VB Form Not Recognized As A Form In Properties - Application Page

May 13, 2011

I want to enable application framework using Form2 as the startup form. The Startup form: combo box lists Form2 when enable application framework is unchecked, but when checked, I get the message that the startup object must be a form, the project then compiles and shows another form as startup. Declarations for Form2 are as follows:


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Form In A Form - Manipulate The App's Properties Place Inside Child Form?

Dec 23, 2008

The following code does create a form within a form and does place NotePad inside the child form. You have to manually start NotePad prior to execution (I work on that later) but the code does workŠ My problem is now I want to manipulate the properties of notepad i.e. focus, size, location, etc. but I cannot figure out how to reference notepad and its properties.


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Hiding Form - Hotkeys Only Recognized Once

Dec 19, 2010

I have a small app with one form (form1) which is supposed to be hidden until a hot key combo is pressed. I have read and taken sample code from: [URL]. I do have a keyboard class that hooks keyboard input, (I have my reasons) but it's odd that it will recognise the first hotkey and fire the event, but none after that? The problem is, I can make the form show, but not hide again. It will only recognise one shortcut, one time. How do I make it respond to another hotkey combo? Is the handle changing? Even with focus, the enabled form is not hiding again.

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Access A Windows Application Form From An ASPX Page?

Aug 2, 2010

I have an aspx page and I want to access an application on the client after seeking user permission. Both the windows application and the website are to be made in VB.NET.

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Importing Html Page Content Onto A .net Application Form?

Jun 12, 2007

i am putting this article in the right section. Actually i need a way to import all the controls i have in my html file on the vb.net application windows form.Basically i want a way to have a replica of my html page on to the vb.net windows form.in finding a way to read the content of the html file as we read the content of the xml file in vb.net.

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Wait Until Page Loading Finishes - Windows Form Application?

Oct 6, 2010

I navigate the webbrowser in my application with

Private Sub wb_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles wb.DocumentCompleted

But I need to navigate to another page after Logging in to the website How can I wait the first page to be loaded fully then navigate to another page?

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Inheriting Windows Form And Editing The Properties - Customizing The Default Form

Jul 2, 2009

So I was wondering if anyone has done their own Forms (inheriting windows form and editing the properties) and if so, what your finished result was. And, if you are willing to post a screenshot of your finished result, that would be sweet! Trying to get some ideas of what can be accomplished with customizing the default form.

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Save Single Windows Form As Many Page And Reload The Page Whenever Call That Page

May 17, 2012

I need sample vb.net code to save single windows form as many page and reload the page whenever i call that page...

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Asp.net - Using Javascript On An Aspx Page That Uses A Master Page - Which Contains The Page In A Form?

Aug 7, 2009

I have a master page which contains everything that inherits it within a form. A page inheriting from it needs to run some javascript to act on a text field on a page. However, I can't seem to reference that text field through the javascript, since the form begins on the master page. The following line will come up bogus: document.form1.txtFindUser.value = blah.responseText; This is because form1 is defined on the master page, while txtFindUser is on the current page.

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Set Form Properties Before Showing Form?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to set the form's location/size before calling the .show method. I figured out the location part, but still can't figure out the size part. No matter what size I set the form to in the designer, it never uses that, so I figured I would set it with code right after setting the location.

'set location before .show
Form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
Form2.Location = New Point(103, 449)


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IDE :: When Localizing A Form / Select Language In Form Properties But IDE Automatically Selects Different Language

Nov 29, 2010

I have multilingual application that was done in VB2005.We recently had a request to translate the application to Arabic (Egypt), so I have been happily running through all of the forms and changing the layout for Right to Left format.I have 2 forms that are problematic though.On one form, whenever I select Arabic (Egypt), it will automatically switch the selection to Arabic (Saudi Arabia) and try to add an ar-SA resx file.On the other problematic form, if I choose Arabic (Egypt), the IDE will automatically select Chinese (People's Republic of China), then copy the contents of my ar-EG resx file into the zh-CN file, overwriting all of our Chinese translations and layout changes with the Arabic ones.

