VS 2005 Adding A Physics Engine To Game ?

Mar 29, 2009

I am creating a game for my 2nd year of uni. I have no idea why my lecturer wants me to create a game in VB.net using Direct X and not C# XNA but he does, so i have to abide by his rules.I am in no way mathematically advanced enough to create my own newtons physics so i wanted to get an engine to go into my VB.net code.Is this even possible?, im totally new to all of this physics stuff.does anyone know of any VB.net engines out there? and how do i link this engine into my code?

My game is

A 2D blob of water has to navigate itself up and down a set of obstacles, if it falls from a specific hight then it will explode and loose a life. It needs to be able to jump a determined hight also.

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Finding Any Physics Engine Builtin .net For WPF/Silverlight?

Dec 3, 2010

Is there any Physics Engine built in vb.net for WPF/Silverlight ?

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2D Platform Game Physics - Game Development | Dream.In.Code?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a 2D platform game and I'm pretty inexperienced at programming. I've coded the player to move left and right and jump, but I can't figure out how to prevent multiple jumps while the player is in the air. Anyone know how to do this?

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VS 2005 Intercept Code Physics

Aug 23, 2010

This is not a programming question but a physics one.I was wondering if anyone has a link that good give me the math for two objects: one moving and the other intercepting. Specifically, I need to determine the vectors of the pursuing object when given the vectors of the object he is trying to pursue.This is classic video game programming and in my instance it's supposed to be a football player running with the ball being chased by a tackler.The code I have now determines where the tackler should go at one particular instant, but does not project where he should be in order to lead the target.What happens is the tackler runs behind the ball carrier - he doesn't cut him off.It's like if a QB throws the ball to where his receiver is instead of in front of him; when the ball arrives the receiver is long gone.

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Can .NET Be Used As A Game Engine

Jun 6, 2011

I know VB.NET, and I've been planning on creating a simple 2d game engine. I got no problems with creating such engine and running the actual game. However, I've been told that VB.NET might not be the best choice for "working too much with graphics". I'd like to know if that's true. Can VB.NET truly not manage efficiently loads of graphics simultaneously on the screen? If no, what kind of software am I supposed to use for creating this engine?

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Custom Game Engine Freezes?

Jan 29, 2011

I have been working on a game engine for a couple of weeks now and when I finally finish and test it the windows form just freezes, I believe it to be the timer:

<System.Serializable()> Public Class Game
Public Sub New(ByVal NewGameHandle As IntPtr, Optional ByVal NewFramesPerSecond As Integer = 7)
GameHandle = NewGameHandle
GameFramesPerSecond = NewFramesPerSecond


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C# - Game Engine/Platform To Use In Order To Write Once And Deploy Everywhere?

May 24, 2012

Basically, I want to design a strategy game, where most of the game will be spent in menu areas and making "decisions" (like a Tycoon style game), however, there will still be some graphics, and I would prefer 3D, but if not possible, can resort to 2D. The graphics aren't user controlled, but the moving objects will be the result of the "decisions" the players make.

I really just want to write it once, and have it run on the following Platforms:

Windows Desktop
iOS (iPhone, iPod, iPad)
Android Phones (not strictly required)

(any other platforms would just be a bonus, but at the absolute minimum, all i really want is Windows Desktop and iOS [iPhone, iPod, iPad]).

Now, I don't want to learn objective-c or any other languages which i may have no use for in the future, I really just want to be able to program in Visual Studio (VB.Net or C#, since I can convert from vb.net to c# I will just be writing it in vb.net).

Is it possible to write in vb.net/c# and deploy to all these platforms? I heard of MonoTouch, so i can convert from vb to c# but is this seemless or difficult to do? Do I have to learn and write in another language in order to make tweaks to make it work on the iPhone or Android? So, with MonoTouch, can I still use XNA or is there a different engine that I need to learn/use with Visual Studio?

Alternatively, if I cannot do this all in VB.NET or Visual Studio, what programming language and/or graphics engine should I learn in order to be able to write once and deploy everywhere that is relevant? (So, not fussed about Linux, Mac's or other less used OS's).

