Salary Survey Code Verification?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm new with VB programming and would like to know if anyone can look/test this code I have written. I don't have the ability to test right now because I'm at work and can't get VB installed on my desktop. This program is supposed to display the amount of gross pay for employees based on their weekly sales (if $5000 or more times 9% + $200) while using a one dimensional array.

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For Next Statment For Salary Survey?

Mar 28, 2011

A company pays its salespeople on a commission basis. The salespeople receive $200 per week, plus 9% of their gross sales for that week. For example, a salesperson who grosses $5000 in sales in a week receives $200 plus 9% of $5000, or a total of $650. Develop a console program (using a one-dimensional array of counters) that determines how many of the salespeople earned salaries in each of the following ranges (assume that each salesperson?s salary is truncated to an integer amount):



My gross salary formula works fine but im confused about my For Next Statement. Not sure if im doing it right. i forgot one thing.... i'm not sure if my increment counter should be where i put it. I think it needs to be in my for next statement?

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VS 2010 Salary Application Code?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm having trouble finishing up this salary program which is designed to calculate salary based on gross sales while using arrays. Essentially, when the Calculate Salary click event is initiated after salary is entered, either $200 should show up in the list box or, if the persons sales were over $5,000, a calculation of their sales * 9% + 200 should show up in the list box. Right now, anytime I enter any number, "Double Array()" shows up in that list box.

Option Strict On
Public Class Form1
Dim salary(19) As Double


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Survey: Including SQL In App Code Or Only In The DB / Procs?

Jan 22, 2009

Trying to start a discussion on what approaches forum members take when faced with the issue of writing code that calls SQL queries upon a DB. Do you tend to always put SQL in stored procedures and call the proc (and does that include basic CRUD operations) or always the opposite? Or do you prefer a mix of some procs and some coded sql? If its the latter then how do you determine which queries go where?I imagine the scale of a project can dictate some of the possible answers. I've done both and sometimes I find that quick and dirty apps that have little chance of changing or are easy to modify do not need procs. On the other hand, I generally will choose the mixed option where anything other than CRUD (i.e. workflows) will be sent to a proc. I have a particular interest in hearing about your experiences with larger projects (i.e. 100+ tables in the DB) that employ a Domain Model approach to a layered solution (has distinct UI, business, and data access layers.) However I'm interested in responses to all sizes and shapes of projects.Opinions?

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.net - Creating The DNN Survey Module From Source Code?

Sep 18, 2010

My boss has asked me to set up DotNetNuke's Survey Module and make a few custom changes to it for a client. But I'm having trouble just getting the bare-bones code to run properly!Downloaded both the source & install folders from [URL] Created a new VB Web Application Project Took out all the default pages Copied the Survey source code into the VB Web Application Project in exactly the same structure Made a batch script that creates an installation folder identical to DNN's install folder (double-checked by running a folder-diff on it, and all files/folders were identical) Zipped up my installation folder using 7-zip The source code compiles perfectly. But even though the files/folders are identical, DNN's zipped package will work properly on my DNN site, and my own zipped package will fail with this famous error message:

Error: Survey is currently unavailable.
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Could not load type 'DotNetNuke.Modules.Survey.survey'. --->


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Creating The DNN Survey Module From Source Code?

Aug 25, 2010

creating the DNN Survey Module from source code

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Program That Auto-detect The Verification Code

Apr 20, 2009

Is there anyway to make a program that auto detect the verification code when sign up for a site..because i want to make a program like roboforum.

View 11 Replies

Verification Code - Built Out Of Random Characters And Numbers?

Aug 24, 2009

I'm about to make verification code to my app it would be built out of random characters and numbers,i have no problem making a custom one,but before i go and do it i just wanted to ask if there is built in method of such thing .NET environment

View 3 Replies

Salary Application Code - Enter Any Number, "Double Array()" Shows Up In That List Box?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm having trouble finishing up this salary program which is designed to calculate salary based on gross sales while using arrays. Essentially, when the Calculate Salary click event is initiated after salary is entered, either $200 should show up in the list box or, if the persons sales were over $5,000, a calculation of their sales * 9% + 200 should show up in the list box. Right now, anytime I enter any number, "Double Array()" shows up in that list box. Additionally, a bar graph is supposed to supposed to be displayed in the lower list box showing how many people are in certain categories starting from "$200-$299" through "over $999". These results should be shown when the Show Totals click event is initiated.


