Use One Dataset With Many Different Forms?

Jan 3, 2011

In my application, I have created a dataset which is used as a lookup data and I have a couple of forms that use this dataset.

Generally, VS will generate a line of code that fills data into dataset using tableadapter when the form is loaded.

I have parent and child forms. In the parent form I've already filled the dataset and I don't want to fill the same dataset again and again every time I load a new child forms that use the same dataset. Are there any ways to do that? Or is it ok to fill the dataset for every form?

Can it cause any performance to my application?

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.net - Dataset Parameter In Forms App?

Jun 24, 2011

I'm having a hard time to find out how to pass at run time a parameter which I defined in an adapter in a dataset. When I preview the data I can insert the value manually, but I was not able to find any code around how to pass it in the visual basic code.

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How To Share DataSet Among Two Forms

Jan 13, 2009

I'm new to VB2008 and SQL Server. I have two forms (frmCustomer and frmDetail). The frmCustomer has a datagridview containing general data of customers, and a button to open frmDetail, which contains each customers detail information. All data modification is done on frmDetail (add, delete, and edit). Currently, both forms are binded to the dataset (same table). When the two forms are loaded, each form performs a FILL function that retrieves the data from SQL Server. In addition, all modifications done on frmDetail does not show up on frmCustomer until I perform the FILL function again on both forms. Seems like I'm maintaining 2 sets of data from the same table, and I think I'm doing more work than I have to. I'm sure there are ways to make this easier, such as bind both forms to a single dataset, so I don't have to do everything twice.

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One Dataset For Several Forms - Databinding

Oct 9, 2009

My project currently holds one dataset and several forms. In each form I have dropped an instance of that dataset and certain editors are bound to tables of that dataset instance. Now this means that when each form is loaded I also have to load the relevant data into the dataset instance of that form (basically i am loading the same data more than once).


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DB/Reporting :: Forms Sharing 1 Dataset?

Sep 21, 2008

What I mean is that when I make queries on a Parent Form. Child forms can also retrieves the datatable /datarows from its parent form.

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Forms :: Dataset Query Not Acting Right?

Nov 29, 2011

I have an application that uses bound controls on the form. I have a dataset associated with my form and have a custom query written for one of my tables that is supposed to get two fields in the database and order them by their ID in descending order. However, when I run the program, the bound controls do not contain the last record, but the first.

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Forms :: How To Create DataSet And Tables From XML

Aug 4, 2011

I have an XML file that has a basic hierarchical structure about horse racing. It has a summary of the tracks, some data about each track, then a list of all the races at each track racing that day. So lets say there are 10 tracks, and for each track there are 8 races. This is a snapshot of the data....

-<Meetings xmlns="" Jurisdiction="VIC">
-<Summary MID="MR_20110801">
<VenueName>ECHUCA (VIC)</VenueName>
<Track>DEAD </Track>
[Code] ......

I have written the code to pull down the data into a data store, but I dont know the BEST way to put the data into a set of tables. My first thought was to traverse the nodes and add rows into tables but I figure there must be a native VB process that reads the xml and puts it into the the appropriate table. How to code up the process for getting the data into a set of tables that match the xml. So lets say I have a Summary table, I would like all the data about each track to go into that table. Then I would have a Races table and have the data for each race go into that. What I have done already is import the xml into Access to create the tables (which was a breeze!) and then link that data source to my project. So I have the tables already built.

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Forms :: Making A Dataset Editable

Sep 8, 2010

I have a form that when a user clicks on a button that it opens a new window with a dataset. Is it possible to be able to edit that dataset and have messagebox.shows along with that for approval?

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Forms :: Multiline Textbox With XML And Dataset?

Apr 20, 2009

Ok, as in my other post i asked this!!

If TextBox7.Text.Contains(ComboBox1.Text) Then
If ComboBox1.Text = "" Then


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Forms :: Progress Bar And Load Dataset?

Dec 17, 2009

so what I want to do should be pretty simple. I've been following the examples found here Using the BackgroundWorker Component - VBForums . I've been successful, but I'm not smart enough to put it in my project.

What I'd like to happen is this

1. I hit a button to load data from a dataset....

2. have a progress bar show until this action is complete.

The main problem is that I can't figure out how to tie the "progress bar" to the action of "pulling the dataset"

I'm sure this is a crazy question for you all, but hey...

Would I put all of the coding in the button_Click sub?

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Updating Dataset On Bound Forms?

Apr 11, 2011

I have added a SQL Server datasource through the wizard. I created my forms which were bound to the dataset. Is it possible to change the datasource and dataset names while updating the dataset the binding controls of the form?

