VS 2005 - Reading Certain Fields From One XML File?

Sep 26, 2009

I have to read in certain fields from one XML file and compare that to another similar XML file to see if something changed. Is it an API, or a method?

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VS 2005 Reading CSV File?

Jun 13, 2010

Normally CSV files I work with lookes like this : d,e,f,g,1,2,3,4,5 What I am trying to do now is importing a CSV file that contains a title field, HTML description field ect. so at the end the CSV file format looks like this:"Record Title",1,2,3,"HTML description, which contains "",, ect",1,2,3,4,5, I need to know how to work with the above CSV format, where all the strings are inclosed with "" and may contain commas, so I can't use the split function as is to split where it incounters a comma as it may be part of the HTML description or Title field.

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VS 2005 Reading .CSV File With StreamReader

Oct 29, 2010

I am using the following code to read a .txt file into a dataset sucessfully..I am trying to alter the code to read a .csv file into a but get an error on the [code]I read the .txt file by changing the strDelimiter to (vbTab)

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VS 2005 Reading .CSV File With StreamReader?

Aug 22, 2010

VS 2005 Reading .CSV File with StreamReader

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VS 2005 Reading An XML-Type File?

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to read in and eventually manipulate an 'XML-type' file. I have picked up a hobby called 'Geocaching', some people probably have heard of it, where you use gps coords to locate items placed by other people. Well, you can download the gps coors within data files from the website,'Geocaching.com' and these files are in a XML format.

There are a lot of programs out there that people offer, some are better than others, but I am not happy with the results. So, I am trying to see how I can use these files myself and create my own program to use the data in a way that I want to use it.

I have tried to use Linq, XMLdocument, XMLreader and probably a couple of others over the past week. I have had marginal sucess with each of these methods, but nothing great and I owe that to my lack of knowledge.

I eventually hope to add the data to a Access db that I am using and manipulate the info from the db.

I am attaching a sample of one of the downloaded files and if someone would have the patience to help me work my way through it, p.s. The file typically ends with '.gpx', but since its an xml and thats what the system recognizes, I added the extension in order to upload the sample file.

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VS 2005 OleDb - Reading TXT File Into DataTable

Aug 15, 2011

My program reads a 3rd party .txt file using OleDb and reads the file into a datatable. It's overall working fine except a user will occasionally have a problem reading a file. At this point.

Line that gets hung up
Dim comm1 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM " & safeFileName & " Where " & Status & " = '" & StatusClosed & "'", con)
Dim dasold As New OleDbDataAdapter(comm1)
[Code] .....

It can not retrieve a date for one of the fields, then gives error and does not get dates for each records after the one it gets hung up on but the date is in the file. If I open the file in excel and play with the column sizing, for instance just autoformat column width then it read the date and will work fine. I have looked at the file in notepad and cant see anything wrong in particular on the record it gets hung up on. I have no control over the .txt file since it comes form a 3rd party.

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VS 2005 Reading A File From A Specific Position

Jan 9, 2010

I want to read a file from a specific position and at the same time i want to use the StreamReader.Peek to check out how it works....... So i tried out this


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VS 2005 Text File Reading/downloading?

Sep 23, 2009

I want to make a form, which downloads a textfile from the internet. I found this method on the Microsoft Website:

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile _
(..Adress Here.., ..Output here..)
this works for me


Application.StartupPath & "Data(the name & extension of each file)" I can change the file.txt with other links. But the file have to be in the Data folder.d.

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VS 2005 - Reading File Into Buffer / Encrypting And Writing Data

Sep 29, 2009

I'm reading a file into a buffer using the Space function. Then I'm using blowfish dll's to encrypt it, and want to write the encrypted data to a txt file. (I realize you can use .NET cryptography classes, but I need to use these old blowfish dll's for this project.) Anyway, when when I encrypt the data in the buffer, I can see all encrypted data, but when I write it out to a file, I get a few lines of encrypted data and the rest of plain text.

' BLOCK_SIZE is a const which = 2048
sBlock = Space(BLOCK_SIZE)
Using sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(FileToEncrypt)
sBlock = sr.ReadToEnd()
End Using[Code] ....