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Create A Feed Back Survey?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a user control form with two text boxs, three radio buttons, and a text box for a description, but i need help trying to lik together and when the user hits the send button it sends it to a email,

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Create A Multiple Choice Survey?

May 13, 2012

I'm currently quite new to VB and am trying to create a multiple choice questionnaire for work. This is a depression survey in which there are 23 groups of statements with 4 options per group. Every time a patient clicks an option, the next set of 4 questions comes up on the screen.

I'm trying to convert the old VB4 code into the new VB 2010 code. Before we were using a control array and the code looks a little something like this[code]...

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Php - Get Data From A Survey Paper Document?

Feb 24, 2012

i know it could sound as a silly question but i was wondering if there's a way to get data from a survey on paper though: i mean, let's say i have a survey on paper with questions and some checkbox that the user will tick and i want to get its data scanning the document and save it as pdf, if it's possible, or jpg or doc, whatever. Then with PHP or whichever language you suggest, try to get the data in some way from the scanned document and put it to a DB.

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Calculate Salary Based On Monthly Gross?

Mar 29, 2011

We need to calculate salary based on monthly gross. Here we are having problem with ESI salary header Consider monthly gross is 12000 and headers are

BASIC = (Monthly Gross) * 40%
HRA = (BASIC) * 40%
Conv. = 800
PF = Basic * 12%


In Excel using Goal Seek, we can get the solution for this.Is there any way to get in VB.NET?

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Calculate Total Salary According To Attending Days?

Aug 15, 2011

i want to calculate total salary according to attending days.

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Can't Get Test Module To Return Salary Cannot Be Negative

Jan 31, 2010

Below is my code for an employee class and employeetest module. Im not sure why i cant get the test module to return Salary cannot be negative with i put in a number less than zero and not sure how to get monthly salary to convert to yearly and then giving a 10% raise.[code]

View 4 Replies

Grading System - Calculating Net Amount Of Salary?

Jun 8, 2011

I want to know about grading system in visual studio I am new in software engr just tell me how we make grading system in windows application in visual studio like when we put 5 in grade section the basic salary will be 15000 and home allowance will be 15 percent of basic salary and conveyance allowance should be 10 percent of basic salary then integer in gross salary will be shown and it will be basic salary plus home allowance plus conveyance allowance minus 5 percent of tax on basic salary and net amount will be shown

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Displaying A Chart - Create A Cafeteria Survey Application ?

Nov 15, 2011

I have to create a cafeteria survey application. Twenty students were asked to reate, on a scale of 1 to 10, the quality of the food in the student cafeteria, with 1 being "awful" and 10 being "excellent." Allow the user input to be entered using a ComboBox. Use an integer array to store the frequency of each rating. Display the frequencies as a bar chart in a list box.

I can get the comboBox and everthing, but it's not displaying the bar chart.

Here is my code.

Public Class Form1

'String array stores ratings
Dim ratings() As String = {"1-Awful", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10-Excellent"}
Dim studentCount As Integer 'number of student ratings entered
Dim frequency(9) As Integer


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Survey - Checklist - Status Report - FEED Template

Sep 14, 2009

I am planning a three form checklist/status report for a FEED template. Each form will address a different FEL. FEL1 is really a simple checklist and is easily dealt with using the Windows Form. My question is there a better structure to handle the more complex FEL2 and FEL3, like the web page? FEL2 will have approximately 20 questions and FEL3 will have about 50. I am still undecided whether to use radio buttons (radio button list, which I do not understand yet) or text boxes that will take a value between 0 and 10. I may weight the questions to give an overall percent complete that I can show on the progress bar or some such. If there is a better structure than the Windows form, can it and the Windows Form be linked? If not, will abandon efforts to complete current FEL1. Conceptually, you cannot start FEL2 until you have completed FEL1, and FEL3 until FEL2 is complete.

Public Class FrmFEL1
Dim PctCmpt As New ProgressBar()

Private Sub CboxChrtr_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CboxChrtr.CheckedChanged


This is what I have so far. It is no working at all. No values appear when boxes checked. Would like a value for each checkbox that can be added in in order to get a total. That total to be added to the percent complete (TxFEL1).

View 13 Replies

Create An App That Computes The Amount Income Tax That A Person Has To Pay, Depending On Salary?

Mar 22, 2011

I have to create an app that computes the amount income tax that a person has to pay, depending on salary. Income tax should be calculated for each portion of income in each range. Here are the following income ranges and taxe rates:

Not over $7825=10%income tax
$7825-31852 = 15%income tax
$31851-77100 = 25%income tax


i keep getting zeros.

