Indexing Service Empty Filename Property

Dec 21, 2011

I'm using the Windows Indexing Service for the first time and I need to return the doctitle and filename from the query. My query is;


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Use Windows Search Service Instead Of The Old Indexing Service To Index Files?

Jul 7, 2009

In the past I had the indexing service installed on a Windows Server 2003 and used it to index files for my website. I did this by executing an OleDbCommand with a query and a connection string.How do I accomplish the same thing with the new "Windows Search Service" (Windows Server 2008) by using VB.NET? Does this work the same way so that I only need to change the Provider name which has been "MSIDXS.1" up to now? Case true, what is the new Provider name?

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Remove The Filename And Extract Just The Path Of The OpenFileDialog.Filename Property?

Oct 17, 2010

How would I do that? Sample code is below that demonstrated that the file I opened contained the full path and file name.

I want to extract just the path and serialize that to the user.config file as a UserSetting value. Then next time the user opens the dialog box, it uses that saved path string to go immediately to the location previously used.

If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Properties.Settings.Default.persistConnectionType = openFileDialog1.FileName


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How To Query Indexing Service

May 17, 2010

How to query the Indexing service
1) Exact Phrase
2) Any word
3) All Words
4) Natural language processing

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IDE :: Why Could Not See Indexing Service In Reference

Dec 10, 2009

While I write some code in VB 2008 Express, I could not see ciodm.dll (Indexing Service)in Reference. This library is just missing!

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Windows 7 Indexing Service Cannot Find Word In PDF

Nov 3, 2011

Windows 7, 64 Bit Windows search 4.0 VB.NET Code running on local machine but destined for a 2003 server serching in a local folder. Using the following code to search through a folder filled with PDFs for a single key word. The search word is not found. ETSResumes is the name of a catalog listed in the Indexing Services. It points to the folder with the PDFs. Desktop search or search can find the correct files.


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Find String Inside File With Indexing Service?

Mar 31, 2010

i need ti find string in the file with indexing service, the could be any type of file (pdf,doc,xls,txt)

i search on the internet i couldn't find the step by step tutorial

if any one have step by step tutorial to find sting inside the file

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What Type Of Files Can We Search Using Microsoft Indexing Service

Mar 31, 2010

what type of files can we search using Microsoft Indexing Service

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VS 2008 OledbConnectionStringBuilder.FileName Property?

Aug 29, 2010

I am trying to get the filename from the OledbConnectionStringBuilder Property. I have the following

Dim DataString As New OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(My.Settings.RestelConnectionString)
Dim DBFilename As String = DataString.FileName
DataString returns C:Documents and SettingsMartinMy DocumentsVisual Studio


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VS 2008 : MailMessage.Attachments : Add The Filename Using The Above Property?

Jul 6, 2010

How do I add the filename using the above property as I am unable to find anything in MSDN.

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VS 2008 Extract File Title From FileName Property?

Aug 11, 2009

I am wondering if there is a way to extract a file's title name from the FileName property.VB6's Common Dialong had "FileTitle". That seems to be gone. I have a small window app that does not have the room to display the full path as part of the window title.

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Storing Settings For A .NET Windows Service: Service Property Settings, Serialization?

Aug 5, 2010

I am working on a .NET Windows Service where I am trying to store settings that will be used when the service is started and while it is running. I have searched through posts on SO and found that using the Settings in the properties of the project is great for use with console and winforms applications. However, Google and SO are silent when it pertains to storing these settings with a windows service.

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Assign Empty String To Property With Value Of Nothing

Jan 5, 2011

In my EF4 EntityModel I have an entity named Users. Users have the common UserName and Password string fields. If I do something like this

Dim u as new USERS
U.UserName = String.Empty
Then U.UserName are still Nothing.

But if I Do Something like this
Dim u as new USERS
u.UserName = "A"
u.UserName = String.Empty
Then U.UserName take String.Empty as value without problem.

The reason is the way that EF4 generate the UserName Property
Public Property UserName() As Global.System.String
Return _UserName
End Get
[Code] .....

I do not want to make two assignations every time I want to set string.empty to a property with a nothing value, and I do not want to remember that I must do it in this way everytime, because I'm pretty sure that I will forget it and then I will introduce bugs in the code. I just want to assign the empty.string value to a property and the property take "" as value.

