Displaying Htm Contents In Browser Via Response.Writefile In ASP.Net

Apr 18, 2012

I'm working on a site that I've inherited that's built with ASP.Net, which I'm only slightly familiar with. One of the pages allows for a link to a document (word or pdf) that, when clicked on, prompts the user to save or open the file, but does not reveal the true path of the file. This way it prevents users from pasting a url to a file - the link is to an aspx file that checks for a valid session, and then retrieves the file.

Anyway, because there's a lot of legacy code, I need to do this with a bunch of static htm files as well, however these files need to be displayed rather than prompting the user to save them, which is what happens now. I tried changing the content type to application/text, application/html, text/html, etc. and that didn't work, then tried adding a response header of content-disposition inline. When I do that, build, and try linking to the file, I get a couple of runtime exceptions:

[FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.]
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDecimal(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) +206
Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToLong(String Value) +110


Do I have to do something with an htmlwriter object or something? Can't I just have it open a new browser window with the file displaying or does it have to prompt the user if used in this way??

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Interface And Graphics :: Make The Contents Of A Form Expand Or Retract In Response To Moving Its Borders By Grabbing Them With The Mouse?

Jan 27, 2011

I have been trying to discover how to make the contents of a form expand or retract in response to moving its borders by grabbing them with the mouse, or by use of the 'Maximise' or 'Restore Down' controls.The explanation in �Help� concerning TableLayoutPanel, Panel, Anchor and Auto size doesn�t help much, especially as it I can�t get it to work.

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Displaying Contents Of An Array?

Dec 7, 2009

I am having a hard time displaying the contents of a text file that i read into an array. I read the text of the text file into an array but then i need to display it but i can't seem to get it. I also need to create a criteria to match whatever letter is entered into the textbox and display the contents of the file only beginning with that letter. I know i have to use a substring to read only the first letter but I can't even display the contents of the file from out of the array. Here is what i have so far.

Dim sr As IO.StreamReader = IO.File.OpenText("CRAYONS.TXT")
Dim color(50) As String
Dim arrynum As Integer


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.net - HTTP Response Differences Between Browser's View Source And Netcat's Output

Jun 10, 2010

I'm looking at a website using Internet Explorer and Firefox. In each browser I select view source and see the website's URL in the links. These links were concatenated together using HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host in the code behind. However, when I use netcat or Burp Suite v1.3.03, looking at the same links I see the servername instead of the website's URL.

My question is - Why does view source in the browser display different links in the page source than what netcat or Burp Suite outputs? Is the browser rewriting stuff? My thought to correct is to have a web.config setting which is used to create the links. Next question - Does anyone know of a configuration change to make to IIS to return the URL instead of the server name or a .NET function that I should be calling instead to get the URL that the website is running as.

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Using A Web Browser To Send A Gmail Message And Have A Home Pc Return A Email In Response

Apr 6, 2012

ok here is my problem, im making a little app for school since our school blocks pretty much everything so here is my plan a student makes 2 gmail accounts one for school one at home.

in the program at school (client) they put a site request into a textbox and they hit send, the request is then sent to the home pc gmail account and another app on the other side downloads the full site that they have requested and then sends them an email back with an attachment of the complete website, it is then opened in a browser and they have the site, simple idea and it would be easy except.

my school blocks the smtp protocols in vb, even outlook cant use gmail accounts only the schools registered email, however, you can access gmail on the internet without any blockages and you can send and recieve on the gmail website.so how can i use a webbrowser control to log the user into there gmail account through a custom gui, and send a string like www.facebook.com to the home pc gmail account, and then use the web browser controll on the students laptop to recieve the response email through a web browser, is there some kind of gmail api i can use?

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Forms :: Web Browser Images - Save All Images Only Displaying On Any Web Page In My Browser?

Jul 5, 2011

i am creating a web browser using microsoft vb.net 2008 and i want to save all images only displaying on any web page in my browser. i have added check box to save images. browser.PNG when i click on check box , the browser will prompt to save only images files on web page.

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Displaying Directories And Contents In ListBox

Aug 29, 2009

Recently I have browsed the web for ways to display a list of files and folders in a list box. I have successfully been able to display files in drive C and get a nurerical value telling how many files were found. However my efforts have been hampered by three distinct problems. I have some experience using batch files and when using them you can state things like "%WINDER%" to go directly to windows folder. I am wondering if there's anything like that used for navigating. And if so could an example be made of it just for clarity?

My second problem is I cant seem to be able to display files and folders. I have been limited to one or the other. That and I cant figure out how to navigate into them to display there contents. The next problem I have is simply having a user interface so you could type a file path or file extention and have the program navigate to it. Is it is possible to click a file path in a list box and chose to delete it. My second last Q how do I display all files and folders including hidden files? And How can I count all files and folders with there contents to dissplay in a listbox.

