TextBox's Work With Indexing?

Sep 3, 2011

I am working on a 32-bit binary/hex/uint masking calculator and have run into a snag. When I attempted the following, it created an error:

For i as Integer = 4 to 126
TextBox(i).Visible = True

Since this sequence of events is in 4 different places in my code depending on a user screen selection, for obvious reasons it looks really bad. Is it possible to use indexing instead?

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Forms :: Textbox Element Indexing In An ArrayList?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to access each entered element in an textbox as an index in ArrayList. But, the problem is that whenever I enter value in the textbox, it stores all the values in single arraylist index.

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How To Query Indexing Service

May 17, 2010

How to query the Indexing service
1) Exact Phrase
2) Any word
3) All Words
4) Natural language processing

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IDE :: Why Could Not See Indexing Service In Reference

Dec 10, 2009

While I write some code in VB 2008 Express, I could not see ciodm.dll (Indexing Service)in Reference. This library is just missing!

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Indexing A Foxpro Table Using .net?

Nov 24, 2009

I want to create an index on a foxpro table. I used the following command

Code:fcn = New ADODB.Connection fcn.ConnectionString = "provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & tablefolderpath fcn.Open() fcn.Execute("INDEX on D:myfoldersales.dbf (BRAND)")But i get Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword. message

I am trying to index on the brand field of sales.dbf table?

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Indexing Items In A List Box?

Jul 28, 2009

How can i 'count' through items in a list box using a do loop?

in the vb6 code i have the format is as folows, but the error is List is not a member of combobox, i know what the code wants to do, but i can't think of the member of combobox to use. (My question is what is the "new list"?)

For i = 0 To drvDB.Items.Count - 1
If InStr(1, drvDB.List(i), "Netapp-1", 1) <> 0 And InStr(1, drvDB.List(i), "malika", 1) <> 0 Then


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Indexing Down A Varying Length List?

Jan 23, 2011

I run a "make table" query to gather some numbers from a database. I then display a list that contains the numbers that I have gathered. The list will very from 1 number up to 20 numbers. I then want to run a report (print it, not display) using each number in the list. When I get to the end of the list I want to stop and close the list. I can do this if my list were say 10 numbers long each time but the list varies. The below is what I have. I repeat this 20 times(changing the # in the () ) to cover the list if it returns 20 but I want to stop if it is shorter than 20.

List0.Set Focus
DoCmd.GoToControl List0.Name
List0.Selected(0) = True
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPM SORT REPORT"

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Work Out Sum From Textbox

May 8, 2012

I have been having trouble figuring out how to calculate a sum that the user inputs in to a textbox. On my form I have a textbox and a button. I would like the user to be able to input a sum like "3.5 + 2.87" and then click the button and the form calculates the answer for them. I need to be able to convert the string in to a sum somehow and then calculate it.

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Asp.net - Avoid IndexOutOfRangeException Indexing DataReader Columns?

Feb 9, 2010

I am having a little trouble with an 'IndexOutOfRangeException'. I think it is because when the code tries to get the DateModified col from the database it sometimes contains NULLS (the users haven't always updated the page since they created it).

Here is my code;

s = ("select datemodified, maintainedby, email, hitcount from updates where id = @footid")
Dim x As New SqlCommand(s, c)
x.Parameters.Add("@footid", SqlDbType.Int)


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Indexing Button In 2010 - Control The Value Of X Automatically?

Feb 27, 2012


What must i do for the program to control the value of x automatically? that is, suppose i click on btn1, value of x must become 0; if i click on btn2, value of x must become 1 and so on.

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Indexing Service Empty Filename Property

Dec 21, 2011

I'm using the Windows Indexing Service for the first time and I need to return the doctitle and filename from the query. My query is;


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Set An Indexing Variable In Linq/Lambda Expression?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a lambda expression that builds a list ofanonymous types. I would like to include a property in the anonymous type that is a counter. So the first entry is 1, second 2, third 3, and so on.I thought I recallenyone know the syntax for defining an indexing variable as part of a Linq query or lambda expression?

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Storing And Indexing Spatial Datas In P2p System

Mar 10, 2010

base paper.txt (85.72K)Number of downloads: 69please tell what are the process and methods we are using in the project "storing and indexing spatial datas in p2p system"

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Windows 7 Indexing Service Cannot Find Word In PDF

Nov 3, 2011

Windows 7, 64 Bit Windows search 4.0 VB.NET Code running on local machine but destined for a 2003 server serching in a local folder. Using the following code to search through a folder filled with PDFs for a single key word. The search word is not found. ETSResumes is the name of a catalog listed in the Indexing Services. It points to the folder with the PDFs. Desktop search or search can find the correct files.


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TextBox Won't Work As MultiLine?

Aug 9, 2011

Im using a Multiline textbox, and I split the content line by line to store each line in string array

My split Code : Dim A() As String = txt_Mobiles.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)

But this is not working, it read all lines as a single line !!!

Note: I used this line of code before in another project and its work perfect.

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VS 2008 - Getting TextBox 3 To Work?

Dec 26, 2009

I've been working on an auto talker, and so far, no errors. The only issue im having is to make textbox 3 to work with textbox 1 and textbox 2. I'm using Checkboxes, so You must check the ones you want. Like said, 1+3 and 2+3 doesn't work. It will only spam Textbox 1 OR textbox 2. Textbox 3 will not show up.

