Selecting Multiple Panels To Be Enable??

Jun 11, 2011

I have 14 panels in my form, the user then input a number in the textbox. Then this textbox will now determine how many panels will be enable. My formula would be, userinputtextbox/0.5=panels to be open. Example: 3/0.5=6.

So far this is my code:
for x = 1 to UserInputTextbox.text
CType(Me.Controls("P" & x.ToString ), Panel).Enabled = True

But I got this error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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VS 2010 - Can't Access Multiple Panels - Make Labels Merged In Panels

May 8, 2012

I'm trying to make custom ListBox with some graphics. Base is ItemCollection - each item contains Panel, 2x label and 2x picturebox. What each panel have to do:

- Change backcolor on MouseEnter and set color back when MouseLeave occurs.
- On MouseDown(LMB) - Panel stays "selected" - different color.

Problem: I can't access multiple panels at a time(and I need to), just one via sender as in function. Of course, I can do it hacky way, but I want to do it effective and regular. Is ItemCollection the right solution or should I do it just like an array of panels? Also I want them in one "box", ItemCollection is good for it.

Second "problem": I need to make labels "merged" in panels, when i MouseEnter them(labels), background color on that panel sets to my default color. when i MouseClick them(labels), nothing happens (need to "select" parent panel). It can be again fixed with hacky way, just disable labels - but then the colors of labels are unchangeable.

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Multiple Panels Instead Of Forms?

Mar 3, 2009

To save from using several different forms in programs. I'd like to make just a few panels to represent each one. Then when I need to display one I just set it to visible or not visible.

For example, a quiz program. The 1st 10 questions are on one panel, the 2nd 10 are on a 2nd panel. They are both identical except different questions.

The problem is, when I try to put them both on the form, they have to be in different areas or else one will go inside the other. How can I keep several panels on one form without them going inside each other, in other words how can I keep them separate?

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Multiple Panels With The Same Handler?

Jan 20, 2009

I have here another question. I have a panel with about 20 different panels inside of it. There is a "mouse move" event for panel 1, How could I make is so if the mouse is over 1 of the 20 different panels, Have it display the panel name? I would paste source but that's why I'm posting here.

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Manage Multiple Panels Overlapping?

Nov 8, 2011

How can I create a GUI in similar to the one above?i.e.there are "buttons" on the left which changes the main window when they are clicked.One way I thought of is create many panels overlapping and show/hide them when a certain button on the left is clicked.

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Multiple Panels Overlaid On The Same Form?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like to have two different panels (with associated buttons, textboxes, etc.) on the same location on a form. Is this possible and if so, how do I go about doing it? I need this to control two different boards with the same application.I realize it would be difficult to edit the form if they are on top of each other. Is there a way to place these panels apart while designing/coding, but have them located in the same spot on the form during runtime?

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Multiple Panels To Be Printed Vb2008

Mar 11, 2012

I have 4 panels and I want them to be shown in PrintPreviewDialog and also to be able to print but suddenly,Theres a error [code]

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Splitting Screen Into Multiple Panels Possible?

Apr 23, 2012

Is it possible for the monitor's screen to be split into multiple panels using What I'm thinking about is I have two or three panels in the screen, the first panel is running a powerpoint presentaion, the other has an excel worksheet open and the other has a windows and fax viewer open something like that. Is it possible to do this on a windows form application project?

I'm using windows xp sp3
pentium 4 3.00ghz
2.99 ghz 1.99g ram
Intel ® 82915G/GV/910GL Express Chipset Family (this is the video card right?)
a plug and play 17 inch 1708 Dell monitor

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Multiple Panels And Groupboxes And Tab Order Maintenance?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a VB.NET (2005) application designed by my boss that uses a over 100 input and display controls (textboxes, comboxes, etc.), many with labels associated. My boss asked me to set the tab order, and then trap keypress so the user can use enter to navigate controls. I have 2 apps like this to work on.For the tab order, I could not use the View/TabOrder feature, since there are so many blue little tabindex popups showing, that I can not see any of the controls on the form to click. I tried clicking 'through' the popup with some success, but it still did not give me the tab order I wanted. The tab assistant that came with CodeSMART did not give me the result I wanted, either, so I could use it.

