VS 2005 Write Brackets And File Name Variable?

Dec 14, 2009

I am writing a schema.ini file to be created onthe fly and want to make file name a variable but cant seem to get the brackets as required by schema.ini file

Dim fn As String = Me.OpenFileDialog1.SafeFileName

This writes

"myfilename" without brackets

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Write A Variable To A File That Has A Different Type Than The Function Assigned To The Variable

Sep 17, 2011

I have the following code that I am using to parse out a test file. I am getting variable conversion error in Sub Main() when I assign file = Read(). The return value of Read() is a TextFieldParser type. How do I assign the proper variable type to "file" so I can write the output to a text file?

Function Read()
Using MyReader As New FileIO.TextFieldParser("C:UsersColinDesktopParse_Me.txt")
Dim currentRow As String


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Write/read A Structure Variable To A File?

Apr 18, 2009

How can I write/read a structure variable to a file?

The structure variable is declared as :
Public Structure StructDimensions
Public RectHeight, RectLength, RectWidth As Double
Public PitchedLength, PitchedWidth, PitchedHe, PitchedHr As Double


Is there a simple way to create a file for this type of data?

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VS 2005 Write To A File?

Jan 4, 2010

I want to read through a flat file, find the line starting with the number I want, and edit that line.So if the file looked like


and I want to edit the value 4375 in line 02 (pos. 4-7) to be 4376.I know I can read it with a streamreader, and write to the end or entire file with streamwriter, but how can i read and write at the same time?

Downloading the entire file to a string and then recreating is NOT an option.

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VS 2005 - How To Create File And Write To It

Mar 18, 2009

How do I make a file? Or someone choose a file they want to create but I know how to write to it.

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VS 2005 - How To Write Line Into Text File (CFG)

May 17, 2011

I want to write a line into a text/.cfg file. The line is = name "ishtiak". I need a sapce between name & "ishtiak". The text "ishtiak" is loading from a textbox called textbox1. I dont want in the text box my name like this "ishtiak" it will be without "" like this ishtiak
but in the text file it will add "" before & after my name.

So the question is
1. How to add space between name & "ishtiak"? like this = name "ishtiak"
2. My textbox text will be ishtiak,but it will be written like this "ishtiak"

Here is My Project Screen & Project Code
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim thefile As String = "C:append.cfg"
Dim lines() As String = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("C:append.cfg")
lines(4) = "name" & TextBox1.Text
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("C:append.cfg", lines)
End Sub

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VS 2005 Using VB Through SQL To Read/write To/from File System?

May 21, 2009

I have an application that currently stores PDF files (and others) inside the database as BLOBs. The trouble with this method is that I've now got SQL Server databases in excess of 200 GB! I've finally figured out a way to still enable full-text search without needing to store the PDF files as BLOBs (yay! Adobe's iFilter isn't great.), but I'm having trouble designing the method for a client to get access to the files stored on the server's file system.

I want to place the files in a restricted directory on the server, so I can't simply pass a UNC path to the client and let them open the file from there either in a browser or using Process.Start(filename). I understand how that would work, but if that directory has user access granted, all sorts of security holes open up, right?So, what I'm thinking about is a way to have a SQL Server account that has read/write access to/from the protected file system directory. That way (in my mind), the SQL Server can take a file as it's loaded in through the import client (as a series of byte chunks) and write the file to that area of the filesystem. Then, when a file is requested, the SQL Server can bulk load the file into a varbinary(max) field and do whatever I want with it.

1. How can SQL Server take a stream of bytes and write them to a specified location on its local file system? (This is assuming that I want the import utility to be able to be run on a client machine and not require it to be run on the server itself.)

2. Is there any way to stream a varbinary(max) file to a web page out of SQL? I'm using a lot of PDF files that will have Fast Web View enabled, so if I can stream the bytes to a web page, the user will be able to see the first few pages of the document while the rest is loading. I thought about having the SQL Server read (bulk load) the file from the protected area and write it to an unprotected area just long enough to point a web browser to that location, then wiping the file, but that brings me back to #1 above and would THEN require me to be able to issue a delete command from SQL.

