Storing A Reference Code?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm creating an application in Visual Basic 08 for a friends company, and im trying to store a unique reference number after it being entered in the textbox.I've been messing about with classes, objects and arrays but can't get it right so far

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Storing A Reference To A Reference?

Dec 6, 2010

This code sample might help clarify my question:

Module Module1
Class A
Dim myB As b


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Saving / Storing Code For Later Use

Aug 21, 2009

As I learn more about programming, I've discovered that I'd like to occassionally save bits of code for either later use or scrutiny.I was considering just pasting it into Word, but that seems inefficient when it comes to finding it later.

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Code For Storing Images In A Folder Using .net?

Mar 15, 2012

code that stores the images in a local folder n not in database.also i want to rename the image with autonumber.

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How To Code This Voting And Storing Into An Array Program

Nov 29, 2010

note, this is homework. It's not worth much, but i really need to learn how to store things in arrays. my biggest confusion is that i have no idea how to store something in an array, have the program run again andcontinuouslybuild the array andthen display the array in its current state (by like clicking a display poll button) and then still allow it to build more once more data is entered.Here's the whole assignment. I don't really understand how to start it and the problem above is my biggest frustration!ite a Visual Basic application that can be used to determine the best Super Bowl commercial. The choices are as follows: Budweiser, FedEx, E*Trade, and Pepsi. The application should allow for the user to enter a voter's name, gender and select a commercial from a list.

Create a Vote structure that will contain the voter's first name, last name, gender and the selected commercial. Each time a vote is entered, the information should be added to an array of Vote structures.Provide the ability to save your data to a sequential access file. The program should also be able to read an existing file of vote data into an your array of Vote structures. Doing so, should eliminate any data that may have already been in the array.

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VS 2008 Getting Head Around Objects / Storing Them In Code

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to get a complete understanding of Objects . Namespaces etc and think I'm pretty close.I've created A basic Vehicles class and a car class that inherits Vehicle.Through user input I've created several cars and displayed the information in a listview.My question is what is the best way to store my cars (don't say garage!) so that if a user clicks on the associated entry on the list box that they can then alter that specific instance.

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Reading Multiple Lines Of Code And Storing Them In "Records"?

Jan 15, 2012

I'm Rather new to coding, and It seems like I skipped some of the basics, and jumped in the deep end.I'm having a couple of problems, as I have an ordinary text file called "Orders", and this file stores Orders, placed by users of my program.The Users write to the Orders.txt file, 5 lines per Order, For Example :

Item Name
Item Quantity
UserName (Of user)


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Asp + Code Behind: Reference Missing?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm currently working on a project I've just received that is + vb.I have to add a gridview in one part of the page, but it simply won't let me set the datasource

<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Common/Common.master" title=whatever" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uct" TagName="SubmenuControl" Src="whatever.ascx" %>


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How To Reference Picbox11 In Code

Dec 17, 2009

recreating a board game with 36 picBoxes representing each block in the game.image is displayed in the picBox1 to start. then roll die (generate random num 2-12) now i want to move the image (gamepiece) to the picbox that corresponds to the die if i'm at picbox1 and roll a 10, it should display the image in picbox11.problem is once i generate die throw i dont know how to reference picbox11 in my code (or if its possible?)[code]

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Wcf - Add A Service Reference In .NET Through A Code?

Oct 10, 2011

I want to make a program that will ask the user to enter the service reference URL in the text box then click a button to add the service reference. how to add and remove a service reference?

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Add Outlook 2010 Reference With Code?

Jun 22, 2012

i have Office 2003 on my developer computer, but my client have Offie 2010. i handle the error on access adding the reference of outlook.exe programatically, but when i have to fix the VB.Net solution, i can't find a way to programatically add the reference of Office 2010 when i don't have that version installed on my computer.

View 5 Replies - Reference Page Class From A Code Folder?

Oct 14, 2011

I have an ASP.NET website written in VB.NET and trying to add MVC to it.

I managed to add controllers (to CS_Code folder) and make them running. However, I have to use some code from aspnet pages.

