VS 2008 Extract File Title From FileName Property?

Aug 11, 2009

I am wondering if there is a way to extract a file's title name from the FileName property.VB6's Common Dialong had "FileTitle". That seems to be gone. I have a small window app that does not have the room to display the full path as part of the window title.

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Remove The Filename And Extract Just The Path Of The OpenFileDialog.Filename Property?

Oct 17, 2010

How would I do that? Sample code is below that demonstrated that the file I opened contained the full path and file name.

I want to extract just the path and serialize that to the user.config file as a UserSetting value. Then next time the user opens the dialog box, it uses that saved path string to go immediately to the location previously used.

If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
Properties.Settings.Default.persistConnectionType = openFileDialog1.FileName


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VS 2008 OledbConnectionStringBuilder.FileName Property?

Aug 29, 2010

I am trying to get the filename from the OledbConnectionStringBuilder Property. I have the following

Dim DataString As New OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder(My.Settings.RestelConnectionString)
Dim DBFilename As String = DataString.FileName
DataString returns C:Documents and SettingsMartinMy DocumentsVisual Studio


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Change Title Property Of TIFF File?

Jul 6, 2011

Is it possible to change the "Title" "Subject".. Properties of TIFF Files

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VS 2008 : MailMessage.Attachments : Add The Filename Using The Above Property?

Jul 6, 2010

How do I add the filename using the above property as I am unable to find anything in MSDN.

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Create A Function To Extract The Filename And Number From Saved Files?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to create a function to extract the filename and number from saved files where the filename and number is not known before hand. I successfully created this example but the file name in the example is hardcoded. My program creates backup files and numbers them starting a one. I want to extract the saved files and list them in a treelist by filename only.ie.. unknown filename 1, backup 1, saved file 1, saved file 2, here is what i have but it only retrieves the hardcoded filename.


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VS 2008 Scan A Long String And Return Any Values That Occur Between The Tags <FileName> And </FileName>?

Jul 1, 2009

Quick query...I'm trying to scan a long string and return any values that occur between the tags <FileName> and </FileName> I've got a bit of code here to use regular expressions to return the position of the occurunces of both substrings..Just wanted to find out if there is any way to scan for both substrings within one loop (as im currently doing 2, one for the first substring and one for the 2nd) so I can use something along these lines:

ringlist = Mid(XMLRESP, (startloc + 1), (endloc - 1))

to msg box the value between the substrings...either that or another approach to return the value between the 2 substrings (it can be of variable length)

Dim patternstart As String = "<FileName>"
Dim patternend As String = "</FileName>"
Dim matchesstart As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(XMLRESP, patternstart)


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Transform An Address Like File:///d:filename.ext In A D:filename.ext

Jun 26, 2009

how do you transform an address like "file:///d:filename.ext" in "d:filename.ext"

without dirty string manipulation??

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VS 2008 Title=File Opened?

Aug 30, 2009

How would I make it so that my programs Title is like"Text File Name"-"Program Name"Also, how would I make it so that text files can be opened with my program?I can open a text file within the program but I cant do

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VS 2008 Find Out File Extension Knowing Filename Only?

Jul 5, 2010

I am looking for an advise on how to find out the extension of the file only knowing the name and the location of it. I tried getextension method and some other but they don't seem to do anything to me.

Dim FileFullPath As String = "\SERVERPublicCRM_LibraryOrderMGMLetters" & datagridLetters.CurrentRow.Cells.Item(0).Value.ToString() & ".pdf"


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Indexing Service Empty Filename Property

Dec 21, 2011

I'm using the Windows Indexing Service for the first time and I need to return the doctitle and filename from the query. My query is;


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VS 2008 : Proc.MainModule.FileName Has Repeated File Path

Dec 25, 2009

in my program, i use that code for getting the file path of a process, once it gets the path, it is put into a list view which has details like the task manager. the code works fine the first time, but with a little bug that is, when it reaches the vhost of my program. For some reason, it just copies the file path of my program even though the process has changed. After the code has gone through, i want it to refresh the list so as doing the same as when loaded...so I let it refresh and once again it copies the path of the vhost, but this time it has basically taken over every process' location. So in turn, I only get returned my programs location, for something like the task managers location, where it would be like "C:Windowssystem32skmgr.exe"

Here's the

Private Sub frmmain_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim Process As New Process()
Dim Count As Integer = 0


The refresh code is frmmain_Load(Nothing, Nothing) just to make things easy for me right now, while i get that part of the program going. To me it seems to be working fine, but why it does that what it does, im not sure. as you can see, the process changes. and Ive even checked it through run time, and each and every time, the process.processname changes.

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Get Title And Manager Property From Wordfiles?

Apr 18, 2011

I want to read out some properties from about 3000 .dot-Files with VB.NET. I nearly can get all informations using 'FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo'. - But I don't get the properites named Title and Manager this way..How can I read them out of the File (I don't want to create Word-Instance for every file)?

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VS 2008 - How To See Title Of Text File Load In Programe In A Label

Jan 5, 2010

i load a text file that has the data of the textboxes that i already saved to see the title of the text in a label.

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[2008] Get <title></title> Tags?

Mar 4, 2009

Does anyone know of a solution using the internal webbrowser, to grab a sites <title></title> tags?

As for now I have in my browser something like:

Me.Text = WebBrowser1.Url.ToString

Hence showing the URL in the forms text, but I would need to change that to a sites title

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VS 2008 - OpenFileDialog And Extract From Zip File

Dec 13, 2010

If I am in Word and I say File Open, it displays files of type All Files. If I have a Compressed Folder in the current location, I can right click on that folder and Extract All. Then if I extracted a filetype that Word can read, I can click on the file I just extracted and opened this is Word. All from saying File Open. I want to replicate this behavior in my .NET code. Maybe I am missing a property when I create my OpenFileDialog, but if I right click on the same file as above, I do not get a context menu that will let me Extract All.