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Check Object's Property For Null Or Empty String?

Jul 28, 2009

I'm using FileHelper to generate object's property. Here is an example of one property:

<FieldOptional(), _
FieldTrim(TrimMode.Both)> _
<FieldNullValue(GetType(String), " ")> _
Public StoreNo As String

As you can see the StoreNo will either have a value or " ", one of the business policy is to check if the StoreNo is empty or nothing if the object's StoreNo is empty or null then the record will not create.

I though about creating an HasValue Function in the class to check the StoreNo and other properties in the object but I feel like it is a hack.

Public Function HasValue() As Boolean
Dim _HasValue As Boolean = True
If StringHelper.IsNullOrBlank(Me.StoreNo) Then


I don't think this approach is an ideal solution. what if the StoreNo is remove or change to something else. What's the best approach to check object's property?

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Returns The Property Names As Column Headers And Empty Fields?

Jun 14, 2009

why this code returns the property names as column headers and empty fields?

Dim table As New List(Of SalesPersonClass.SalesPersonClass)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To salesPeople.GetUpperBound(0)
dgSalesPeople.DataSource = table

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VS 2008 Scan A Long String And Return Any Values That Occur Between The Tags <FileName> And </FileName>?

Jul 1, 2009

Quick query...I'm trying to scan a long string and return any values that occur between the tags <FileName> and </FileName> I've got a bit of code here to use regular expressions to return the position of the occurunces of both substrings..Just wanted to find out if there is any way to scan for both substrings within one loop (as im currently doing 2, one for the first substring and one for the 2nd) so I can use something along these lines:

ringlist = Mid(XMLRESP, (startloc + 1), (endloc - 1))

to msg box the value between the substrings...either that or another approach to return the value between the 2 substrings (it can be of variable length)

Dim patternstart As String = "<FileName>"
Dim patternend As String = "</FileName>"
Dim matchesstart As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(XMLRESP, patternstart)


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C# - Required Property In Web Service?

Apr 10, 2012

I checked the code example at [URL].. and found one interesting thing: if we remove Public ReadOnly Property Items() from OrderItemData class, the service shows an error. Even if we don't try to access Items, and only working with Orders.Can somebody explain why this property is needed?

EDIT: To clarify: the property isn't used directly. I removed it from the code, it compiles successfully, but service returns Request error: "The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details." And there is no exception thrown.

I think that the service for some reason might need IQueryable(Of Item) property. Even if the property returns Nothing, the service starts working again:

Public ReadOnly Property Items() As IQueryable(Of Item) Get Return Nothing End Get End Property

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Get The FileName For The Proces.Start(FileName) Method?

May 27, 2009

I have a Listview on my form with different files. I can selet a file en open it with the proces start method. To open the file i use the OpenFileDialog method and select the filename. This work very good. With the code below.

My question is if there is a method to get the selected file without using the OpenFileDialog Box. So when i dubbelclick the selected file the proces will start with open the selected file. Something like:

proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.SelectedCell.FileName
instead of proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName

PS) May be i can preduce the Filename using the OpenFileDialog method on the background.

Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


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Transform An Address Like File:///d:filename.ext In A D:filename.ext

Jun 26, 2009

how do you transform an address like "file:///d:filename.ext" in "d:filename.ext"

without dirty string manipulation??

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C# - Add A Service To The Type Descriptor Context Of A Property Grid In .Net?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an app that allows the user to choose an image, at design time, either as a straight image, or from an image list.

All cool so far, except that this is not happening from the visual studio property browser, its happening from a property grid that is a part of a type editor.

My problem is, both the image picker (actually resource picker), and the imagelist type converter rely on some design-time services to get the job done. In the case of imagelist, its the IReferenceService and in the case of the resource picker its a service called _DTE.

In the first instance of an edit from the visual studio property browser, I could get a reference to these services but (1) how can I add them to the type descriptor context of my property grid?

It would be better, for future proofing, if I could just copy a reference to all of the services in the type descriptor context. (2) Where does the property browser get these services from in the first place?

ETA: I still don't know how to do it, but I now know it is possible.

(1) Sub-class control and add a property whose type is an array of buttons.

(2) Add it to a form.

