VS 2005 Read Excel And Write To New Worksheet?

Aug 2, 2010

I am reading an excel file. When everything passes the edits, it is then written to a database. However, if any cell in the row fails an edit, I would like to write a new worksheet (called Errors) containing all of the information from the row which failed.

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Attempted To Read Or Write Protected Memory VB 2005 Excel Interop?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a VB.net 2005 app using the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll version 11, deployed on a number of XP machines with Office 2003 installed. On one and only one machine I get the following error:Error -2147467261 Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.The line which triggers the error is:

xlSheet has been previously defined by
Dim xlSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet

This should save an Excel file in a folder on the desktop. I can save a file from Excel in that folder, and create a new Excel file in it from the right-click option. The app is working correctly on the development machine and at least 8 other XP boxes on site.All Office and dotNet 2 updates have been applied.Office and dotNet have been uninstalled and reinstalled to no effect.

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Read Excel File Without Worksheet Name

Feb 23, 2008

I want to read an excel file using VB.NET program. I know the logic below can do this. But I have a question. What if I don't know the name of the worksheet OR if the name of the worksheet is not SHEET1?


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Use Linq To Read Excel Worksheet And Fill ComboBoxes Controls?

Jul 22, 2010

1- Read an Excel Worksheet into DataTable (dt);2- Check 'dt' to know if some columns titles exists;3- Query 'dt' and discard rows where some itens are null or empty;4- After query 'dt', fill some ComboBox.I wrote the code below. It works nice, but I don't know if I'm using best practices when I use Linq to query the data table like I did.

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VS 2005 Export To Excel And Add New Worksheet?

Apr 9, 2011

in my scheduling app I am able to export to excel and fill the first worksheet with data and save the workbook and change the name of the worksheet(Thanks to .paul) but I am stuck on adding a new workshhet and renamiming it.so I do this:

'in this case I am starting with Jan 16 - Feb 12, 2011 and changing it to Jan16Feb12,2011,
' this will be the workbook name.
fileToOpen = lblDateRange.Text
fileToOpen = fileToOpen.Replace(" ", "").Replace("-", "") & ".xls"


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VS 2005 Set Currently Visible Worksheet Of Excel?

Jun 13, 2010

I am exporting data to the "Sheet2" of excel using late binding. when i make excel visible to true, how to make sure that the current sheet displayed is sheet2

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VS 2005 Checking Null Excel Worksheet?

Jun 25, 2009

how to check null excel worksheet?

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VS 2005 Loading All Data In An Excel Worksheet?

Jun 23, 2009

am trying to load data from an excel worksheet & its really giving me headache. A particular column contains both string and numeric data. its picking only the numeric data & loading the string data as blank entries. I tried checking what may be wrong, i think i saw a documentation that says Excel scans the first 8 rows of a column & determines it data type.plz, how can i load everything on the sheet (i can get everything as string, but i dont want to lose any entry)

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VS 2005 Move A Column And Hide Another In An Excel Worksheet

Sep 3, 2009

I am having trouble using VB .NET to move a column and hide another in an excel worksheet..[code]

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Excel Read-Write With Objects?

Mar 30, 2010

I have Excel file (.xls) with objects (graph, combox...) and I must open this dokument write some data and save copy.

I was tried some .dll's and everything gone fine only I lost objects.

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VS 2010 How To Excel Read/write

Jun 22, 2011

I have an excel database with one column and thousands of rows of "number" data. I need to import the data into my form read the first entry, run an algorithm then move the result to the second column then move to the second entry and so on. I am having issues with where to begin. I am able to convert the excel database to a text file if it makes it easier.The algorithm that needs to be ran consists of reading each character one at a time and is as follows:ENTRY example: 12358458754The characters 1,3,8,5,7,4 need to be summed then multiplied by 3. These are all the characters starting with the first one and skipping every other one. I will call them "odds" (not referring to numeric value)The characters that are skipped, I will call them "evens", need to be summed together then added to the result of "odds".