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One Dimensional Arrays - Display The Number Of Employees Who Have Earnt A Salary Within The Ranges Below

May 25, 2009

i am a beginner learning I have an excercise to create a form and on clicking the totals buttons it should display the number of employees who have earnt a salary within the ranges below. Now this code works, but i want to substitute the Select Case Statement with a more efficient statment to increment my counter. The code is:


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VS 2008 MaskedTextBox Verification?

May 25, 2009

Maybe it's a simple quiestion but i realy don't know how to solve it... i've searched on google bu i did not find any clue how can i check the MaskedTextBox..I have put the mask "##/##/####" (to serve as a date input) and i dont know how can i check this do not be empty... i have tried "__/__/____" and also " / / " and "##/##/####" but nothings working.

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Error : Cannot Load Verification Module

Aug 8, 2009

i create project using VB6 when i try to drag cantrol in my form it give me error (Cannot load verification module) the control is " fplivx activeX control module "


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Have Not Received VB2008 Verification Email?

Mar 3, 2010

i have been trying to register VB08 express for over an hour and have not recieved the verification email yet. has this happened to anyone yet? I tried multiple email addresses, checked junk folder...refreshed, sign out...etc.

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Login Verification - User Already Online

Jan 17, 2012

I have an Login Module and what I want to do in this module is to know whether the account being logged in is being used or it's online. Ex:
If I logged in then it will say "User is already logged in" etc etc. I am using MS SQL server 2008 r2 for may database.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Login
Public sstatus As String
Private Sub GlassButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GlassButton1.Click
[Code] .....

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Age Verification - Birth Date Entry In Textbox?

Jan 17, 2009

My project requires users to be 18+. I have supplied a textbox for birthdate entry, but I don't know if that's the best way. Also, I don't know how to format it so that it only accepts date entry.
Next is the calculation part... yikes.
today - bithday = age

Private Sub Birthday_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Birthday.TextChanged
End Sub

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File Verification Glitch, And It Was Working Last Night

Mar 20, 2012

I am just down right confused right now... I made a slight modification to my games saving system, and it worked before this modification... I only changed "one" thing in the saving and loading of the save file system.

now it went from working when trying to verify the save data, to throwing this error when I enter the username of "test" and the password of "test...

there is not a save file for that combination of data, and prior to the save/load system edits, it would realize that, and throw a message box error that I made for that senario... but now, it does this when trying to load the human class. that save file that it is trying to load and verify that does not exist is supposed to be "test the human"

"Could not find a part of the path 'F:\Ashes of Redemption\Ashes Of Redemption(01-02-2012)\Ashes Of Redemption\bin\Debug100 the 250\100 the 250.txt'."

it is supposed to throw my message box stating that there is no file in that combination, and the edits that I made only write a description of what each line of code is in the game... I had also made a variable called "nulldata" that takes those lines of text, and keeps them out of the games loaded data, so for each string of text that I added, it is basically rendered useless upon the save file being loaded...if you enter valid save information, then it loads just fine... so I am just plain confused right now.

the NEW save function'[code...]

now I am going to root around in my code now to see if I cant figure out by chance what is going on here.

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Interface In A Function Or Similar Verification For An Object?

Sep 6, 2010

Lets say I have function returns an object and that object has 10 properties. for example



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Set A Verification That Something Is Checked In A Set Of Radio Buttons Within A Group Box?

May 11, 2009

How can I set a verification that something is checked in a set of radio buttons within a group box? So... groupbox1 has rad1, rad2, rad3. I want to verify that at least one of them is checked. I was going to do a select case, but I can't figure the syntax for the cases... Visual Studio 2008, btw

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Verification System - Protect Applications From Being Spread Around

Jul 16, 2010

I'm looking to sell some Applications i have made. What's the best way i can protect my applications from being spread around easily? I know there's no Sure-fire way of protecting my App.. but there must be a good program or something that will give me a helping hand.

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Applies To The LUHN Method For Credit Card Verification?

Feb 2, 2012

I just joined because I'm a newb/student in VB. Currently taking a VB course but just don't understand why this is giving me a problem. If anyone can explain/help it would be great. The problem lies with the "red" 1 that is highlighted. I don't understand what is wrong with it. PS: this is statement applies to the LUHN method for credit card verification.


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