VS 2010 SQL Query Will Not Work In Startup Event

Dec 16, 2011

I'm checking if the application needs to update before the user starts the software. But, they have to enter a few items of data and then press enter. When they do, if an update is available, the application closes, my update app runs and then the new version is opened. I want to just update when the application is loading, so they don't have to waste time entering data if the application is just going to close anyway. But when I run the block of code to check for updates, I get an SqlException.


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VS 2010 Query Don't Work However It's Correct?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm new here, I have a problem with my query in my POS program.For a product I need to read the price of it, I made a connection with my database, it's succesful I've already tested it. When I click to a button then will a msgbox appear with the price of that product.

Private Sub btnGroot_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGroot.Click


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VS 2005 WMI Query - SQL Server Startup

Jan 5, 2011

I'm writing a program that will be able to start a window service (SQL Server) on demand. Some of our servers have both SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 installed. I'd like to run a WMI query on the server (either local or remote) to determine how many instances of SQL are installed, and then start the latest version of SQL server. Install paths to SQL instances / configs can be different due to SAN configuration, so I need to use a WMI query to get the services.

I was using the following query- "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE '%MSSQL$%' OR Caption = 'MSSQLSERVER' OR Name = 'SQLSERVERAGENT' OR Name LIKE '%SQLAgent$%'" This returns a bunch of SQL services, so I decided to cut it down- "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name LIKE '%MSSQLSERVER%' OR Caption = 'MSSQLSERVER'" But that query still returns other services (i.e. FullText, Active Directory Helper, etc.) that I don't want. Is it possible to create a WMI query to only look for MSSQLSERVER and SQL Server Agent services? Am I missing something?

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System.Diagnostics.Process.Start Won't Work In Startup When Supplied User Account

Jan 31, 2011

I have a vb.net 2008 application that is supposed to run at startup. After meeting certain conditions, the PC is supposed to restart. Below is the code that is failing:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-r -t 00 -f", myUsername, myPassword, myDomain)

myUsername and myDomain are both strings while myPassword is a SecureString. The application works properly when execute manually, but give the following error when executed from startup (either by placing in the startup folder or by adding to the registry):

The directory name is invalid

Also, the program executes properly when the last 3 arguments are left out and the user has the necessary rights.

How do I force a restart using an specific, alternate user credentials on startup?

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VS 2008 Event Log Query - Extract Each Entry In An Event Log

Mar 23, 2009

I have code to extract each entry in an event log. If the entry is after a set date (the value of my startDate variable) then it gets the information from the log and outputs to an email (I can do all this, the bit I am stuck on is as follows) I am currently using the following code extract:


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Can't Get SQL Query To Work?

Sep 2, 2009

I have read through soem other threads on this site and it has gotten me this far, but I can't seem to get over the hump.I am trying to create a table to reports back the proper data from a sql database based on what a user types in a textbox. I have pulled a dataset that i have already setup onto the tabl.

Public Class robsearch
Dim sstring As String = "1234"
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Cannot Get Even A Simple Query To Work?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to get a query to work with Visual Basic 2010 Express addition I have pasted the code below but it just errors out with to many arguments I have taken this sample from a reference book but cannot get the darn thing to work. I have looked all over the net and Microsoft for a solution but still no go if any one can help it would really be great. BEP

Private Sub FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FillBypeeps1ToolStripButton.Click


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ASP.NET Query Strings Doesn't Work

Jul 2, 2009

I got this code in order to build an url for the link using a querystring from the current page. The problem is.... It doens't work.


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SQL - Read 2 Or More Value From One Query Doesn't Work

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to read data from remote SQL base. I have written the function that works great if you need to get 1 Value , but when I want to read 2 or more value at from one query it doesn't work [Code]

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SQL Query Between Two Dates But Year Does Not Work

Jun 11, 2011

When I'm trying to run this program Sql QUERY doesn't work properly , but the month and day are okay but it comes to year it doesn't work...

Dim strSql As String = "SELECT * FROM tblAudit WHERE Date_Time BETWEEN '" & Format(dtpFROM_F.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "' AND '" & Format(dtpTO_F.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy") & "'"
classLibrary = New ConLib
lblconstat.Text = DatabaseStatus
If Not classLibrary.isconnectionopen() Then
Exit Sub
End If

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Sql - Inserting Variables Into A Query String - It Won't Work

Apr 22, 2010

Basically i have a query string that when i hardcode in the catalogue value its fine. when I try adding it via a variable it just doesn't pick it up.This works:

Dim WaspConnection As New SqlConnection("Data Source=JURA;Initial Catalog=WaspTrackAsset_NROI;User id=" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBUserName") & ";Password='" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WASPDBPassword").ToString & "';")