The controls on this usercontrol are spread among many groups, which in turn are spread among several splitcontainer panels. The 1st panel in the main splitcontainer has 3 main groupboxes which are selected via a toolstripbutton ( which sets the desired groupbox to visible and turning the others to invisible.) Example:

Private Sub ShowMainPanel()
'Note: Panels are groupboxes
Me.MaterialPanel.Visible = False


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Enable Multiple Sessions For WebBrowser?

Dec 6, 2011

Even after numerous attempts, im unable to set different sessions for multiple webbrowsers (in tabs ) hosted on the same windows form.

So far, i have tried the following methods (and failed)Created a new form for each session (The WebBrowsers share the session)Used HttpWebRequest,HttpWebResponse to get and set separate sessions for each webbrowser ( Couldn't implement this properly)Could someone please point me out to a proper channel on how to implement this ?

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DataGridView And Selecting Multiple Rows?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a DataGridView that is being populated. What I'm trying to accomplish is when I select like 3 rows I click a button and it gives me the "row numbers" for those three rows.

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Selecting Multiple Controls In Design?

Jan 7, 2009

just trying to confirm wat i noticed in vs2008,when developing a web app(or wat ever), in my design view, i cant select multiple controls & set same properties i.e. width or CssClass for them all at once (available in vs 2005). i dont know, was it delibrately removed by ms?

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Selecting Multiple Dates In A DateTimePicker?

Mar 14, 2011

Is there anyway i can select multiple dates in a Date Time Picker in

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Selecting Multiple Items Using Checkbox?

Aug 26, 2011

i just need to select from multiple checkboxes, this checkbox contains days from Monday to Saturday. Here is the idea on what will happen if I select Multiple days, it will save on a field on my database with colon(;)

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Forms :: Enable Multiple Text Boxes?

Apr 7, 2010

I have 7 textbox's.

Names are


I need to do

For i = 1 to MyVar

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C# - Selecting Multiple Distinct Values In Database?

Sep 27, 2010

I have this online quiz that generates random questions, but the only problem is that it repeats the previous questions. I have limited questions (I have 10 questions in my table, but I have limited the number of questions to be 5. The output would only display 5 random questions) which I named as RequiredRecords.



I have tried to visit this question, but it doesn't resolve my problem. Below is some of my code and SQL statements I used.

I figured out that there's nothing wrong with my query on creating random questions and I can display it with no duplication, but there's something wrong with my other codes that makes the program having a duplication.

Code Behind using VS2008 3.5
Partial Class Student_DetailView
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Shared TotalRecords As Integer


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Dialog For Selecting Multiple Folders And Files?

Jun 24, 2011

I was wondering, if there is a control for selecting multiple folders and files in an OpenFileDialog, like this (In MFC)Or if there is a way to create that kind of contro

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Selecting Items At Same Index In Multiple Lists?

Apr 6, 2012

I am working on a project for software engineering where we are trying to create a warehouse inventory system. I have created an inventory page where I can add/delete/search for an item as well as access invoices and reorder items... i am struggling on the delete item part. I have my design set up where there are four different lists on my page. One for name, one for serial number, one for RFID number and one for amount in stock. I want to be able to select an item by name and its information in serial number, rfid, and amount also select and have no idea how to go about this..I wanted to use four different lists because I need to be able to delete an item from the list and it remove just one from that stock and not the entire item unless there is only one of that item left in stock.

for my inventory page

Public Class InventoryDepartment
Private Sub InventoryDepartment_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Selecting TOP 4 Records From Multiple SQL Server Tables?

Apr 13, 2012

I have about 4 different tables with the exact same column names. What I would like to do is select the top 4 records out of all of these tables combined ordered by date (as date is one of the columns that they all share).

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Use Checkbox For Selecting Multiple Rows From DataGridView?

Sep 24, 2011

I have created a bound DataGridView and then added an unbound checkbox (name=select) for selecting multiple rows. The problem I'm having is the row doesn't actually get selected when I set .selected to true which I'm doing in the CellValueChanged event. When I trace it the code is properly executed but the row is not highlighted when the checkbox is checked and consequently not selected in the grid.There is no mouse or keyboard and the input device is a USB button panel which we built.

