Updating A Label With Data

Mar 11, 2010

I have Data coming in through a serial port and it consists of pretty much all numerical values except for a few begining response characters. Its a Load Cell which spits out Tension in Pounds. I'm making a simple terminal program with the ability to log the Incoming Data for record keeping and data plotting. I want the incoming Tension to be displayed on the screen real time.I can get it into a text box and have it scroll indefinetly as it updates the data,but I'd like to keep it localized in one Label. I can display it in the Label but it wants to scroll down as it comes in. I want to keep it refreshed in one spot if that makes any sense. Heres what I have thus far. It will put it in the Label but wants to scroll like in the textbox. For example if I send #00F0 followed by a carriage return it replys back with whatever is displayed on the Screen which usually is the tension.it says "01TK 00.074 LBS" no quotes.. for a reply.I'm assuming it needs to be stripped down to just the numeric characters first.'here is what gets sent to the Load Cell to tell it to output data fast as it can to the serial port.[code]

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Label Not Updating When Multithreading?

Nov 26, 2010

Here is my code: Imports System.Threading Imports System.IO


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Updating A Label With A Value From A Sql Database?

Nov 1, 2011

What I am trying to do is update a label with a value from a sql table using a combobox.this is a record from the table concerned

Species_ID (PrimaryKey) | Species | Genus_ID | Avg_Length | Avg_Height | Est_Weight | Diet_ID
1 rex 1
46 18 14000

On my form I have a combo box that is bound to this table with Species_ID as the Value Member. When I select a value from the combo box I want to update 3 labels with data from the Species_ID row corresponding to that value.

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Updating Label From DGV Item?

Jun 10, 2009

i can grab the value of an item from a datagridview but i cannot change a label with that value. don't know why it ain't working.this works, the msgbox displays the value i click.

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
Dim row As Integer = DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex


but this does not work, the label does not get updated.

label23.text = DataGridView1.Item(column, row).Value

could it be because that label is on another tab from the DGV? should i reference the other tab?i tried TabPage2.label23.text = DataGridView1.Item(column, row).Value but of course it's not working.

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File Size Dynamically Updating In A Label?

Nov 17, 2009

Using VB 2008 Express.

How would I create a label that reports a file size at all times? Or, on a regular basis, say every 10 seconds or so.

In my form, I want a label to watch certain file sizes (logs, etc.) in case one suddenly becomes too big.

It is easy enough to report a static file size when a form launches, but changing it dynamically...I don't know how to do that yet.

The following example is generic and simplified for illustration purposes.

The file is C:Applicationapplication.log

The label might include:

("The application.log file is {0} bytes.",GetFileInfo.Length)

or something like that. But that would report a file size once and never again unless I quit and restart the form.

If any .NET concept is used, can you provide a link to the documentation or msdn stuff?

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Forms :: Updating UI Label From Another Class In Another Thread?

Nov 2, 2011

I've been programming in vb.NET for a whileAnd to be honest, its turning out to be a real pain.Here is the

Form1.vb: Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Dim trd As Thread[code].....

So, I have a form (form1) with a label on, this label simply reports the status of the thread.The thread begins the Class1.Main() sub, and I have a delegate setup to change the text propoerty of the label.Now,I know the label is created on the UI thread,so I assumed the delegate would work. However,it seems that it updates the .text property, but doesnt redraw the control when .Update() is called .What am I doing wrong?I have found lots of examples of delegates, but all run from within the same class. I want to use threads too, not a backgroundworker! This code is a "simplified" version of a project I am on, which is encountering the same problems

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Updating Label.text With StandardError.readline In A New Thread?

Jan 14, 2011

Private Sub runExe()
Dim myProcess As New Process()
Dim myProcessStartInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("mkclean", " --optimize """ & txtSrcFile.Text & """ """ & txtSaveFile.Text & """")


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WPF Label Not Updating While Performing A Time Consuming Method?

Dec 26, 2011

EDIT:I edited the question to show the code I have come up with. It does not work... No "test" caption becomes visible on the main form.

Private _dispatcher As Dispatcher
Delegate Sub SetLabelText(caption As String)
Private _setLabelText As SetLabelText


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Setting Horizontal Scrollbar And Updating Label Based On Selection?

Apr 3, 2010

How do I set my horizontal scroll bar to have the values increment between 1 and 100 and then have a label (lblFuelChosen) updated according to the value chosen on the scrollbar?

I have a label that is named lblFuelChosen and I have a horizontal scrollbar underneath it. I need to set the scrollbar to increment in values between 1 and 100, and the value to be placed in the lblFuelChosen label. How do I set the scroll bar values and how do I set the value to the label?

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DB/Reporting :: Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated?

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it?

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VS 2005 Updating Client Data Tables When Data Table On Shared Drive Is Updated

Sep 28, 2009

I would like to know the best, or standard, way to accomplish real-time client updates in a small multi-user application using an access data table as a data source.