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VS 2005 Reading Comma Separated CSV File With Double Quote

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to read a csv file with comma separated. Problem is inside the file, it has one column which original value already contains Comma. Here is the example


So, when I Split the string with Comma, it gave me problem. Actually total it has 6 columns. But because of internal comma, it gave me 7 columns. And this CSV format can't change so I must deal with this problem. And so here I come out with a solution (because of its too long, I looking for better idea and solutions from you guys ):


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VS 2005 Reading Lines Of A File, Adding Them To Listbox, And Then Looping?

May 17, 2009

I have a form with a listbox. I'm adding items to the listbox through a file that I saved. When I open the file, I want each line/string in the file to go in as a separate item in the listbox. I've gotten it to work so far but only with 1 string. I need to loop the part where the file is being read to be able to add all the strings that are within the file to the listbox. How do I do this? So far, this is the code I have:

VB .net
Private Sub OpenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OpenToolStripMenuItem.Click OpenFileDialog1.Filter =


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Interaction With Database (Reading / Writing Tables And Fields)

May 2, 2012

Using Visual Basic 2008 express, I would like to access a database with 2 tables, one table (useraccounts) which has Users and Password and ID, and the other table which has information (linktable). Basically I would like to do a login form which reads from the table useraccounts and be able to create new users which will write into the database.

Another is that I have a form with a number of links which I would like to store in the table 'linktable' and it basically just gets the links from the table and straight to the form where it is used. I have tried using access or the .mdf files that visual basic has but I have been unable to find an answer for either.

I wouldn't mind using either access or the .mdf file for the database, I would just like it to work. Overall I am trying to get:
Login form which reads from database table 'useraccounts' and has a new user feature
Just a form that can read / write to the database once the save button is clicked.

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Editing SQL 2005 Table Fields?

Jun 21, 2010

I have been using the code below to edit SQL database fields from the data stored in a dataset. Problem is I have to repeat this long code for each database field to be edited....I find this very tiring...IS THERE A SHORTER WAY OF EDITING SQL Database FIELDS. (Am using VS 2005 and SQL Server 2005

'3. Create an Update command
Dim strUpdateAccounts As String = "UPDATE Accounts SET Description = @Description"
'create a SqlCommand object and assign it to the UpdateCommand property


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Update Some Fields In Access Using VB (2005)?

Jul 13, 2010

I would like to update some fields in access using visual basic(2005).

I established the connection with the DB(access 2000) and when I run the program I edit the fields on DataGridView.

Then I click on the update button and when I access again my DB I don't see any changes... :s

Code from my updateButton:


I dont have any problem with the conection to the DB and when I run the program I see all the fields from the DB(it has 2 fields).

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VS 2005 Select All Fields And Cdbl For One?

Nov 28, 2009

I am using the following code to get all my database fields, I would like to convert one of the fields to Cdbl, not sure how to do that

Dim comm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select * From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where Status <> 'S'", con)

I know how to individually do it field by field but i dont want to have to write a select for each field if that makes sense?

Dim comm2 As New OleDbCommand("Select Cdbl([Selling Price]) as SoldPrice, Status From " & Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName & " Where Status = 'S'", con)

So something that pulls ALL fields and converts one

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VS 2005 - Getting Fields From Database And Place Control

Dec 27, 2009

I am having some fields in ms-access database. I want the label and textbox control to be placed dynamically from those fields. For eg: I am having 2 fields in database UserName and FirstName. So during run time, 2 labels and 2 textboxes must be placed on the form, and with the caption as lblUserName & lblFirstName and txtFirstName & txtUserName. So after i enter text in that, with a button click event those are added to the database? How to do this?

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VS 2005 Adding Fields To Ms-Access Database From .NET?

Dec 27, 2009

I am using VS 2005 and MsAccess 2003. I am already having some fields in the table, and i want to add more fields from the .NET application. Is it possible to add more fields from the application to the Ms-Access Database. Also it is possible to change the order of the fields from the application?

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VS 2005 Same Fields For Multiple Listbox Items?

Aug 14, 2009

I have a form which is divided into two portions vertically. The first portion contains an listbox in which the user can add names of their family members, and the second portion contains editable fields for details the family members.

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Windows 7 / Vs 2005 - Some Fields Are Becoming Black As Shown In The Attachemnt

Mar 11, 2010

My project works fine with windows xp but when we run it in windows 7 some fields are becoming black as shown in the attachemnt.