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VS 2005 :: Displaying Contents Of ArrayList?

Apr 2, 2009

I am having a problem displaying a custom array list I have in my code. (BTW. It is 1am where I am. I have been at this for a long time so I apologize if I don't make a lot of sense).I built an arraylist of objects from a custom class. The arraylist contains 2 columnsdimensions.The first is type string, the second decimal.I am now attempting to take my arraylist and display it in my form. I have tried using a listview and iterating through it, but unsure of how to split the two columns up. I have tried something similar to the following I found in another forum:

For i As Integer = 0 To arSearchArray.Count - 1
Dim item As String = CType(arSearchArray(i), String)


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Displaying System Tray Contents In A Form?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm working on a desktop replacement project and was wondering if it possible to have a form which can be docked to the side of the screen that contains all the task tray icons and functions (I would imagine that the functions are held within the task tray/icons themselves as they act as little programs) and would update automatically whenever anything is added.

Also, I'd like it not to have a taskbar entry while running, just having it sit there on the screen until needed.

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Displaying The Contents Of Pixel Data Onto A Picture Box?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a code found in Internet which does the job of displaying the contents of pixel data onto a picture box. The Code goes as given below:

Protected Overrides Sub WndProc(ByRef m As Message)
Dim myBMP As Image
Dim pal As System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorPalette


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IDE :: Calling WebHelp From Application And Displaying Table Of Contents?

Oct 28, 2010

In my vb.net application I call the main page of WebHelp using



The web page displays just fine, but the Table of Contents, Index tab and Search tab do not display at all.How do I get them to show when calling help from vb.net?

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VS 2005 Displaying Cell Contents From Datagrid In Textbox?

Oct 17, 2009

I am trying to display the contents from a datagrid into a textbox, there are two collums that I want to display. I can get one collum to display by using the following code.

txtCollumone.Text = DataGridView3.CurrentCell.Value

but I want to display (from the same row), collum two.

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Displaying Web Browser On Different Form?

Nov 26, 2011

I have a web browser on form2 and I got it to display in form1 and in a panel. But how do I get it to auto re-size in the panel on form1?

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Reade HTML Contents In Web Browser Control?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to read HTML content in web browser control. But I am unable to fetch the value of input boxes available on the HTML page.[code]...

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WriteFile In USB With VB?

Jan 12, 2012

In VB read HID, we detect the device successfully. When sending a 8 bytes command to the device,

type Reg Value Index Length 40 48 00 00 00 00 01 00

With the OutputReportlength=2, how to set the send buffer in the WriteFile function?

View 13 Replies

WriteFile Call Works On X86 But Not X64

Sep 3, 2010

I am using CreateFile, WriteFile and ReadFile API calls to write some data to a USB device. The code I have works perfectly on 32 bit systems. CreateFile gets a handle to the device, pass that handle and some data to WriteFile and read from that handle with ReadFile.My problem is, the same code does not work on a 64 bit system. The error returned from WriteFile is 6, The handle is invalid. I've checked the handle for validity on the CreateFile call and it is a valid handle. A call to LastDLLError() returns 0 after CreateFile.The "file" is being opened for overlapped communication and the overlapped init calls are also returning their proper values.is there some sort of different consideration I need to make because it's a 64 bit system? A different flag? A different call altogether?

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API WriteFile Protected Memory Access?

May 22, 2009

I'm currently using an unmanaged library written in C++ and imported via <DLLImport()> to access a dos virtual device driver, and that works fine. However, I'd like to be able to do this via my .NET application (without requiring an accompanying DLL). So, I'm trying to write to the virtual dos device using the kernel32 API and WriteFile, however I receive the error: "Attempted to read or write protected memory."

Mapping to the device with DefineDosDevice and CreateFile (also in the kernel32 API) works fine and returns a valid file handle, however when I attempt to write to the file it fails. I've even tried marshaling the data to an unmanaged block of memory using InteropServices (AllocHGlobal and StructureToPtr) and then writing it from there, however I still receive the same error.

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Set The Buffer (2nd Pramater Declared Below ) In The WriteFile Function?

Jan 16, 2012


In VB read HID, we detect the device as above successfully. (STM32L)

When sending a 8 bytes command to the device,

type Reg Value Index Length

40 48 00 00 00 00 01 00

with the nNumberOfBytesToWrite=2 (3rd paramater declared below), how to set the Buffer (2nd pramater declared below ) in the WriteFile function? Size of Buffer is within the limitation of OutputReportByteLength(=nNumberOfBytesToWrite).


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Displaying Contents Of Ms Access Database Form On A Form Using .net?

