SQL Query Between Two Dates But Year Does Not Work

Jun 11, 2011

When I'm trying to run this program Sql QUERY doesn't work properly , but the month and day are okay but it comes to year it doesn't work...

Dim strSql As String = "SELECT * FROM tblAudit WHERE Date_Time BETWEEN '" & Format(dtpFROM_F.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "' AND '" & Format(dtpTO_F.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "'"
classLibrary = New ConLib
lblconstat.Text = DatabaseStatus
If Not classLibrary.isconnectionopen() Then
Exit Sub
End If

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Get Difference Between Two Dates In Year/Month/Week/Day?

Nov 29, 2011

How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?

I have a problem with the difference between two dates. I need the out put in 0 YEAR, 0 MONTHS, 0 DAYS LEFTm e.g.:


With dateDiff function or using anything else it is not pos

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Treeview - Grouping Dates By Month & Year?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a tree view that shows quite a lot of dates, I want to be able to group these dates into Year & Month nodes respectively for example I would get 2 parent nodes '2008' & '2009', the '2008' node will only contain 'November' & 'December' and '2009' will contain 'January', 'february', 'March' etc all these nodes will be based on dates I will be adding to the treeview so the years and months will change depending on the dates being added.i.e - dd/mm/yyyy30/11/200830/12/200801/01/200902/01/2009if I were to put the above dates into the treeview I would get 2 parent nodes '2008' and '2009'in '2008' Would be November & December, and in '2009' would just be January.

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VS 2005 Year, Month, Day Duration Between 2 Dates?

May 6, 2009

date format = dd/mm/yyyy and in string formatQuote:start:29/05/2009end:02/06/2009Duration: 0 yea

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Trying To Make A Calendar - Code Doesn't Work For Leap Year?

Apr 8, 2010

i'm trying to make a calendar and now i'm trying to know whether if it's a leap year and how many days in the current month etc. but my codes doesn't seems to be working and i don't know where is the problem,


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VS 2005 Select All The Work's Accidents Between Two Dates?

Jun 9, 2010

I'm trying to select all the work's accidents between two dates, but my datatype in sql server 2000 is varchar instead datetime.
For example when i want the fields from 01/01/2010 to 01/10/2010 it shows me all the values from 01 to 10 but from other year and month. I know the easy way to do it is changing my datatype into the database but when i do it the value saved into the table is 01/01/1900.

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How To Get Precise Dates From Using SQL Query

Jul 31, 2010

I have made a simple program in VB.Net.In this program I made two DataTimePicker with the names of

1. DtpFrom
2. DtpTo

I want to get the dates from tblStudents between the dates given in the dtpFrom and dtpTo.The Date Format for these two DateTimePicker and in tblStudents is "M/d/yyyy".When I run this query.

"Select AdDate from tblStudents where AdDate >= '" & Format(dtpFrom.value,"M/d/yyyy") & "' and AdDate <= '" & dtpTo & it gives me some times correct results but some times it missed some of the dates. I want to get the precised dates, without missing any date. So is there any Mechanism to solve this Problem.

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Dates Are Not In Correct Order Using Query

Sep 16, 2011

I have a database application connected to a sql express datafile, i am using a datagridview and have clicked on the arrow and added a query. the query is simply sort / ascending on my date field which is a text field with auto generated when the field is focused so i know the dates are entered correctly but when i use the query they are not in their correct order. [Code]

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SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001

Oct 26, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.

That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 27, 2010

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day.That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing
Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim connectionString As String


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C# - Linq Query Summing Dates In Range?

Feb 9, 2011

Trying to work out if there's a nice way of doing this, preferably in Linq rather than loops, which is what I've done for now.

I want the number of days my Product is active between two dates.

Product has many ProductHistories, ProductHistory has values for DateActive and DateInactive. DateInactive can be null, and often will be, to show that this history is ongoing. Histories won't overlap.

I want to sum the maximum of my startDate or the ProductHistory's DateActive, and subtract that total from the sum of the minimum of endDate or ProductHistory's DateInactive (endDate by default if DateInactive has no value).

