Setting Default Value To All Textboxes?
Jun 25, 2010
I am trying to make my program assign "0" to an empty textbox when the user hits START. I'm trying to use a "for each" loop, but with no success so far. I've tried a bunch of different things, but here is the closest i've gotten (all the items added to the collection are textboxes):
Private Sub TESTSTART_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TESTSTARTButton.Click
Dim value_collection As New Collection
when i click the start button, i get a "mismatched type error" ..
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Sep 8, 2010
Could someone with more experience than myself please take a look at my code and maybe tell me why I can't reset my textboxes back to "zero".[code]
Nothing works.My Textboxes still retain there last values even though the impulses are no longer present.I think it has something to do with the updatetext event but I have no Idea how to get around it.
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Nov 27, 2009
i want to restore VB setting to 1st-time-use setting. i spend a long long time looking for default button in VB.But i cannot find anything .
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Feb 15, 2012
i have a problem on setting the default value of my date time picker. i have created this application
and my problem is i want to set the default value of my DateTimePicker(dtpDate) depending on which date was clicked on the calendar in Main Form. i've been posting this program of mine this past few days now. i just really need to finish this for my upcoming thesis defense.
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Jul 17, 2009
I programatically / runtime created combobox and bind it to a datasource but can not set its default value. Since I am using the Handler of SelectedValueChanged, this is causing the program to mis-fire. Here is the code I am using.
Public WithEvents T_combo as ComboBox
'dictionary holds data to use in other parts of program
Dim T_Dict As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
View 14 Replies
Nov 14, 2011
how would i go about setting a defualt file path for when i open a document? Basically im opening a file from this filepath Dim SavePath As String = "C:VBWorkBook 6Assignment 6Assignment 6Assignment 6Quotes.xml "But if i were to run this program on another computer, how would i change the directory path so it wouldnt be specific to my pc?
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Jun 7, 2010
After adding any control or object to form from datasource or toolbox, vb postfixes object type name to that control e.g. for Name field NameTextBox, for Component like Data Adapter say AddresesDataAdapter, AddresesBindingSource and so on.Here i want to ask you that may i change this default way to identify the object i.e. may i set prefixes desired for diffrent objects.
View 7 Replies
Sep 16, 2009
Given a simple class like this:
Public Class clsOB
Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
Private _Frequency As Double
Private _Value As Double
Public Event PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
[Code] .....
And then I'd like to do something like this:
o As
clsOB(50, 30)
o = 31
View 11 Replies
Jun 10, 2009
how do i make it say that on form load, the first item in the listbox is selected?
View 3 Replies
Apr 13, 2009
I have dropdown list with name : list I want the first index to be the defualt value of dropdown list .
how could do I do this ?
View 2 Replies
Nov 18, 2011
Is the default format of ToString dependent on anything server related? Here's the issue: I'm testing and have tested an application on my local machine and ToString(), by default, is returning in a format of "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", however on our server it appears to be returning as "dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt" which the consuming application is not expecting and causing errors.
Dim uvExpireDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1)
Dim token = String.Format(fmtString, uvExpireDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString(), [various other params])
View 3 Replies
Apr 12, 2011
I am trying to set the "ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle" property to the "GoudyHvyface BT" font and it will not change from the default. I am using Visual Basic 2008.
I have set the property properly with no success.
I have tried to set the property in code, using the suggestions in the MSDN and it kept throwing errors.
View 5 Replies
Sep 3, 2009
So I made a little program, and when I run it on my computer the Date format displays as DD/MM/YYYY, but when I run it on some other computers it displays as MM/DD/YYYY. Is there anyway to set the default incoming Date format? Or do I just have to be very careful about how I get/set parts of dates?
View 5 Replies
Sep 8, 2009
I want to modify the default Object text size for all objects I place on my form. When I am teaching, it is hard to see the text on the objects. I have changed the code area to 16 pt, but I have not seen how to modify the default font size of the object. They all are 8.8 pt.
View 1 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
I am creating a customised version of the ListView control and there are several of the properties that a ListView has that I would like to be set to a different value to the ListView default when a user goes to use my user control.
From what I've found there seems to be a number of people suggesting just set them in the constructor, but to the best of my knowledge that would just mean that the user would not be able to change the properties in the PropertyGrid in the VS IDE.I assume this is probably something extremely simple that I have overlooked.
View 8 Replies
Apr 24, 2012
I have a label printer with the driver loaded with the settings in the driver set I can print the exact label that I want, I have the problem that I need to set the default settings in the driver when the software starts. there are 6 of these printers and the only problem we have found is that different operators like to change the settings.
What I need to do is to set the following commands in the driver so each time the system is started (daily) it loads the settings and works properly.
I need to set
Custom Commands Text, Start, Parsed Text
In the Advanced Setup, turn on use printer settings
Other settings would be usfull but as I cannot set these I do not think I will be able to set others.
I can currently set some of the commands eg,
View 3 Replies
Feb 22, 2010
I have a form that has two text boxs User ID and password. My question user must move cursor to the User ID field. But it should default to that field as that is the only option. How to do it in .net?
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Feb 12, 2009
For some reason when I place a button on a form and type some text, the text is too big for the button. Descenders are not shown (i.e., the bottoms of g's, p's, q's, etc.). Does anyone know how to modify the default settings of the button, such as the height or font size? Obviously I can change these properties after I place the button on the form, but this gets old. My default font size is 7.8pt San Serif. If possible I would like to increase the default button height and the font size (I like to use bigger text for teaching in class so those in the back of the room can see).
