VS 2008 Accessing A DLL Library Without Knowing It?

Feb 22, 2011

Basically I am creating a Windows Service as an 'updater' program to update all my software packages. Whats going to happen is every piece of my software that is installed in its program folder will have an Update.dll this DLL will be a library to do with the update of the software.

There will also be a database in the Updater program folder which will contain a list of all my installed software. So when the service starts it will open my 'database' which will load the paths to all my installed software to a string array. Each path in the string array will have a Update.dll in the folder.

What I need to do then is is in turn call a routine called StartUpdate() from each of those Update.dll which will then do all the work. So the service itself is fairly basic and doesn't really do much I just need to figure out how to access DLL's when I don't actually know what ones will be there while programming, Reason I am doing it this way is to support my future software programmes without having to update the updater.

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VS 2008 - Accessing File Path Without Knowing Full Name

Jul 16, 2010

I need to access a file path, but a part of the path is different on each PC. Mozilla creates a random profile name for each PC it is installed on. I can get most of the path through environment variables. I need to access the files inside of the default profile, but can't since I'm not sure how to access it.

Here's an example of the file path:
The only thing that stays the same with the profile name, is the '.default' part.

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Javascript - Accessing Elements Of JSON Object Without Knowing The Key Names

Feb 25, 2011

Here's my json:


Is there any way of accessing the keys and values (in javascript) in this array without knowing what the keys are?

The reason my json is structured like this is that the webmethod that I'm calling via jquery is returning a dictionary. If it's impossible to work with the above, what do I need to change about the way I'm returning the data?

Here's an outline of my webmethod:

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function Foo(ByVal Input As String) As Dictionary(Of String, String)
Dim Results As New Dictionary(Of String, String)


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Accessing The MSDM Library

Jan 12, 2010

When I downloaded my Visual Studio Express I also downloaded the MSDM Library (Express Edition) to have the extra resource. I just now got around to installing that. I was under the impression that this was extra content stored on your PC. I could not seem to find a way to access it from VS Express 2008 or find an exe to start it by itself. I searched the Internet and all I get is information about accessing the Online version of the MSDN Library. I do see an icon in VB Express that says MSDN Forums. Is this what I should be looking for or is there really local content I can access.. How does this work?


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.net - Initiate The Current Httpcontext When Accessing An Asp.net Library From A Service?

Jul 27, 2011

I have an asp.net project that's compiled on a server. On that same server I have a windows service that's running methods referenced from the asp.net .dll. Everything works fine except for when the httpcontext.current object needs to be accessed. I'm fairly certain that the cause of the .current being null is that it's referencing the shared library without an actual instance of the site running. In a previous version of the service I was able to find a workaround in asp.net by not using the context, however that is now a last resort as much of the architecture of the site has changed. Is there anyway to create an instance of the site and simulate a current httpcontext for the purposes of the service?

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Accessing Manipulated App.config Data From Within A Referenced Library?

Apr 30, 2009

Accessing manipulated app.config data from within a referenced library

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Accessing Media Player Library To Get List Of Photo's With A Keyword?

Nov 18, 2009

I have VB.net progam that is sucsefully accessing playlist from the media player lib but I can not figure out how to get list of photos that has a perticular keyword like the display in MP under photos if you click keyword?

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VS 2008 Inserting Text Into RTB Without Knowing Name Of Component?

Aug 10, 2010

I have a RTB that I am generating during runtime. The users who will be using this app, need to be able to select unique IDs from a ComboBox and when they are selected, their value gets added to the RTB. Its ID is directly related to the their index in the combobox.


The problem, is that since the RTB is created during runtime, I won't know its created name. At anytime, there could be 10 RTBs inside of its own tab within a TabControls.So, anyone know how I can access the RTB without knowing its name?

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VS 2008 Find Out File Extension Knowing Filename Only?

Jul 5, 2010

I am looking for an advise on how to find out the extension of the file only knowing the name and the location of it. I tried getextension method and some other but they don't seem to do anything to me.

Dim FileFullPath As String = "\SERVERPublicCRM_LibraryOrderMGMLetters" & datagridLetters.CurrentRow.Cells.Item(0).Value.ToString() & ".pdf"


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VB2010 Class Library: Create A Static Library Instead Of DLL?

Jun 21, 2011

I have a Visual Basic Class Library project. It generates a DLL. Is there a method to generate a static .LIB to which I can do a static link?Alternatively, can I do a static link against a DLL?

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VS 2008 Accessing A Dll But Not VB6?

Jan 10, 2010

so, i am writing a program in VB.net that will access a usb fm radio device using a dll. the dll is written in c++. when i call the function to get the current station in the dll:

USBRADIO_API long __stdcall GetCurrStation ()
RDSData rds_data;


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Accessing A XML File In VS 2008?