This is my .NET
Dim dlgZipFile As New OpenFileDialog
dlgZipFile.Title = "Please navigate to the location of the input file"
dlgZipFile.InitialDirectory = "C:ProjectsFiles"
dlgZipFile.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*"
dlgZipFile.FileName = ""
If dlgZipFile.ShowDialog <> Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then Return False

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VS 2008 Extract A Resource File?

Apr 25, 2010

how do I extract a Resource file?

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[2008] Extract Particular Data From A Css File?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a xyz.css file which I read using the streamreader.the file has text in the form

.Addfont { ......
.GridLayout {......
a.Master Layout {......


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VS 2008 Extract A Resource File To Temp And Run It

Jun 11, 2011

I have a resource file named WonderlandManifest, and the filename is WonderlandManifest.exe. I want to extract it to a temp folder and then run it.
But the code I have doesn't extract it to the temp.[code]

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Extract All Text From An Online Txt File To 2008 Textbox?

Mar 24, 2010

I got an online txt file(url..)

I want my vb 2008 program to read all text from [url]... and put all the text there into a textbox in a vb2008 form, what code is needed to do this?

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VS 2008 - Extract Email Address For Each Row Of An Excel File?

Jul 21, 2009

I have a column in an excel file which contains a string. I need to loop through each row in the excel file and extract an email address from the string.

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VS 2008 Regex Designer - Show The User The File - Allow Them To Select A Line To Match And / Or Extract From

Aug 23, 2010

This may take some explaining but the concept is pretty simple. A user will select a file which contains data that they wish to extract from, so keeping it simple they pick a file like so:


So, I need to show the user the file, allow them to select a line to match and/or extract from. So they select the first line ready for a match, they then select a word/s to mark as a constant for matching, so in this case it would be: MyGroup A simple version for text match would be like "MyGroup *" Now, I need to convert this to regex dynamically (I assume its the best method), its not a one off, the data that is selected is all open and up to user selection. There could be multiple selections and multiple extractions on the same line!


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Loading A File Into Memory Stream Buffer And Creating New File With Same Content And With Different Filename?

May 31, 2011

I don't know whether it is simple or not because i am new to programming. my requirement is : In my vb.net winform application, the filenames of the files present in "D:Project" willbe displayed in DataGridView1 control. Now I want to load these files one after another into memory stream buffer and add the headers("ID","Name","Class") to the content in the file. Then I want to save these files in "C:" with "_de" as suufix to the filename i.e.,sample_de.csv.

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SaveAs Dialog And Extensions - Allow The User To Select A Filename To Save A File Either As A Doc File?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm using the FileSaveAs dialog control to allow the user to select a filename to save a file either as a doc file, an rtf file or a pdf file (that part was easy).However, after a bit of testing, it seems that the file extension doesn't automatically change when selecting the different file types.If the filename in the dialog is Foo.doc and I select FileType *.pdf and click "Save", my app still tries to save the file as a doc type.Virtually every other MS app automatically changes the extension to match a selected file type from the Office Suite to Paint. here's my code:

Dim dlg As New SaveFileDialog
dlg.InitialDirectory = m_sReportFolder
dlg.FileName = sProjectName & ".docx"[code]......

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Get The FileName For The Proces.Start(FileName) Method?

May 27, 2009

I have a Listview on my form with different files. I can selet a file en open it with the proces start method. To open the file i use the OpenFileDialog method and select the filename. This work very good. With the code below.

My question is if there is a method to get the selected file without using the OpenFileDialog Box. So when i dubbelclick the selected file the proces will start with open the selected file. Something like:

proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.SelectedCell.FileName
instead of proc.StartInfo.FileName = Me.OpenFileDialog1.FileName

PS) May be i can preduce the Filename using the OpenFileDialog method on the background.

Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
If Me.OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then


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The Process Cannot Access The File During System.IO.File.Delete(filename)

Apr 7, 2007

I encountered the error:The process cannot access the file <full file path> because it is being used by another process.during System.IO.File.Delete(filename)I have opened the file using:pctPhoto.Image = Image.FromFile(filename)before I delete the file.

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Openfiledialog Without A Form Displaying Current Path In The Title Instead Of Title?

Nov 3, 2009

I have a class that contains one function: "ShowDialog()" It creates a new openfiledialog and sets its title, but when it is run, the title of the openfiledialog is set to the current directory that is shown in the dialog. I would not like this behavior. Here is the code:

Public Class LoadSet
Public Shared Function ShowDialog() As System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult
Dim Dialog As New System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
Dialog.DefaultExt = ".bsfci"


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VS 2010 Get Whats Inside The <title>My Data</title> Tags

Dec 19, 2010

Im am trying to get whats inside the <title>My Data</title> tags, however the results i pull back are not whats in the title tags..

Dim myMatch As Match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(My_Text, "<(?<title>w*)>(?<text>.*)</k<title>>")
If myMatch.Success Then


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.net - Increment The Filename If File Already Exists?

Jun 7, 2011

In my vb.net winform application, I am moving the file (ex: sample.xls from one folder to another. If file already exists with the same name, the new file name should be incremented (ex:sample(1).xls). How can i acheive this?

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Download A File And Use SaveFileDialog.Filename?

Mar 10, 2009

im completely new to VB and im trying to learn myself how to download a file and use the SaveFileDialog with it. I cant see what im doing wrong

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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