Save String Entered In Textbox Into Array

Jan 28, 2010

I am currently working and a vb. net project and would like to know how I can save the contents that I enter into a texbox on my form into an array which I defined in a class. Class:


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VS 2010 Auto-Save After Textbox Data Entered

Feb 13, 2011

Is there a way to save every time the user updates a textbox on the form? My reasoning for this is I don't want to lose all information typed into the form if they were to click on the "x" to close the form. I want the form to update whenever they type so if they forget to press a "save" button (or better yet not use a save button) the data won't be lost. I can use a textbox change event handler and code to update my dataset on every textbox in the form but it seems tedious.

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Save Auto-Complete - Completion To Be Based Off Of Text That Has Been Previously Entered Into The Textbox

Apr 5, 2011

I want a textbox to have autocomplete. I want the completion to be based off of text that has been previously entered into the textbox. My method of saving seems to work but when i close the program and re run it the autocomplete suggestions arent there anymore.


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Display First And Last Half Of Any String Entered Into Textbox?

Jan 10, 2012

I want to display the first and last characters of any given string entered into a textbox. The strings can be of any length as the user wants (as long as it is one word) I would like to be able to do something like this... "william = will and iam" or "Celtic = Cel and tic"I understand I would have to split or divide the string. How would I go about doing this?


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VS 2010 Check String Entered Textbox?

Jan 6, 2011

I want to validate a string in a textbox after a period.Lets say that it needs to be ".rad" (whatever). When I enter "radjesh.rad" and press "OK" it should check if the last 4/5/6 (whatever) characters (including period) are in the string. If I'd enter "radjesh" it should fail, but if I'd enter (e.g.) "radjesh.jrkrk" it should work.

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Save Array Of String To Disk?

Mar 26, 2012

How can i save an array of string to disk??

lets say we have

Dim myStringArray() As String = {"A","B","C","D",.......,"Z"}

and wanted to save it to a binary file on my disk.

later i want to be able to read it and load it into memory.

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Save String Array To Settings?

Jun 4, 2011

Here's the code i've used in the past to save an integer array to settings (The setting being listed as a String on the dropdown):



sec0string = String.Join(";", Array.ConvertAll(sec0, Function(n) n.ToString()))


sec0string = My.Settings.sec0
sec0 = Array.ConvertAll(sec0string.Split(";"c), Function(s) Convert.ToInt32(s))

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Save Values As A String Or Array?

Mar 17, 2009

im trying to figure out how to edit this program and have it save values as a string or array and allow them to be recalled and edited however im at a terrible slup, here is the code im going to base it off of.

Public Class frmHospitalCharges
Dim introomcharge As Integer
Dim decmisccharge As Decimal


i have the basic program written i have to add a input box for names.

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Save 1-Dimensional String Array To Settings

Feb 24, 2012


HumanName (the variable, not the setting) in this code is a 1-Dimensional string array. HumanLevel is a 1-dimensional integer array. There is no error in this code, but for some reason despite the fact that the integer array actually saves to settings exactly as it is supposed to, the string array causes the program to crash.


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Save Textbox String To XML?

Feb 9, 2010

Just wondering how I can get all the text in a multi-line textbox and save it under a name/catagory in a XML file? Kinda like this


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Save String From A Textbox In Child Form VB?

Oct 24, 2011

I'm coding in Visual Basic on the Visual Studio platform.I have a child form, which consists of many text boxes. I have to make a Save and Save As method, which reads from theses text boxes and puts each read line in a seperate line in a text file.

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Create A New Textbox Every Time Previous Textbox.text Is Entered?

Jan 16, 2010

How to create a new textbox every time previous textbox.text is entered?

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TextBox Validation - 16 Numeric Digits Entered Into The Masked Textbox

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to mkae sure that there has been 16 numeric digits entered into the masked textbox. If not show errror message and if so to call the fucnction ValidateLuhn. When calling Validate Luhn i want the program to tell me if the number entered is valid or invalid using the code in the function:

Private Function ValidateLuhn(ByVal value As String) As Boolean

Dim CheckSum As Integer = 0
Dim DoubleFlag As Boolean = (value.Length Mod 2 = 0)


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Get String Array From TextBox?

Feb 1, 2010

how to get string array from TextBoxexample: textbox1 = "Name"



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Textbox - Every Time The Letter A Is Entered Into A Textbox - Want It To Enter In As A 1 Instead

Aug 27, 2010

OK, every time the letter a is entered into a textbox, I want it to enter in as a 1 instead. Help?

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How To Take Textbox.text String And Store In 2D Array

Apr 30, 2012

How to take Textbox.text string and store in 2D array..I have total of three textbox..Number one textbox takes name and Second textbox takes grades and stores in third textbox,

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Multidimensional Array - How To Get Textbox To Show String

Mar 5, 2012

For a To-do list program, I am trying to use something like this to get the textbox (txtlast) to show the string held in the array, but the text box just keeps coming up blank..... why is this?
txtLast.Text = Arrnumbervalue(IntYear, IntMonth, IntDay, IntHour)

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Save The Data Entered In Forms?

Feb 12, 2011

I made my first app today. The point is to enter a password and then get into a screen that displays info, and you can edit it by typing in the text box. Is it possible to save the data typed?

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Save The Text Being Entered Within The Richtextbox?

Mar 31, 2011

Is richtextbox can save a text within its control? What control in that could save the text being entered within its control paticularly, if any? I need somebody that could give me an idea on what control to use to save the text within the control. I'm not trying to save the text anywhere. I want to save it within the control. I don't have to save it with a filename and a path location. Just like this forum, which everytime you post and reply to a thread, you will have to enter your message in a certain workspace and after you submit, it will save within the control so everytime you open your thread you will see the messages. What control do I need to use in to do that?