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[2005] Write A List To A Text File?

Feb 4, 2009

' total is a list
Dim string_array() As String
string_array = DirectCast(total.ToArray(GetType(String)), String())


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VS 2005 Write Data In Custom File Format?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to write the data to a file which in an format that is only understandable by my program, and if any one opens it in notepad must not be able to read(understand) it.

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VS 2005 Refuses To Write To A Text File If The String Used To Be A Path

Dec 13, 2009

I've searched everywhere to find out why the heck my program is doing this, but couldn't find anything like it...? I'm making a flash card program. Part of my program takes images corresponding to other data from a certain area, chosen by the user, and moves them to another folder, for later use. I want to store the path for the image next to the other data, storing the path as a string. When no image is chosen, the variable for the path is simply "no image".


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[2005] Write A Program That Will Open A Solidworks File In EDrawings?

Jan 17, 2009

I'm trying to write a program that will open a solidworks file in EDrawings and print it and so far the only way I can find to do that with an edrawings ActiveX Control displayed on my form.Does anyone know if it's possible to print drawings via EDrawings 2009 without the ActiveX Control having to be displayed on the form as that is drastically slowing down my program?

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VS 2005 Saving Battery Level Variable To Text File?

Jul 28, 2010

Currently, I've encountered a problem where I do not how I can store the variable of my battery level in a text file. I tried .xml and .txt file and it returns me text which can't be read.The code related:

[code]Dim psBattery As PowerStatus = SystemInformation.PowerStatus
Dim perFull As Single = psBattery.BatteryLifePercent


The place where I do not know what to insert is the "Insert Battery Percentage Here" part so I guess that's the problem.For your info, if you were to use a MsgBox to display, the code which displays that would be <MsgBox("Total battery power remaining: " & perFull * 100 & "%")>

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VS 2005 'Variable 'cnn' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block

Jul 9, 2009

I have the following code but I get blue squiggly line in cnn and when i point my mouse pointer on it i see this message "Variable 'cnn' hides a variable in an enclosing block".[code]

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Mystream.write(t) Doesnt Work - Doesent Write Anything To My H.txt Text File

Dec 27, 2011

I have a trouble making this code work. When executed, it just creates a correct (with the correct name) file with the extension .txt but the the actual text inside .

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

Public mytext As String


The strange thing is that while debugging, h, t string variables have the correct values, but somehow mystream.write(t) doesnt work (it doesent write anything to my h.txt text file...

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Get X / Y Value From 'line' Variable And Write Back It

Aug 14, 2010

I have this code trying to print a signature to the printer.The problem is it is printed just at the top left corner. starting at 0,0.I want to print anywhere on the page. It means X, Y value needs to be manipulated.How can I get X,Y value from "line" variable and write back it.[code]

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Write A Code That Can Do Sums On A Variable

May 2, 2012

please help i am trying to write a code that can do sums on a variable in small basic and this is what i can come up with so now:If (age=age * "2") Then age is the variable and i am trying to make it the variable x2.eg if the value of "age "(the variable ) is two then i am trying to make it 2x2=4 please tell me if you need aditional information.thx.

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Write A Code That Can Do Sums On A Variable?

Jul 17, 2009

write a code that can do sums on a variable

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C# - SSIS Read/write To Variable In Script Task?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a variable called Valint that i need to read/write to in a script task, but it doesn't seem to work:

public class scriptmain
inherits usercomponent
dim counter as integer
dim Valint as integer


For some reason my output is always 0

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Using A Variable, A Function, To Write A String Of Characters Or Numbers?

Mar 8, 2009

I know how to declare a variable, a function, to write a string of characters or numbers (I still looking in tutorials and depict from there what i need to know) but...WHAT I DONT KNOW is how to USE them? At "what" or "how" are you thinking when you make a program? I try for SOME LOooNG TIME to understand but I think im too stupid to understand from pages on the net (or i dont find THAT tutorial who can explain right for me).I try a lot of programing languages starting with pascal,c,c++,darkbasic,alice, Visual-c,c#,c++,basic,php,even assembler, some programing zones in Excel and Word but from all of this i cant manage to understand the life behind the words.

