Summing All Of A Collection In A Listbox?

Oct 17, 2011

I am trying to add numbers. So if there are 2 numbers in a listbox, theyare summed up. If there are 3 numbers in a listbox, they are summed up


What I'm trying to do is to count the number of items. Then I start my counter at 0. For each time the counter goes up, I add another row from the list box. and loops until my counter reaches the number of items in my listbox. I'm stuck intTotal. The only way I know of adding the totals is lstCosts.Items(0)+lstCosts.Items(1)+lstCosts.Items(3). But what if the user enters 4 numbers? I can't find a way around that. I think this should be a very simple question and I think only this line needs to be changed.

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Summing Up Listbox Value?

Feb 12, 2011

How can I sum up listbox value but the value I want to sum up is the one i multiplied. The q variable. look at my code. I want the sum of all Q variable in the textbox.Disregard the variables declared because I was trying to get some experiment but failed so some previously variables used left ,I did not clean up my variables.[code]

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Populate Listbox With Collection?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a class with a collection of objects of type clsCDImage


Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class clsImages
Private mAllCDimages As New Collection


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Inherit From ListBox ObjectCollection Collection?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm in the process of creating my own version of the Combo Box as MS version does not give me the flexibility I need, this is work fine. I just had a little niggle

The List box contains/uses ObjectCollection to hold all its objects, but it does not have the facility to inform by the way of events that an item has been added etc.

If I inherited from this collection could I add the necessary code to make this happen, I have done this in my previous controls I�ve created when I wanted this facility.

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Populating A Listbox Collection Thru An Inputbox

Feb 9, 2009

I am creating a glossary of words used in a study course. I would like to populate listbox with words entered into an imputbox.

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Retrieving Collection Object From Listbox?

May 17, 2012

Currently, I have a listbox lstInventory where I have loaded some database information from a .mdb file. I am able to add new records, and they all display correctly.

Yet, I can't seem to retrieve or access any of the listbox items. (Not trying to reaccess database in here, yet). I am hoping to "Edit" an existing database record by matching it to the lstInventory's selecteditem property. Unfortunately, I am not able to retrieve anything (tried traditional CType(lstInventory.selecteditem.ToString, String) approach, as well as a debug.write approach (which I can't seem to display, even with a Listener-which is another issue in itself).

Furthermore, when I check the listbox.items.count property, it prints out as a "0" [using a]

I have tried searching multiple forums, but found lots of "database into listbox" threads, and the MSDN website hasn't helped me yet. Do I need to know the collection's name (what would it's name be based on ?)? Or am I not converting the object into a printable/countable quantity?

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Cannot Properly Load A String Collection Into A Listbox

Apr 2, 2009

I'm creating an open-source web browser in VB.NET Express 2008 and I've created a User Setting named History to save a collection of strings for the browsing history. However, when I try to load the history form at runtime, only the first item (of the three I added) shows up in the listbox. Below are both examples of code I have tried to use to accomplish this task.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
ListBox1.DataSource = My.Settings.History


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If What You Typed Is Not In The Listbox Collection Than Error Message

Oct 14, 2009

I cannot find how to display an error message when what I typed in the listbox field is not in the listbox collection.

For example the listbox contains the following items
1) Apple
2) Strawberry
3) Mango

If for example I type "Mongo" and then press tab to another field, a message will pop up saying I typed something not in the listbox. Anyone who knows how to code if text in textbox1 is not in listbox then blah blah blah.

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ListBox Load Settings From String Collection?

Feb 26, 2009

I'm trying to create a favorite box in my web browser using this code in Favorites.vb

Public Class favorites
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


Now I have it so when you click the add button it will put the URL in the string FavList, and place the URL in Listbox1 however I have no idea how to save it, and load it.

So the next time the user opens it, it will have the URL in the string and URL box, so when they click the URL in listbox1 it will redirect the WebBrowser. I think it works like that already I just need to know how to save it, and load it.

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Listbox: Only Loop Through SELECTED Values Collection

Mar 17, 2009

Is there a way to to combine line's 1 and 2? I only want to loop through a list of the selected items in this listbox. This works just fine, I just wondered if there was a collection of selected values returned that I could use to avoid having to do it this way.