Worked example:

Get active number of active days between 2011-01-01 (1st Jan) and 2011-02-01 (1st Feb)


Active 2010-12-25 : Inactive 2011-01-05
Active 2011-01-15 : Inactive 2011-01-20
Active 2011-01-25 : Inactive null


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DB/Reporting :: SQL Query Returning Dates Of 1/1/0001?

Oct 21, 2008

I am building an application where a button click runs a sql query and shows a user the next available date that they can process from. The problem was that it needed to be the following Sunday and not the following day. That code looked like this:

Public Class Form1
Dim ReturnValue As Object = Nothing


Code:"select payrolldate from payroll where(payrolldate <= getdate())and payrollran <> 'yes'")but when I add that query it just returns a value of 1/1/000 as the date.

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SQL Query To Convert Gregorian Dates To Hijri?

Jun 11, 2011

I have an installment payment program which have Hijri date (Saudi Arabia) and I already have the code for it's converter inside the forms (using datetimepicker for the Gregorian & maskedtextbox for the Hijri). I'd like to know how can I convert or produce the corresponding equivalent Hijri dates of a series of Gregorian dates generated in my table? I am using SQL query for this. This triggers when I click my Save button for the computation of the premium terms of the customer having an installment payment plan for an item boughtIs there an SQL query to convert Gregorian dates saved into Hijri dates to an Access table?By the way, I am not using any SQL server or Oracle,

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Asp.net - Query/return Records With Dates Between Sunday And Saturday?

Mar 18, 2012

I need to add a gridview to my page where the sqldatasource is based on a query that returns records that fall between Sunday and Saturday of the current week. (Each record has one date field) The records are for payroll purposes and the payroll week runs from Sunday to Saturday. I need to find all records that fall in the current pay week.

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Insert Booking_no As Combination Of Year And Sno(year/sno) Into Database?

Jan 26, 2010

i want to insert booking_no as combination of year and sno(year/sno) into database here iam giving the code as follows,,,,,,,,,
here sno stated from 1.........

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString())
Dim booking_no, sno As String
If Len(sno) = 1 Then


but here booking_no was not inserted properly,it was inserted as "0/ ",,iwant to insert booking_no as "2010/sno" ,

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Validate The Day If The Selected Year Is A Leap Year In Combo Box?

Jun 12, 2011

how to validate the day if the selected year is a leap year in combo box.

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Can't Get SQL Query To Work?

Sep 2, 2009

I have read through soem other threads on this site and it has gotten me this far, but I can't seem to get over the hump.I am trying to create a table to reports back the proper data from a sql database based on what a user types in a textbox. I have pulled a dataset that i have already setup onto the tabl.

Public Class robsearch
Dim sstring As String = "1234"
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Cannot Get Even A Simple Query To Work?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to get a query to work with Visual Basic 2010 Express addition I have pasted the code below but it just errors out with to many arguments I have taken this sample from a reference book but cannot get the darn thing to work. I have looked all over the net and Microsoft for a solution but still no go if any one can help it would really be great. BEP

Private Sub FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton.Click


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ASP.NET Query Strings Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2009

I got this code in order to build an url for the link using a querystring from the current page. The problem is.... It doens't work.


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SQL - Read 2 Or More Value From One Query Doesn't Work

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to read data from remote SQL base. I have written the function that works great if you need to get 1 Value , but when I want to read 2 or more value at from one query it doesn't work [Code]

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VS 2010 Query Don't Work However It's Correct?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm new here, I have a problem with my query in my POS program.For a product I need to read the price of it, I made a connection with my database, it's succesful I've already tested it. When I click to a button then will a msgbox appear with the price of that product.

Private Sub btnGroot_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGroot.Click


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Sql - Inserting Variables Into A Query String - It Won't Work

Apr 22, 2010

Basically i have a query string that when i hardcode in the catalogue value its fine. when I try adding it via a variable it just doesn't pick it up.This works:

Dim WaspConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=JURA;Initial Catalog=WaspTrackAsset_NROI;User id=" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBUserName") & ";Password='" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBPassword").ToString & "';")

This doesn't:

Public Sub GetWASPAcr()
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim username As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name


When I debug the catalog is empty in the query string but the WASP variable holds the value "WaspTrackAsset_NROI"

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VS 2010 SQL Query Will Not Work In Startup Event

Dec 16, 2011

I'm checking if the application needs to update before the user starts the software. But, they have to enter a few items of data and then press enter. When they do, if an update is available, the application closes, my update app runs and then the new version is opened. I want to just update when the application is loading, so they don't have to waste time entering data if the application is just going to close anyway. But when I run the block of code to check for updates, I get an SqlException.


