Storing And Displaying Array In GUI

Apr 25, 2011

I need to construct a small program that "stores" entered test scores into the program then when a button is clicked, it will display the scores with the appropriate names in the box below. The values are the names "Brian" "james" "jimmy" "jock" and "gok" and there are two test scores "main test" "small test".. I need to be able to "store" these in a "database" and then when the user clicks "show marks" it displays all the names with the marks in a table format. I'm totally screwed and i dont know where to start..I already have done a little coding for the gui such as a password entering system and all that works, all I need now is this storing thing.

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VS 2008 Storing Information To An Array Or ArrayList And Displaying Each Item In Label?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a list of names in a database and what i want is to get all of these names and display them in a label or a text box to the user on the website. I have tried to do this using a for loop but it is always overwriting the label each time. I have a list of 10 different names in the database and what it is doing is putting the first name in the label and then overwriting this with the second name and so on until it reaches the last name. I think i need to store each of the names from the database into an array or an arrayList and then make the label display all of the contents from the array or arrayList. The for loop i have used for this is:

Dim g As SQLadmin = New SQLadmin()
g.DB("SELECT nameOfPerson FROM Persons")
For i As Integer = 0 To g.array.GetLength(0) - 1


i can select the names from the database and store them in an array then make the label display each of the names.

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Storing List And Data And Displaying In A Listbox?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a form displayed where a user can can select a 'function' from a list box. That 'function' has a corresponding ID number which I need to be able to take and use later in the code.The List of functions is preset (about 150+ them and the IDs are already assigned (so I can't just use the index).So if the user selects "Function A", I need the code to set a variable to, for example "42" (or whatever that Funtion's ID is).

I was going to do this using listbox.item and listbox.itemData, but I'm using VB.Net in VS2008 and I understand that function is no longer present (to add ItemData at design time).Here's where it gets complicated. When the form loads it looks at the variable containing the FunctionID and if there is one present, I want it to populate the co-ordinating FunctionName. I can do that if I know the index number, but I don't know how to look at the FunctionID and return it's index (all FunctionIDs are unique).

A) store the info, either in the Listbox using ItemData, in an array (but I'd prefer to do it at design time), or some other way you might suggest.

B) cross-reference the ID and display the name in the listbox when the form loads.

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Storing In A 3rd Array?

Dec 21, 2009

If I have two arrays: 1st array="hello" and the 2nd array="there" How can I store these two arrays in a 3rd array ? The answer should be>> hellothere in the 3rd array.

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Storing An Array Of Integers

Dec 4, 2009

I have a quiz I am building that randomly picks the questions from the database and displays them to the page. It seems like it might be hanging with the logic I have on the page_load.I am storing the questionid in a session comma delimited and keep looping through to get the next randomly generated number that isn't in the session. [code]

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Storing Data In An Array

May 15, 2009

I'm having trouble trying to put together some code for an array. What I'm trying to do is get data entered from a text box and store it in an array.What I then need to do is take the entered data and make it appear in reverse order to what it's been entered and show this.

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FIle IO - Storing Data Into An Array?

Jan 15, 2012

I've been searching around these forums for quite a while now, and can't seem to either understand or find what I'm looking for.I have a text file, that my program is always adding to it, it's format is like so:

Line 1: UserName (For User 1)
Line 2: FilePath (For User 1)
Line 3: UserName (For User 2)


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Storing Data In An Array And Comparing It To Another One?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a whole bunch of information that has been parsed from a web page and i want to insert the data into a multi-demensional array and the compare the data of a certain array element to another array in the same format to determine which is missing/added.So if i have this:

Type of animal | Color | Age
Cat, Brown, 15
Dog, Pink, 6
Fish, Orange, 4


I only want to compare the type of the animal and the color and age is irrelevant.I want it to let me know whats missing and what's been added.Sounds bizarre but yeah. It doesn't need to be arrays, it's the only thing i know of though.

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How To Code This Voting And Storing Into An Array Program

Nov 29, 2010

note, this is homework. It's not worth much, but i really need to learn how to store things in arrays. my biggest confusion is that i have no idea how to store something in an array, have the program run again andcontinuouslybuild the array andthen display the array in its current state (by like clicking a display poll button) and then still allow it to build more once more data is entered.Here's the whole assignment. I don't really understand how to start it and the problem above is my biggest frustration!ite a Visual Basic application that can be used to determine the best Super Bowl commercial. The choices are as follows: Budweiser, FedEx, E*Trade, and Pepsi. The application should allow for the user to enter a voter's name, gender and select a commercial from a list.

Create a Vote structure that will contain the voter's first name, last name, gender and the selected commercial. Each time a vote is entered, the information should be added to an array of Vote structures.Provide the ability to save your data to a sequential access file. The program should also be able to read an existing file of vote data into an your array of Vote structures. Doing so, should eliminate any data that may have already been in the array.