When I try to call method from page I ma having compile time error

public CustomerFrontend.DefaultForm DefaultForm { get; set; }


The type or namespace name 'DefaultForm' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Page directive definition which proves than namespace is correct:

<%@ Page Language="vb" ValidateRequest="false"
CodeFile="DefaultForm.aspx.vb" %>

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C# - Remove Id Tags From Controls That Don't Reference In Code Behind

Apr 3, 2012

I'm wondering about a feature in Visual Studio. Personally it bugs me when I open a solution someone else has been working on and it's full of Controls with Ids like "label27" "textbox3" etc. One of the first things I do is either rename them or remove them if they are never referenced in code behind (as is usually the case with the labels).


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Code Does Not Replace The Word In Each Arraylist As A Reference?

Dec 9, 2011

I am puzzled as to why this following code does not replace the word in each arraylist as a reference.

Dim AllMyWords As New ArrayList

I would have assumed the FOR EACH bla IN BLA works like a reference but it seems like it does not.

View 14 Replies

Combobox - Having Null Reference Exception In Code?

Jan 22, 2012

I'm using and sql server 2000 for developing my application....The problem i'm having is the Null Reference Exception on the Following line of code:

Dim cmd5 As New SqlCommand("select crtns_removed, pieces_removed, scheme from Outgoing_Invoice where invoice_no = '" & Me.ComboBox5.SelectedItem.ToString.Trim & "' And category = '" & Me.ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString.Trim & "' and item_name = '" &


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Null Reference Code In My School Project

Jan 15, 2011

I am basically 4 weeks into my first ever programming class and we are working on a project for the game "Hangman". While I have struggled with everything for the past 3 weeks, I have finally cams across something I have no idea how to correct. I am getting a Null.Reference error in the following line of my

If Not strWordToGuess.Contains(strLetterGuessed) Then

Now this code was provided in my project files, it was dated 4/07, I am currently working in VB 8 express, I am thinking this might have something to do with it.

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Saving Code To Reference Multiple Times?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a block of code which is used to save some information to a text file. I need to use this a few different times in my app.I could just copy and paste it each time but that seems messy and is adding unnecessary code. I'm sure I can just save the code once and reference it when I need to. I think it's done in either a module or a class or something

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Create A New Battery From Scratch While Using The Old Code As A Reference Point?

May 13, 2012

I'm currently starting a new job in which I will be working on some coding in the future and need some advice on some good places to start so I can learn this correctly. Essentially we need to bring VB4 code over to the new language and I will be tasked with this. The project consists of a large battery of tests for psychiatric patients consisting of mostly multiple choice questions presented one at a time - since VB4 isn't very compatible, I think I will create a new battery from scratch while using the old code as a reference point.

I started creating the code this weekend for fun and am really enjoying it. However, a huge problem has been the abandonment of control arrays in the new language... by the time I got to creating my first questionnaire I'm stumped and can't follow the old code. Clearly I'm not ready to tackle such a large project with no experience and need to start from scratch; who would have thought .

The reason why I'm here is not to ask you to help me with my work. What I'm wondering is if any of you have any cool advice of great places to start learning the language (books, websites, etc). The amount of literature is very overwhelming so I thought I would ask some people with experience for tips. If any of you have stumbled across learning material with emphasis on coding that would be useful in the design of questionnaires or multiple choice exams, it would be particularly useful.

So far my starting place is Visual Basic 2010 Step by Step with Michael Halvorson, it seems good at a glance in the sense that it couples theory with practice but I'm already sure I'll need a little more.

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Non Hard Code Way To Reference Public Documents Folder?

Nov 6, 2011

What used to be C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data is now Win7 as C:UsersPublicPublic Documents or similar..This folder is not part of the Environment.SpecialFolders list. Is there another way to expose the above Public folder?I'm hoping you can programatically use that location for non virtualized read/write/alluser files.

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Null Reference Exception Was Unhandled By User Code?

Feb 19, 2010

i develop the following code in vs2005, now i just using this module in my new project @ vs 2008..But this error was araised. I cant able to fix this problem...