Public Sub dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DGV_Categories.CellValueChanged
If DGV_Categories.Columns(e.ColumnIndex).Name = "Select" Then


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C# - Selecting Multiple Items In A Listbox Using Htmldocument's SetAttribute?

Jan 27, 2012

I know that I can select an option in a listbox within my HTMLDocument (which refers to a webbrowser control's HTMLDocument) using SetAttribute. For example:

htDoc.GetElementById("lstCountries").SetAttribute("value", "88")

However, I can't figure out how I can select multiple items within the listbox. When I call SetAttribute repeatedly, it always unselects the old one first.

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Selecting And Moving Multiple Form Controls At Runtime?

Aug 25, 2010

At design time in the IDE, you can ctrl-click or drag a box around multiple controls on a form and move them all at once. How do you do that at runtime. I need to be able to create image maps based on textual copies of medical claim forms that are generated from different systems and the ability to create dynamic label controls and move a single or multiple controls and resize is required. How does MS do this in the IDE?

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DB/Reporting :: Sql + And Statement - Selecting Rows On Multiple Column Values

Sep 15, 2010

What iam trying to do is selecting rows on multiple column values. But the statement below doesn't preform like i thought it would...


Select Distinct Variable From TableName Where (ColumnA Like"%AAA%") And (ColumnA Like"%BBB%")

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Selecting From Multiple Audio Streams Within A Video File Using Directshow?

Feb 21, 2009

am programming a media player in VB.Net using the Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback namespace. I would like to be able to play video files which have multiple audio streams (eg. several languages or commentary) and select which audio stream to play. As far as I can tell the Video and Audio classes don't provide this functionality.

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Allow The User To Enable Or Disable A Textbox By Clicking Either A Button (enable) Or The Reverse?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to allow the user to enable or disable a textbox by clicking either a button (enable) or the reverse. (disable) if the user clicks the enable button the textbox should receive the focus.

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.net - Selecting A Row(s) With Multiple Columns From A Grid View And Add Them To Another Grid View?

May 6, 2009

I have students who will be enrolled into a course. The student grid view has many columns like client_no, student_name, date_of_birth, address, etc. There are over 100000 students so I will need to filter the student grid view to find the correct student to enroll in the course. Once they are found, the user selects them and somehow moves them to the enrolled grid view. If a student drops out then they would be removed from the enrolled grid view.This process needs to be easy to understand and use. Are there any examples available or other suggestions on how to do this?

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How To Keep The Gap Between Two Panels

Sep 2, 2008

There are two panels A and B in a form horizontally, same size. Panel A archors with top,bottom, left and Panel B with top, bottom, right.When the form changed, the gap did.Panel A archors with top,bottom, left and Panel B with top, bottom, right and left.When the form changed, the gap doesn't, but only Panel B came bigger, Panel A didn't.Have you a way to keep the gap and the two panels can change in same time when the form changed?Must calculate the size of panels within Form's SizeChanged Event?

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Layer 2 Panels On Top Of Each Other

Jan 30, 2011

I have a form which has two panels each containing there own controls (Pnl1, Pnl2). By Default I want Pnl1 to show and Pnl2 to be hidden which I have set but I want Pnl2 to sit ontop of Pnl1 so when Pnl2 is selected Pnl2 is Visiable and Pnl1 is hidden. Therefore Pnl2 and the controls sit in the same place as the controls in Pnl1. I have got everything lined up but as I move Pnl2 over Pnl1 to sit ontop, Pnl2 is moved into Pnl1 and becomes a Panel within the Controls of Pnl1. Therefore when I hide Pnl1 everything is hidden as Pnl2 is part of Pnl1.

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Tab Control And Panels?

Mar 11, 2010

I am working with tab controls (tab1, tab2, etc) I want to more than one panel in tab1 and switch between them using a button. My problem is working with more than one panel in tab1. This is an educational program i am working on for schools in the Dominican Republic.

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Transforming Between Two Panels?

Jul 10, 2011

I had a form with four panels all have the same size and location I switch between them using .BringToFront

what I need is a transforming animation between them , can I do this with 2010

another explain I want somthing like fade effect when I change the visibility of a panel and show the other one and if I cant do this with panel control or windows forms ,

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