Show Web Image On Form?

Feb 13, 2009

I have done a lot of googling and tested a few snippets of code i can't seem to get this, all i want to do is show an image in my picturebox1 that is from the web instead of on my harddrive, i thought:[URL]..

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VS 2008 Show An Image Strip On A Form From A Predetermined Dir?

Jan 23, 2010

i have been looking all over for a tutorial or code snip that will show an image strip on a form from a predetermined dir?

all the ones i see is one pic but there is a browse button.. i need it fix.with all predetermined directories..

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[2008] Show Image While Main Form Loads?

Feb 10, 2009

I have an app that connects to a remote database.The connection to the database is triggered by the form load event of the main start up form which prompts the user for user name and a password.Here is my problem:Sometimes it takes a number of seconds for the database connection to be established after the user has double clicked the desktop icon. this means that during this period it appears that no action is taking place until the startup form becomes visible.Some impatient users assume that nothing is happening and double click the icon again.What I want to do is to have a graphic image or something pop up on the screen immediately when the program starts that displays something like 'Connecting To Database, please be patient"

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Retrieve An Image From A Database And Show It In An Image Control?

Apr 5, 2012

I have entered an image in sql server database successfully. Now i want to retrieve this image from database and show it in an Image control. I don't want to put any ListBoxes on the page. I wrote in ASP dot Net..

Dim MS As MemoryStream
Dim IMG As System.Drawing.Image
Dim FS As FileStream


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Show Information From A Datagrid Cell To Show Up In A Text Box In Another Form

Jun 8, 2011

how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.

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RDL Will Not Show Image?

Jun 10, 2011

I've images stored in a database as OLE objects and I want to display them in my datareport, So I added an imagebox and connect it to the image field but the images won't show.:(

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Can't Show Image From A DB In A Repeater?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a problem showing images from a DB, the images are saved like this

cmd.Parameters.Add("@img_type", OleDbType.VarChar).Value = imageType
cmd.Parameters.Add("img_stream", OleDbType.Binary).Value = imageContent


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Show Image In DataGridView?

Jul 18, 2012

I am using mssql server 2008 , i have a table with three fields , 1- ProdID 2-ProdName 3-ProdPic , now i want to show the all records of the table in the datagridview by using , how can i show my image field in datagridview , even i create three columns , and the third column has column type image. now i dont know how to bound my datagrid with my datatable . i am using code like this dim con as new sqlconnection("connection string")()[code]...

View 1 Replies - Show Image Onclick Javascript?

Sep 17, 2010

How can i load the original image when the tumbnail version of the image has been clicked? Im using ASP.NET in combinaton with javascript.

The original images are big, so they have been scaled on server side. This makes the site load faster. But somehow, both versions (original and tumbnail) of the images are being downloaded.

I'm trying to download only the tumbnail version of the image. And when the user clicks on the image, i want to show the original image.

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Image Doesn't Show After Loading

Sep 1, 2009

First problem im having is that My image gets grabbed from the website but then it doesnt automatically load i have to click the PictureBox[code]...

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Show An Image (from A Path) In VB 2008

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to get an image to show in Visual Basic 2008 from a path I set in a textbox.

The textbox is called "textbox2" and its on a window called "config.vb" The picturebox is called "picturebox1" and its on a window called "main.vb"

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Show An Image In Fullscreen-mode?

Sep 5, 2010

I'd need to show an image in fullscreen mode on my application when a music-file is being played. Is it possible to define a form and an image (picturebox) to be shown as a maximum size on the screen?One thing that makes it even more interesting is that I'd need to show it as a fullscreen mode on a external screen.

I can move the form to external screen like this:

Form3.SetBounds(2000, 112, Form3.Bounds.Width, Form3.Bounds.Height)

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Show Background Image For Picturebox?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a form that contain an big image and an small image.The small image will be showed on top of the big image. Both images are in .gif format and the small image background is transparent.I set the picturebox's backcolor for small image to transparent, but I only get the backcolor of the form in stead of the big image.Is there anyway to see the big image at the transparent area of small image?