For Loop1 = 0 To MyListBox.Items.Count - 1
If MyListBox.Items(Loop1).Selected = True Then

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Textbox AutoComplete Source Set To ListBox Collection

Sep 21, 2007

Is it possible to have a texttbox autocomplete source set to a listbox's collection? I see:
in the texxtbox's autocompletesource property but are unable to make it happen.

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VS 2008 Binding Collection Class To Listbox?

Oct 17, 2011

using a Binding Source to Bind my Collection to a ListBox? I can bind the class to the binding source, but im not sure how to let it know what type of list it is, or how to display the correct item.

I'm trying to get the listbox to display the ItemNames. Here's my class and collection class.

<System.Serializable()> Public Class SurveyItem
Private itemNm As String
Property ItemName() As String


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Populate A Listbox Collection From An Access Database Column?

Oct 24, 2010

I would like to populat the Listbox collection from a column from a Access database I already created the name of the collection as collections. I can autocomplete/Suggest a Textbox with no issues.[code]

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VS 2008 Retrieve The Selected Items In A Listbox - Save Them To A Collection

Jan 6, 2010

I want to retrieve the selected items in a listbox, save them to a collection, and then use that collection later. I thought that was simple enough, but when I clear the selected items in the listbox, my collections (items, indices) change. I found this out by stepping through the code.

Basically what I'm wanting to do is move items in the listbox up or down (up in this case), and still keep them selected.


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Summing Grades Of Best Six Among Eight?

Nov 16, 2009

i have a combo box with grade A to F in it and at the combo-box textchange event it sholud add the value of each letter to and store it in a textbox.This is because i am adding all the grades of a student into a datagrid and i want all the 8 different grades to appear in the grid but it should some only the first selected six out of the eight...I am using this code but it is not stop when the loop counter is six?

Private Sub cmbgrade_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbgrade.SelectedIndexChanged
If Me.cmbgrade.Text = "A" Then


So with this code any time the user selects any of the Letters it should at it value to a tatal aggregrate till it add six different letters since i want to calculate for the grade of best six...example if user picks A A A A A A it should some up to six in the textbox and after that it should stop summing and add to the datagrid.that datagrid will have all eigth grades in its column but the system must add only six of them?

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Summing A Column In DatagridView?

Aug 9, 2010

I have an underlying dataset for my datagridview which it is bound to. I've done most of the DGV code programatically.

I'm calculating quantity x Price and displaying it in a cell like this, which works well:

Private Sub DGVAdviceDetail_CellFormatting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs) Handles DGVAdviceDetail.CellFormatting


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Summing Parts Of An Array?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a large matrix, aprox 600x300 and want to divide it up into 6 sections across and 4 vertically and then sum the corresponding areas of the large matrix based on this division. To clarify all the numbers in the top 100 x 150 area of the matrix would be summed to give me the first number in the next matrix. I've tried playing with some code but its not giving me what I expect and I'm unable to figure out exactly why. I'm sure there is a more efficient way to do this but I'm unable to find it.

Array1 - original large array
Array2 - new small array
y and x count are the new coordinates of the new array


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.net - Generating Random Values And Summing Them To Zero

Mar 1, 2012

I have to generate a series of random numbers, say 100, within range of -1 and 1 and scale them by a value, say square root of 2. After which I take those 100 values and their sum = 0. Then scale that sum by another value. Check the code below to see what I mean.


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Summing Computed Datagridview Column?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm have trouble summing a datagridview computed column. I can sum other columns in the DGV. Is it possible to sum a DGV computed column and have the result shown in a textbox elsewhere on the form? I have BindingSource with an End Date Column and a DaysLate computed by column. The calculation is in code and works fine. I now need a total days Late TextBox under the DGV days late column

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Summing Lines In A Text File?

Mar 11, 2010

I am reading a textfile and extracting information from each line. For example string1 and string2. I am then writing these string to a datatable. However, sometimes there will be repeats in string1 and string2. If there are repeated lines I would like to be able to delete the repeating line and add a counter to find the total number of repeating lines. so if a string repeates 3 times I would like there to be a column with a 3 displayed next to the line in my datatable.

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Summing Values In Item() Of Dictionary?

May 10, 2009

I have a dictionary that has strings variables as keys and a List collection of doubles as values.

Dim CellAddressContainer As New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of Double))
Dim Results As New List(Of Double)
Within a loop I populate the Results variable as follows:


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C# - Linq Query Summing Dates In Range?