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Import Text File : Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Mar 28, 2011

i have this error in the line of with xl.active......Object variable or With block variable not set.

Dim xl As Object
xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xl.ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"TEXT;C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktop429MEDICA2.TXT", _ Destination:=xl.Range("$A$1"))


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Assign DBNull.Value To A Variable, Or Write NULL To MSSQL Database?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a little problem regarding the use of DBNull, NULL etc. in VB.net in combination with SQL Server 2k.

More specifically, I want to do something along the lines of this:If x = 0 Then

x = DBNull.Value where x is declared by Dim x as Object. I would rather use Double, but I can't assign DBNull.Value to this, and using Object works quite well, too. But every time I hit this condition, I get an exception: A first chance exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll This is not a major show-stopper, since the database value I write x to in the next step, is NULL by default - most of the time! So I need the ability to write NULL to it. If that was not the case, I would have been able to work around this by catching exceptions, I think - but sadly, this isn't really of use then.

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Declare Variable Auto Incremental And Write / Read TXT Files

Jun 6, 2011

I'm starting to write some code to run an office (not professionally). When I write the Client Class, how do I make it that the number of the client be a primary key (unique and auto incremental)? Also, I want that all the Client and Products data be stored on a txt file.

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Script Task: Write 2 Classes And Access Global Variable

Mar 18, 2012

Can i write 2 classes for one Script Task editor in SSIS(2008). I tried to access the global variable like below. I created 2 classes and it doesn't show any compile error, but i couldn't access the global variable in class2 which was assigned as 2 in class, ScriptMain.


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VS 2005 "If" "Else" Statement - IF Filetype Does Not Return A Value When Write It To File

Aug 26, 2010


Apparently, filetype refers to the extension of the program. But I do not want it to read .exe and .lnk programs. So how can I include this "If Else" statement into the one stated above?

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.net - Amount Of Write Line Instances Vary Depending On YVAL Variable?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a mesurement that could be any random value, just for fun well make that 2440mm i need to divde that by the industry standard of 610mm which comes out at 2440 / 610 = 4

Programicaly written NEWVAL = YVAL / STDVAL

NEWVAL (4) gives me refrence to how many instances I want to append a new line in a txt file I know that I want the first line to say 0,0,0 and the second line to say 0,610,0 the third 0,1220,0 the fourth 0,1830,0 and the last 0,2440,0, though this is easily achived with addition how can I automate vb.net to produce a new write line for each each instace of 610 if the YVAL is user defind.Put in simple terms half would be missing if the YVAL variable is double in length at 4880mm?

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VS 2008 - .txt File - Write The File Path So That Someone Else Can Download My Program And File And Read The File

Feb 27, 2012

Reading a .txt file in VB.net. My file path is C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt.

This is my line of Dim LoanOptionsFile As String = "C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt"

I can read the file when I run the program, but how do I write the file path so that someone else can download my program and file and read the file on their system?

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Get Each Value Between Brackets?

Nov 4, 2009

So since no one seemed to know the resolution to my last thread, which I will let die now.[code]...

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Write A Program To Write In A Xml File?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to write a program to write in an xml file in this format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Orders>
<Item id="1" SKU="998123" Description="Super Widget" Quantity="100" />


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Asp.net - VB Brackets In Enum?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm finding this in some legacy code and just curious what the brackets are for?

Public Enum myEnum
none = 0
abc = 2


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Get The Al Information From The Brackets Of Each Sin()?

Jan 30, 2012

i wrote a code to get all information with in brackets of each sin() ,which i would like to give as my input to text box. but i am not able to get it exactly, for example i write "sin(90*2)+sin(60)+sin(60+(75*2))+sin(50)+sin(20)" in textbox i need "90*2,60,60+(75*2),50,20" as my out put here is my code what i wrote,


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