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Show Image In Disabled Button?

Oct 15, 2009

i had placed image and backgroundimage in button control in if button is in disable state,image also shown as disabled(there is no color of image) state.but i want an image as enable (ie.image should be in color) and at the same time button will be disable?

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[2008] Show Web Image On Picturebox

Feb 14, 2009

I have done a lot of googling and tested a few snippets of code i can't seem to get this, all i want to do is show an image in my picturebox1 that is from the web instead of on my harddrive, i thought:


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Transparent Controls Over Form With Background Image Shows Backcolor Not Image?

Sep 18, 2009

I can't remember exactly if this is possible or not but what I am attempting I would think should theoretically be possible. I know it is possible in WPF but the company I am working for doesn't want to make the transition just yet. Basically what I want is to use a background image on a form for the background and I have a docked control on the right and left. I have set the background on both of these docked controls to transparent however it is showing the back color rather than the background image. I tried, rather than setting the background image property, to override the onpaintbackground and onpaint events and use, me.clientrectangle) but it still seems to just pick up the backcolor as the true transparent background so I'm wondering if it's possible to get it to show the background image through the control rather than the backcolor of the form?

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.net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.

How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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Draw An Image On Form Using An Image In Resources Within VS2008VB Instead Of Using C:userspublicimages

May 6, 2010

draw an image on form using an image in resources within VS2008VB instead of using C:userspublicimages

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Text And Image Manipulation In The Form Of Hiding Messages Within The Image?

Apr 1, 2010

i have an assignemnt in my visual basic express 2008 class, were i have to type in an image name, like paris.jpeg,and automatically manipulate the file to be called paris-steg.png. Once this happens i click the manipulate image button and the image should be altered so that paris-steg.png has a message hidden in it. Then i have to decode that message. At this point im having troubel getting the file name to automatically appear as paris-steg.jpeg, and you will proabbly see why with my code. I need to know how to do this. The way i have it, i basiaclly add -steg.png onto the text typed into the text box, this doesnt work when the user types in paris.jpeg as it comes out as paris.jpeg-steg.png. heres the instructiosn and my code

(6) When the text file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.
(6) When the image file does not exist, alert the user with a message box and do not do any further processing.


In this program you should read text from a file one character at a time instead of one line at a time. If <tt>sr</tt> is an IO.StreamReader, then <tt>sr.Read()</tt> will return an integer that is the value of the next character in the file. Use <tt>Read</tt> instead of <tt>ReadLine</tt> in this program.You can check whether a file exists by using the code <tt>IO.File.Exists(filename )</tt> . The function will return a Boolean value (True if the file exists but False if not).

You can check whether a string ends with a specified pattern by using the <tt>EndsWidth(pattern )</tt> function. For example, if <tt>s</tt> is a String, then <tt>s.EndsWidth(".txt")</tt> will return a Boolean value (True if <tt>s</tt> ends with the pattern but False otherwise).In a string, <tt>IndexOf(pattern )</tt> gives the first position where the pattern exists, but <tt>LastIndexOf</tt> gives the very last position where the pattern exists.The code <tt>s = Chr(i)</tt> converts the Integer <tt>i</tt> into a character and assigns the character to the string <tt>s</tt> .

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Finding Simple .net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Feb 15, 2011

find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

View 3 Replies - Show Image/HTML Before Page_Load Is Completed?

Jun 22, 2011

I have following code in aspx

<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="test.aspx.vb" nherits="test" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


Code Behind I do some processing in Page_load method and redirect to other page but it might take some time so I want to show user loading image.But it shows that after page_load is completed.How to handle this ?

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C# - Show ContextMenu And Convert Its Screenshot Into Image?