For instance, Server 1 has DB1 and Server 2 has DB2 (DB1 & DB2 store the same information/tables). Is it possible to keep the forms and only update the binding information if I want the forms to use DB2?

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Forms :: Count Rows On Dataset With WHERE Condition

Jan 7, 2010

I have a dataset that I search using the

dataset.tables("table").Select("WHERE clause")

method to query. I then use a datarepeater to display the results. Is there a way to programatically tell if no results are returned? I'm aware of the Dataset.tables.Rows.count, but can this be done after the select method?


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Forms :: Login Form With Added Dataset?

Mar 7, 2010

My background is mostly Access VBA and I am having to learn VB.NET. I am trying to recreate an Access 2007 application I wrote into VB.Net. We are looking at using a hosted SQL Server so we do not have to worry about remote offices or replication. I am using VS 2008 and SS2008.My issue is that I need to create a login form in VB that with look at SQL Server DB and return a dataset record matching the username and password. There are many tutorials on here but do not match what I am looking for.I have a stored procedure with 2 parameters (@prmUser and @prmPassword) named spLogin.I need to call the sp and pass the parameters to SQL Server DB and return the complete row of data that is matched from the button_click event on my form.

In Access, I would have a form that would have the returned data and I would reference that information throughout the application by using the 'forms!frmName!txtValue' to populate forms, reports, and fields that would capture the user that created the record. What is the best practice for this?Next when the login credentials are correct then I need another form to open, which is my MDI form, if not correct then msgbox to try again.

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Forms :: Binding A Dataset (computer Column) To A Datagridview?

Aug 17, 2011

[URL] some properties aren't showing in my vb just like the one needed in the computed column is made only by

-add new item

then i just changed the expression property

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Forms :: Generate A DataSet And Bind It To A Datarepeater Object?

Aug 30, 2011

This is my first post here so forgive me if I am not following any correct protocols. I am attempting to generate a DataSet and bind it to a datarepeater object. I had been doing this at Design Time and was getting an error message when filling the dataset when the form loaded. So I am basically createing the dataset in my code now when the form loads and binding it to the datarepeater. However, when I attempt to bind the dataset I get a NullReferenceException - even through I know that there are 60 rows of data in the dataset table.


As you can see i have several debug messages in there. I get the error on the last line when setting the datarepeater data source. I try and get data for a specified lot - if it doesn't return any values I create some values in the datatable and add them to the DB. On first load when there is no data this works perfectly. If I then close the form and reload it, it will display fine. However, if I change any of the data (database is updated) and then go back in again, I get the error above.

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Forms :: Choose Item From ComboBox And Save Selected Value To DataSet

Dec 23, 2009

I have a problem with a combobox. I have a form (with information about clients) with textboxes binded to a dataview. One of the columns in the dataview contains a number that tells me what kind of client it is. I don't my users want that my users have to fill in a number in a textbox, but I want them to choose a item from a combobox. De selected value should be the value that is actually saved in the database.

This is my
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
cmd.Connection = cnnVraagbaak
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
[Code] .....

De Datasource is the information in my combobox. With Databindings I'm trying to bind it to my dataset (or view, that doesn't work either) with clients. Every time I get a NullReferenceExeption. The moment I remove the line cbo.DataSource = dsRelatie.Tables("Relatiesoort"), I don't get an error, but it doesn't work either.

That dataset is filled (I've checked) and also the derived view. The column Relatiesoort exists. What do I have to do to make it possible for my users to choose an item from a combobox and save the selected value to the underlying dataset?

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Master Detail Form+bindingsource Sharing The Same Dataset On 2 Different Forms 1 With Grid Other With Editing

Dec 9, 2009

Am new to VB, can anyone tell me very simple how to share the MAIN Bindingsource with an detail form where i want to edit 1 record from the main datasource?

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Forms :: Internal Dataset Or Internal XML File?

May 3, 2009

Is it possible to have an internal XML dataset within a VB 08 program I ask because we at present have the program load an external XML on startup, but i would prefer this to be internal withing the program to stop other editing the XML file.

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DataSet Editor - Allows The User To Edit A DataTable In A Strongly-typed DataSet

Mar 15, 2010

When the user clicks an "Edit" button on my form, I want a box to come up which allows the user to edit a DataTable in a strongly-typed DataSet. What's the best way to do this?