Right now, I haven't learnt XNA but am wondering if I should or need to, or if i should learn another engine & language. Basically, I don't really know what I need to learn/know in order to be able to write once and deploy on Windows Desktop, iOS (iDevice's) and maybe Android. So, my question really is, what do I need to learn in terms of both the programming language and game/graphics engine. Right now I know VB.NET and would prefer to use what I know, but if not possible, then am prepared to learn another language & engine combination to be able to achieve what I want, if this is what I need to do, I would like to know what language & engine I need to learn.

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Game Programming :: Mario Like Jump In Tile Engine

Jan 24, 2012

I have a very basic tiling engine that was made from a YouTube tutorial for making an top down RPG style game and I am trying to adapt it to a platformer game. The code is fairly simple but not being a physics guy I am looking for adding a Mario style jump to the program. I know there will most likely need to be some additional variables added to it such as gravity and velocity. That said I am not sure where to get started, below is the meet and potatoes so to speak of the program.

Dim ResWidth As Integer = 750
Dim ResHeight As Integer = 550
Dim TileSize As Integer = 32
[Code] ......

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Game Programming :: Adding Score To Rock Paper Scissor Game?

Oct 3, 2011

Im new to VB. how do I get to add the score.my code is


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Microsoft TTS (Text To Speech) Engine And Visual Basic 2005 Express?

Apr 4, 2006

hope I am not too short in this question but I am quite pissed off here

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Adding Features To A Pong Game?

Apr 16, 2010

I actually found a fairly good pong tutorial on this site which I've linked to at the bottom of this post. I used the code as my base and I'm starting to implement my own new features. I'm currently working on making the ball move faster after each hit of the paddle, but I can't get it working! I thought it would be as simple as adding 1 to the 'speed' variable during the test to see if the ball has hit the paddle. Doesn't work! I also tried various other methods, including adding an extra timer to the form and having the speed increase a certain number every tick on the timer. Didn't work! Is there some special way that I need to reference that variable in order to manipulate it? Code below.


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Game Programming :: Adding Pictureboxes To Form

Jul 23, 2008

I know how to make a single picturebox, but I need to make more different pictureboxes. Example: I want to make a picturebox every time snake and food crash (I'm making snake with pictureboxes, yes). But for that, I need a code that will make a new picturebox with different name every time they crash. For example When they first crash, the code should make a picturebox called snakepart(1) next time they crash it should make snakepart(2). Something like that.

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Physics Library For Program?

Sep 21, 2011

Is there any library which can interact with vb.net. I searched a little bit but I just found libraries for c#. I know it's not suitable to use vb.net for making these stuffs but I wanted to know.

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Adding Stopwatch On Multiple Forms In Math Game

Oct 16, 2011

I am making a maths game, that has 10 questions, all of different forms. There's a button on the first forum saying, 'subtraction' addition and that. I need. Stop watch to start when you click one of those buttons , and stop once all questions have been answered, and the time shown.

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VS 2008 Graphics For Physics Project

May 5, 2009

I need to draw visuals in my program where a block of mass moves from position A to position B down a varying incline. The incline variable is set by the program. I know how to draw the block But do not know how to vary the slope and make block travel parallel to it. program to use for inspiration

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Calculating Physics - Rigid Body Rectangles

Apr 13, 2010

I need some help calculating physics after a collision, sort of like rigid body physics but just for rectangles, I don't need them to rotate but only to know the x and y speed they leave each other and the angular velocity etc. the collision with the walls work fine since all I'm doing is reversing the speeds of the rectangles (which is probably the wrong way of doing it) but unfortunately this does not not work for the two rectangles colliding with each other, so can some1 lead me in the right direction as to how I can go about calculating this.

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VS 2008 Physics And Realistic Motion In 2 Dimensions?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm making a game where the main character is a white blood cell. Right now I have a circle. 360 points. I want my character to squish against walls, jiggle while moving, etc... but I'm just at a loss as to how to even start doing this. What's the best way to implement that kind of 2-d physics?

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Adding LAN / Internet Network Support To My Game In Microsoft 2010 Express

Feb 4, 2011

I've been working on my game for a while, in a non-online multi-player state it is complete. My goal is to add LAN or Internet Play support.My game is coded in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express, It relies heavily on timers.Currently you play against the AI, and there is a Local multiplayer mode, using mice, controllers or the keyboard.At the moment, it is a two player, (Or 1 player against the AI) game, from my understanding the standard Client-to-Server option wouldn't very efficent, the best choice would be a peer-to-peer system.That being said, a lot of the stuff could be done client side, like for instance, the particle engine and Dynamic Rendering.[code]

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Tic Tac Toe Game In VB 2005?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm having 2 problems with my game. 1.) Upon initialization, if I select multiplayer, the buttons are still disabled. I have to refresh to get it to work.