Mar 27, 2012

I want to show a ContextMenu, take only the ContextMenu's screenshot, convert the screenshot into Image and hide the menu. Can someone tell me how to do this?

PLEASE NOTE: It is a ContextMenu, not ContextMenuStrip.

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How To Make GroupBox Show PictureBox Image Behind It

Mar 19, 2010

This is for my really advanced game maker. Which is really working well. But when I went to remake the game player and speed it up, I quit painting the map on the form and the char. So my idea now is the make a picturebox on the form contain the map image and then make another picturebox on top of that one. Now the first pictreubox contrains controls the user created, very useful thats why I switched to a picturebox. And the second one contains the char,anyway, The one that contains the char needs to be able to show the controls behind it, or my game maker wont work. The char image its self is transparent but I need to make that picturebox show all the controls behind it so that if that picturebox moves onto a user control they can still see it beneath the char.

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Image In My Toolstrip Button Cannot Show In Runtime

Jun 2, 2009

I know this may sound really stupid, however, I really do not know. Though I have been programming with VB2005 for about the last 4 years or so, I have never used toolstrip at all. Just simply never has a need to, until now. So, I tried it by simply clicking it in the toolbox, which is simple enough, and choose the toolstrip button for the toolstrip as well. I change the button image to the image I have and want, which seems to be piece of cake operation. Everything looks good in design time. However, when I ran the program, I have the toolstrip simply look blank (no show of the button or the image at all)! The button was there alright, as when I clicked it, it responded. However, it just simply not visible at all, nor the image. When I ran my mouse over it, it did change color (which I guess indicate it is there), but no image either.

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List View Image To Show In Picture Box?

Dec 6, 2011

I have a list view box that shows a few image files and when i click them i want the image to show in the picture box but i am unable to figure out how to do so i have tried the following code with no success,pbImage.Image = Image.FromFile(ListView1.Text)when i try this code i get an error saying,

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Resize - Show An Image From A Link On A Picturebox

Oct 3, 2011

I'm using this code to show an image from a link on a picturebox.


The image is bigger thant the picturebox, how can I resize the image to fit the picturebox?

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Show An Image For Exactly # Synchronized Monitor Frames?

Jun 9, 2011

What I can do: Display an image (e.g. a bitmap) by loading it into a control (e.g. picture box), showing that picture box (visible equals true / refresh) and then hiding it (visible equals false / refresh).The onset of the image onto the screen is not necessarily synchronized with the raster scan (needs to run on CRT monitor) meaning the lower portion of the image may appear one (partial) frame before the upper portion. Though I can specify (roughly) how long the image is on the screen I cannot specify the number of frames and there is enough variability in the timing that I will not get the same number of frames every time.

What I'd like to do: I'd like to be able to have my display wait until the beginning of the next frame before showing my image. I'd also like to tell it exactly how many frames to show the image before removing it. Ideally I'd like to be able to cue up multiple images to be shown for one frame each in order (animation).

I've found a lot of information on the web about DirectX but the few tutorials I've tried are overly complicated for my needs and invariably fail to start for unspecified reasons.I don't need 3D.What I want to display would work just fine in a picture box if the timing were cleaner and predictable.

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Show An Image The Picture Box Moves Altogether

Aug 30, 2009

I can't tell why when my picture box is to show an image the picture box moves altogether, I feel like it might be moving toward the checkbox which I have controlling the visibility of my picture box. That check box doesn't work as it is supposed to either. Everything else works just fine.


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Show Image In Datagridview Cell Tooltip?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm aware that the tooltip object can contain an image. I am unable to make an image popup when the mouse hovers over a datagridview cell, since it is not possible to attach a tooltip object to a cell ( myTip.SetToolTip(gridCell, "Hello") generates a compile error)

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Upload An Image To ImageShack Then Show The Generated URL?

Jun 9, 2010

I must have tried 3 different ways to upload an image to Imageshack, but nothing seems to be working.

all I want is to upload an image to ImageShack then show the generated URL

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