Private Sub DataAccess()
Dim errHandle As New ErrorHandler
Dim lobjCommon As New eCopsCommonFunctions


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Pass A Reference To A Form To Dynamically Compiled Code?

Mar 6, 2011

I am trying to create a application scripting environment for my VB .Net application. I have a form type in the application called Project. What I want to do is dynamically compile (i.e Eval) VB .Net code on a Project form. This dynamic code always has a Main function. One of the arguments to Main is a reference to the calling Project form. Here is the Eval code:

Public Function Eval(ByVal vbCode As String, ByRef MyAssembly As System.Reflection.Assembly, ByRef ProjectForm As Project) As ArrayList
Dim Provider As VBCodeProvider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("VisualBasic")


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Run Vscript 64-bit Code From .net In 64-bit (libraries , Dlls, Or Any Objects That Can Reference)?

Feb 4, 2012

good way to run windows script host code from Im trying to run some dsf com components but they are only for the 64-bit version of scripting engine installed. I wish i could execute my code from but sometimes it doesnt want to work because im referencing the 32-bit version script control and not the 64-bit scripting environment.

So my goal out of this is to find a 64-bit scripting component dll or library that i can use for executing a wsf file thats mostly written in vbscript but has some xml from the windows script host.Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. - "Sherlock holmes" "speak softly and carry a big stick" - theodore roosevelt. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering - Yoda

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Reference To Any Code Classes For Enabling Selection Of Folder Via A Dialog Window

Mar 30, 2006

I could use a reference to any code classes for enabling the selection of a folder via a dialog window.

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Dynamic Control Called From Vb File Code Raises Object Reference Error

Jan 7, 2010

In a ASP.NET app from a procedure IN a VB code file a dynamic control is called. The first problem may solve the second. In the following line of code I am getting an "end of statement expected" error at the following line.


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Line Of Code Is Generating This Error - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object?

Aug 14, 2010

with datagridview1

while looping through all the cells

i am trying to allot a cell value to another cell value basing on some conditions
& finally delete one code is as fallows

Dim i, x As Integer
i = 0
x = Me.DataGridView1.Rows.Count[code]....

error i am getting is : Object reference not set to an instance of an is extremely surprising for me the same code has worked nice for me but why & how the same line of code is generating this error.

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Fill_Text Code Throws An Error : System.NullReferenceException:Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Apr 18, 2010

I got the following code from the demo code samples and just changed the textbox names. But it throws an error:

Private Sub Fill_TextBox()
Dim Num As Integer
Dim DSet As DataSet


The error is:

System.NullReferenceException:Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Event Handler Code Cause A Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object. Error (only Present On Live Server, Ok On Dev)?

Mar 4, 2010

Here is the code for the button click event;

Protected Sub CompetenciesButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CompetenciesButton.Click
Dim con As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("foo").ToString()


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Added Table To Database But Can't Reference Table Adapter In Code?

Feb 26, 2011

I added a table to my Access database. I added that table to my dataset. Using Database Designer VB Studio, my table and tableadapter show up in the design view. The class definition is in the datasetdesigner.vb, and it shows in the object browser. But, I can't reference it in code. I am a newby and obviously missing somethning.

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C# - Add A Reference To Some Source Code To Include In A Source File In .net, Winforms?

Jan 26, 2010

I don't know what this is called so I've struggled to find an answer from google but I have a vague memory of it from t'old days.I've sub-classed (* see below) about 8 framework controls, overriden some properties and added some functionality into each one.The changes I have made are identical in every case. If I make a change, I have to go through each class and apply the same change there.I was hoping there may be a keyword such as <IncludeSourcefile "common.vb> that I can put into each class.

(* note) I use the term sub-classed but I don't know if that's the correct terminology. I've also seen it used for call-backs. Is sub-classed the correct term to use?

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How To Assign A Different Reference To A Class Instance From Inside The Class Code

Jan 18, 2011

my proble is the following: I have a class MyClass and another class Modifier, which has a method ModifyMyClass(ByRef mc as MyClass) that receives a MyClass instance as ByRef parameter to modify it. A smell of the code is:


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