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Form With A Tab Control That Has 18 Pages - Click On A Tab It Opens The Page And Select A Textbox On That Page

Mar 8, 2009

I have a form with a Tab Control that has 18 pages. When I click on a tab it opens the page and select a textbox on that page (txtTextbox1. Select() ). This works for the first 8 pages but not for the remaining 10 pages. Although on these pages I can mouse click on the textbox, enter info, save then click my Add button that clears the textboxes and has the code (txtTextbox1. Select() ). The textbox is selected just fine. The code for all my pages is the same except for the tab name and the control names. The tab key will move the selection to the next textbox in order on all pages and the Enter key is coded to do the same. The first 8 pages have a total of 256 labels, buttons, list boxes, textboxes and checkboxes on them.

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Change All Properties Of A Form To Properties Of Other But Don't Change Important Properties?

Feb 26, 2011

How to change all properties of a form to properties of other but don't change important properties like Owner,Handle, OwnedForms, Parent,HasChildren,Controls and ... .I have a child form that i want it to provide controls of Form.The background form provides Aero frame and child form is a transparent form in it.I want it because I want to draw buttons with system style in Aero in Windows Forms.This is my own code but it does not work good (ForeForm is child form):

For Each Propertry In ForeForm.GetType.GetProperties()
Select Case Propertry.Name
Case "AeroBackgroundEnabled", "FormBorderStyle", "TransparencyKey", "Parent", "Owner", "ShowInTaskbar", "Handle", "HasChildren", "OwnedFo[code].....

Additionaly:I wrote a great Aero Form.I don't publish current version (1.2) that supports Aero Blur,RealTime Aero Color change,extend Basic theme?

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Mdi Application - Open The Form But Focus Remain On Tree View Until Click On The The Form

Jun 11, 2009

I have mdi application, on main form which is mdi container and has a tree view. i open the child form on afterselect even of treeview. the issue i'm facing that i open the form but focus remain on tree view until i click on the the form. my question is how i can give focus to form rather it stays on treeview. i tried frm.focus also activatemdichild(frm) no sucess.

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Voice Recognized Loggin Application?

Oct 9, 2009

VOICE recognization login window. mean when user wants to login in application he/she should speak in MIC and his/her voice compared with their own voice which was stored in database or as in any voice format file?

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'abort' (terminate Immediately) A Form Screen In A Windows Form Application Running Under 'local' Environment?

May 30, 2012

FormA calls DialogB where user cancels DialogB which exits via ForceTermination(), see insert.Caller FormA check for DialogResult not = OK, which it isn't, and I can see this in debug as Abort(3).However, the code continues merrily along its way until I get a 'null reference' error which I'm trying to avoid via Force Termination().This is caused by the user cancelling DialogB, a selection process to get a database (SQL) instance.[code]

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Vb6 LEGACY Application And New Functionality (Form) Written In C# - Closing The .net Form From Vb6

Feb 8, 2012

Alright, I have a vb6 LEGACY application and new Functionality (Form) written in c#. I have a VB.NET COM Class as a wrapper. I can launch the .NET Form just fine. THe problem I am having is closing the .net form from vb6.


In VB6, I have something like this:


But it does not work becuase frmViewer is Nothing for some reason. how I should close the .NET form that was launched from VB6?

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Forms :: VB - MDI - Application That Consists Of Mainly One Main Form - Ranging Form Graphs, Tables, Dropdown Boxes, Print Preview

Apr 7, 2010

I have to write an application that consists of mainly one main form, but several different things I wanna display. Pretty standard I guess. So there is a menu, some controls, and the main stuff below (ranging form graphs, tables, dropdown boxes, print preview, etc). I would like to use it like one would use frames in html, design an object that is limited to a box or panel that I define. The literature I have does not give me a clear idea of how to do this (yet). The most obvious seem to be the use of MDI, open a predefined form with no borders, maximize it before showing and remove all minimize/maximize options. But that does not work so well. The form inside the MDI parent does not fit the size that is given for it when it is loaded. e.g.