Feb 11, 2010

I Am a new developer in VS 2008. I am writing a small program that reads an XML file. Here is a snipet of code.

filename =
Dim DR As XmlTextReader = Nothing


My understaning is that the system looks for the file in the bin/debug folder, so that is where I put it. But when executing this program. I always get a FileNotFoundException. The file name displayed is (filename). If I hard code the entire directory name and file name I get the same error and the file name is displayed with the same slash in front of it. For instance I put the file on the C drive and the error displayed C:(filename).I don't have the problem in older versions of Visual Studio. The same program runs fine in VS 2003. I'm thinking that there must be some sort of setting within VS 2008, but I have been unable to find it.

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Accessing The OleDB In VB 2008

Apr 19, 2010

I'm having a problem with accessing the OleDB in VB 2008. It comes up with this error: "Could not load file or assembly 'System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll' or one of its dependencies. The check of the module's hash failed." All my other projects used to work fine, now none of the projects work and it comes bumping when trying to connect through oledb.

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VS 2008 Accessing DOM Of A String?

Nov 22, 2009

I am pulling up HTML using System.Net.WebClient, and I return it as a string.

Now I want to take that string and somehow parse it using the DOM.

Problem is I cant find a solution. So far I have tried both HtmlDocument and Xml.XmlDocument.... At this rate maybe I should of just wrote this program in Greasemonkey with AJAX

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[2008] Accessing A Directory That Has A . In Its Name?

Jan 15, 2009

For some annoying reason you can actually create directories with full stops in them... and Microsoft just so happened to of set the default path for one of the Exchange server log files to go into a folder named Server.log. Yes it is definitley a folder not a file, there are .log files within the folder too though.

So, I'm trying to parse some of these tab delimited log files but I cant actually get at them because whenever I try and access the Server.log directory my code just dies. I mean, it doesnt throw an exception, it just stops executing. The form is still responsive etc but the parsing routing doesnt do anything and if i step into the code i see that it gets to the line that tries to access the server.log directory and then it just jumps straight out of debug mode.

If i move one of the log files out of the Server.log directory then my code works fine so what can I do?I tried using IO.Path.Combine but that doesnt work either (and for once I'm not saying "it doesnt work" and giving you no error details because im useless, its just because there are no error details!)

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How To Set A File Path Without Knowing If HDD Is C / D / E

Nov 19, 2010

I am a complete beginner and I was wondering where do I need to look to learn how to set a file path without knowing if the HDD is C:, D:, E:.. I'm using VB2010

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Datatable Not Knowing Its Primary Key?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to query a datatable to establish the primary key [identity column], by querying each columns autoincrement property. However its always false (for the column which is the Idenity/PK).

Querying the tables primary key collection reveals that the datatable doesn't think it has a PK.;

Dim dc As DataColumn() = dt.PrimaryKey
Debug.WriteLine(dc.Count) 'Result is 0


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Knowing Who Is Online In ASP.NET Application?

Oct 16, 2009

how to display the list of all my application users who are currently online on a gridview and every user of my application sees who's online. How do I go about this if and if I am not using the built-in ASP.NET membership controls?

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Retrieve The Key Of A Hasmap Knowing The Value?

Jun 14, 2011

How can i retrieve the key of a hasmap knowing the value?


Dim myHash As New Hashtable
'filling it with some values


Now i want to retrieve the key, lets say of "Z", how i do it?

Did not fount any Method or property to do so.

Dim position as integer = myHash.Item("Z") ' do compile but not work always get position=0 when i expected position=1

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VS 2008 Using A Class Library

Jul 24, 2009

I have a legal copy of a dll that I've used for years in VB6. Now I want to use it in VB.net. However, when I try to reference it, VB.net won't let me, displays an error. Tried to register the dll, got a no entry point error.


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Accessing A SQL Database From VB Express 2008?

May 31, 2009

I want to create and populate populste several databases on my server MySQL. I pretty much know how to handle the data and queries once I have a connection, it is connecting that I don't know how to do. I have read all the help file I can find till I am sick of reading about "Northwind" which doesn't help me a t all. What I need are the three or four lines that establish a connection to MySQL at [URL] I need to be able to establish this connection transparent to the user who needs only to put thier user name and password for the site into a configuration file. Then I need to be able to create a database and give the user access with thier username and password. I know how to create the database but not how to set the username, password and permission.

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VS 2008 : Accessing Iframe On Creation?

Mar 9, 2011

I have been using GreaseMonkey for Firefox for about a year now and I find it wonderful, but I am really prefer using VB over JS and I would like to do some stuff that is on my computer along, not on the internet.I wrote some script for GM that read the contents of an iframe, and GM allows you to "include" which addresses the script runs on. This is really nice because it keeps the script from running where you don't want it to, AND it allows cross-domain support for communication between dom elements (in a round-about way).

