Displaying Contents Of An Array?

Dec 7, 2009

I am having a hard time displaying the contents of a text file that i read into an array. I read the text of the text file into an array but then i need to display it but i can't seem to get it. I also need to create a criteria to match whatever letter is entered into the textbox and display the contents of the file only beginning with that letter. I know i have to use a substring to read only the first letter but I can't even display the contents of the file from out of the array. Here is what i have so far.

Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("CRAYONS.TXT")
Dim color(50) As String
Dim arrynum As Integer


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Copy Contents Of One Array Of Booleans To Another, Preserving Contents But Adding Additional Boolean Values?

Nov 11, 2010

i have an array of booleans whose current boolean values I want to preserve but add additional length to the array? How can I achieve that? My code looks like this:

Dim Array() As Boolean
Dim ArrayInterimShort() As Boolean
ReDim Array(119)


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Validate The Contents Of A MaskTextBox With Contents From An Array Or List?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to create a code where I placed sets of numbers in an array.I'll use a masktextbox to have the user enter the numbers to match what's in the array. If the user enters the number, ex: social, and the data is correct (matches the numbers in the array), something happens if the number entered in the masktextbox does not match any of the number sets in an array then another thing happens.The masktextbox so far only validates format and gets number only, however, I want the number entered to match whats in the array.

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Displaying Directories And Contents In ListBox

Aug 29, 2009

Recently I have browsed the web for ways to display a list of files and folders in a list box. I have successfully been able to display files in drive C and get a nurerical value telling how many files were found. However my efforts have been hampered by three distinct problems. I have some experience using batch files and when using them you can state things like "%WINDER%" to go directly to windows folder. I am wondering if there's anything like that used for navigating. And if so could an example be made of it just for clarity?

My second problem is I cant seem to be able to display files and folders. I have been limited to one or the other. That and I cant figure out how to navigate into them to display there contents. The next problem I have is simply having a user interface so you could type a file path or file extention and have the program navigate to it. Is it is possible to click a file path in a list box and chose to delete it. My second last Q how do I display all files and folders including hidden files? And How can I count all files and folders with there contents to dissplay in a listbox.

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VS 2005 :: Displaying Contents Of ArrayList?

Apr 2, 2009

I am having a problem displaying a custom array list I have in my code. (BTW. It is 1am where I am. I have been at this for a long time so I apologize if I don't make a lot of sense).I built an arraylist of objects from a custom class. The arraylist contains 2 columnsdimensions.The first is type string, the second decimal.I am now attempting to take my arraylist and display it in my form. I have tried using a listview and iterating through it, but unsure of how to split the two columns up. I have tried something similar to the following I found in another forum:

For i As Integer = 0 To arSearchArray.Count - 1
Dim item As String = CType(arSearchArray(i), String)


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Displaying Htm Contents In Browser Via Response.Writefile In ASP.Net

Apr 18, 2012

I'm working on a site that I've inherited that's built with ASP.Net, which I'm only slightly familiar with. One of the pages allows for a link to a document (word or pdf) that, when clicked on, prompts the user to save or open the file, but does not reveal the true path of the file. This way it prevents users from pasting a url to a file - the link is to an aspx file that checks for a valid session, and then retrieves the file.

Anyway, because there's a lot of legacy code, I need to do this with a bunch of static htm files as well, however these files need to be displayed rather than prompting the user to save them, which is what happens now. I tried changing the content type to application/text, application/html, text/html, etc. and that didn't work, then tried adding a response header of content-disposition inline. When I do that, build, and try linking to the file, I get a couple of runtime exceptions:

[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDecimal(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) +206
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToLong(String Value) +110


Do I have to do something with an htmlwriter object or something? Can't I just have it open a new browser window with the file displaying or does it have to prompt the user if used in this way??

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Displaying System Tray Contents In A Form?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm working on a desktop replacement project and was wondering if it possible to have a form which can be docked to the side of the screen that contains all the task tray icons and functions (I would imagine that the functions are held within the task tray/icons themselves as they act as little programs) and would update automatically whenever anything is added.

Also, I'd like it not to have a taskbar entry while running, just having it sit there on the screen until needed.

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Displaying The Contents Of Pixel Data Onto A Picture Box?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a code found in Internet which does the job of displaying the contents of pixel data onto a picture box. The Code goes as given below:

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Dim myBMP As Image
Dim pal As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette


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IDE :: Calling WebHelp From Application And Displaying Table Of Contents?

