VS 2005 App.config Image Save?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to save picture in app.config file,first time when i start my application picture will come from database then all the time it will come from the app.config file.I also update app.config file from front end with two fields user name and user picture

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VS 2005 - How To Save Image From Picturebox

Oct 12, 2009

I am trying to save a pic from my picturebox. I copy an image and paste it into the picturebox. I would like to save the image that I have pasted to a file.

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VS 2005 Save Image From Website?

Oct 2, 2009

Im trying to retrieve images from a website in my app. Im using the HttpWebRequest to get the source of the site, and then I search the string for <img src=" to get the link of the source.

The full tag is :
<img src="shopimages/products/normal/WCA356.jpg" alt="12Pc Stripe Over The Knee Socks (Black/Yellow)" style="width:300px; " class="ProductFullImage"/>

Then I do my little code just to get the actual link name... In the end it will be
slink = "http://www.wickedwholesale.com/shopimages/products/normal/WCA356.jpg"

If you go to the link, you will see that the image is a full size image... 300 x 716.

I've tried used the following two methods to get the image :


Method 1 works fine, but looks like the image is saved as a thumbnail. About 39 x 94, instead of being 300 x 716.

Method 2 just doesnt seem to be doing anything, even tho lngRetVal is 46161906918752269.

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Save To Config.ini File?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using this code:

Dim tfLines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("Config.ini")
For Each line As String In tfLines
Dim arr As String() = line.Split("="c)
If arr(0) = "title" Then textbox1.text = arr(1)

To read from a config file that looks like this this:Quotetitle=this is the text Now is the question, how can I save to the config file?Like, replace "this is the text" with the new text in textbox1.text

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Save Settings In App.Config And My.MySettings?

Dec 23, 2010

Private Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click
Dim Config As Configuration
Dim Section As ConnectionStringsSection


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Save Window State To Config?

Apr 20, 2009

Is there any way to save a form window state including all of the controls etc that it has on it in their current state? I'm having to write long functions for each control just to save and reload from a config file, so I'm spending more time on user saved settings than on my actual project.

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VS 2008 - Save To Config.ini File?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm using this


Now is the question, how can I save to the config file? Like, replace "this is the text" with the new text in textbox1.text

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VS 2010 Save Datatable To App.config?

Jul 3, 2010

I want to save a datatable to the app.config file (My.Settings) and what i have understand is that you can use the Datatable.WriteXML to convert it to XML and then save that string to the settings.

But how do i rebuild it from the xml? Do i have to create my own code to do that or is there a method?

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.net - Save A Config File Sorted By The 'key' Attribute?

May 30, 2012

I have an XML configuration file to which I will occasionally add new elements and, for ease of reading outside of the application, I want to keep it sorted alphabetically - by the "key" attribute of the "add" elements.After a lot of trial and error - using code I've gleaned from here, there and everywhere - I've come up with the code below. It appears to work okay, but I'm only just starting to learn Linq to XML, so I'd like to know whether this is an appropriate method or if there is a better/ more efficient method I've missed. It just feels like I might be taking an unnecessary step in recreating the entire file element.

Dim newEx = cfgEx.<appSettings>(0)
newEx.Add(<add key=<%= sNewKey %> value=<%= sValue %>/>)
Dim sortEx = <configuration>[code]....

EDIT: I think I've worked out a better way to do this - without explicitly recreating all the parent tags in thesortExvariable:

Dim newEx = cfgEx.<appSettings>(0)
newEx.Add(<add key=<%= sNewKey %> value=<%= sValue %>/>)
Dim sortEx = From c In newEx.<add> Order By c.@key Select c

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ConfigurationManager Doesn't Save Settings To Exe.config?

Dec 15, 2011

(My question is similar to this one, but the code is slightly different, and the solution doesn't work for me)I'm trying to save settings changes to the app.config:

Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
config.AppSettings.Settings("HistoryRootDirectoryPath").Value = p_historySavingPath


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C# - Update And Save An App.config Application Setting Programatically?

Jan 16, 2012

I am currently working on a WPF/.Net project, In this project the user has the choice to change the the skinning of the app entirely, I am trying to write those settings after submission using configurations management, but I don't seem to be able to add the new values to the app.config file, here is my method underneath


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Forms :: Save Data To User.config That Is Not Bound?

Sep 23, 2009

I would like to commit the data put in a checkedlistbox to the user.config. I have found a way to commit them to my.settings but no matter what Save() method I call, it does not commit the new data (that is not bound to a control, through the propertybindings) to the user.config, either immediately or when I shutdown the application. Which means, when I loop through the settings when the application starts back up, the data is not there to be added back to the checkedlistbox. I have put save methods in the formclosing events as well as when the data is created in the my.settings. using my.mysettings, my.settings and my.settings.default. Thank you in advance for your input.

This first method is a called when a button is pushed. it checks the text and then calls the next method (AddProperty) which should add the property to my.settings and save it to user.config, but my understanding is that it is not written to the file till the applicatoin closes.


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VB2005 :: Save Data To User.config That Is Not Bound?

Sep 18, 2009

I have done a fair amount (days)of searching, before posting this,and cannot seem to find an answer.ata put in a checkedlistbox to the user.config. I have found a way to commit them to my.settings but no matter what Save() method I call, it does not commit the new data (that is not bound to a control, through the propertybindings) to the user.config either immediately or when I shutdown the application. Which means, when I loop through the settings when the application starts back up, the data is not there to be added back to the checkedlistbox. I have put save methods in the formclosing events as well as when the data is created in the my.settings

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VS 2010 - Easiest Way To Save Settings To Config File?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a really simple way to save the app.config file to a location then load it again? I'm making a multiclient app. I was planning on having each user have a folder, and in that folder would be their personalized app.config file that would load when they log in. I don't really know any XML.