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Sequential Access File And Storing Them In An Array?

Feb 10, 2011

Sequential Access File and storing them in an array?

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Storing A Listview With Subitems Into String Array?

Mar 6, 2011

IM builing an applicaiton that acts as a bank it holds holds Customer information, and there bank ballance. I want to record there Payment ID (for each month), and for them to be able to search for that Payment ID. I have the Payment ID search Function, and it works, but how would when creating a NEW payment be able to add that to the End of each Customers record. Once its saved, how would i then be able to load that information in a combo box back to the Customer. Im using the following method to save the Customer


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Storing Data With Unknown Length In Array

Jan 15, 2010

I have a piece of code written in Visual Basic:

Dim n As Double, i As Integer
n = 4
Dim Ramp_length(1 To 4) As Double
For i = 1 To n
Ramp_length(i) = Cells(13 + i, 5)
'Cells(65 + i, 7) = Ramp_length(i)'
Next i

Is there a way I can reproduce the result without declaring the array with a "fixed" length? I eventually want the code to read off a column of data with unknown length and store it in an array of equal or smaller length so it can be altered.

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Storing Items In A Collection In A String Array?

Sep 28, 2009

I have a string array called m_DirFileList and a collection called myFileCollection. I'm trying to loop through the items in the collection and store each one in the string arrayIt's not working though. This is what I'm trying to do:

Dim myFileCollection As Collection = clsFTPClientClass.GetFileList(fileFilter, True)
intItems = clsFTPClientClass.GetFileList(fileFilter, True).Count()


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VS 2010 Storing Information As A String Within An Array?

Jan 23, 2012

I'll try to explain what i'm doing here, i wan't look through a text file, adding certain lines to an individual array element. So i want to build an array with mcode, mTitle, mCredits, mSemester, moduleStats, currentYear <--- this information as an array element. So here is my attempt at the code,

Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader("datasource.txt")
Dim line = sr.ReadLine() ' get each line and store it
Dim currentYear As Integer


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Write To Textfile - Reading The File And Storing It In A Array

Jun 13, 2011

I have a bar cash register and have buttons for the drinks and number pad. In the program I have it working and it is reading the File and storing it in a Array. the problem i have is writing back to the part of the textfile. Here is 2 of the drinks buttons, all the rest of the drinks are the same.


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[2005] Storing A Byte Array To A Text File?

Feb 8, 2009

I have a simple byte array: Dim TheBuffer() As Byte={0,1,2,3} and I want to store it to a TEXT file. Is there any simple way of doing this? I want to enter the text file and see the array 0,1,2,3. don't want binary format etc.

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Unable To Rename A File After Storing Path In An Object Array?

Feb 10, 2010

I create a string array from a bunch of files that were dropped on a control after that i use a loops to pass that data into an array of my pictureObjects object (just stores filePath info and some other things).for some reason after it's been passed to the control the "My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile" doesn't seem to work at all... it's a valid file name and everthing.

Dim sFileArray() As String = e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop)

'load sFileArray into new array of picureObjects
ReDim dropedPicture(sFileArray.Length)
Dim dropedOnPictureBox As Integer[code]......

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VS 2010 Difficulty Storing Textbox Input Into Jagged Array?

Jun 14, 2012

Recently I started a project with the goal being to have text that was inputted into a textbox stored within a three dimensional jagged array. The idea is that every time a button is pressed, whatever text that is inputted into the textbox is split into separate elements, where each word occupies its own element in the array. So for example, if a poem were entered into the textbox and the button clicked, each word of the poem would be assigned to a discrete element in the vertical dimension, and each line of the poem assigned an element in the horizontal dimension. After the text is stored into the 3D jagged array, the text should be cleared from the textbox and a counter should then ensure that on the next button press, the new text inputted into the textbox is stored in a discrete element of the array. Below is the code I have written so far, but I know that I am far from having anything might accomplish what I have just described.


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VS 2010 Reading From A Sequential Access File And Storing It In An Array?

Feb 9, 2011

what I have to do is read the 5 names inside the Sequential Access File and store them in an array. I'v encountered a problems in storing it in an array. Here's the code

Dim infile As IO.StreamReader
Dim names(4) As String
Dim filename As String = "names.txt"


Theres an error in the code saying that a string cannot be converted into a one dimensional array.

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VS 2010 Storing Grades Into An Array & Output Average / Letter Grade

May 13, 2011

"I need to create a program that will allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class. I need to store these grades into an array, and use a loop to add up the total. Then I'll need to output the average, and the letter grade for the average using:

90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D

Below 60 F"

That's all it needs to do. Here is some code that shows you that the only thing I know how to do is (allow the user to enter in 10 test grades from a class.) The rest I'm so lost on and have a crappy instructor. This assignment is due tomorrow, but the instructor is not available over the weekend.