So my main question is: Is MDI the way to go here at all or are there better/easyer ways to achieve this? If MDI is the way to go, how do I sucessfully restrict a child form inside another object, without giving the user any opportunity to resize (i noticed that I have minnimize/maximize/close buttons, even if I disable them on the child forms themselves)

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Missing Form After Minimize - Windows Form Application

Oct 12, 2010

I try to minimize my form to system tray but when I do, the form disappears and the notification icon doesnt work [code]...

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Use Main Form Like MDI Parent Form In Window Application?

Sep 10, 2010

how can I use main form like MDI parent form in window application?

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Create Properties Like Form

Dec 3, 2011

I'm new in development in vb.net IDE, and I need your advises on how to create multi form in one screen like a project properties screen in VB2008 IDE, thus when you you go to Menu Project -> Project Properties... you can see that screen is divided into two panes the left one for options to choose and the right one for configuration and preferences.I need to know how to achive this and how to create similar to that thus if you choose any button from left the form content changes at right (ok is this single form and all controls were set to invisible /visible or is it muliform programming. how can I change the Left pane with Treeview control and choose my option from there.

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Possible To Customize The Properties Of A Form?

Sep 28, 2009

is it possible to customize the properties of a form? for instance, i would like to start a new project, and have my form load center screen, not windows default location from the startup location, among many other options.if this is a possibility, from within vb.net, which i was not able to find and customize, do advise on how to do so.if i have to hack vb.net, i would not know where to start to do so, but how would i begin? what file do i need to modify in the program files folder of vb.net? this, by any means, i would not find it as a hack to destroy someone's work, but to better the software for the user.if a moderator reads this post , do consider my concern for customizing vb.net as vb.net customizes for the users..what i mean, is that, if this option is not available, mods, look into providing an update for vb.net to allow the customizing of the properties for forms/toolbox items and do reply to this thread w/a link.

unless vb 2o10 provides this option, which i doubt, and if it does and there are skins for vb.net 2o1o to change the tab look to the 2oo8 vb.net look, do not advise to look toward the 2o1o version.. personally, the 2o1o tabs are ridiculous, the font in the code window could have been the same as vb.net 2oo8 also.

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Properties Of Controls On A Form?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm trying to write a routine which will produce a list of the values of some of the properties for every control that I've placed on a form. I can do this manually by looking up the names of each of the controls, but I'd rather use a construct like this -for each formname as string in xxxx

for each ctrlname as string in yyyy(formname)


However, I'm having problems with the various examples of this code that I found in the library. I'm not sure whether it's because I don't know how to set up the syntax correctly or this sort of construct isn't possible in this context.

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Access Properties Of Form Classes?

Oct 21, 2009

I have Form Class A, which is the "Main Form". An Event fired by Form A instantiates Form B, and sets Form A as it's owner. (which makes it be on top of FormA at all times)[code]...

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Accessing Properties Of Form Classes?

Feb 4, 2010

Accessing Properties Of Form Classes

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Add A String Value Into The Form Text Properties?

Sep 9, 2011

Is there a possibly way to add a string value into the Form Text Properties, so that I can have a customer name and job number display there? In other words... a variable form name. I have tried using an ampersand command and even even using quotes.

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Form Properties Not Taking Effect?

Jan 22, 2012

i have changed some of the properties of the form & it's controls but while runtime same is taking effect !

i am changing the form's default location....... "" ....... "".. controls ( Datagridview controls) some column properties but nothing is taking in to effect, but in design time every thing is normal

NOTE:- no code is acting upon this controls IN FORM load or any other event, so i can't suspect that thing

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How To Reset Form And Control Properties

Aug 15, 2011

How to reset the properties of the form as well as all of the control properties values when i click a button.

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Setting Object Properties From Another Form?

Aug 21, 2009

I am trying to get some objects invisible as I fill a dialog, but it doesn't work when coding from the dialog.

how to get this code working

ProductTypeIdtext = "0"
SingleLineTransfer.grnuminfoPSTN.Visible = True
SingleLineTransfer.grwholesale.Visible = True


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