnection and OledbdataAdapter

3. I clicked on new connection string for the oldeb Connection and try to connect to the SHX.mdb datababase in the debug/ bin folder I don't have a username or password for the database and do not want to set one up.( is this possible in .net?)

4.As soon as I try to test the connection, I get the "invalid authorization specification" message. I can't get past this and do not really understand why I am getting this message.I have vb 2005 standard edition, not express edition.The exact same thing happens when I try to set up the data adapter to the shx.mdb database.

I am on XP2 and not logged in with a password or username. Could this be the issue or is there something else I am overlooking.Also, since I am coming from vb6 and ADO is there anyway to just write the code without having to use datasets, adapters and oledb connections to bound controls?

View 6 Replies

Server Response Was Successfully Sent To Client Without Client Response Back?

Apr 21, 2010

i made a tcp/ip application using the .NET TcpListener class, my problem is that sometimes (about 30 / 4000) the connection between the client and the server got interrupted in the middle and the server response to the client is there a way to know if the server response was successfully sent to the client without the client response back?

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Calculate The Start And End Date Of A Week Given The Week Number And Year In C# (based On The ISO Specification)?

Aug 4, 2009

I need to generate a report that shows the 52 weeks of a year (or 53 weeks as some years have) and their start and end dates. There is an ISO spec to do this but seems awfully complicated! Im hoping someone knows of a way to do it in C# or Visual Basic (its actually for Visual Basic 6 but I will try port it across)

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Crystal Reports Connection Error "Invalid Authorization Specification"

Jan 12, 2010


I am trying to generate crystal reports from visual 2008 and my database is created using SQL server management studio express 2005. I am getting login errors when using the OLE DB for SQL Server source. In studio express I use SQL server and windows authentication and I have tried leaving the user ID and password blank and putting in my login details but still getting the error. I have enabled multiple connections to the database.

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Import Into Access Using Import Specification?

May 10, 2010

I want to write a program in vb2008 that can import a text file into a Access 2000 database, but using import specifications already in the access database.

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ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format Is Changing Axis Label Text Instead Of Format?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm returning a database query into a List object and using that list object to fill the X and Y axes of my chart as seen below. (_runData is a "List(of DatabaseTableName)" style Object filled with the results of my query.

Primary_Chart.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(_runData, "DateTime", _runData, "UPPER_PRESSURE")
My Datetime field is returning as a Serial Number (i.e. 40116.76111) so I want to format the X Axis to display the field more readably. Enter my problem code.


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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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Converting JD Edwards Date (6-digit Julian Format) To MMDDYY Format In UltraGrid

Jun 7, 2011

I'm creating a VB app that uses the Infragistics UltraGrid to display data from 2 JD Edwards files. Before the data is displayed, first I need to convert 2 date fields that are in JD Edwards Julian date format (i.e., 111158 for 6/07/11....the 158th day of this year) to mmddyy format.

MCTS: Web Apps, MCTS: Windows Apps, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, MCP: Windows XP Professional, A+, Network+, Linux+, Security+, Master CIW Designer, SCJP

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Format The DataGridView DefaultCellStyle Format Property (Zip Code And Phone Number)?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using VS 2005 pro and VB.NET. How do you format the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.format property for zip codes and phone numbers. I have a zip code and phone number column(s) that I want to be formatted. I have tried a lot of different things:

Zip code: "99999-0000" or "Phone Number: "(999)000-0000" or "(000)000-0000" and the like So far nothing has worked. I can get my date columns formatted correctly, but not these. Can any one give me some examples that work?

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Date Format - Take A String Formatted Like '010711' (DDMMYY) And Put It Into Format '01-Jul-11'?

Jul 1, 2011

I need to take a string formatted like '010711' (DDMMYY) and put it into format '01-Jul-11'. Ive thought about doing something like string.toArray and then having some conditionals that format from there but am looking for an easier way.

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Format Function Date / When Region New Zealand And Time Format A.m

May 17, 2012

When retrieving rows from an SQL Server table I use the following code select mydate, Customer, Details from sales where mydatetime >= '" & format (somedate, "MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt") & "'"This works fine unless the clients computers windows Region setting is 'English (New Zealand)'The default time format in windows Region and Language for New Zealand is [code]On computers with this region setting I get an SQL Error 'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string'..If I manually select the other option for AM symbol, PM symbol in Region and Language i.e AM PM the all works fine again..What format string can I use so that above code always works, even if the Region time format is a.m. / p.m.

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Format Gridview Unbound Column In 12hr Time Format

Jan 31, 2011

format Gridview's unbound column in 12hr format? i tried the following code, it didnt work.


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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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DateTimePickers With Custom Format Shows Other Format On Dropdown?

Jan 8, 2010

The bottom line on a dropped-down datetimepicker shows the date different then in the text-part.In my case, the text-part format was yyyy/mm/dd, but the bottom part of the dropped down part stated Today: dd/mm/yyyy, what is probably the format set in the regional settings.

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Change The Format Of The Total Into A Money Format?

May 13, 2009

i just started usign Vb two days ago, as it was required for work and i just wondered how to change the format of the total into a money format

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Convert Jpg Format Into Binary Format Using Code?

Feb 28, 2008

How to convert jpg format into binary format using VB code ?

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Custom Format Timespan With String.Format?

Jan 13, 2010

I want to format the Timespan to have format like this 49 hr 34 mn 20 sec

I used the String format below :

String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", theTimeSpan.TotalHours, theTimeSpan.Minutes, theTimeSpan.Seconds)

It formats the Timespan to this format 49:34:20. How can I add hr mn sec to the String.Format above? or there's another easy way?

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Format TxtLabel.Text To A Currency Format?

Apr 22, 2010

How would I format txtLabel.Text to a currency format?

The text would be 15000000

I would like the text to show $15,000,000

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How To Format Drive In FAT 16 Format Without User Interaction

Feb 16, 2010

How to format drive in FAT 16 format using VB.NET without user interaction?

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