Heres my code :

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If CheckBox1.Checked = True And CheckBox2.Checked = False Then
ElseIf CheckBox1.Checked = False And CheckBox2.Checked = True Then


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Datagridview Deleting Blank Rows Without Indexing Error

May 17, 2012

i've been all over the internet to solve this problem, but i've found no solution to my problem.my concept is this.Based on selected value within a combo box, the datagridview will populate with values from the database.


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Find String Inside File With Indexing Service?

Mar 31, 2010

i need ti find string in the file with indexing service, the could be any type of file (pdf,doc,xls,txt)

i search on the internet i couldn't find the step by step tutorial

if any one have step by step tutorial to find sting inside the file

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What Type Of Files Can We Search Using Microsoft Indexing Service

Mar 31, 2010

what type of files can we search using Microsoft Indexing Service

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Textbox Commands - No Error But Does Not Work

May 24, 2011

I am making a sort Server. But now the problem is that I am going to make a textbox that can make commands like 'ipconfig' in Cmd, but not that command. Its for starting server stopping server and such.

I tried:
if Textbox1.Text = ".serverStart" Then
'Do Stuff here'
End if
But that didn't work?

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Microsoft Indexing Server Query To Search The Document Not Working?

Jul 27, 2011

I want the Indexing server Query to Search any type of document by document name.Let assume i have ..

test.doc and so on.

If I enter the test name in my search text box the , I want the search result with these file. I am using the vb.net with the help of MicroSoft Indexing Serice. I need the query of MicroSoft Indexing Serice for search any type of document by document name or title.

Public Function GetSearchResultFromIndexServer(ByVal strSearchString As String, ByVal sPath As String, ByVal sLookIn As String, ByVal sSortBy As String, _


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Possible To Stop Search Engines Indexing Pages With Certain Querystring Parameter?

Jul 14, 2011

I am using the asp.net DataPager and noticed that search engines wouldn't be able to crawl the links created, so I added a querystring parameter and now see that it could crawl the links.The problem I now have is that it will now eventially end up with multiple urls for the same page.Is it possible to stop search engines indexing all pages with the query string parameter such as:?pg=so the search engine will follow these links but not index:

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Make The Textbox Work By Pressing Enter?

Feb 4, 2010

how can i make the textbox work by pressing enter as when iwant ot make a search i type in the textbox then press enter i'm using vb2008

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Micro Soft Indexing Server Query To Search The Document Not Working?

Jul 26, 2011

I want the Indexing server Query to Search any type of document by document name.

Let assume i have ..
test.doc and so on.

If I enter the test name in my search text box the , I want the search result with these file. I am using the vb.net with the help of MicroSoft Indexing Serice. I need the query of MicroSoft Indexing Serice for search any type of document by document name or title.


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Mesaage Box Prompt - When Copy And Paste A String Value On The Textbox - TxtSearch The KeyPress Doesn't Work?

Dec 7, 2009

I have a text box called TxtSearch on my form. The value entered should always be numeric before the search can be done if its any other data type the following Message box is give - Only a numeric value is allowed in this field", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "GCPM.. (Code shown below)

Private Sub TxtSearch_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TxtSearch.KeyPress
If Char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) = False And Char.IsControl(e.KeyChar) = False Then[code].....

Now, when you copy and paste a String value on the textbox - TxtSearch the KeyPress doesn't work. The TxtSearch doesn't prompt the message and when you click the Search Button the application crashes - dsiplaying an error converting data type varchar to numeric.. What I want to do is if someone uses the copy and paste tool to enter the value in the textbox- TXTSearch and there is a datatype not numeric the message prompt is called ..

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"Indexing" An Array Of Textboxes - Control Arrays In VB2008

Apr 19, 2009

"Indexing" an array of textboxes - Control Arrays in VB2008

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Use Windows Search Service Instead Of The Old Indexing Service To Index Files?

Jul 7, 2009

In the past I had the indexing service installed on a Windows Server 2003 and used it to index files for my website. I did this by executing an OleDbCommand with a query and a connection string.How do I accomplish the same thing with the new "Windows Search Service" (Windows Server 2008) by using VB.NET? Does this work the same way so that I only need to change the Provider name which has been "MSIDXS.1" up to now? Case true, what is the new Provider name?

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Indexing A List Of List Sub Structure Directly?

Mar 18, 2009

If I have a list of list of myparams, can I access the sub structure of my params directly by indexing the list emelments?, eg..structure myparamsdim p1dim p2end structurepublic my_list as new list(of list(of myparams)))' now try to access list data directly by indexing..my_list(2)(3).param2 = 3but line above cuses error msg= Error 1 Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment!VB2005 starter

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LINQ Group By Multiple Values Does Not Work Well But Work Well In C#

May 29, 2012

I found that when group by multiple values does not work well with VB.NET, but it works well with C# ,here are my code, is there something wrong with my VB.NET Code? Here is my VB.NET code:


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PerformClick() Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Feb 2, 2011

I have an application that requires data be entered, and after entering, a button is clicked to process that data. Clicking the button works just as it should--the data is processed properly. In constructing a test module, I provide a set of data values, followed by:


Nothing happens. I have used this syntax for years, and it has always worked flawlessly. I have triple checked everything else and isolated the problem to the failure of the PerformClick(). The PerformClick() is in a test subroutine that does nothing but fill textboxes and labels with default data, then calls the PerformClick() on the button to begin processing. Again, the button works fine, the data is entered as it should be, but the PerformClick() does not fire the click event.

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