Sep 16, 2011

How to display contents of ms access database form on a form using vb .net...in visual studio

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.net - WriteFile Failing Depending On Length Of Data To Write?

Jun 6, 2011

Oddly enough, I've worked around this issue, but it's still annoying me. I worked around it by sending too-long writes, with padded zeroes; the code works but sends a few hundred unnecessary bytes. Specifically, I need to send exactly 992-byte packets instead of 7 or 19-byte packets

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Return Key Event Make WriteFile For Com Port 0 Bytes Written?

Jan 22, 2010

I have textbox with vbscript, user could type integers, then hit return key, KeyUp event for return would trigge theWriteFile()being called for com port to write string to the device, if Ihit return key slow, I would get 0bytewritten for WriteFile(), timeout happening basically,if I hit return keyquick,

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Server Response Was Successfully Sent To Client Without Client Response Back?

Apr 21, 2010

i made a tcp/ip application using the .NET TcpListener class, my problem is that sometimes (about 30 / 4000) the connection between the client and the server got interrupted in the middle and the server response to the client is lost.is there a way to know if the server response was successfully sent to the client without the client response back?

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Copy Contents Of One Array Of Booleans To Another, Preserving Contents But Adding Additional Boolean Values?

Nov 11, 2010

i have an array of booleans whose current boolean values I want to preserve but add additional length to the array? How can I achieve that? My code looks like this:

Dim Array() As Boolean
Dim ArrayInterimShort() As Boolean
ReDim Array(119)


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Validate The Contents Of A MaskTextBox With Contents From An Array Or List?

May 10, 2011

I am trying to create a code where I placed sets of numbers in an array.I'll use a masktextbox to have the user enter the numbers to match what's in the array. If the user enters the number, ex: social, and the data is correct (matches the numbers in the array), something happens if the number entered in the masktextbox does not match any of the number sets in an array then another thing happens.The masktextbox so far only validates format and gets number only, however, I want the number entered to match whats in the array.

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VB 2005 Express Make The Web Browser Control Connect Through A Different Ip Address And Port From Default Web Browser?

Apr 29, 2007

Im using VB2005 express and the app im creating uses the web browser control.Basically I want to know if its possible to make the web browser control connect through a different ip address and port from your default web browser.

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Opening A New Window In Browser Instead Of Default Web Browser (I.E. Internet Explorer)?

Sep 29, 2010

I am creating a webbrowser with Visual Basic, and I have finished everything but this: When I click on an external link, (I.E. On a photo, or on youtube) it opens up in a new IE window. I want it to open in my browser, not Internet Explorer.I have read everything I have found on this subject, but it is all for normal web browsers. I want to do this for a tabbed web browser, not one without tabs. Basicly, I want to use this code with my tabbed web browser that uses tab control.

Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow(ByVal sender
As Object,
ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Handles WebBrowser1.NewWindow


convert the code to be used in a browser with tabcontrol? I tried, and it works with one that DOESN'T use it, but I want to use it with my browser with tabcontrol. And, I have read ALL of the ones previously given to other people.

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VS 2008 Setting Custom Internet Browser To Default Browser?

Oct 20, 2009

I've just finished making a web browser suited for my personal use, but when I click on a new link or something it opens a new window in Internet Explorer - which gets extremely anoying.. Is there a way to make all links open up in a custom browser?

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Browser Properties -Supressing Javascript Errors In The Browser

Jul 4, 2011

Okay sorry to post another simple question but I was browsing through the web trying to learn how to stop a javascript error dialog from appearing on my program and I came across this code on the MSDN website. Me being the idiot, posted the code straight into my code which did not work.


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Make A Custom Made Browser Default Browser

Feb 12, 2012

I coded a web browser over the course of a year called Nova - very advanced with tabbed browsing, bookmarks, homepage, history, etc etc etc etc. I could go on all day about how advanced it is. But.. there is one flaw. You cannot make it the default browser; I don't know the code!I already know the CommandLineArgs stuff so it actually opens the HTML file rather than just opening the program; in fact, I already can make files open with Nova completely. It's just the other stuff - you know, when a website is to be opened from a help file or something, it opens with Nova, Windows recognises it as the default browser, stuff like that.

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Make A Custom Made Browser The Default Browser

Feb 11, 2012

Other topics around the Internet are all unfinished topics, so I'll ask this myself. How do I set a self-made browser as the default browser? I know it has something to do with accessing the registry and checking what the value is in some places, but I'm not quite sure. Now, I've made this browser called Nova;

very well coded and advanced, tabbed browsing, bookmarks, homepage, history, can change default search provider, uses Gecko as its engine so it's not just an IE shell, etc. It's been developed over the past year and will still continue to be developed. I'm almost ready to release the first version - but I just need this annoyance solved.


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