View 8 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
Can you set the default button of a panel with a button that is not in that panel but in another content placeholder within a master page? I have tried this but I get the following error:
The DefaultButton of 'pnlTmp' must be the ID of a control of type IButtonControl.
I have also tried setting the panels DefaultButton this way :
pnlTmp.DefaultButton = btnContinue.UniqueID
This gave me the same error.
View 1 Replies
Jan 21, 2011
Whenever I name a new project, a file download window comes up. I tried to reset visual studio to default setting and even uninstalled firefox. I'm trying to get visual studio to behave like it use to. url....
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Jul 10, 2009
i have always seemed to have found the default windows notepad useful. no matter what type of app i create that saves, edits, and does everything notepad does plus tons more, i always seem to end up using notepad one way or another.. until recently..
i finally designed my own custom notepad. pretty much all the features, minus a few, and plus a few.. i like the new features. ;o)
View 11 Replies
Mar 2, 2010
I have a page that is based on a Master Page. The page has AJAX contolled tabs and on one tab I have 2 panels, each with 1 button. Only 1 panel is visible at a time. I am trying to get the button on the visible panel to be the DefaultButton so that when Enter is pressed the click event is fired off. The issue that I am having is that I get this error no matter what I try: The DefaultButton of 'form1' must be the ID of a control of type IButtonControl.I have tried setting the Default Button property of the panel to the buttons client id and to its unique id.
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Dec 9, 2011
Just started using the Windows Browser in one of my forms so the user can select a photo they need to load. This was surprisingly easy (This seems to be the norm in Basic, if you think it will be hard it isn't and visa versa). What I am struggling with is how to set the default location to 'Computer' rather than a disk letter and directory name. The photo is most likely to be on a card reader or Memory stick so the drive letter is likely to change.
I am guessing the command will be:
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = ???????
View 4 Replies
Apr 1, 2010
I have a WebBrowser control in a VB.NET WinForms app. I am able to set the default printer from code and print without prompting the user. However, there is also a print button that shows the PrintDialog. If this action is done first the page will print.Then if I try to programmatically print later (again setting the default printer to some other printer) the it will print to the last printer selected in the PrintDialog box even though I am resetting the default and see the default printer being changed in Windows.It works fine unless ShowPrintDialog has a printer chosen first. Once that occurs it seems to always use that printer no matter what I do.
For Each strPrinter In PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters
If strPrinter.Contains("My Printer") Then
View 2 Replies
Dec 6, 2009
My objective: Set the printer to use without changing the default in Word under the control of express 08. Word version is 2000
I have it working, but� Through a lot of trying, I discovered that the WordBasic line would work. Further exploration revealed the �with dialogs(13)� will work. In a Word macro it would be Dialogs(wdFilePrintSetup) or Dialogs(97)
This is where it gets interesting. While Word.WdWordDialog.wdDialogFilePrintSetup equals to 97 it doesn�t activate the correct dialog. After considerable trying, I found that index 13 does yield the correct dialog box.
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Jul 16, 2006
I have a typical databound Form with a bound ComboBox bound on the form Load event.I have a typical BindingSource and BindingNavigator Control with an "AddNew" button.When a new record is added to the dataentry form (i.e. not the combobox) I intend the combobox to default to the first value in the list by setting...
mycombo.selectedindex = 0
I have this in the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click event but it has no effect! I also tried placing mycombo.selectedindex = 0 in the BindingSource "AddingNew" event but this also has no effect. I have discovered that the "selectedindex" is somehow inexplicably changing itself back to -1 As an experiment I added a button to the form and on the click event pasted "mycombo.selectedindex = 1".I added a newrecord then clicked this button and the combobox updated as expected. But I wont this to work as I'm adding a record!Is there a particular event where I should set mycombo.selectedindex = 1 apart from the two I mentioned?
View 19 Replies
Oct 20, 2009
I've just finished making a web browser suited for my personal use, but when I click on a new link or something it opens a new window in Internet Explorer - which gets extremely anoying.. Is there a way to make all links open up in a custom browser?
View 19 Replies
Nov 11, 2009
I have aspx form with several textboxes.They are populated with values from a table via retrieval of a dataview.If the row count for the dataview is 0, then I'd like to reset the values in all textboxes. How can I loop through all the textboxes and set a default value?I've tried the following, but no sucess.
For Each ctrl As Control In Page.Form.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is WebControls.TextBox Then
CType(ctrl, WebControls.TextBox).Text = ""
End If
My first For Loop was using Page.Controls but it returned only 1 count.The textboxes are inside a tabpanel (ajax), so do I have to locate the tabpage and then find all it's controls (for each tabpage)?
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Oct 14, 2011
On my form, i've got some textboxes and some richtextboxes. I'm using the following code, to search through the text properties of each of the two types of control. see below:-
For Each ctl As Control In Me.Controls
If ctl.Text = "7777" Then
ctl.Text = "found the sevens"
End If
What i'd like to do is isolate the textboxes only, is there a way to do that? I tried this but i got an error:-
For Each box As TextBox In Me.Controls
If box.Text = "7777" Then
box.Text = "Found"
End If
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Oct 21, 2010
My goal is to, Pull information from a websight's textboxes in IE into my program textboxes. and to later Put changes from into other values on the websight from my program into it. The sight has multiple textboxes, on different frames. within it.I need to keep it as a exsiting open browser instead of making a new one. only gotten as far as finding the open internet explorer window, by useing
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