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IDE :: Dataset Code Behind Datatable.ColumnChanging Event Firing / But Dataset.HasChanges Property Not True

Jan 28, 2010

I have code running in the Datatable.ColumnChanging event in my dataset. This dataset underlies a form and conventional drag/drop controls are in place for data entry.when the event triggers and runs, I am running code in the form that checks the dataset.HasChanges property. It is showing False. But this is immediately after the ColumnChanging event has been triggered.Okay, I see by others posts and MSDN that .HasChanges will only be true after moving off the row with the changed column. I have also noted lots of discussion about the advanced binding property of DataSourceUpdate Mode, but that does not address this issue.I guess I can do this by checking the state of the row for the binding source. Just seems odd that the event behind the dataset can be triggered and that does not change the dataset.HasChanges property.

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System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet DataSet)

May 14, 2012

I have tried everything I can to get beyond this error which shows below as <<<<< error here. It is trying to fill a dataset from a data adapter. If I change the SELECT statement to just SELECT * FROM xTable I get the correct number of records in each table. But anytime I try with a more complex statement I get the error message shown below which indicates System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet. I've completely erased all data and entered a new set of test data so I know there is no problem with relationships. Each table has primary key which is foreign key in other table. IS there something wrong with the Imports section: Imports System


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.net - Copy Data From Dataset To A Type Dataset Using Automapper?

Aug 24, 2010

i am trying to copy data from a standard Dataset to a Type Dataset (XSD) of same table structure. i want to use Automapper to do that one. So how can i do that using automapper?

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Fill A DataSet On Application Startup And Use Dataset Other Form?

Jun 5, 2010

I need to pick all data in my application from my database and use it in my form

my question : how to pick all data in my application then i use it

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Loop Through Dataset Updating Data From Results Of Another Dataset

Jun 22, 2010

I have two Datagrids, One grid has all the customers garments on it with style number and contact length. The other grid has the users who have garment issued to them. the style number is in both grids. I need to loop through the users grid and say if the contract number is 1 from the first grid then the contract date on the second grid will be todays date + 365 days (year contract) I have looked at using a stored procedure and also a for each command but I am just getting stuck with it all. [Code]

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Saving Dataset To Database Which Has Imported Rows From Another Dataset

Jan 4, 2011

I have a problem saving a dataset which contains rows that i have imported from another dataset. i can successfully view the imported rows in a gridview but i cannot commit the rows back to the database.

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.net - Combine Multiple Dataset Columns To One Dataset?

May 19, 2010

I have multiple datasets that I would like to combine into one. There is a common ID field that can be associated to each row. Calling Merge on the dataset will add additional rows to the dataset, but I would like to combine the additional columns. There are too many fields to do this in one query and therefore would make it unmanageable. Each individual query would be able to handle ordering to ensure the data is placed in the correct row.

For Example lets say I have two queries resulting in two datasets:

SELECT ID, colA, colB
SELECT colC, colD

The resulting dataset would look like

ID colA colB colC colD
1 a b c d
2 e f g h

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Repointing A Report Dataset To A Test Dataset

Feb 18, 2011

ok, I've finally got my test database issues sorted out, however now I need to actually modify my existing report to add the two new fields from my test database. I have made a copy of the report so that I am not modifying the original. I have deleted the two old fields and now want to add my two new fields in there. In the Field explorer window, I see an object called "dataset1" and when I expand it, it is using a view that includes fields from the table that I added my two new fields to.

The problem I see here is that I have gone in and modified the view to include these two new fields in my test database - but again, they are not showing up as selectable fields here. I am just assuming that "dataset1" is somehow pointing to the live database again and that I need to change the datasource location.In my solution explorer, I see an object called "dataset1.xsd" but the properties of that do not tell me much about where it is actually pointing to...


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VS 2005 Typed Dataset Vs UnTyped Dataset

Nov 25, 2009

I want to access data using both the datasets.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


In my code i have dataset name ds and table named Info1,when i write ds after that how tablename is coming,its not possible? How to do that ?

View 5 Replies - Geocoding A Dataset - Map A Dataset Of Addresses On A Map

Aug 2, 2011

i am looking to map a dataset of addresses on a map. basically, i want the users to type a street name in my town and be able to see the houses that have signed up already on that street. so a pinpoint should show up on the houses that came up on the dataset.


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C# - .NET Dataset Design - Have A Dataset For Each Table?

Jul 23, 2010

I have some concern about designing Datasets. I was told that it would be good to have a dataset for each table for maintenance purpose. Because frequent change in database tables is expected, having one dataset including every tables would be pain to make the corresponding change in the application.

Q. is it good approach to have a dataset for each table ( I would end up having 30~40 datasets for each db table using Stored procedure) ?

I have a separate project for commonly used datasets. each project include "dataset project" as a reference, and use it by including needed dataset into Forms, classes, etc.

Q. Does this approach makes the whole system to be slower? If I have a set of datasets as a separate project, it would be beneficial, since It will be easier to make a change (I only need to make modification in one place)

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