Oct 28, 2010

In my vb.net application I call the main page of WebHelp using



The web page displays just fine, but the Table of Contents, Index tab and Search tab do not display at all.How do I get them to show when calling help from vb.net?

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VS 2005 Displaying Cell Contents From Datagrid In Textbox?

Oct 17, 2009

I am trying to display the contents from a datagrid into a textbox, there are two collums that I want to display. I can get one collum to display by using the following code.

txtCollumone.Text = DataGridView3.CurrentCell.Value

but I want to display (from the same row), collum two.

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Put Contents Of C: Into An Array?

Feb 16, 2011

Am learning arrays at the moment and I have the below piece of code that goes through drive C: and displays the files in in a list box.

I want to try and expand it to use array.sort so that it gets the files, puts them into an array, and then I can sort by filename or file size. I have been rattling my brain over this - as to how do I put the files into an array.

Would like an explanation if possible as more interested in learning it rather than the answer.

Private Sub btnclick_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnclick.Click
Call Clearlist()


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Displaying Contents Of Ms Access Database Form On A Form Using .net?

Sep 16, 2011

How to display contents of ms access database form on a form using vb .net...in visual studio

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Add Array Contents To A Listbox?

Feb 24, 2009

I am getting an error that I can't track down.

Elsewhere in the project:

Public teamname (numteams) as string.

In this form as a form load event

For i = 1 to numteams
Listbox1.items.add (teamname(I))
next i

I get an error message to try new but I can't figure out what it means.

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Multiplying The Contents Of An Array?

Sep 6, 2011

I've got an array of type double with about 30 entries(numbers) in it.I need to multiply them all together. Sort of like "=product(A1:A30)" in Excel (formula).

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Print Contents Of Array?

Jul 6, 2009

What is the best way to print contents of an array?[code]...

Is there a way to have a loop that finds the columns and then prints the contents?

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Put List Box Contents In An Array?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm a sorta newcomer to visual basic and programming in general and I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to put a listbox into an array. And just so we don't make any assumptions yes this is for school and no I'm not looking for anyone to do my homework for me. I just need some direction on how to do this step so I can make progress.

Anyway, the program is a data of students and I gotta do the code for alphabetically sorting by last name in ascending and descending order. I have to make it so whenever the A-Z button is pressed it will sort whatever is in the listbox, be it 1 record or all.[code]...

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VS 2010 Put Contents Of C: Into An Array?

Feb 16, 2011

Am learning arrays at the moment and I have the below piece of code that goes through drive C: and displays the files in in a list box.

I want to try and expand it to use array.sort so that it gets the files, puts them into an array, and then I can sort by filename or file size. I have been rattling my brain over this - as to how do I put the files into an array.

Private Sub btnclick_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnclick.Click
Call Clearlist()


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Bitmap Array With Dynamic Contents

Apr 2, 2010

I'm working on a program that has to get a set of images and then scan them to find pixels that match colors in an color array. Anyway I think I got everything working but how to load the images in as bitmaps. See the images are dynamic, they change there filenames so I can't call them with a static call like Dim bmp2 As New Bitmap("c:button.gif").

So I am using a loop to feed the images into an array for bitmap but thats not working, anyway that I can do this as, right now the program gets all the filenames for the images from a text file that is sent in to us. All I need to do is have the program check each image for pixels that match our color list. But I cant get the images into the bitmap array.

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Copying Array Contents To Listboxes?

Feb 26, 2009

I am having a hell of a time figuring out where I am going wrong in copying the contents of arrays to listboxes.

I am using textboxes to input team numbers and team names.

The code for that is as follows (used in a button after the data has been entered in the text boxes:

Teamname, Teamnumber and numteams have been previously declared as public variables (string,integer and integer) in a module as they are used throughout the project. Numteams has had a value ascribed to it in a previous form

ReDim Teamname(Numteams)
ReDim Teamnumber(Numteams)
Dim thisteam As Integer


I have had to put in the "" for the Teamname variable as otherwise I was getting an error saying "Value cannot be null". I am also not sure what is causing that.

When I do that, I get 0 in the listboxes for all the teamnumbers except the last one which is right and blank strings for the team names except for the last one which is also right.