This doesn't:

Public Sub GetWASPAcr()
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim username As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name


When I debug the catalog is empty in the query string but the WASP variable holds the value "WaspTrackAsset_NROI"

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Why Does Sql Command Work As String But Not As A Parameterized Query

Jul 22, 2011

[code]Myself and a coworker have stared at this quite a lot and we can't figure out why it's not working. The problem is in the value for @ID (since it still works when I leave the other one parameterized). The funny thing is, Just a few lines of code above it I have a different query that sets a parameterized value for the same ID, using the the same choices list that the For Each loop is getting the match variable from.Choices is a list of longs, and when I use choices(0) to parameterize ID in a query, it works. But now down here in this loop I have the new match long, and it doesn't want to make it work for me.

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OledbDataReader Doesn't Work With Union Query In Access DB?

Sep 21, 2011

I have two tables say "Table1" and "Table2". I made a UNION query and saved it as "AllTimesFailure". It is worth mentioning, I am using Access DB. When I am trying to fetch the records from AllTimesFailure through oledbDataReader, it says "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query 'AllTimesFailure'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.". I double checked query name and found correct but the problem still exists. when I run the same query as I pass through my command object, it works fine in Access query analyzer and fetches records normally.


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Run A TFS Work Item Query With Visual Studio Macros?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to write a Vistual Studio 2008 macro to run a stored TFS query and display the results.Previously I've created a query and named it 'Assigned to Me' to display all the work items currently assigned to me.Instead of View->Team Explorer, click, click down the tree to My Queries then double click 'Assigned to me' I want to write a macro to automate these steps.

Sub TemporaryMacro()
DTE.Windows.Item("{131369F2-062D-44A2-8671-91FF31EFB4F4}").Activate() 'Team Explorer
DTE.ActiveWindow.Object.GetItem("tfsserverMyProjectWork ItemsMy QueriesAssigned to Me").Select(vsUISelectionType.vsUISelectionTypeSelect)


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SQL Query Applied To Bindingsource.filter Doesn't Work

Aug 23, 2011

have a query in SQL, returns the results I expect, however when I copied this query to a bindingsource.filter call,I get "Missing Operand" errors

Me.ItemsBindingSource.Filter = String.Format("SELECT * FROM items WHERE (GETDATE()) BETWEEN (items.ItemStartDate) AND DATEADD([month], items.ItemOccurances, items.ItemStartDate)")

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Hide Form On Startup If App Occurred Because Of Windows Startup?

Jun 20, 2010

I can hide my startup form (or make it appear hidden) on startup. I can start my app on windows startup--through registry values--if the user checks a checkbox.

But if the app starts up on windows startup, I want the form to be hidden, so the program can just keep working without bothering anyone. If it starts up because the user started it, I want the form to be showing, because the user probably wants to change some settings or something.

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Query Designed For MySQL Translated To Work For SQL Server 2005?

Apr 10, 2010

I've spent a whole day on this already without figuring it out. I'm hoping somebody can help me translate the following MySQL query to work for SQL Server 2005:

SELECT MAX ( messages.date ) AS maxdate,
topics.id AS topicid, topics.*, users.*
FROM messages, topics, users WHERE messages.topic_id
= topics.id AND topics.user_id = users.id AND
topics.forum_id = " . $forumid . " GROUP BY
messages.topic_id ORDER BY maxdate DESC

$forumid is a QueryString value defined in the following VB.NET code-behind code:

forumName.Text = "<a href='ViewForum.aspx?forumid=" & row.id & "'>" & row.name & "</a>"

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TableAdapter FillBy Query With Parameters Doesn't Work With LIKE Operator

Jan 19, 2010

Banging my head against a wall here. I have a query that looks like this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members

That works absolutely fine in query wizard and the DataTablePreview data window. However, when I do this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName LIKE ?

I get nothing when I run the fillby method. If I change the LIKE to =.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName = ?

Everything works great. I need to get LIKE working though so I can wildcard search.

I'm using the SQL server OLE db connections if that means anything.


Using the LIKE operator doesn't work at all. When I just swap out = for LIKE. Nothing is returned.

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Can't Get The Label1_click Event To Work

May 22, 2009

I carn't get the Label1_click event to work.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Drawing


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Position Of A Form On Startup In VB 2010?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a form in Visual Basic, and the size of the form is: 211, 49. And when the form Loads, It loads to the top / left of the screen. the form has no border. How can I get my form to load top / right of the screen.

I Have tried changing the properties, Start Position to Manual, And then changed Location 0,0. but what if someone has a different size screen than mine.