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Populate A String Array To Use As An Autocomplete Source For A Textbox?

Jan 26, 2010

Dim dt As DataTable = MyClass.DatabaseRecordsetCall()
Dim str(dt.Rows.Count) As String

If dt IsNot Nothing AndAlso dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows

str.SetValue(row.Item(0).ToString, dt.Rows.IndexOf(row))
End If

This is the code I am using to populate a string array to use as an autocomplete source for a textbox.The datatable has 17 rows in it. However, it creates the string array with a length of 18.Just an FYI, if you try to use an autocomplete source that contains a value = nothing, it will cause your application to crash.No, not cause an exception which could be dealt with, but a solid inexplicable, pull your hair out, scream and curse because you cannot figure it out crash. The microsoft message that comes up references the file browseui.dll.The above code as is, will generate an extra array value whose value WILL equal nothing and cause this crash to happen.

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Save A Data Entered In Vb Form Into .txt Or Acces Db?

Aug 16, 2011

How to save a data i entered in vb form into .txt or acces db, for example i have a form, and there is some text box in that form, then i write a text in that TextBox then i save all into txt file or Access DB, and i can open or load that file into my aplication. i use SaveFileDialog but how to make i can chose a file type to save it?

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VS 2008 Save The Text Being Entered Within The Richtextbox?

Mar 31, 2011

Is richtextbox can save a text within its control? What control in that could save the text being entered within its control paticularly, if any? I need somebody that could give me an idea on what control to use to save the text within the control. I'm not trying to save the text anywhere. I want to save it within the control. I don't have to save it with a filename and a path location. Just like this forum, which everytime you post and reply to a thread, you will have to enter your message in a certain workspace and after you submit, it will save within the control so everytime you open your thread you will see the messages. What control do I need to use in to do that? info especially the codes to save the text string within a certain control?

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Allow To Accept Null In Datagrid In VB And Save Last Entered Value In The Grid?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm writing a windows forms project in Visual Studio 2008 - VB, data are stored in SQL database.- I have a date field within Datagrid that could be Null or have a date in it. I had set it to show <none> when it's Null (Null is allowed for this field). The problem that I got is when user would need to delete the date from that date cell within the grid. I'm getting an error immediately after pressing "Delete" to clear the cell value. I had put in a work around - added the code for grid DataError event and assigned DBNull.Value to that cell and user is able to type in <none> for that cell or just press save, but it won't allow to go to the next cell in the grid if you don't save or type <none>. I'm sure that there is a better way handlig situation like that. May be using different event? I wasn't able to find anything else on it.- the other issue in the datagrid - if user fills in 3 cells out of 5 for example and press save while in the 3d cell - it won't save the value in the 3d cell. I also put a work around to check for the values in specific cells before saving but the problem with it - few cells could be Null (and should be Null). I can't check every single cell value and force user to type something in it.

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Dropdown Combo, Save Entered Text Not In List?

Sep 24, 2008

I have a Combobox, set to DropDown style that is bound to a Collection.I want to enable the user to type text in the edit portion of the combo and if the value is not in the list SAVE the data in a collection if it is not already in the collection, of course it wouldn't be if it was not

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File I/O And Registry :: Save Settings That A User Has Entered?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to create an app to launch at start up that will ask you what applications you want launching, or if you want all your favorite app's to start up etc. But before I go any further, I think its crucial to know how to save settings that a user has entered (such as program location and name in this case) so that he/she doesn't have to enter them every time at start up.

So far I have just made this, can anyone tell me how I would get it to save the settings entered?

Option Explicit On
Module Module1
Dim name As String


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How To Set Up Array Within Program To Allow 10 Values To Be Entered

Jun 16, 2010

I just need to know how to set up this array within the program to allow 10 values to be entered then later be shown into separate labels as a largest and smallest value.Create an application that lets the user enter 10 values into an array. The application should display the largest and smallest values stored in the array. Figure 8-45 shows an example of the application's form after all 10 values have been entered, with the largest and smallest values displayed.The form basically shows a large label box where your values will show up. Then two regular labels next to the boxed label that determines the largest and smallest values. There are four buttons, a clear, exit, Display Min & Max, and Input Values.I have the actual program layout already made and the initial buttons already declared, being the exit and clear buttons. I just need to know how to setup the array's for the other two buttons.

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Binary Search Array - Show Entered Value

Aug 4, 2009

We need to show the value entered and the number that it is compared to in the textbox and concatenated to the binary array. This is the code that I have so far:
Public Class Tester
Shared array1 As Integer() = New Integer(14) {}
Dim count As Integer
Public Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Validate The Value Entered Within A Textbox?

Jun 18, 2009

Is it possible to validate the value entered within a textbox by comparing it with a text file that is full off accepted values?

in my textbox will be a location like London, i want to be able to validate that it is correct by looking in my text file to see if it is there?

my textfile would be written like this:

|london|manchester|birmingham|leeds|bristol| ... etc so it need to split the values by looknig with the pipe characters ( | )?

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Determine Length Of Array From Number Of Items Entered

Nov 15, 2009

I am trying to program the hamming code in vb... theoretically i understand and know how to do everything, first problem I've encountered is dynamic arrays in ... is it possible to determine the length of an array from the number of items entered in it, since I have no means of figuring out an exact number or length prior to several mathematical function which outcome will be the data .. directly saved to the array !!

View 4 Replies - Disable Characters From Being Entered In Textbox

Apr 18, 2011

I am building a form and i want to prevent certain characters from being typed in a textbox? I want to disable the " and ' characters in some of my textboxes

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