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VS 2005 Formula Editor - Can't Multiply Datatype Field With Other Integer Fields

Sep 10, 2009

I have a table with a Real datatype field. I just can't multiply it with other integer fields although the editor doesn't show any error - the result is always '1'.

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File I/O And Registry :: Send Several Different Txt Fields At One Time And Each Into There Own File?

Jul 9, 2009

I have read the file I/O tutorial and I learned alot. My problem is I need to send several different txt fields at one time and each into there own file. This was simple in vb6 using something like below, I have no idea how to do this with .net. Also on start up I will need to read this information back into text fields.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Save command1 name to file
Open App.Path & "subD.cab" For Output As #1


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Reading, Then Using, Then Reading Text File?

Jan 2, 2010

I am working on a project in VB 2008 and need it to do this:Read first line from text file (using Openfile)Enter line into textbox on formDo some other codeThen Read second linefrom text fileEnter line into same text boxand loop until we have gone through text fileI am not sure how to read line by line from text file then enter it in textbox. I can open the Openfile and get the filename and everything, but I just am not sure how to read from it or enter that line into the textbox.Here is what I have, its not much but its a start:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim FileReader As StreamReader


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Refactoring A Module Into A Class: Changing Shared Fields To Instance Fields

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently refactoring an old Visual Basic DLL (VB.Net), which stores all of its data in one module called Globaldefinitions as public fields. There are about 200 fields, referenced thousands of times all around the code:

Public Module Globaldefinitons
Public a As Short
Public zz10 As Double


I need to change the module into a class with non-shared fields. This means, each and every of these thousands of references needs to reference the instance of that class:

globalDefinitionsInstance.a = 5

How do I go about this efficiently?

Regular expressions operating on the source fall flat. Refactoring tools like Re-Sharper or CodeRush don't seem to offer this functionality. Visual Studio 2010 cannot do it automatically either.

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Can The Initialization Order Of Class Fields In .NET Be Influenced By References To Other Fields

Jun 19, 2011

Class Foo
ReadOnly name As String
Public Sub New(name As String, dependentUpon As Foo)
Me.name = name


The output of New Bar() is:

Dependent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.

It seems fields are initialized in the same order as they appear in the source code, which (a) leads to an unexpected result, and (b) seems a little puzzling, given that one is normally not permitted to read from uninitialized variables in .NET, yet that seems to be working fine above.I would've expected VB.NET to be smart enough to initialize referenced fields first, and only then those that reference it; i.e. I'd have liked to see this output instead:

Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Dependent created. Dependent upon Independent.

how to get VB.NET to behave like that instead, without simply having to swap the declaration order of dependent and independent inside class Bar?

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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Validating Login Fields - Check The Username And Password Fields

Jan 14, 2012

My intent is to have the code - on a button.click event - check the Username and Password fields and return an error depending on which is wrong. Or if both are wrong, return a different error message. I've set the username as parts and the password as parts (still learning how to use external authentication). [Code]

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Gridview Combine Autogenerated Fields And Template Fields

Aug 17, 2010

I have several sqldatasources for my gridview. All of the columns are autogenerated. However they all have some consistent fields and I'd like to make those fields template fields so I can modify the edit template for them such as adding a drop down menu. Is this possible?

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[2005] Reading From This Xml?

Feb 3, 2009

i'm working with xml for first time..


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Books type="metadata" source="books.info" version="1.0">
<chapter index="1" paras="7" start="0" name="Good" level="easy" order="5" />


How do u get, for example the value of 'paras','name' and 'level' of element(or whtvr its called)<chapter> with index="1" frm the <chapters> ?How do i write the code? for example, if i give the index no. i want its values to be loaded in textboxes...say

txtparas, txtname and txtlevel...

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VS 2005 'Global' Key Reading

May 20, 2009

I'm in high doubt of this actually exsisting but still want to check, is there a way so that whether the VB form has focus or not it can still read the keys being typed? I am using winamp and i type something and the form picks it up, so when i type something like ctrl+"exit" the application closes. the thread should be running as the form is Always on top, however for obvious reasons the form does not have focus, so something like keyPressEventArgs won't have an effect, is there any way that you can catch the keys in a global perspective.

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VS 2005 Reading PST Files?

Oct 1, 2009

I need to read PST files and retrieve the email messages inside the files. Googling does not give me really give me an answer. As I'm new to this, can someone please tell me where I can begin?

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