2.) When I'm doing single player, my AI is not working right. When the AI picks its square, it still lets me choose a square with the AI's symbol as if I'm playing a multiplayer game. I even specified in the AI sub class that turn = 1 when the AI's turn is done, meaning it should be my turn.


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VS 2005 : Class Diagram For A Game?

Dec 12, 2009

I need to make a class diagram for a scrabble game. I know the classes are game, player, board, tile, square , tile bank?

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VS 2005 Way To Make The Game Of Life?

Mar 2, 2010

I have two "Game of Life" programs. One uses a list of points that represent the live cells, and the other uses a fixed-size grid. The one using the list of points can zoom in and out, is much more elegant in coding, and has an unlimited size grid. However, it needs to search for points in the list, and the more points in the list, the more time it takes

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Game Programming :: 360 Picture Move VB 2005

May 13, 2008

im currently making(or trying) Turbo Tanks from vb Express edition 2005 and I cant get my tank to move a full 360. I can only make it move 90degrees make a object move 360 and btw is it possible to actually make this game from VB 2005 [URL]

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Game Programming :: Using 2005 And Dx9 D3d Clicking On Objects?

Aug 15, 2008

I'm not real sure how to even ask this question... but here goes.I'm using VB2005 and DirectX 9, D3D. It is 2D isometric display.Here is what I CAN do. Create a map grid. Draw each tile out and present the map on the screen. (ISO) I can even scroll around using the arrows and mouse at the edge of the screen.
- I can click on the map and get the X,Y coords of the tile I am on.... look up the grid to see what is supposed to be on this tile.The only game coding experience I have is using windows forms controls... I've done a few dozen of them. Dice games, card games..


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VS 2005 Make A Light Version Of A Blackjack Game?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a light version of a Blackjack game. The rules I need to use are as follows:

Ace = 1
Normal Cards = 2-10
Color Cards (king, queen, etc,) = 11

The dealer can keep hitting until it reaches 17 or under 21, he must always stay once it hits 17 or over (without busting obviously).

I know the ace normally should be 1 or 11 normally but I don't want to complicate things, I want to get the main thing of the program working first.

Public Class frmMain
'declaration to help generate number
Dim RandomClass As New Random()


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VS 2005 Send Information To USB Video Game Controller?

Dec 24, 2009

Is it possible to send information to a USB Video game controller in VB.Net? The kind of information I want to send to it is information causing the device to think that a button is pressed on the controller when it really is not. Or even better, is it possible to make a USB wire that connects to your computer and another USB port on something such a computer and send information that a video game controller would send to the other computer or whatever? Basically what I want to do is emulate a guitar hero controller sending the data of the buttons being pressed to an xbox 360 console.

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[2005] Ban / Kick IP - Making A Anti Hack For A Game

Jan 28, 2009

I'm making a anti hack for a game, and i want to kick one that is connected on game and deny it from connect again.

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VS 2010 Adding Sound To A 3D Game / Finding A Sound Library?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm ready to start adding sound to a 3D game and I'm looking for a decent Free library.it would not require DX and be something like:

dim MySound as SoundLib.Sound
MySound = SoundLib.LoadSound("soundfile.wav")

SoundLib.Play3DWorld(Location.X, Location.Y, Location.Z, VolumeModifier, MySound)so far all Im finding is expensive, C#, old, or not .NET compatible.

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VS 2005 Adding A Row?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using the following code to isert a row and data to my database, however the the row is inserted at the bottom ".paul" helped with the insertat i must have soemthing else wrong but cant seem to narrow it down HTML Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & "", con)


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Adding A Flash Player In 2005?

Mar 22, 2008

How to add a flash player in VB.NET 2005

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VS 2005 : Adding A Web Service To An Existing App?

Aug 4, 2009

I have an executable that now has a requirement to expose data in XML format via a web service which can be queried by a browser.While I've seen tons about consuming web services and creating web services in web projects, I've not found anything that adequately explains adding such a service (or an equivelant) to an existing Windows app.

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