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Cannot Read / Write Excel 2007 Files

Jan 21, 2009

I use a code like this which perfectly works and creates MS Excel files so I can create Excel files and save my data into it.I also use a similar code to read the data, however, it only read and writes Excel 97-2003 files, and does not support Excel 2007 file format![code]...

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Cannot Read/Write Excel 2007 Files?

Feb 7, 2010

I use a code like this which perfectly works and creates MS Excel files so I can create Excel files and save my data into it.I also use a similar code to read the data, however, it only read and writes Excel 97-2003 files, and does not support Excel 2007 file format!Do you have any suggestion on this?

Dim ExcelString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + FileTextBox.Text + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"


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Write To And Read From Excel 2007/2003

Oct 29, 2010

This code is to write text to excel 2007/2003 and also read from excel file.

Reference also need to be added, but Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library is ask, and my machine only got Microsoft Excel 12.0/5.0 Object Library

I not able to make it....

Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class


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Read/write Excel And Word 2007 Documents From Another Application

Apr 27, 2010

Does somebody have experience in populating excel and word documents from .net application?

What is proposed way: jet, com, xml? Is there any preferred way from Microsoft side?

What would be pros and cons for all 3 approaches?

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VB 2010 : Make A VB Application That Can Read And Write At Excel Or At SQlite Db?

May 5, 2012

I am trying to make a VB application that can read and write at excel or at SQlite db.With the excel my application works fine, but when i tried to share my application 1 of my friends can open it and all the others no.So i want to try with the SQlite but i dont know what i need for to support the sqlite at my VB project.I am using VB 2010 but i can also i can use C#?

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VS 2010 Read / Write Excel Cell Data To Textbox & Visaversa

Jan 31, 2011

I'm converting older VBA code to VB. I'm using Visual Studio or VB 2010 but am new to this "oop" approach and not a seasoned programmer. Scenario:

1. Open new Excel worksheet (see below - will this work?)


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Export A Datagridview To Excel And Open The Excel Spreadsheet (not SAVE The Worksheet)?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to export a datagridview to Excel and open the Excel spreadsheet (not SAVE the worksheet).

Public Sub ExcelRpt(ByVal DgvName As GridView, ByVal url As String)
Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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VS 2005 Read / Write To Hidden Files

Feb 3, 2012

I am creating a program that uses text files to recall data and store them in a variable. My intention is to make this text file hidden so it will be harder to find and for other people to edit the data inside. I'm looking for a code that enables me to write to the file without unhiding it.

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VS 2005 Using VB Through SQL To Read/write To/from File System?

May 21, 2009

I have an application that currently stores PDF files (and others) inside the database as BLOBs. The trouble with this method is that I've now got SQL Server databases in excess of 200 GB! I've finally figured out a way to still enable full-text search without needing to store the PDF files as BLOBs (yay! Adobe's iFilter isn't great.), but I'm having trouble designing the method for a client to get access to the files stored on the server's file system.

I want to place the files in a restricted directory on the server, so I can't simply pass a UNC path to the client and let them open the file from there either in a browser or using Process.Start(filename). I understand how that would work, but if that directory has user access granted, all sorts of security holes open up, right?So, what I'm thinking about is a way to have a SQL Server account that has read/write access to/from the protected file system directory. That way (in my mind), the SQL Server can take a file as it's loaded in through the import client (as a series of byte chunks) and write the file to that area of the filesystem. Then, when a file is requested, the SQL Server can bulk load the file into a varbinary(max) field and do whatever I want with it.

1. How can SQL Server take a stream of bytes and write them to a specified location on its local file system? (This is assuming that I want the import utility to be able to be run on a client machine and not require it to be run on the server itself.)

2. Is there any way to stream a varbinary(max) file to a web page out of SQL? I'm using a lot of PDF files that will have Fast Web View enabled, so if I can stream the bytes to a web page, the user will be able to see the first few pages of the document while the rest is loading. I thought about having the SQL Server read (bulk load) the file from the protected area and write it to an unprotected area just long enough to point a web browser to that location, then wiping the file, but that brings me back to #1 above and would THEN require me to be able to issue a delete command from SQL.