I want to get away from using GM because I like some of the stuff I have already done in VB over the last 10 years and dont want to rewrite it all. So really I want to go back to my old stuff and learn how to get this functionality from VS2008.What I am specifically looking for is HOW in the world does GM listen for the creation on the window objects and run some script on it when it is finished?

Lets say I have a few webbrowser objects or other non-active xml, html or dom objects in my project. I want to retrieve info with one, send info with another, and display info with the actual webbrowser object.It sounds weird and I bet it could be used maliciously, but I mean no harm. Like I said, Ive been doing it for a year in GM already. I know .net really tries to prevent this kind of stuff cross-domain, but I figure if GM can do it, anybody can. The question is just how.

I understand how to access dom elements and all that, and I have some skill listening for events. I am just a little lost on how to combine the two in this situation. Grabbing an iframe is simple, and I realize I cant (shouldnt be able to) read it when I am acting in the parent object's domain. How do I sequester the iframe window away from its parent object once its loaded, or at the point before it loads its content so I can read it or more specifically add an event listener so I know when its finished loading? This seems super simple, my brain must just be addled.

I want to listen for the creation of the iframe from the project level, and I want to be informed of the document load from project level. I dont want to listen or do anything from the parent window object, so I really want the iframe sequestered as much as possible. Assume all iframes I will be dealing with are not of the same domain as the parent object.

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VS 2008 Accessing A Access Database Through VB

May 26, 2009

I've just started learning Visual Basic 2008 and I am stuck with accessing a database through VB, I am using the Data Source Configuration Wizard. Everything goes fine until I start debugging, there is no information in any of the fields. However if I use a different computer in the house I can look at different records.


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VS 2008 Accessing A Flexgrid From Another Thread?

Aug 14, 2009

I�m having trouble accessing a flexgrid from a different thread.Basically in my main mdiParent I have some code like this, this code is triddered when the aplication receives a message from a remote client

Public Delegate Sub UpdateActionsGridStatusDelegate()
Me.Invoke(New UpdateActionsGridStatusDelegate(AddressOf frmActions.UpdateActionsGridStatus))

I also have a form called frmActions, which contains the function �UpdateActionsGridStatus�

Public Sub UpdateActionsGridStatus()
MsgBox("Actions row cnt = " & Me.flxActions.Rows.Count - 1)
End sub

If I run it from a button on the flxActions form it works fine.When I run this function from a thread it returns 0 rows!

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VS 2008 Accessing Form1 From Form2?

Sep 25, 2011

I'm my original post here and the code in post #1HTML why doesn't this work? i get an error on the underlined section.

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VS 2008 Accessing GIF's Frames Individually

Sep 9, 2009

I did some research (mainly in the Drawing namespace) about animated GIF files and I know you can see how many frames are in the specified GIF using the GetFrameCount method, however how I can access each frame directly/loop through them one by one. This is my first time trying anything like this and I can't seem to find the right methods, classes or information. I'm not even sure if this is possible using the .NET framework.


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VS 2008 Accessing Layers In A Psd File?

Sep 11, 2009

I was wondering if there is any way to manipulate layers of a psd from within a VB program. I would Ideally like to inserts just the psd file in and then once a command is clicked turn one of the layers on or off.

I know I can accomplish this inserting a jpg/gif for each layer and have that image be turned on or off by a button click, but I figured using the psd would save room and if something needs to be aligned differently I can just make a change in photoshop. Opposed to trying to realign the coordinates in VB

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VS 2008 Accessing Text Files?

Jul 29, 2009

In this program i am making, i want to get information from a text file. but i need to get it from 2 different subs. one sub loops and gets the information every loop and other gets it when a user clicks a button. when they get it at the same time, i get an error saying that it is already being used by another process.

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VS 2008 Accessing Txt File In Project?

Apr 21, 2011

I have added a txt file to my project, how to access it.

This is what I thought it would be, but it is not correct,

Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(Me.Airports.Txt)

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VS 2008 Dynamically Accessing Controls?

May 19, 2010

I am trying to create an app that adds tabpages into a tabcontrol which has a several controls on each tabpages. However how do I access those controls?lets say the controls I add are named label1 and label2. the tabpage is named infoTab1.

If I do inftoTab.infoTab1.label1.Text = "some text" I get an error saying infoTab is not a member of 'system.windows.forms.tabcontrols' cause in design time it isn't added yet.So how is this actually done? am I on the right track?Any tutorials are more then welcome, tried google but only get basic concept stuff comes out it or trying the wrong keywords.

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