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VS 2010 - Application To Run On Windows Startup

Apr 2, 2012

I developed an application in Visual Basic 2010 Express which has two features:

1) It is portable and uses some .dlls which must be in the same folder
2) Requires Administrator in order to run

I want my application to run on windows startup. So i created the registry string value and made some tests that gave me the following results:

1) Windows XP -> Runs on startup without any errors
2) Windows 7 Starter -> It simply ignores my application
3) Windows 7 Premium -> The run confirmation box from unknown publisher appeared and when i selected to run, AVG gave a virus warning
4) Windows 8 Consumer Preview -> It simply ignores my application

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VS 2010 Crash On Startup - Windowscodecs.dll

Feb 15, 2011

today i tried to run visual studio 2010 but the program crashes at startup. here is the detail:


i have search over the internet it seems there is not much information about this kind of error. i tried reinstalling vs 2010 but it doesn't work either. yesterday i installed microsoft office 2010, does it have anything to do with visual studio? another thing that i have to mention is that i had visual studio 2008 installed too, when i opened that it says something like " invalid licence ". so uninstalled it but it didn't solved the problem. so can someone say what the hell is the problem about ?

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VS 2010 How To Choose Form At Startup

Aug 12, 2011

I'm trying to make a program that will open a first-run form when the program is run for the first time. I'm planning on just using a setting in My.Settings.VariableName to keep track of the boolean value. My problem is that I cannot figure out how to choose what Form to open.

My first instict would be to use a Sub Main() as my program instance, and then choose and open forms from there, but I can't find a way of doing it. and Many a post suggest not doing it.

Second I tried using ApplicationEvents Myapplication_Startup, but this makes the form pop up before my splash screen, and doesn't stop my main form from showing.

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Make An Application To Startup At The System Startup?

Mar 4, 2010

How to make an Application to startup at the system startup? and How to enable and disable?

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Event Handling - Got It Working In C# But Can't Get It To Work In VB?

Nov 16, 2009

I need to create event handler for Outlook event 'item send'. This is to capture the event before email get actually sent. I could generate this event handler in C# within seconds but having problem to do it in VB. Any translation online

C# code:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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GridView - Row Updating Event Does Not Work

Apr 15, 2012

The following code runs successfully with no errors, but I still don't get the new data from the grid, by adding a break point, and stepping forward, the data in the variables are the original data, not the updated data.

Private Sub grvSample_RowUpdating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewUpdateEventArgs) Handles grvSample.RowUpdating
Dim row As GridViewRow = DirectCast(grvSample.Rows(e.RowIndex), GridViewRow)
Dim passportNumber As TextBox = DirectCast(row.FindControl("txtNumber"), TextBox)
Dim expiry As TextBox = DirectCast(row.FindControl("txtExpiry"), TextBox)
[Code] .....

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Set Event To Work On Every Panel In Form?

Nov 8, 2011

i'm not a pro with vbnet and could use a little help on this personnal project. I'm a bit confounded about how to proceed. I'm creating some kind of gameboard for a figurine game a friend create. In the background of my form, I have a panel which is called gridPanel, create by 100x100 square in tile background format.

i want that when I double click on the grid, a semi-transparant picture box frame (called Target) appear so everyone knows what you are targetting, which I handled like this : private Sub Targetting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles gridPanel.MouseDoubleClick


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Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Cannot Startup

Jan 26, 2011

The version of Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Edition that I downloaded never started up the whole time. It always shows it's Splash Screen and then shows a error message that says Cannot Create Window and it never continued. I need to work on the new technology, VE powered by Microsoft Visual Basic, and VisualPower powered by Microsoft Visual Basic .NET. I need help on this. Please help!!!! Only Microsoft Office 2003 on Windows XP Service Pack 3. Installed with a few MB left.

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VS 2010 - On Load (Startup) Default State?

Jan 14, 2012

I haven't used VB in decades and I'm restarting with what I thought would be a simple program. I have two fields on a little form, both of which display a date (dd/mm/yyyy). Field1 is an entry field except on load where is contains a date calculated from field2 (which is 'now' upon application load). Field1 is 'now' + 10 days. This is the default state.

Once loaded (with the data described above), the user can input only in field1. Field2, an inactive field used only for display, is field1 - 10 days. After 15 seconds, fields 1 and 2 revert to their default states as described in the first paragraph. I'm getting all messed up with the 'on load' state. I'll start playing with the timer once I get the initial stuff done.

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Button Click Handle Event Does Not Work

Jul 25, 2011

I have this code in ButtonClick Handle event but nothing works :/ I was wondering why... I tried msg("") as well as the first line in the code to see if it works but nothing!

Dim myConn As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
Dim sqlString As String


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