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VS 2005 : Read/Write Binary Files In Hex Mode?

Oct 30, 2009

i want to read/write to some files.Specifically my application searches text files but i also want it to search binary files. The problem is : how will i know when the file is binary and not text ? Also how will i get the hexademical contents of a binary file ?[URL]

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Office Automation :: Textfile To Excel - Read Two Text Files And Write In Differents Tabs

Mar 26, 2011

I am trying to read two text files and write in differents tabs.

Dim xl As Object
xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.Visible = False
Dim i As Integer


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Formatting Worksheet In Excel (Exporting Excel)?

Aug 22, 2011

I got a code that exports datagridview to excel, how can I format the worksheet in excel through coding in vb.net because I have to include a header before the data in the datagridview nd some data that is in my form in vb.net like the values in my labels and textboxes.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel


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VS 2008 Write To Second WorkSheet?

Oct 9, 2010

I am using the below to write a listview to sheet1 and are then trying to write a grid to sheet2 but i get this error on line 40 "moApp = moApp.Worksheets(2)"


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Office Automation :: Read Excel Using ADO In .NET 2005?

Apr 27, 2009

I am trying to read data off an excel file, using ADO and everything works fine ....EXCEPT:I get an error opening some files, if they are not open otherwise. The error is - "External table is not in the expected format". But if the same file is already open, then I do not get any error, and everything works fine.

If I copy paste the contents of the same file into a new file, and save it under a new name, I still get the error.Something strange I have noticed with this file is that if I open this file and try to close it, without making any changes, it still asks me if I want to save the changes.This is a file I get from an external source, so I have no control over the contents/format etc.The following code gives a part where I try to read all the sheet names in the file.


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Merge Multiple Excel Files Into One Excel File And It Works For 3 Source Files But Its Not Working If Workbook With Worksheet Count Is > 3?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm trying to copy multiple excel source files into one excel file. My current code is working only for 3 source files..If more than 3 files are there, it doesn't copy the data but creates blank work sheet in the output excel file. Lets say I have a source folder with 5 excel files. Each workbook contains one worksheet with data. It copies upto 3 worksheets along with data into output excel file.

Lets say excel1 contains A as work sheet, excel2 contains B as work sheet ,excel3 contains C as work sheet ,excel4 contains D as work sheet ,excel5 contains E as work sheet .Now my output excel file should look like..OutputExcel with A, B, C, D, E along with respective data.But my current code is giving output as A,B,C worksheets along with respective data but its creating blank sheet1,sheet2 in place of D & E.

SSIS Script Task Vb.Net Code:

Sub Main()
Dim filePath
String =


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Add A Textbox To Excel Worksheet?

Apr 7, 2011

I want to add a textbox to a worksheet using VB.NET. I've searched for this in Internet and MSDN. In an artcile of MSDN, I found that maybe I should use "msoAutoShapeType", but I don't know how to use it.

I have add "Excel Libary 12.0" to my project and open and write value to worksheet, but could anyone tell me how to add a textbox to worksheet?

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ASP.Net Export To Excel: Name Worksheet Tab?

Apr 25, 2012

Below is the method I'm using to export my gridview data to Excel. The user has asked if I can name the worksheet tab.

Private Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click
Dim form As New HtmlForm
Dim strAttachment As String


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Copy Row From One Excel Worksheet To Another

May 3, 2010

I'm using vb.net to manipulate excel worksheets and I need to copy a row from one worksheet to another in a different workbook. Nothing I've tried seems to work.

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Excel Worksheet Interaction With VB?

Apr 15, 2008

I would like to prompt the user, in the middle of a VB program, either with MsgBox or any other dialog, to input data in a worksheet of the Workbook that contains the code and then, on some event, read the data and continue execution. I was not successful with MsgBox (and other forms) since it is modal. The user cannot get focus on the worksheet, input data and then continue execution by clicking a command button.

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