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Why Does Sql Command Work As String But Not As A Parameterized Query

Jul 22, 2011

[code]Myself and a coworker have stared at this quite a lot and we can't figure out why it's not working. The problem is in the value for @ID (since it still works when I leave the other one parameterized). The funny thing is, Just a few lines of code above it I have a different query that sets a parameterized value for the same ID, using the the same choices list that the For Each loop is getting the match variable from.Choices is a list of longs, and when I use choices(0) to parameterize ID in a query, it works. But now down here in this loop I have the new match long, and it doesn't want to make it work for me.

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OledbDataReader Doesn't Work With Union Query In Access DB?

Sep 21, 2011

I have two tables say "Table1" and "Table2". I made a UNION query and saved it as "AllTimesFailure". It is worth mentioning, I am using Access DB. When I am trying to fetch the records from AllTimesFailure through oledbDataReader, it says "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'AllTimesFailure'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.". I double checked query name and found correct but the problem still exists. when I run the same query as I pass through my command object, it works fine in Access query analyzer and fetches records normally.


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Run A TFS Work Item Query With Visual Studio Macros?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to write a Vistual Studio 2008 macro to run a stored TFS query and display the results.Previously I've created a query and named it 'Assigned to Me' to display all the work items currently assigned to me.Instead of View->Team Explorer, click, click down the tree to My Queries then double click 'Assigned to me' I want to write a macro to automate these steps.

Sub TemporaryMacro()
DTE.Windows.Item("{131369F2-062D-44A2-8671-91FF31EFB4F4}").Activate() 'Team Explorer
DTE.ActiveWindow.Object.GetItem("tfsserverMyProjectWork ItemsMy QueriesAssigned to Me").Select(vsUISelectionType.vsUISelectionTypeSelect)


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SQL Query Applied To Bindingsource.filter Doesn't Work

Aug 23, 2011

have a query in SQL, returns the results I expect, however when I copied this query to a bindingsource.filter call,I get "Missing Operand" errors

Me.ItemsBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("SELECT * FROM items WHERE (GETDATE()) BETWEEN (items.ItemStartDate) AND DATEADD([month], items.ItemOccurances, items.ItemStartDate)")

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Query Designed For MySQL Translated To Work For SQL Server 2005?

Apr 10, 2010

I've spent a whole day on this already without figuring it out. I'm hoping somebody can help me translate the following MySQL query to work for SQL Server 2005:

SELECT MAX ( messages.date ) AS maxdate,
topics.id AS topicid, topics.*, users.*
FROM messages, topics, users WHERE messages.topic_id
= topics.id AND topics.user_id = users.id AND
topics.forum_id = " . $forumid . " GROUP BY
messages.topic_id ORDER BY maxdate DESC

$forumid is a QueryString value defined in the following VB.NET code-behind code:

forumName.Text = "<a href='ViewForum.aspx?forumid=" & row.id & "'>" & row.name & "</a>"

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TableAdapter FillBy Query With Parameters Doesn't Work With LIKE Operator

Jan 19, 2010

Banging my head against a wall here. I have a query that looks like this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members

That works absolutely fine in query wizard and the DataTablePreview data window. However, when I do this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName LIKE ?

I get nothing when I run the fillby method. If I change the LIKE to =.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName = ?

Everything works great. I need to get LIKE working though so I can wildcard search.

I'm using the SQL server OLE db connections if that means anything.


Using the LIKE operator doesn't work at all. When I just swap out = for LIKE. Nothing is returned.

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VS 2008 How To Print All Dates Between These Two Dates In One Listbox

Feb 20, 2010

I have two dates. [code] How to print all dates between these two dates in one listbox, for example: [code]

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