Specifically, this application will be used by 3-4 people. It uses a datatable which is filled on form load and bound to a datagrid at design time. The datatable is stored on a shared drive. The data table on the shared drive is updated in two ways:

1) Users can update the datagrid which then updates the datatable on the shared drive via the data adapter's Update method.

2) A server application does some work on some text files, periodically updating the data table.

I need the clients to reflect the changes to the data table on the shared drive as closely to real-time as possible. I know that the data table stored in memory on the client is disconnected from the data table on the shared drive, so I must query again to get the updates.

I have two questions:

1) Is there an alternvative model I can use which is connected, and which will automatically reflect the updates in the data table on the shared drive?

2) If not, what is the best way to check for changes in the data table (so I can know when to call the data adapter fill method)? I am planning to poll the drive for a change to the .mdb file, raise an event and then fill the data adapter when the event is triggered. I am using this method successfully now to check for changes to a text file in another application, and I know how to implement it

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Send Some Data To Printer Through COM1, Label Printer's Ready Signal Led Will Be ON/OFF But It Does Not Print Anything Or Any Label?

Feb 8, 2007

I have a label printer (Argox 1000-x) and i want to print some datas on it. And this printer is connected to my computer via the COM1 port. I can open/write COM1. And when i send some data to printer through COM1, Label Printer's Ready Signal Led will be ON/OFF. But it does not print anything or any label..

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SQL CE - Data Not Updating?

Mar 5, 2011

I'm using the following code to update a SQL CE database:

Public Sub SaveOldEntry(ByVal duration As String, ByVal checkinDate As String, ByVal receivedBy As String, ByVal platformName As String, ByVal serviceTag As String, ByVal


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Data Not Updating To Database

Aug 16, 2011

I've seen similar problems posted on this and other boards, typically with a bunch of code checking before its realised that that database itself is being copied to another directory and run from there. Apparently this is managed via the database properties, copy to output directory settings. In my case I have tried all three options, with no change in result. After "saving", inspection of the actual database via the server explorer shows no changes have actually been committed.

I am getting to a point where I need to start entering large amounts of data into the app and have at actually save to the db for deeper testing.

I noticed this behavious first when using an .accdb and it has persisted through my exploration of SQL(.mdf)

db Output Option Selected / Result

always copy... data changes do not persist between debug runs and is not entered into actual database

copy if newer... data changes do persist between debug runs but is not entered into actual database (checked via server explorer)

Do Not Copy... generates the below Error on execution

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message=An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:UsersXXXDesktopVisual Basic ProjectsSQLtestWindowsApplication4 - CopyWindowsApplication4inDebugMyDatabase.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

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Updating A Database / Data Set?

Feb 3, 2012

Basically I want to be able to save any data I enter into my data grid / dataset ermanently , so when i close the program or restart it the data I previously entered within the grid will be present.This is what I have so far

BindingContext(CustomersDs, "Customers").EndCurrentEdit()
OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(CustomersDs) is called Shop.mdb )


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Updating Data From A DataGridView?

Feb 12, 2009

I have a datagridview and the datasource is a database query. This query takes data from multiple tables within the database.

When I run the project the data loads to the datagridview fine. However, the system needs to allow the user to update data shown in the datagrid and save it.

I've been messing with this for ages now and it is still not saving correctly. Here is the code behind the save button:

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim strUpdate As String = "Update tblAttendance set Reasonforabsence = @Reason For Absence"


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VS 2005 Data Not Updating?

Jul 22, 2009

If TypeOf Adapter Is OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Then
CommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(Adapter)


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Data Not Saving Into Database While Updating

Apr 8, 2011

In my form i have a datagrid view and two textbox the textbox is bind with the datagrid..now when i click the data in the datagrid the data will go to the textbox (that's i want to happen) but when i click the update button and check my database it doesn't change.. i use ExecuteNonQuery to update my data.[code]...

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How To Stop Controls From Updating With Data

Nov 1, 2010

I have a form with many controls that are binded to a datasource. when some of these values change, they impact aspects of the form itself like the backgroud color or the title. There is a filter applied to it so it only displays certain records (this is important).when I change something and save the data I need to update the filter to show all the previous records plus the current one.All that works great, but the problem is: saving the data or changing the filter makes the controls take a new value based on the new record and go through the subs that each one have to modify the aspect of the form. This happens because if I save the data first, then the current record does not conform to the filter and all the data in the form changes, or if I change the filter first, we go to the first record of the set.

After that I return to the correct record and everything looks fine, but going to all the changes makes the app halt for a moment.Is there a way that I can stop the controls in the form form updating to their binding data while saving or changing the filter in the bindingsource?