(3) Select the new control on the design service and edit the new property in the property browser.

(4) The collection editor dialog pops-up

(5) Add a button

(6) Edit image and image list - the type editor and type converter, respectively, behave as they should.

ETA2: Ok, I'm getting warm. It looks like you do it through the Site property of the property grid. I can create a new site, and pass it the type descriptor context I have a reference to and then it should have all the service. I'll give it a go ...

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AJAX Enabled WCF Service Fails If Date Property Is DateTime.MinValue

May 2, 2012

If a AJAX-Enabled WCF should return an Object with a Date Property which is Nothing a Request to this Service fails.[code]Chrome displays on this call the following error message: "failed to load resource".Has anyone an explanation/idea for this behaviour and how are you supposed to prevent this problem?

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Exception Handling In Property For Ambiguously Typed Data Coming From Web Service?

May 7, 2009

I need to consume data from a webservice. I am receiving xml data and using this to create objects through property setters.

In one particular case, an attribute of the object (called "is_active" and indicates whether the object is active or inactive in the application) is represented sometimes by

<field type="BooleanField" name="is_active">1</field>

and at other times by <field type="BooleanField" name="is_active">True</field>

The client code requires me to represent this using integers 1 and 0. The returned string "True" or "False" results in System.FormatException, as expected.

What is the most graceful way to deal with this situation?

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Indexing A Foxpro Table Using .net?

Nov 24, 2009

I want to create an index on a foxpro table. I used the following command

Code:fcn = New ADODB.Connection fcn.ConnectionString = "provider=VFPOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & tablefolderpath fcn.Open() fcn.Execute("INDEX on D:myfoldersales.dbf (BRAND)")But i get Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword. message

I am trying to index on the brand field of sales.dbf table?

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Indexing Items In A List Box?

Jul 28, 2009

How can i 'count' through items in a list box using a do loop?

in the vb6 code i have the format is as folows, but the error is List is not a member of combobox, i know what the code wants to do, but i can't think of the member of combobox to use. (My question is what is the "new list"?)

For i = 0 To drvDB.Items.Count - 1
If InStr(1, drvDB.List(i), "Netapp-1", 1) <> 0 And InStr(1, drvDB.List(i), "malika", 1) <> 0 Then


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TextBox's Work With Indexing?

Sep 3, 2011

I am working on a 32-bit binary/hex/uint masking calculator and have run into a snag. When I attempted the following, it created an error:

For i as Integer = 4 to 126
TextBox(i).Visible = True

Since this sequence of events is in 4 different places in my code depending on a user screen selection, for obvious reasons it looks really bad. Is it possible to use indexing instead?

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Indexing Down A Varying Length List?

Jan 23, 2011

I run a "make table" query to gather some numbers from a database. I then display a list that contains the numbers that I have gathered. The list will very from 1 number up to 20 numbers. I then want to run a report (print it, not display) using each number in the list. When I get to the end of the list I want to stop and close the list. I can do this if my list were say 10 numbers long each time but the list varies. The below is what I have. I repeat this 20 times(changing the # in the () ) to cover the list if it returns 20 but I want to stop if it is shorter than 20.

List0.Set Focus
DoCmd.GoToControl List0.Name
List0.Selected(0) = True
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptPM SORT REPORT"

View 2 Replies - Avoid IndexOutOfRangeException Indexing DataReader Columns?

Feb 9, 2010

I am having a little trouble with an 'IndexOutOfRangeException'. I think it is because when the code tries to get the DateModified col from the database it sometimes contains NULLS (the users haven't always updated the page since they created it).

Here is my code;

s = ("select datemodified, maintainedby, email, hitcount from updates where id = @footid")
Dim x As New SqlCommand(s, c)
x.Parameters.Add("@footid", SqlDbType.Int)


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Forms :: Textbox Element Indexing In An ArrayList?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to access each entered element in an textbox as an index in ArrayList. But, the problem is that whenever I enter value in the textbox, it stores all the values in single arraylist index.

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Indexing Button In 2010 - Control The Value Of X Automatically?

Feb 27, 2012


What must i do for the program to control the value of x automatically? that is, suppose i click on btn1, value of x must become 0; if i click on btn2, value of x must become 1 and so on.

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