Feb 9, 2011

Trying to work out if there's a nice way of doing this, preferably in Linq rather than loops, which is what I've done for now.

I want the number of days my Product is active between two dates.

Product has many ProductHistories, ProductHistory has values for DateActive and DateInactive. DateInactive can be null, and often will be, to show that this history is ongoing. Histories won't overlap.

I want to sum the maximum of my startDate or the ProductHistory's DateActive, and subtract that total from the sum of the minimum of endDate or ProductHistory's DateInactive (endDate by default if DateInactive has no value).

Worked example:

Get active number of active days between 2011-01-01 (1st Jan) and 2011-02-01 (1st Feb)


Active 2010-12-25 : Inactive 2011-01-05
Active 2011-01-15 : Inactive 2011-01-20
Active 2011-01-25 : Inactive null


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Summing An Array Of Textboxes Created At Runtime

Dec 8, 2009

I'm creating an array of textboxes using this code, (x number of textboxes)

'Quantity textboxes
ReDim QuantityTextBoxes(x)
QuantityTextBoxes(x - 1) = New TextBox()


I need to sum the values of each textbox, but only if there is a value in it. I have error checking elsewhere so that isn't the issue. It keeps giving me an error saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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Summing Data Inside Of An Array Element

May 3, 2011

I am working on a sale report program. Its purpose is to record the new item and the amount made from the item mon - fri. My problem isn't getting the total. I am using a For..Next to do this. The problem is that everytime i add a new item it changes all of the previous items weekly totals as well. Thus throwing off my Total Sales. My initial suspicion is that since i don't have it added as part of the output i display it changes and re-adds it to all old items.

The section of code below is the area where i believe my problem is.
The Array itemNames holds 10 elements for the Items sold.
The Array itemSales holds the weekly price data.

' add item to listbox
For counterItem = 0 To itemCount Step 1


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Summing Values Based On Type Then On Month?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a List<Object> where Object contains Name, Month, Type, Value.

is it possible to sum all the Value based on type, and then based on month?

I am using .NET 3.0 in VB.NET I was doing withe like 4 For loops, but its taking a while to run.

For clarification, I have something like this:

Name | Month | Type | Value
hello | Jan | A | 1
hello | Jan | A | 2
hello | Jan | B | 2


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VS 2008 Summing Vales In A Datagridview Column?

Jan 10, 2010

I Have a Datagridview, with a column containing integer values. Is there any way to make a fast sum of all items in the column?Something like a SUM function in SQL.

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Importing And Summing Excel (xls) Or Delimited Text Files?

Mar 18, 2011

how to best go about this project. I have just been given the task of creating a program that will primarily be used to import and sum a excel or text file that is tab delimited. As a quick example the file would be in the following format:[URL]The problem is that I would need to store this information locally (unless you know better) because I need to be able to append information to this from a second (or third, fourth, etc...) file and re-sum it, lets say that this is the second excel file that I needed to sum:


I would have to append the week5 and week6 columns and add the Neapolitan row to my summation. This program will then format the sums into a list of the different flavors and the sums of all products sold during the total weeks and output to a text file.I have informed my employer that it would be easiest to do this with a VB script in excel, however, they are adamant that they want this done in VB.NET with a GUI.

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Manipulating Items In A Listviwew (summing Columns And Multiplying Cell)

Dec 22, 2011

I have tried several means all to no avail. how sum items in the column of a listview

dim lv as listviewitem

I have suceeded in adding scores, unit and grade to the listview and i dont know how to sum the total unit in column 2 and how to get point to calculate the gpa

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.net - Storing Subcollections (filtered Versions Of The Main Collection) Inside The Collection As Cache?

Jan 15, 2010

Is it good practice to store sub-collections of item X inside a parent collection of item X for caching 'filter-queries' which are performed on the parent collection? (They won't be used together (as in color AND type).) Or is it also ok to just Loop over the collection and return the correct entities in a temporary collection?


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C# - Edit List Collection : Error Note Collection Was Modified - Enumeration Operation May Not Execute?

Sep 7, 2011

I have the following classes:

Product, Service and OrderItem

Product and Service must inherit OrderItem. So basically I want to store OrderItem object in my shopping cart and these object are store in a list.

Public MustInherit Class OrderItem
Private m_enuItemType As TypeOfItem = TypeOfItem.None
Private m_strUserID As Integer[code].....

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