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Display Array Contents In MessageBox?

Apr 20, 2010

I have an array of info with each element containing a structured variable. Once the array is full of info it is passed to a procedure "DisplayStructure" which I'm trying to get display a MessageBox with the info in it, separating each element on a separate line. I can't get it to display even one element on one line. The structure is called Employee and what comes up in the MessageBox is Employee.Example or Example.Employee, can't remember which.[code]...

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Display The Contents Of A 2 Dimensiomal Array?

Oct 23, 2010

in VB 2010 how do I display the contents of a 2 dimensiomal array. As a VB6'er, I miss the flex grid control and I can't seem to adapt to the Data Grid view for displaying array data.

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Hashing Individual Contents Of Array

Nov 8, 2011

I'm trying to teach myself arrays as I have not extensively worked them. So I thought of a basic program to hash the contents of an array and list the output of the array word next to the hash value of it.


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How To Clear All Contents Of String Array

Oct 28, 2009

I have this:
Dim split As String() = temp_string.Split(",")
''#feed all info into global variables
patient_id = split(0)
doc_name = split(1)
lot__no = split(2)
patient_name = split(3)
How do I clear all the contents of split() ?

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Indicating Reversed Contents Of Array

Mar 14, 2011

In Mastering VB2010 on arrays, a command is show indicating the reversed contents of an array can be assigned to another array.
ReversedArray = System.Array.Reverse(ArrayName)

I can't get this to work and part of the problem is how to set up (dim) the ReversedArray. When I enter this I get a squiggly line under the right side of the equation and an error message saying no data is produced by the expression.

I get the same error with a copy command:
CopiedName = System.Array.Copy(Name, CopiedName, 10)
How do I set up working code to reverse or copy the contents of an array?

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Store Contents Of Text For As Array With VB?

May 18, 2012

I'm trying to do something quite simple. I need to take a pipe-delimited text file and store the contents of the file in an array.

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Write Array Contents Without Looping?

Feb 6, 2009

I have a 1-dimensional array that is essentially is written to a csv file. My problem is that after I have loaded the entire array...I wish to write it to the csv file and I'm not sure how to set it up.[code]...

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Array Loop Not Displaying?

Apr 29, 2012

I am trying to display payment details for each loan, but I am having problems displaying on the form.

Public Class MortgageDetailsCalculatorForm
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click


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Displaying An Array Item?

May 21, 2009

I have an app that I am developing to keep track of my members' names and phone #'s. I have all current names and numbers in a csv file and they are read into a structured array. The app can add, delete, and modify members. I have everything coded except the 'Modify' menu item. The list box is populated with only names at run time, I would like to have both the name and phone number displayed in the two text boxes I have on the form when a name is selected from the list box. I can get the name to display in the text box I have for names, but since the phone number is not in the list box I am wondering how I can get it into the appropriate phone text box. I used txtName.Text = lstMemberList.SelectedItem to get the name displayed but since the phone number is not in the lstMemberList list box I cannot figure out how to get it into the txtPhone text box.

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Displaying Information From An Array?

May 30, 2010

I started programming in VB many moons ago, but I put it down about a year ago. I picked back up a project I was working on a few years ago and Visual Studio 2008 Pro had to convert it. It seemed to work just fine but I wanted to make it "look .NETish", so I simply copied all the controls and code into a new project.The new project won't display information stored in static arrays on a Rich Text Box. The arrays are declared public in a code.vb file and the array is populated in the load event for the main form.I've tried inserting a "test" button to see if I could somehow get it to display trying a few different things. Essentially:

Private Sub cmdTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdTest.Click
Dim test As String = Gems(0)


Has array conventions changed or something in the past year or so? How do I extract the information contained in Gems() that I have so maticulously entered so long ago

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Storing And Displaying Array In GUI

Apr 25, 2011

I need to construct a small program that "stores" entered test scores into the program then when a button is clicked, it will display the scores with the appropriate names in the box below. The values are the names "Brian" "james" "jimmy" "jock" and "gok" and there are two test scores "main test" "small test".. I need to be able to "store" these in a "database" and then when the user clicks "show marks" it displays all the names with the marks in a table format. I'm totally screwed and i dont know where to start..I already have done a little coding for the gui such as a password entering system and all that works, all I need now is this storing thing.

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