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No Data Returned After Updating Database

Oct 6, 2011

I'm sure im just making a simple mistake some place but i just cant find it. I have datatable which I can and can make changes, save back to the database just fine. But if I reload the data after updating, no data is retrieved from the database. But if I stop debugging completely and then start again, it loads just fine...until i call Update.

Here is some code I am using for testing purposes.

Private myDataSet As New DataSet
Private conn As MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As New MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter


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Reloading Data Grid After Updating?

Nov 2, 2010

when im updating my data through a textbox and i save it, i dont automatically show the updated file on the datagrid, here is my code btw, i already tried some code but it aint working


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Updating Data From 2 Rows To 2 Columns?

Jun 12, 2011

How do I updatezz data from 2 rows to 2 columns?

tool: vb.net
server: MySQL (SQLyog)

I have 2 tables, membercardlist and memberinfo:

table membercardlist:
------------- ------------ ------------
| AccountNo | CardNo | status |
------------- ------------ ------------
| 9999 | B009 | inactive |


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Updating Data From A Table Adapter

Apr 18, 2006

Honestly I do not understand why I need to write code to update a databse and why it stores it localy. I'd simply rather the system update the individual row after it is scrolled off of.

In either case since I guess I can't do that.

Here is some code in a button on a form

Catch ex As Exception


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Updating Data In 2 Tables In The Database?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm Using vb 2008 and an access DB.I have 2 tables in the DB which is transaction and products.When a Customer Buy product the transaction will record and the stock of that product will deduct accdg to the quantity bought by the customer. Myproblem is products table didn't update. Stock of that product still didn't change.

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Updating Record From Data In Datagrid?

Apr 28, 2009

I am trying to update a table based on row selected in a grid (C1TrueDBGrid1.Columns(1).Value), but I am getting the following error:

Update unable to find TableMapping['Table'] or Data Table 'Table'


Dim ConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=/DataDirectory/AOPT2002org.mdb;Persist Security Info=True;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=testaopupdate" Dim objConnection As New


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Updating Tables Data VB 2010?

Sep 20, 2010

I have one DataSet and two forms, Customers and Efficiency. When I make changes to the Customers table (Delete a Customer for instance) It does not reflect the changes on the Efficiency table. The default form is Efficiency and I'm calling the Customers form from within the Efficiency form. I make the change in the Customer form, I then close the Customer form and call the Efficiency form back. The data is not updated on the Efficiency side until I close the application and re-open it. what code I need and where to inject this code?

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VS 2008 Data Bound RTF Not Updating

Jun 8, 2010

I have a class which I'm binding to a series of textboxes, date pickers and so on. When I change text in the text boxes, the object updates just fine, and when I then save the data, it has the changes. My problem seems to be with the RTB ... if I bind to the .Text property, it works just fine and updates like any normal text box. However... when I bind to the RTF property... changes to the object don't happen unless I first click out of the RTB... quite annoying. If I edit the text or change the formatting, and hit the save button, the changes don't get reflected in my object. I've even tried using debug statements to track when the property is changed, and I'm not getting the results I desire.

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VS 2008 Updating Database Data?

Jan 22, 2010

I am working on a project that stores data on animals. I am trying to make updates to data already stored there, through inputs on a VB form. A form where all the data is populating the fields shows up and the user can change/update any field. Once they are finished, they click update and the DB is supposed to reflect those changes (Theoretically)However, I wrote the code to do that, but when it runs nothing in the database is changed and nothing gets done, as it seems. No errors appear and nothing goes wrong with the program. It just doesnt change the data in the db.

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VS 2008 Updating The Database Data?

Apr 24, 2010

I am working on a project that stores data on animals. I am trying to make updates to data already stored there, through inputs on a VB form. A form where all the data is populating the fields shows up and the user can change/update any field. Once they are finished, they click update and the DB is supposed to reflect those changes (Theoretically)

However, I wrote the code to do that, but when it runs nothing in the database is changed and nothing gets done, as it seems. No errors appear and nothing goes wrong with the program. It just doesnt change the data in the db.

Here is the code updating the database.

If txtNewID.Text = "" Or cmbRegion.Text = "" Or txtWombatName.Text = "" Or cmbGender.Text = "" Or txtAge.Text = "" Or txtWeight.Text = "" Or txtLength.Text = "" Or txtCommunity.Text = "" Or txtDescription.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please fill in all required fields.", , "ERROR")


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VS 2008 Updating The Database With New Data?

Apr 14, 2009

I have two forms in my program, Form1 has ListBox which contains names from the Database.Form2, has textbox and add button to get a new name from the user.but when I click on add button.. i return to Form1 to view the names in the listbox by clicking on view button: ALL NAMES ARE DISPLAYED WITHOUT THE NEW NAME.when I close my program and click on View button all names including the new name that was entered before are displayed ! is there a way to display everything in the database without closing the program??I need a way to refresh or something.


Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim ds As New DataSet()


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