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VS 2005 How To Set App Config File

Oct 23, 2011

How to set app config file so we can set app config file after installation of the software.

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Modify The Machine.config In 2005?

Mar 30, 2010

i'm creating a system now using vb.net 2005, .net framework 3.5. I'm using MySQL 5.1 as my backend and I've created a role so that I'll grant the specific user if he fits with the current role. My question is how can i modify the username and password of my database connection located at machine.config file under connectionStrings? The system will be used by different users and every user has its own account in the database.


I have a user named perry. The connection string would be like this:

<add name="LocalMySqlServer" connectionString="server=localhost;user id=perry;password=pass1234;database=mysql"/>
Another user named harris:
<add name="LocalMySqlServer" connectionString="server=localhost;user id=harris;password=harRis101;database=mysql"/>

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VS 2005 Application Config Files?

Dec 3, 2009

I have an application Bbb.exe. I found that there are two configurations.Bbb.exe.config and Bbb.vshost.exe.config. They are exactly same.For some reason, I changed Bbb.exe.config and keep Bbb.vshost.exe.config unchanged.

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VS 2005 Not Saving Values To App.config?

May 10, 2009

I have used the following code to update the app.config file. The code works fine and didnt shown any exceptions, but values are not storing to app.config ?


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VS 2005 Use Web.config Data Connection?

Aug 4, 2009

Dim SQLData = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FixedLineProvisioningConnectionString")


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VS 2010 : Save Image From Webbrowser Loaded Page To Hdd (after Loading Save To Hdd)?

May 28, 2012

How to save image from webbrowser loaded page to hdd (after loading save to hdd)?

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Save Image In Msaccess Database & In The Crystal Report It Should Display The Saved Image?

Aug 28, 2010

i want to save image in ms access 2000 database & i want retrive it in a crystal report in vb.net 2005

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Load An Image, Change Individual Pixel Brightness And Save New Image?

Dec 22, 2009

I am "weeks new" to visual basic 2008 but I was hoping that someone might tell me how I can open an image in whatever type of "visible" graphics window (always positioned at: x=0 y=0); move to some "definable position" of interest x=(n) y=(n); change the brightness of that "individual pixel" by some "definable means of measure" from its original state; and save the new image as a separate image file?

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.net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Jan 17, 2010

I hoping to find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.

How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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Add A Text String To An Image And Save The Original Metadata To The New Image?

Aug 20, 2010

I try to add text strings to an image but keep the metadata of the original image. The problem is How can I save ImgMetaData (from the original image) to the new image?

Here are the codes:

Public ImgMetaData As BitmapMetadata
Public myImageCodecInfo As ImageCodecInfo
Public myEncoder As Encoder


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Save A Picturebox Image Without A Save File Dialog

Mar 18, 2010

i made a vitual dekstop and i have a few problems that to be fixed. The first problem i have is that i have a picturebox as the entire form like the desktop background but the progrblem is that i have some group boxes over that picturebox box. How can i make so you can see throw the group box so that you can see the image behind it. And how can i save a picturebox image without a save file dialog

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VS 2005 Store Secured FTP Site Info In App.Config?

Dec 9, 2010

know open an xml file into a datagrid. The xml file is stored in a secured ftp with username and password. Just as an example if the site ftp.mysitesite.com, with username "xxx" and the password "XXX" has the file 123.xml, then how do I load 123 into a datagrid. Is it possible to store these info to a variable in app.Config and use that variable to access the site?

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[2005] Create A Windows Application - File For App.config?

Jan 12, 2009

If I create a windows application. Where is the file for app.config? Can I modify it?

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Finding Simple .net Code To Upload And Image From Client To Web Form Image Control And Save It To Sql Express Database?

Feb 15, 2011

find a current and simple way to do this. I'm using VWD Express 2008 and SQL Express 2008.I'm able to get the client's path to the image file using an asp:FileUpload control on the web form.How do I upload the client's image file and display it in the web form's image control?How do I save it to the sqlserver? The image table is already set up with a "Image" data type column. Can the image be saved to the database as simply as other data types?

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Image.Save And Graphics.DrawString And Image Resolution?

Nov 13, 2011

I'm a VB beginner.I've been playing with Graphics.DrawString by watermarking a picture with a text string. The picture below to the left comes from PictureBox with a text string drawn with Graphics.DrawString. The font style used is Arial 48 points, regular, I think. The picture in PictureBox shows just as I configure. Great... The resolution of the original Terri Hatcher picture is 300 dpi (300 x 300). Exporting this picture with Graphics.DrawString, I get the picture below to the right. The text string appears a lot bigger than previously shown in PictureBox. It turns out that the text size varies, depending on the resolution of the original picture. That's kind of odd. I develop several graphics applications in a different environment and have never seen this sort of graphics.drawstring thing. Anyway,
my sample application seems to draw a text string at an image resolution of


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Save An Image In A Picture Box To SQL Database Image Field

Feb 3, 2011

Using VB.net 2010, Windows 7, and SQL Server Express 2008 R2.

I am trying to save an image from a picture box to an image field in SQL Server. The line of code below produces an error. What am I doing wrong?

objCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ss_no", mskSS_No.Text)
objCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d_code", txtD_Code.Text)


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