Here is my This is all I have:

Dim MyNumbers(9) As Integer
Dim Total As Integer
Dim i As Integer


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Array Loop Not Displaying?

Apr 29, 2012

I am trying to display payment details for each loan, but I am having problems displaying on the form.

Public Class MortgageDetailsCalculatorForm
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click


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Displaying An Array Item?

May 21, 2009

I have an app that I am developing to keep track of my members' names and phone #'s. I have all current names and numbers in a csv file and they are read into a structured array. The app can add, delete, and modify members. I have everything coded except the 'Modify' menu item. The list box is populated with only names at run time, I would like to have both the name and phone number displayed in the two text boxes I have on the form when a name is selected from the list box. I can get the name to display in the text box I have for names, but since the phone number is not in the list box I am wondering how I can get it into the appropriate phone text box. I used txtName.Text = lstMemberList.SelectedItem to get the name displayed but since the phone number is not in the lstMemberList list box I cannot figure out how to get it into the txtPhone text box.

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Displaying Contents Of An Array?

Dec 7, 2009

I am having a hard time displaying the contents of a text file that i read into an array. I read the text of the text file into an array but then i need to display it but i can't seem to get it. I also need to create a criteria to match whatever letter is entered into the textbox and display the contents of the file only beginning with that letter. I know i have to use a substring to read only the first letter but I can't even display the contents of the file from out of the array. Here is what i have so far.

Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("CRAYONS.TXT")
Dim color(50) As String
Dim arrynum As Integer


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Displaying Information From An Array?

May 30, 2010

I started programming in VB many moons ago, but I put it down about a year ago. I picked back up a project I was working on a few years ago and Visual Studio 2008 Pro had to convert it. It seemed to work just fine but I wanted to make it "look .NETish", so I simply copied all the controls and code into a new project.The new project won't display information stored in static arrays on a Rich Text Box. The arrays are declared public in a code.vb file and the array is populated in the load event for the main form.I've tried inserting a "test" button to see if I could somehow get it to display trying a few different things. Essentially:

Private Sub cmdTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdTest.Click
Dim test As String = Gems(0)


Has array conventions changed or something in the past year or so? How do I extract the information contained in Gems() that I have so maticulously entered so long ago

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Combobox Displaying Array Information?

Sep 24, 2009

I need to use an array at any part of the project. It has been suggested to me to build an array and show its result in a combobox. Instead of having an input textbox, i will have a combobox which will display 10 common names which are kept in the array.

'Defines the array Names
Dim names(9) As String
'Defines the array's fields[code]......

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Displaying Hex Byte Array Values In A Specified Format?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to convert hex values aa 01 00 17 f4 2f (as contained in byte array FrameData) to display in a label control as AA:01:00:17:F4:2F

HexDump(FrameData(2)) converts the aa (which has been converted to Decimal 170) into 31 37 30 !

similarly I need to convert hex data ('02 00' contained in byte array FrameData) as
0x0200."0x" & FrameData(1) + FrameData(2) displays the data as 0x20. How would I convert the '02 00' hex data to display as 0x0200?

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Loading Results Into An Array To Be Used For Displaying Just Partial

Jul 14, 2009

The assignment called for a VB.Net (not web based) program that would accept user input for the loan amount, interest rate, and term of loan, and display the monthly payment of the loan then list the loan balance and interest paid over the term of the loan. the list will be longer than the screen so use loops to display a partial list, hesitate, and then display more of the list. So, I did exactly that and the program works fine. However, after submitting this program for grading, The instructor for the class tells me, "One thing you should work on is not using a timer to pause.

You should not use a scroll bar either." He says I should work on loading the results into an array or use a loop with a counter that can be used to display a given number of results with a more results button for displaying more (but without a scroll bar?). Like I said, this program works fine and I am not asking anyone for any specific code (some sort of example would be great but not necessary) What I am asking for is an explanation of how I would go about loading results into an array to be used for displaying just partial results at a time in some way other than I used here: [Code]

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Storing Content Line By Line In Array Variale From Text File

Jun 29, 2009

i would like to store contents from a text file line by line to arrays before copying them to another text file. what i have is currently like this:


Currently I'm only able to store the whole content into one variable, would like to store the content line by line in arrays.

View 5 Replies - Displaying Images Derived From A Byte-array Dynamically On A Page

Apr 30, 2009

I'm calling a webservice that is returning an unknown quantity of images in the form of an a collection of byte arrays. (I can't change this) I need to display each image on a single aspx webpage. I'm currently using the Microsoft.Web.GeneratedImage control; [URL] to display the images.


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Code For Displaying A String Array Of (9x13) Values In A Datagridview Control?

Nov 22, 2011

provide a simple example code for displaying a string array of (9x13) values in a datagridview control. I am lost in the complexity of data binding and datagridview controls. I am an experienced VB6 programmer and cannot seem to grasp the transition from flexgrid control to datagridview control.

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